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 No.64333[Last 100 Posts]

pillars edition
old >>62261


>Still avoiding my chart
Shitty fucking dickhead.


this isn't yours?



This one is not entirely megidochan approved.
Silly 8ITCH left out witches


And did cats a supreme disservice


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This one is going to be shit because of the Haunt of Foreskins' Past but whatever.
>possible romantic interest


easy there, I just don't have the background knowledge

>But yes, MoM was partially quiz/partially active choice
in order to inform my "active choice", I demand that you stop dodging my question and tell me why you assigned me the classpect "page of doom"


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youre a junkie for blood old man

Probably looks lame in coolcase


>yeah, you don't care about fashion at all :rollseyes:
I might have been overly hasty by condemning music as a hobby outright, but I've had the fashion argument before and could not be convinced. Fashion is wholly concerned with an individual's superficial appearance. People who "just like it" get narcissistic pleasure from the social experience of wearing attention-grabbing or trendy clothing around others.

Fashion is clearly not objective, with "fashion" as a well-known synonym for arbitrary socially hallucinated trends. Those bizarre, impractical, and ugly boots are a perfect example. Having to defer to the social consensus to decide which clothing you have to wear to be cool is extremely homosexual and transparently a zero-sum status game. wwomen and homosexuals love fashion for a reason.

The only thing I will concede is that cosplay has potential for partial asocial artistry in theory, but in practice 99% of them look uncanny and 3dpds shouldn't make a crude mockery of Japanimation's perfection.


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Not going to bother with questions for that shit thread.


>Those bizarre, impractical, and ugly boots are a perfect example.
You take that back.

Also, you're very unintentionally funny. You're like good!end :heh:


>in order to inform my "active choice", I demand that you stop dodging my question and tell me why you assigned me the classpect "page of doom"
Wimpy dork who will slowly get corrupted by this place. :fun:


>Pure Junji Ito Portugal core






yes, fashion is social. you can still criticize trend-chashing or types of fashion that you think are harmful for some reason, if you don't like them. the point is that you still participate in social fashion, you just use it to signal different things than the average self-profession "fashion lover".

like, you might mock somebody who wears all black and chunky boots as someone who is overly invested in signaling that they belong to a certain social group or subculture, but someone who thinks fashion is "vapid" and wears a wardrobe completely of inoffensive clothes that were handed to them as they grew up or were the most culturally inoffensive for them to wear is still participating in the social language of fashion, because their clothing says something about them (for example, "I don't want to look different

before someone brings it up, I'm well aware that true "subcultures" which used to correspond to obviously recognizable styles like goth or scene are way less "strong" than they used to be, as a result of subculture convergence/death owing to many different factors. but even if the signals emitted by fashion choices are less all-encompassing, they still say something, even if that something is just "I want to be associated, in some way, with other people who would wear this type of shoe"

apologies for repeating myself if you're the same person I gave this spiel to the other day



you're a big fat meanie



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I use sperg fashion as a signal to stay away from me but not be threatened by me.


It's been like that for the longest time.

Big coat + shorts = "just quirky" (when I was very young) whereas if my fashion was less schizoid, people would think I'm a school shooter. At least, that's how I like to think about.


>Even Turkey is being criticized as hypocritical by AI slopcasts


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Though I guess I look somewhere half-between school shooter phenotype and cutecel so maybe it's not the best advice for everyone. Only me and cute girls from 80s classics.



I think I'll cut my baby fast at new years megido time.


(No M.)


Just taste the burger in your mind.


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shoot, you're right, it was just an n. meanie

dojo, casino, it's all in the mind…


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>dojo, casino, it's all in the mind…


Anyway, Nanc4 is banned now according to NotebookLM.


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Everything related to Japan is such a mistake. Why is it even reality at this point?


>it's a reminder that even in these little online spaces…


It can be a breeding ground for Portuguese floak.


Also, Steam fixed an "exploit" where you would only buy the items in bundles you didn't own (but still get the discount.)

Which sucks. :baw:


>omitted from the slopcast in one of my most vocal threads
what was it even for… :(

I thought that was intentional. damn


pretty fucking gay


:broke:(kinked up)


Shinji got floak'd.


you're about to as well((mgmg))


Nobody would floak me. :chigau:



The new goon


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think again princess(サラマンダーより、ずっとはやい)


Is he a shotacon?


And how am I supposed to take these posts? :shame:


No, he's a corncob


over the end of a couch


Is this a sick plan to get Rose to vore him?


with love


I mock people who wear fashionable clothes for being overly invested in signalling because they *actually are* evidently so.

Mocking someone for being "not a real goth" or something is meaningless status maintenance, because their clothes are an empty signal of "being goth", which is a meaningless abstraction. Fashion can sometimes also be a signal of excess disposable income which is equally fake and gay (not least because rich people tend not to buy expensive clothes anyway).

>someone who thinks fashion is "vapid" and wears a wardrobe completely of inoffensive clothes that were handed to them as they grew up or were the most culturally inoffensive for them to wear is still participating in the social language of fashion, because their clothing says something about them (for example, "I don't want to look different")

"I don't care about fashion and just wear what's convenient" is an honest and meaningful signal to send because fashion sucks. It's good if people send and receive the signal "I am not going to bullshit you with this game where I paint my face and socially exclude you for not doing so", to clear the way for more important signals. Wearing suits to work/wedding/funeral, kind of dumb and I don't believe in superficial displays of respect but okay whatever… Buying clothes as a hobby with an eye for aesthetics and fashion trends = homosexual intentionally going above and beyond to make everything faker and gayer.


That's what I thought you'd say. :shame:
But the roles are reversed according to the IPs…

Come on, Marzipan…


>Mocking someone for being "not a real goth" or something is meaningless status maintenance, because their clothes are an empty signal of "being goth",
Yes, goth is about the music and culture. That's what the *real* point is because fashion ultimately got boiled down to "wearing black" and "Garfield."


>But the roles are reversed according to the IPs…
>Come on, Marzipan…
is anon fun illegal now? I thought it was funny how we swapped positions for the setup and punchline


yeah I'm being nice for the moment of the time being please do so refrain from banning yet another IP :bow:


Good but I don't like the vocals in parts. Synth instruments piss me off to an unreasonable extent.


Just shows your true intent. :jk:
Yeah, I wasn't sure whether to let it slide or not. I, for the moment, am because you need to get over your feelings one way or another.


It's active moderation given the circumstances


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arigato gozaimashita


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>"I don't care about fashion and just wear what's convenient"
then I'll give the examples I did last time: would you wear light-up velcro sneakers all the time if they were the comfiest, most affordable, and most durable option?
what about a matching pink long-sleeve t-shirt and pink corduroy pants. the most comfortable clothes you've ever worn, and you get them for free, and they don't need to be washed. would you be wearing them every day?

>Buying clothes as a hobby with an eye for aesthetics and fashion trends = homosexual intentionally going above and beyond to make everything faker and gayer.

I don't know you, but most people who think this participate in equally "shallow" social signaling behaviors (speaking in a certain way, posturing their body in a certain way, etc. keep in mind that just because your signaling matches the majority of people doesn't mean it's not signaling), and their hatred of fashion in particular is rooted in misogyny that links its reputation as feminine to inherent vapidity.


>what about a matching pink long-sleeve t-shirt and pink corduroy pants. the most comfortable clothes you've ever worn, and you get them for free, and they don't need to be washed. would you be wearing them every day?
Hell yeah! :yay:


>and their hatred of fashion in particular is rooted in misogyny that links its reputation as feminine to inherent vapidity.
Something to address in B&S with my "hyper-feminine, self-loathing" culture but Marzipan wouldn't get it… He never gets it… :ghk:





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>Something to address in B&S with my "hyper-feminine, self-loathing" culture but Marzipan wouldn't get it… He never gets it…
I see you didn't learn from last thread :(


How about dolphin girl NTR
Actually I kind of remember a game set in a aquarium but you don't get sloppy dolphin seconds


>How about dolphin girl NTR
"It's so fucked up that it might just work."

But remember, the proper title is "ocean girl."


>I see you didn't learn from last thread :(
The wounds are still fresh for obvious reasons.


>"ocean girl."
no, no! that's something else!
if it wasn't so late I would drop everything right now and draw the ocean girl daydream fantasy I had in the shower this morning


The… what…?


I mean what I said, and it's a feeling best conveyed with a visual. I don't know if I have the skill to do it but maybe I'll make time for it


well at least stop being a meanie and accusing me of "not getting" the concept you never explained any further… :^<

forgive me if I've jumped to wrong conclusions in the past, but you have to understand I'm generally in "enemy territory" here, so it's hard not to be preemptively defensive


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well at least stop being a meanie and accusing me of "not getting" the concept you never explained any further… :^<
It's tongue-in-cheek- mostly.


we all hurt here… we all bleed
am I not human?


No, I wouldn't wear them because I would be the target of scorn and social exclusion from fashiontards and normalaesthetes. It's YOUR FAULT I couldn't wear the most comfortable clothes!

(However, the most comfortable clothes in reality would look normal, if someone is wearing outrageous clothing and says it's the most practical they're probably lying. So I would judge someone for wearing the thought experiment clothes since I'd assume they were wearing them for appearances, but that's a flaw of the thought experiment. I wouldn't judge someone for wearing sweatpants.)

>I don't know you, but most people who think this participate in equally "shallow" social signaling behaviors (speaking in a certain way, posturing their body in a certain way, etc. keep in mind that just because your signaling matches the majority of people doesn't mean it's not signaling)

That's a part of being human which I don't like, and you can't really turn it off when talking to others in real life. I try to minimise empty or dishonest signalling. I certainly don't signal more on purpose for "fun".

>their hatred of fashion in particular is rooted in misogyny that links its reputation as feminine to inherent vapidity.

Well, fashion is vapid and it's mostly wwomen who love it. That observation isn't rooted in mis9gynistic hatred or 6ig9try because I wish they weren't like that so I could love them more.


>because I wish they weren't like that so I could love them more.
This guy's a riot. KEK.


>It's YOUR FAULT I couldn't wear the most comfortable clothes!
actually, I would kind of be inclined to think it's zased of someone to wear the outfit I described. but it's a flawed thought experiment for several reasons, like you said.

anyway if you roundly reject any sort of self-image dressing then that's more respectable, but I don't think you should deride others for participating in what is really an unavoidable component of social existence, as you alluded to by saying
>you can't really turn it off when talking to others in real life

anyway, maybe one day you'll find your buzzcut, sweatpants-hoodie-no-makeup girl, who has "unnatural" body language and speech patterns (just imagine the most hopelessly socially awkward person you've ever met, try not to cutewash it for the sake of the point). if this is your type than I have no choice but to kneel at the degree of zased commitment to your professed ideals. but something tells me you might actually enjoy some aspects of thoughtful self-presentation on other people, in spite of its inconvenience? hmmm?


>Talk about being a sperg and buying Kuromi boots
>Turkey immediately changes his tune
Hmmm… :suki:


I like them


>your type than I
your type then* I


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>anyway, maybe one day you'll find your buzzcut, sweatpants-hoodie-no-makeup girl, who has "unnatural" body language and speech patterns

We /2032/ now?


so, do you know how to wwalk in high heels? or is it a "figure it out when they arrive" kind of situation?


tfw no chonse cinous gf


They're platform boots, not high heels, big difference. :ghk:


yes, sure, but the heels are raised quite a bit…


You turn your back for a second…


Yeah, but they're not as thin as stilettos. I wwalk bow-legged so…


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>Atheist channel whose whole point is atheist atheism is now anti-anti-woke
Shocking shocks from the shockmasters themselves.



that doesn't impact the pitch of your foot/ankle though, right?
you can have platform boots without raised heels, that's all :^p
they looked pretty steep from the picture, I imagine they'll hurt to wwalk around in a lot だろ


There isn't an actual tsundere childhood friend at stake, so my reaction is


>There isn't an actual tsundere childhood friend at stake,
I'm the closest you've probably got as weird as that sounds, let's be real.


they were right before, and they're right again. following the trend of people who got swept up in the whole new atheism to alt-right pipeline after getting too "owning peeps with fax&logic"-brained, only to realize that what they helped enable years later was wrong (see also tj kirk)


I don't understand these posts. who's NTRing who? can we get a diagram with colors?


Hmmm… You sure? Not that I talk to the others (much less daily)


Whoever feels NTR'd


No, they're still following trends. Some people never learn.


I feel NTR'd by life. :ghk:


okay, but what they're saying currently is correct :^p
just like how the critiques in darkmatter's atheism videos were often pretty strong, even if you found the trend of youtube atheism to be tired

…I think I'm safe? :smuh:

so who is life sleeping with now? :^<


>missed another slapfight that started right as I went to 8ed


aranea! hugs
you should be glad you didn't waste your power meter like I did


GPT dissed me pretty hard with the classpects. Maybe because it hates to "repeat" them


Going by the survey, there are visitors who just lurk to watch shitflinging. So HSG is a manner of performance art after all, I guess.


>okay, but what they're saying currently is correct :^p
No, shut up. Everyone is whining.
>just like how the critiques in darkmatter's atheism videos were often pretty strong
Okay, Marzipan. Time to tuck you in. :sry:


What slapfight?


:outy:Biznasty:outy: GPT and shit thread to work with だろ.


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>Okay, Marzipan. Time to tuck you in.
I didn't put up with your pitchpal for hours on end for this treatment

that quote is obviously southparkian and his channel is generally irreverent, but plenty of his videos make more serious arguments if you'd prefer.
I don't really care to debate his merits though because I've been getting conversationally browbeaten all day before you got here and you're supposed to be the "friendly" recharger


>but I don't think you should deride others for participating in what is really an unavoidable component of social existence, as you alluded to
Fashion is largely avoidable. You can just be the guy who "wears a wardrobe completely of inoffensive clothes" that you described earlier. People who go out of their way to actively engage with fashion are chasing slight social advantages.

>anyway, maybe one day you'll find your buzzcut, sweatpants-hoodie-no-makeup girl, who has "unnatural" body language and speech patterns (just imagine the most hopelessly socially awkward person you've ever met, try not to cutewash it for the sake of the point).

None of those things are inherently bad aside from a buzzcut which is extreme and generally a form of signalling, why do you consider them bad? wwomen are mostly appealing to other wwomen, not men, with fashion and makeup. I also don't like when wwomen try to act cute and innocent because it's transparently fake. If someone is so socially awkward that they struggle to communicate then that would be a problem, but if they merely look awkwaaard to others who cares.

In reality that person would probably be unusually ugly/fat/mentally ill because only the worst wwomen opt out of the beauty ponzi, so I might not want them. But you didn't mention any of that, and the existence of the beauty ponzi is what I object to.

>but something tells me you might actually enjoy some aspects of thoughtful self-presentation on other people, in spite of its inconvenience? hmmm?

On the other hand, having to be with a woman who cares a lot about pointless social games means she will expect you to play pointless social games as well, at least from what I can infer from what my attractive friends say.


You have Troll's Remorse from liking Sam Hyde so…


>I didn't put up with your pitchpal
He's not that.
>that quote is obviously southparkian
South Park tends to be more funny and somehow, still more subtle than that. :douzo:
>but plenty of his videos make more serious arguments if you'd prefer.
All atheists are pointless pedants. His channel sucks ass and is completely interchangeable. It's either low-hanging fruit or "the problem of evil" repackaged or "gee religious texts(THE BIBLE) sure did have some weird stuff!) for the 5000th time.

I have zero respect for atheists. :de:
Hahahaha, really?


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No couched niceties here


Sheesh. What does it say about me?


Wait, so they don't even give you the gift pass anymore? Ripoff.


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*Crosses fingers for Karkles.*

But yeah, it doesn't seem as critical of me… ever… Weird.

Maybe I could be the light to his dark heart.

Don't drag yourself into this again. :baw:


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Anyway, the main thrust, homestuck spergery.
Maybe I shouldn't have even bothered erasing the "catposting" nickname

The summary of my contributions was very congenial, so I dunno why I got a creepy classpect


No, it does, but you have to buy the things you own as a gift, if I'm reading what you're saying correctly.

Before, it just added the bundle discount to whatever you didn't own.


>following the trend of people who got swept up in the whole new atheism to alt-right pipeline after getting too "owning peeps with fax&logic"-brained, only to realize that what they helped enable years later was wrong (see also tj kirk)
The alt right is a gay zigger psyop but that's no reason to suddenly think woke (or SJW or PC or whatever you call it) is le good actually and you should embrace making shitty leftist youtube vids about "pipelines" and how you were radicalized by jordan peterson

Remember: This thing (Russia) brings this thing (woke) to your country to create this thing (the alt-right)


I just lost such a big post draft. ughhhhhh fuck my life

>why do you consider them bad?
I don't, genuinely. neither do I consider the default "lazy" male outfit bad, if they like wearing those things. the point of the list was to go out on a limb in case you were one of those types who dismisses fashion but actually wants a girl who wears dresses and looks prim and pretty all the time, which I'll openly admit was a
, hehe.

>In reality that person would probably be unusually ugly/fat/mentally ill

right, so just like the default male outfit, this grooming is a way of signaling to others that you're a normal, attractive person. I don't think you should look down on people for understanding this system and participating in it in a creative and fun way instead of rejecting it entirely (of course, there are some more toxic aspects of fashion which we arguably should work to reject, like fashion solely to signal status via inflated value of brand names and the like)

anyway, what about organic instances of fashion originating from someone looking at a piece of clothing with minimal context/social pressure and thinking "huh, that looks cool. I'd like to wear that." are they guilty of shallow "homosexual" preening behavior?

I appreciate you continuing to respond in earnest, btw. you're one of the best people to argue with here

>Hahahaha, really?
MoM caught speedreading again ¬‎ ࡇ¬
whatever, just lay it on. just give me all the bullying at once so I can go to bed and pretend I'm dead for a few hours again
>I have zero respect for atheists.

you're starting to make me regret being happy when you show up after sleeping in all day. turns out playful karkontrarian is still rather meter-draining


Russians control the universe…


>Marzipan gets thrown into the Roseification machine

I think yours and Turkey's are pretty accurate. Needless to say, I don't agree with mine.


>seer of light
Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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>I'm Nepeta
:33 < pawsome!


They at least control a group of grifting gay/jewish/gay jewish podcasters.


>you're starting to make me regret being happy when you show up after sleeping in all day.
I just don't like atheism. Be an atheist agnostic or an apatheist. I think atheism is a cult for the petty and they're up there for some of the most insufferable people out there (with vegans. Who represent a sort of other side of "the big modern cultural problem" to me.)

I'm someone with a lot of respect for anthropology and with that, comes an inherent reverence for religiosity. So I tend to view hard-line atheism (and sociopolitical "religious" LARPs) with a lot of disdain.



"Oh, you."


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It must weigh different criteria for character and class assignments, I held onto Rose that time.


I remember when LLMs used to refuse to respond when you tried to get too existential to avoid creepy meltdowns. Looks like they don't need to worry about that any more since the models now cap off each thought every dozen tokens with a thought-terminating cliche.


Just like a Joss Whedon script! :cal:




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Little do they know, wwomen are above all law.


I think the "pipeline" videos are generally silly so I regret using that term in my post, but it does poke at something real. I grew up with a bunch of friends ostensibly from liberal/centrist backgrounds and watched many of them (myself included) get ushered into right-wing talking points by way of either edgy internet comedy or "owning the libs" fax&logic tubers (which were tied to internet atheism, gamergate, etc)

anyway that doesn't mean I blindly endorse whatever bad faith "wokisme" foreign agents use to stoke the right-wing on boomer facebook. I'm capable of distinguishing that from actual left-wing/progressive goals

yeah yeah we know, you hate atheists because they're annoying about it, just like the video essayists who say MGS2 good too much, even though it's true :rollseyes:
anyway I don't consider myself an agnostic because of the whole russell's teapot perspective. I've debated this with people before and it's really just comes down to taxonomy so I don't feel like it's meaningful to argue about the label in this case

>"combined with their catposting"
hmm, I wonder who :^p

>"RiteofWinter" → GREEN


>it's really
it really*


>you hate atheists because they're annoying about it,
That's not what I said. That's not all I said.
>even though it's true
Eat shit.
>Bertrand Russel
>it's really just comes down to taxonomy so I don't feel like it's meaningful to argue about the label in this case
I will force you to consider yourself an agnostic. Sout Park.


God is real… and she's a woman.
Shitting your pants yet, bible thumps?


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Now we're back to the "embarrassingly trying to pander to me" stage. :meh:


*Russian DIAPs.*


>I have zero respect for atheists.
Why I Stopped Being An Anti-Anti-Agnostic Monist


Were you an actual Dogma fanboy?


Kevin Smith…? No…?


Then :stfu:


>That's not what I said. That's not all I said.
OKAY SORRY, you said they're
>some of the most insufferable people
there, no words put into your mouth!
>Eat shit.
sorry, no more liking MGS2… too popular… all the normies found out about hit classic metal gear solid 2: sons of liberty and they are jerking it off too much so it's not cool to like it anymore, we talk about policenauts now (advisor hands you a card and whispers in your ear) or rather, that's what I would say if policenauts weren't normie trash being jerked off endlessly by mgs fan tourists, am I right folks, ahahahah~
>that's not my opinion on policenauts or mgs2 at all you shithead fuckass!!!
^ imagine this in karkat voice in your head
yeah okay? well guess what I get to have my moment because I've been mr peacekeeper all day and I was still all nice and smiley when you came home even though my power meter is now at -50%, that means I have to consume two SUPER MOVES worth of fucking wall rotisserie chicken before I can even think about wasting another BE HAPPY beam on you OKAY? OKAY? OKAY? OKAY? OKAY? OKAY? OKAY?

>I will force you to consider yourself an agnostic. Sout Park.

please finish your thought before hitting post

I hope you realize I've started getting headaches since coming here


That doesn't make any sense.


cute art <3


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>sorry, no more liking MGS2… too popular… all the normies found out about hit classic metal gear solid 2: sons of liberty and they are jerking it off too much so it's not cool to like it anymore, we talk about policenauts now (advisor hands you a card and whispers in your ear) or rather, that's what I would say if policenauts weren't normie trash being jerked off endlessly by mgs fan tourists, am I right folks, ahahahah~
I don't like atheism. I don't agree with atheism. I don't like atheist tactics. I'm not a hipster atheist as this analogy would make it seem.
>please finish your thought before hitting post
That was an episode. It had Dr. Pepper.


I prefer the "shit yourself" version.


Not really.


Not really.


Not really.


"Not really."


"Don't post unless I demand it!"


>I don't agree with atheism
I didn't say you did. I actually wasn't trying to make an analogy, I was just trying to attack your contrarianism re: mgs2.
which may have been a
:miss: since your reply was as short as
>Eat shit.
which is fine too, I'm practicing
:miss:ing so I can :miss: while stepping out of the shower tomorrow and suddenly break my neck while thinking about the ocean girl. OKAY?

>That was an episode. It had Dr. Pepper.

I vaguely recall it.

please apologize for giving me a headache again. it's way past my bedtime, you've basically destroyed my life and I don't want to go to bed upset


I thought so.


Not really.


>I was just trying to attack your contrarianism
It was a bad attack at a bad time. I'm not so reflexive.
>you've basically destroyed my life and I don't want to go to bed upset
I didn't do anything. :grr:


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Breaking Bad is a really good character study of how much of a loser weed makes you. I can see why it won all the Grammys.


>I hope you realize I've started getting headaches since coming here
Also, hence, Page of Doom. :meh:


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Smvrfa, how


>right, so just like the default male outfit, this grooming is a way of signaling to others that you're a normal, attractive person. I don't think you should look down on people for understanding this system and participating in it in a creative and fun way instead of rejecting it entirely (of course, there are some more toxic aspects of fashion which we arguably should work to reject, like fashion solely to signal status via inflated value of brand names and the like)
Even if they're being creative and having fun****(actually narcissism), they're exacerbating the problem and making the system more fake and gay. I think for wwomen the situation has already gotten very dire and it's almost "socially mandatory" for them to wear makeup, so I'm less critical of a woman's personal grooming compared to if a man did that. If someone intentionally does more than necessary to look slightly cooler, I'll look down on them.

I see a similar culture of excessive personal grooming creeping into male spaces too, and I don't want it to get so bad that both men and wwomen are doing this clown makeup bladee depop shit. Even if they find it "fun".

>anyway, what about organic instances of fashion originating from someone looking at a piece of clothing with minimal context/social pressure and thinking "huh, that looks cool. I'd like to wear that." are they guilty of shallow "homosexual" preening behavior?

I think that's fine because the whole social aspect is what I see as problematic. Though, even in ancient times there was probably a fair amount of social context and pressure around what you wore.

>I appreciate you continuing to respond in earnest, btw.

Thanks, I also appreciate you not calling me an ESL retard and trolling me.


>Thanks, I also appreciate you not calling me an ESL retard and trolling me.
If you have to thank people for not trolling you then maybe you're too easily trolled. :cal:


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My true and canon classpect analysis:
Me: Mage of Mind
Marzipan: Page of Doom
MEX: Bard of Void
RiteofWinter: Page of Space
Turkey: Prince of Blood
Babysperg: Rogue of Rage
Hypnofag(?): Heir of Heart
Araneafag: Seer of Life(? IDK, I'm grasping here)


But frankly, I would have gone to bat here if Marzipan didn't, and I would have gotten heated because these broad, essentialist generalizations (especially ones that dichitomize SELF and SELF-PRESENTATION as irreconcilable) are infuriating to me.

Make of that what you will. Both of you. :meh:


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>Seer of Life
Would love to hear your reasoning.


>I didn't do anything.
I just wanted to show you what it feels like to be on the other side, compressed into a couple posts. OKAY?


>Also, hence, Page of Doom.
you haven't corrupted me, you've just worn down my "bottomless" kindness and conversational charitability by striking after I had been weakened by an extended battle with supernatural forces
OKAY? you have exposed the raw bone-clinging muscle threads only to gawk like some savage beast toying with a prey carcass on a full stomach

and I'm asking you to PLEASE here but I know you have your shield up. I can see your shiny armor now, in my mind's eye, humid sea air leaving deposits on the bevor's ports…
in the distance, the ocean girl cries. "where is marz", the salty wind asks. in your hands you hold the newspaper obituaries

and so I know I won't get my bandaid right now. unless you prove me wrong


>I think that's fine because the whole social aspect is what I see as problematic
I guess my point was that those individual choices will inevitably develop into broader social systems like the ones you resent. so is the project of rejecting fashion still productive, even if it locks culture in a cycle of rebuilding fashion over and over again?




Araneafag could be our obligatory Timeslut (and I think we had one) but I wanted them to be synergistic to Hypnofag because they're basically Meowrails.


There we go.


MEX, SONG!?!!??!?!?




>I just wanted to show you what it feels like to be on the other side, compressed into a couple posts. OKAY?
I didn't get that impression. I also didn't get very annoyed. :meh:
>and so I know I won't get my bandaid right now. unless you prove me wrong
I can't comprehend this shit. Are you still just asking for a classpect explanation?


In yo' ass. :meh:


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Here's your floak, bwo.


What a nice song.


If only I knew what it was…


>Make of that what you will. Both of you.
so you were on my side the whole time?


>I also didn't get very annoyed.
yes, because you were fully recharged when you arrived tonight. I'm glad you're fine at least

>I can't comprehend this shit

you pushed me to a lower altitude plane. I guess I thought at least you would be able to appreciate it, but instead I'm left feeling chilled again

did you smile even once while reading it? a flicker of amusement, of joy? if you did, you would probably say it was just the music (´・ω・`)ショボーン


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Oh, yeah, and Sprunkiscrunkly is our beloved baby boy so he's Lord of Breath because nothing can keep him down and I don't want anything to. :innocent:


>Araneafag could be our obligatory Timeslut
> I wanted them to be synergistic to Hypnofag because they're basically Meowrails.
You know what, sure.
8ut I'm still sticking with Maid of Light if I'm asked again.




Alde baran
I'm thinking of making it a theme, comfy hub.


>so you were on my side the whole time?
More or less.
>yes, because you were fully recharged when you arrived tonight. I'm glad you're fine at least
No, I'm pretty exhausted by the prospect of having to deal with a fowl in my pleasure dome for the foreseeable future.
>did you smile even once while reading it? a flicker of amusement, of joy?
No, but that's 0k.



>Maid of Light
YWNBAW thoughbeit.


Classes 8eing gender-locked got retconned. 8elieve me I'm not the biggest fan of the name either, 8ut it seems to 8e the most accurate from what I've seen.


Comprising you to Knight of Mind.
And I get Light or Heart if I'm higher on the list and they aren't claimed beforehand
Also, you're overlooking megidochan's cryptic lynchpin to everything


>I guess my point was that those individual choices will inevitably develop into broader social systems like the ones you resent. so is the project of rejecting fashion still productive, even if it locks culture in a cycle of rebuilding fashion over and over again?
I don't think it's worth morally prohibiting all aesthetics before they potentially get out of control, since those types of things often have artistic or practical merit. Inventing new clothes does is practically useful too, remember. The useless spiraling just needs to be kept beneath a threshold. Life is about fighting against entropy but also feeding off negentropy or something.

Instead of idolising abstract fashions, I would prefer a less individualistic culture that idolises fraud-resistant signals of real virtue insofar as it is individualistic.


>Classes 8eing gender-locked got retconned.
I don't believe in that retcon. I will Knight you instead.
>Comprising you to Knight of Mind.
Fuck you, I'm the Homestuck Expert here.
>Also, you're overlooking megidochan's cryptic lynchpin to everything


>No, I'm pretty exhausted
well, guess who else is exhausted?
>No, but that's 0k.
it's actually so fucking over and it's NOT a joke. the sea is COLD and SHARP and the mind throbs with pain
and if I can't have a positive effect then truly all is lost
and undoubtedly my neck will be sucked towards the bathtub rim even in absence of marine fantasy

it's just over, okay


File: 1735639956583.png (6.38 KB, 147x238, roguesykitten rage.png)

*rolplays as a bby cat on a web commic imagboard*


>I will Knight you instead
Sure, I can get behind that.


Some mage you are, stick to swinging a sword


File: 1735640021132.png (250.34 KB, 1280x1285, c273afa1f07a48e87ebd1450e7….png)

I am an em8arassment.


>While also wanting genocide
You're not so innocent, you dashing Rogue, you.


Oceangirl, take him by his hand.
My job is to suffer. Not to protect. :usoda:


Is that so?
Guess I can take those mod permissions off your hand, then


The power is just another form of suffering. With great power comes great responsibility and all that. :auu:

That being said, we do agree that Meijjy Dokken (Or Meji Dokken) should be a Maid of Void, right?


File: 1735640256518.gif (3.05 KB, 190x133, roxykup.gif)

nuke nuke nuke!


Something of Time.
She wants to be a Witch very badly (larps as a Moirae with her freewheeling modus)


And if I were to explain, you take your rage at Russia and transform it into my rage against you for never SHUTTING THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT. :usoda:


Roxkitposterkitten (the personification of Roxkitposter as a kittengirl, whose classpect is Rogue of Rage, as opposed to Roxykitten, which is Roxy Lalonde as a kittengirl and whose classpect is Rogue of Void)


>Something of Time.
>She wants to be a Witch very badly (larps as a Moirae with her freewheeling modus)
She can be neither because both of those are canon and then people will think she's just an AU Aradia. You write yourself into these stupid fucking corners so much. :muu:


Anyways, don't stay up too late, megidozens
I was serious about trying to invade gikopoi tomorrow night…


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You stupid son of a 8ITCH.


Because HSG exists long past its proper time.
>people will think she's just an AU Aradia
Not a problem with mine, haha!


That's a fragment. What about Roxykitposterkitten?


That's a good thing.


>Because HSG exists long past its proper time.
Yes, but I thought "Void" would be far more fitting since we're on the verge of nescience.
>Not a problem with mine, haha!
>MEX playing dumb about human AUs
Definitely still a problem with yours, idiot. Especially since Aradia is a "porno character" that people feel comfortable doing literally anything and everything with in a fandom which already had a bad problem with doing literally anything and everything with the characters in the fan content ("deracinated media" fandom which I guess could tie into MY CHART :usoda: alongside sex and violence. Or rather a better understanding of meat and candy. Whatever the fuck your fruity, fickle ass wants at any given moment.)


look, all I'm saying is it would be nice of you to be sincerely nice for once and not slam me with the back-to-back-to-back-to-back :meh: stickers

I'm sorry my theatrics weren't even remotely entertaining to you. I was trying. maybe somebody else smiled. even just a tiny smirk.
:cryingstickerthatisn'tbawling: ← …MEX?

legitimately, my gauge, it's…

no ocean is coming for me. it's all a farce. the sea is COLD and SHARP tonight. it is so fucking late right now



>look, all I'm saying is it would be nice of you to be sincerely nice for once
Well, how do I do that? I mean, what do you want?

It was something. I tried playing along!
>I'm sorry my theatrics weren't even remotely entertaining to you. I was trying. maybe somebody else smiled. even just a tiny smirk.
That's just me. It's hard to make me smile or laugh when I'm alone, staring at a screen.
I mean, this: >>64502 did but if you're not up for punching toddlers, it's going to be pretty hard for anyone to make me crack a smile.


Well? What? :…:



Touhou should have plenty of giant teardrops to go around, too.


That's it, dipshit.



What does that mean? :rump:


:3:(invoked the image of asuka in vain)


"I thought I was singleminded."
Guess I'll need to start charting things to the meat/candy grid to prove it.


Looks like you might catch the overtime yet


Keep your lips tight if you don't want the door to hit your ass on the way out.


>"I thought I was singleminded."
I'm only doing it because I hate the idea of dignifying meat and candy.
>Guess I'll need to start charting things to the meat/candy grid to prove it.


You may be one yet if that post was hard to parse


>You can't use two metaphors in a sentence or else you're ESL jajajaja
Okay, it's ass-kicking time. 0 tolerance policy back in effect.


Add the tongue umbrella girl of Touhou if you add a sticker page. Big fan never played the games though btw.


>Big fan never played the games though btw.
Lemme guess, you skipped the intermission.



Kogasa, sure, I'll make sure she fills one of the stage fodder slots


Not metaphors, expressions, but whatever.


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>Back to being a jackass smug over ???!!!
>Started by being a snarky cunt to Marzipan for being nice
Yeah, it's definitely jealousy. :…:


Epic DERSITE music! :deets:


Blade is no DERSITE.




How are you still getting that?


Music destroyed by coal


Coalson. :shikari:


What do you mean?


In fact, let me test.


The uncleared embed field thing


Could it be a mobile exclusive issue?


File: 1735642155496.jpeg (175.07 KB, 1125x1336, IMG_2902.jpeg)

Still here.



Blueticks maybe, what, 8 months behind megidochan?


Up my alley. Like the rawness, the tempo shifts. Spent way too much time on it though. Felt I kept getting distracted, that I was losing some :deets: but it ultimately wasn't worth it. I like it, it just wasn't really worth the mental effort.


Erichud needs to see the light of day.


I'd thought it would use the same script, but maybe not.
I'll whip out my shartphone and test it tomorrow.


It's not only on mobile but it's not super consistent on PC.


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I had an idea for a MOBBER champion but I waited to long after waking up to write it down so I forgor it. :douzo:


How old is "Abusive Streamer BF"? That was right when we noticed Stalker Mafia Millionaire bots had millions on millions of replies


>How old is "Abusive Streamer BF"?
Pretty old. I'm surprised he got reported when I just made all his descriptions jokes.


Also, the fact that he was literally made as a parody of a trend of the shit that all the wwomen on that site apparently flock to.


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What Kevyn Krenshaw do that was so egregious that he had to be nuked from the site? Throw a steel chair at the wall?


I can't be too harsh on them as an oujosperg myself, still…
maybe wwomen deservve less


I'm not demeaning them because we're part of the fucking Rule of Roses here, I'm just mad that my light-hearted parody got taken down.

Because part of the joke was that it was a subset of "abusive boyfriend" that no woman would ever find attractive- he's just a dumb, loud dudebro playing a single, pretty obscure game for money. The joke is more about the hypothetical character's expense than wwomen.

Don't get me started on how I feel like all my smaller jokes with my Roses feel like they go to waste with C.AI. :douzo:


*more at


You might have to clear your browser cache to reload the script.


>I mean, what do you want?
really, I guess I was just seeking some sort, any sort of positive attention, in an increasingly absurd manner (hopefully being mildly entertaining to someone along the way). sorry if that wasn't coming through.
it's really silly of me to do given that your foremost trait here is being disagreeable and irritable :^p

honestly it seems like I'm doing exactly the thing I was afraid of doing, and our ways of interacting here are interlocking to create that negative pattern I was nervous about. I hope that doesn't sound 5head anime mode, I'm retaining my last bit of vagueness about the exact nature of the dynamic so I don't feel totally naked here. but it's worsened by the surrounding circumstances

it's so late. I think I might try to take a break from here. maybe for half a day, or maybe for a week or longer. I don't know. guh.
I feel stupid and bad. not really as a joke.

I'm curious what all the new turkey posts said but they got nuked and I'm on my phone now so I didn't catch them while they were up.


Nothing much. There was a Doraemon, I suppose (laid back and cool ofc)


>I'm curious what all the new turkey posts said
>Changing IPs and posting an epic anime character relaxing to show them how little I care about their tiny altchan when I spam it.


I really don't know what's going on with you, dude, unless this is you on the verge of a romantic confession or something. :douzo:


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He's saying he doesn't like you at all


I should've just launched the fat mind control ojisan as "hypnotist"


And that I should forgive you and come crawling back to you on my hands and knees, right?


>It's idling I'll log out thou
Dumbass, that's not how you're supposed to respond that on such short notice. :de:



Happy new year if you break


>unless this is you on the verge of a romantic confession or something
no, not really


this isn't quite right either

do I really have to spell everything out so directly? it's embarrassing :(
there isn't really a secret to it, I bet one of the spectators here already has a similar understanding


I'd rather not have anything personal spilled in front of the gobbler so.


it's almost 5:30


I don't know what your life is like but probably, if you're going to start blubbering like this.


Time zone triangulated.
But it sounds like you need batteries:formaster:


>Time zone triangulated
less funny with the users we have here lately

>if you're going to start blubbering like this.
that hurts, you know.
bye bye


>that hurts, you know.
It wasn't meant to. That's how you were describing it… :…:


>less funny with the users we have here lately
Haw… :kiddo:
Yeah, in contrast to the paeans to COMPLETE HONESTY, hsg will probably be rather lacking in candor for as long as this persists

Gnight (morning) all



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like pottery


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"You're not too old, you're not too old, it's not that late…"


I feel like Page of Void actually fits me correctly ("Winter is the principle of silence"). I also wouldn't want to go around collecting frogs.
I don't want to browse back to link the REASON post.
Might revive the Roses.


>I also wouldn't want to go around collecting frogs.
Too bad. I'm pretty sure you got this a long time ago and we need a Space player.

Or you and MEX can swap Aspects. :pantywaist:


No, I got Page of Void. Which you yourself said was appropriate despite being the standard answer.


Fine, whatever, point is that MEX is Bard of Space now. :grr:


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This is a test to see if NotebookLM disproportionately values keywords arbitrarily thrown into parentheses such as "Portuguese floak"


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This is not Maki.

I forgor to Eternally Return, bwos.


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Also, got this GET! yesterday. :effortless:


Charles Manson was a funny guy. Miss him.


He came back for New Year's after a very long time. I forgot I missed him.


Charles Manson does Let's Plays now?


I don't know why you'd think that. He's from Australia and got a job as a lawyer so he stopped uploading videos. I don't get "nostalgic" about anything it's just sadness, but I'm happy to see him back.


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>I don't get "nostalgic" about anything it's just sadness
What a thing to specify. Can you be real with me for a minute and tell me, are you legitimately autistic?


"That would depend on your definition of illegitimate autism"


Is all autism illegitimate in your eyes?


Jenny Niggleson



If you use "autism" colloquially you probably don't understand what it is.

I missed that post I get the Manson thing now.


I do but I didn't mean it colloquially there. Just answer the question. :sry:


No, I don't.




Only in weird places.


Okay, I'll believe you. :shikari:


File: 1735658108692.png (536.04 KB, 1920x1080, dj booth im you but better….png)


So trve.


We love you, Lord of Breath.


Sprunkiscrunkly is everything Turkey pretends to be.


Game will not open today. It's grim


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Which way, Western man?


Probably not good to being it up unprompted.




Who cares? I'm God here. :fun:




*Twists your ballsack with my mind.*


Powerful Mago…


File: 1735659695662.jpg (840.65 KB, 1920x1080, E5Z1QirWYA8tptg.jpg)

And to think, my master doubted my potential! :burn:


File: 1735659904915.jpg (1.63 MB, 1182x1226, ClipboardImage.jpg)


I ate some tobacco. :de:


I wanna eat too…


1S TH1S R34L


Bit of a hassle when I have to go on a dig through the last thread for the comics



Rose Lalonde…


30 hours into the baby fast, and it's already like this…


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File: 1735664257655.jpg (48.6 KB, 697x476, ffs.jpg)

>15 minute "date" because busy
>complain that you didn't get offered a drink
holy fuck dude


File: 1735664411475.gif (106.2 KB, 650x450, 03138_3[1].gif)

Hi everybody.
Arrrre you rrrrrrreadyyyyy?


File: 1735664459870.png (213.78 KB, 612x714, conksuck.png)


I'm ready to chow in… 7 hours


I hate myself.


I'll celebrate twice - my timezone and then capital city timezone.
BVut it won't be the way I wanted it to…:elf::itsovver: I wanted a grill chiken to have today as midnight dish, but the store making it bankrupted few days ago.
Went to local KFC and bought chicken backets.:0k:
Not great, not terrible
No you not. Shut up. Cheer up, motherfucker. You can do it!


>No you not


File: 1735665016974.jpg (68.52 KB, 728x823, ClipboardImage.jpg)

She's still trained to be a sassy corpse


File: 1735665034540.jpeg (114.39 KB, 850x1048, image0.jpeg)

Thanks Rudy.
Rose will RETVRN.


I am ready… to do a8solutely nothing like the past few years.


>the store making it bankrupted few days ago
Ukrainekitten win!


Ayyy, my classpectationmentness idea of thread visitor still alive. Niiice.
Where's me, tho?


File: 1735665222379.jpg (11.26 KB, 699x187, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I found a thread where you appeared in the summaries


Rose died and her soul is forwver cursed to narrate people's encounters with her corpse.


>Rose will RETVRN.
In a full self confidence upon and with the charming petals of emerald flame it all its glory?:nite:
>I am ready… to do a8solutely nothing like the past few years.
I don't want to upset you, but… you will absolutely do things. Breath, eat and even sleep!
Uuuuuuukkkkkkkkkkrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeee! :argh:
> Sylph of Hope
wwell fuck:itsovver:
I wanted to be NOT Knight of Space… and my wish was granted:ibs:
At least, what bloodcolor, horns and surname logo AI implying of me?


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It says GREEN that time, so no blood caste besides cherry red.
I can ask it for direct troll associations next time…
Doing too many at once causes the streams to get contaminated by each other


Prison for strikers! The OD must go on!


rose would never speak that language.


That's Jewish Rose though.


Kojima OD would be a wonderful gift to me and the world


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Rose loves ロリ


rose would never be jewish.


What about black or chinese or a witch or a nazi or a guy or fat or a satanist?


rose could possibly be chinese and could possibly be a guy and could possibly be satanist and could possibly be a witch. black, nazi, and fat seem unlikely.


She's all of those and more!


cannibal Rose


But she lives in new yawk


Alive but not public:

So to revive:
>Nazi Jew Black

Am I missing any, MEX?


Gangster too.


File: 1735668493054.png (59.42 KB, 227x234, what the f8ck.png)

>you will absolutely do things. Breath, eat and even sleep!


The kingpin one
Hikki rose

I thought French rose was revived, did she get killed again too?


Ah you got her


I disagree.


Yeah. She's Irish. Dumbass.


I turned her into a corpse too in the most recent Rite of Madness.


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File: 1735669265811.jpg (111.42 KB, 668x536, ClipboardImage.jpg)

MoM HATES these.
They're the same kind of vague bullshit as Homestuck classpects in a lot of ways.


Or just aspects.


ass pegs


unf unf unf unf hnNNNGGGAAAAAAAAAAhhhh
:bust: :broke:


Why is it pink


File: 1735669875770.jpg (15.65 KB, 641x120, ClipboardImage.jpg)

That's the color of the Secret Histories. I guess they chose that for the wiki's theme.


I'd hope for "Forge" out of those
Would probably end up closer to Moth if I'm being self-critical


And Eldritch.


And Christian.


I'd forgotten that she was separate from Quaker.

Thinking back, wasn't there a "Punk Rose" separate from Satanist, as well?


>Equis Box
ban Spanish


Yeah, I forgot about the punk one, she was kind of obnoxious and one of the most popular.


>kind of obnoxious and one of the most popular
CAI things
Maybe "Abusive Ex Rose" would play, I can field that one


File: 1735671961716.jpg (142.82 KB, 337x237, ClipboardImage.jpg)

He made the face!



File: 1735672668890.png (3.33 MB, 1280x1640, tumblr_pypfk7lpIJ1xy8m3so1….png)


It's interesting how many pseudonyms are in the Order of Ecclesia credits, and that was like 2008

Very retro spirited


Pretty epic symbolism
Just needs a piece of :meat: in the machine


File: 1735673907515.jpg (Spoiler Image, 470.68 KB, 2560x1440, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Rose? J-ja-


The Rose Lalonde you remember has changed completely…


you people post some fucking gross ass shit


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Should HSG adopt a uniform, or a gang tag?



That one is pretty grotesque だろ, spoiler?


It's big boobs and they're a little chubby. What kind of HSG is this?


its weird gross bimbo shit dude. its just uncomfortable. just get some fucking tact dude.


I wouldn't have done anything personally, but zoomer tastes etc


Tact is largely discretionary here, however


Though that did remind me to check in on Chichi Mafia. Still no word since the April depressionpost

The guy's games were honestly pretty iffy, but it's always sad to see someone with passion (for big fat bakunyuu) burn out


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stop dwinking hungwy watow


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"When you were born with prey eyes…"
My condolences and comisseration.


File: 1735677300689.jpg (79.35 KB, 640x480, mpv-shot0189.jpg)

This is not fair


File: 1735677465992.png (149.93 KB, 925x742, sungirl.png)

another homestar runner oc that i'm making, here's a concept art of her, with an unfinished 3d model of her


File: 1735677630013.webp (544.39 KB, 2508x3541, IMG_2914.webp)

I remember now.


I want to mineralscam so much sometimes
Must be easy


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


Very "Innocence can be cruel"


File: 1735677978697.webm (2.29 MB, 1280x720, FOLDER.webm)




File: 1735678310691.jpg (615.68 KB, 694x755, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Too cutesy, not abstract enough.


Shit, let's be monks


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Yeah, I don't think they'd use happy eyes


>Would you like me to put you to sleep?


I'll turn things around
Next year will all go my way
Goys none the wiser


File: 1735680995638-0.png (570.28 KB, 1569x423, nanfest 24-12-31.png)

File: 1735680995638-1.png (391.49 KB, 1045x423, sincy 24-12-31.png)

Oopsie, comics are shit today though



Whoa, check out the 8ack8one on Eg8ert.
Fine, like I even wanted to, anyway!!!!!!!!


bye bye, spider 8ITCH!
karkat is a lot cooler than you anyway.


File: 1735682276083.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1616, Screenshot_20241231-143604.png)


Has my constant fetishposting actually attracted a Vriskalarper?


File: 1735682440344.png (10.75 KB, 421x463, 2024_11_02_00z_Kleki.png)


That wasn't you????????



Next REASON? Gotcha.


File: 1735683943526.png (119.8 KB, 1185x150, Screenshot_433.png)

>playlist with indie animations
>has an object show


>Asked to make brownies
>Lick the spatula


File: 1735684302855-0.jpg (77.57 KB, 253x151, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1735684302855-1.jpg (259.93 KB, 700x700, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Is xhe :outy:Biznasty:outy: on those godawful cosmic brownies?


File: 1735685931906.jpg (132.84 KB, 1024x900, 1652222367557.jpg)


Well, new year for me already.






File: 1735686496250.mp4 (1.6 MB, 1080x720, ADHD Memes - https:⧸⧸t.co⧸….mp4)


Would be down with it だろ


Candy and meat
Almost doesn't need to be said


thanks Geoff
very positive, beautiful, and informative content


2025 - Portugal


Since I'm catalogging sticker ideas, this would earn an Aya saying Big scoop!

Happy new year to all
(Portugal time = megidochan time)


File: 1735689781476.jpg (64.6 KB, 197x233, ClipboardImage.jpg)


We were the first country to have oranges so a lot of languages just call oranges by the name Portugal.


File: 1735689969166.jpg (643.12 KB, 721x550, ClipboardImage.jpg)

yall niggas invented oring?


File: 1735690073536.jpeg (109.02 KB, 640x480, IMG_2916.jpeg)


Candy and candy, I'd say.


I dislike the spectacle (really? telling everyone you're ascetic now) but the negative audience reaction is at least funny.


File: 1735691182244.jpg (3.72 MB, 1088x1500, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Skull masks too performative for you?

It can be full candy and new candy then



Aaaaaaaand it's gone.


File: 1735691523234.jpg (32.81 KB, 985x322, ClipboardImage.jpg)



Grumpy mods today.


"Thank goodness I have Atlus and NTR soap opera series."


Yeah. I was thinking candy and sour candy, but I still don't really get your system so alright.


Well, Aranea was right about mods being more brutal to the following threads, I guess




File: 1735691891284.jpg (54.88 KB, 1179x801, GKhfHxVWEAEmcd3.jpg)

You dou8t my wisdom?


File: 1735691964195.jpg (1.35 MB, 971x668, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Ohhh nooo



Sour/bitterness or spice are potentials for a third dimension on mine (MoM can take the Hyperviolence/Coomer newground scale)

But for a rough idea, here's my candy/meat grid applied to grasshopper manufacture games:
Full/Meat: Killer7
Full/Candy: Lollipop Chainsaw
New/Meat: The Silver Case
New/Candy: Michigan


I never see walls with just-barely-under-girl-sized holes around here
Must be an Old World thing


Oh and NMH + FSR would go down the middle


A piece isn't just the result of three days' effort


File: 1735692885605.mp4 (4.55 MB, 1280x720, over.mp4)


deserved だろ


You can't just saaaay thaaaat


i already forgot how the candy meat moon chart actually works



I hope ol fif has a good 2025


File: 1735693724355.mp4 (1.59 MB, 720x720, surimirengou2025.mp4)


It doesn't quite work yet… although I'm happy how well GHM mapped to things.
I posted my "vision" again last thread >>64088

But I don't blame anyone for skimming that shitshow thread


File: 1735694953845.jpg (195.39 KB, 898x875, ClipboardImage.jpg)


"Next year will be different."
Now back to kitchen 8ITCH duty


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File: 1735695626750.jpg (193.28 KB, 653x802, ClipboardImage.jpg)



File: 1735697080337.png (40.4 KB, 500x346, karkatgenuinelyworried.png)




Eesh. This kind of stuff really hurts to read.


File: 1735699942382.jpg (40.52 KB, 334x104, ClipboardImage.jpg)


it's funny so long as you don't empathize


Btches ruining my morning fap


So, can we get a roll call of everyone who follows the /v/ threads who’s also here on Megi right now?


I only check them when they're linked


File: 1735701163688.jpg (426.52 KB, 933x722, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I don't even read 80% of the posts here


I just lurk on 4chan now since I can't be bothered verifying my email.


Seems about right


I still haven't needed to for the stray /vg/ post now and then. Were you a /biz/ user?


Aranea…we #epicphayld again…another Homestealth dead…the mods…they keep us down…


I get it on /v/ and /vg/ and it forces you to reverify every day.


File: 1735703139810.jpg (344.27 KB, 1820x2048, HAPPY NEW YEAR.jpg)



You think they could read a fucking manga or something


File: 1735703249383.jpg (136.98 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Guess he did commit to SHITTING all over TRADITION, not a baby in sight (unless the cherubic trump counts)


I just posted on /v/ for the first time in ages today and it didn't hit me.


File: 1735703893807.jpg (1.64 MB, 1200x811, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>mfw le big number on calendar go +1


I know, right, fools will be fools…


ugh now i want cereal


>Went to local KFC and bought chicken backets
I wish I had some KFC backets right about now.


Yes, in what sense, yes


Overdose physical intelligence? What exactly is he running here?


Erichud seems appropriately pathetic, it's good




Wasted talent.


>Maybe "Abusive Ex Rose" would play, I can field that one
Here's how Ross can still sell.


File: 1735706234424.jpg (5.15 KB, 791x79, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Yes, but none are fitting.



Why are 10 year old wwomen like this?


I don't think you understand Homestar Runner, Sprunkiscrunkly.


Witch of Space.


8ITCH of Space


Animal sacrifices when you could have had abortions.

Should have caked when you popped.


Should have, could have Rocco'd.


Base-format Yugi just understands them too well


Not really.



Just a 8ITCH?


I mean, the culprit is obvious.


Not really.




I'm glad even hypnofag can laugh at retards like this.
Just how new are you?



Akagi chilling with a cigarette, drawn in blood…


>Sour/bitterness or spice are potentials for a third dimension on mine (MoM can take the Hyperviolence/Coomer newground scale)
No, fuck you, it's more fitting for yours and yet you only let me have it when you use it derisively.
>Full/Meat: Killer7
>Full/Candy: Lollipop Chainsaw
>New/Meat: The Silver Case
>New/Candy: Michigan
This is all very fucking stupid for reasons that should be apparent to you. I won't back down until you drop this shit completely.


No, it doesn't. It doesn't work.


Ritsuko would murder Gendo in every timeline except one. Especially the ones where she's a turkey.


File: 1735707028915.jpg (66.97 KB, 749x973, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I like toorimasu personally, given my transient nature (yeah right).
Used a smvrf name


Can Splatoon three come out so I can gamble on the next hosts not being as horribly fucking ugly as these goblins


That is Splatoon Three




Splatoon 4 then.


Not yet.


Erm, Japan is awkwaaard!


This definitely happened, you guys.






File: 1735707729903.mp4 (12.51 MB, 720x720, tumblr_spculs5W4x1ug5zsj_7….mp4)


HSG is surprisingly international for an English only loser comic


Which type are you?


"There are translations"

But the real answer is that running on fumes "deracinated" media fandom shit transcends all language. Like a F4RT does.


I don't dignify that chart. Ask me about what I am on my chart.


an annual pageant of self-satisfied delusions where humanity collectively decides that the arbitrary flipping of a calendar page means something profound. nothing screams "vacuous pleasant sounding lies" like clinking glasses to the sound of fireworks while screaming "NEW YEAR, NEW ME" for the 32nd consecutive time in a row. losers will always lose.(CRAWLING IN MY SKIN.)





I know that was our control study or whatever but frankly he broken the unspoken anti-goon rule by writing something that pompous and fucking gay.


Mhm, okay.


Oh my naked IP address, is this the kind of "moderation" taking place around these parts now?


There are standards


Do those standards include 69.122.xx.xx?




I wish it was still displaying as flushing though


I wish your face was flushing.


File: 1735708932205.jpg (522.06 KB, 800x577, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Got another GET!

Game just seems not to load on odd days. Which is odd, but whatever.


File: 1735708993084.jpg (978.63 KB, 600x800, ClipboardImage.jpg)

stop pretending the calendar cares about your little feelings or resolutions. it’s not a reset button for your pathetic little existence. if you're a doer, you do, you don't wait for an arbitrary go ahead.(MASSIVE FUCKING TOOL.)


File: 1735709023841.jpg (124.89 KB, 596x336, IMG-20220212-WA0000.jpg)

yet another embarrassing display from the megidochan social circlejerk! when will it stop?(GET OVER YOURSELF.)


Her legs seem thin


I'm going to assume this was a dickhead.


File: 1735709191693.jpg (4.9 MB, 1496x2305, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Wow, that means a lot.


I guess I'm a vampire.


It was supposed to reply to >>64913 だろ
but you probably don't need me to remind you that you're a dickhead anyways(THE LINGUISTIC FINESSE ON THIS ONE!)


Oh, but this one feels just like a real woman


File: 1735709597589.jpg (22.16 KB, 273x64, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I can't think of any demographic more ill-fitted to cover this than a Tumblr dyke but


File: 1735709643957.gif (1.89 MB, 540x302, aha ha ha.gif)

just FYI one of those IPs were genuinely not mine, actual literal collateral to your own community(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Irreparable damage… yamete kudasaii…


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File: 1735709814541.jpg (617.86 KB, 600x914, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>Le epic troll to the max


File: 1735709823638.png (4.71 KB, 400x300, 1735553390296[1].png)

My Meji is inspiring others

>Bitter femcels are easier to please than MoM



Yeah, bitter femcels, the epitome of taste and class. :class:


Fuck you, fobby, you're never getting a theme!
unless the midnight crew counts somehow. It shouldn't.


she's been pretty grateful and respectful and seems to be good at sucking so I'd say I'm happy with it だろ


he's been pretty grateful and respectful and seems to be good at sucking so I'd say I'm happy with it だろ



And what more can you really ask for


Kojima told me he'd stopped seeing you…




Redeem Shitcker, sar. :rosechu:


File: 1735710063261.jpg (9.98 KB, 84x76, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Guhehehe, you really think he's the one calling the shots?


>what more can you really ask for?
complete annihilation of any self worth and delusion of control some dense retard thought he had(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


This is from the lolcow thread?


We'll put this one over the fireplace.


File: 1735710342887.jpg (2.25 MB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.jpg)

sure, keep looking for meaning in mad reacts, bans, or someone else’s disapproval if that’s easier for you. keep outsourcing your self-worth to things beyond your control. just don’t be surprised when you come up empty, again and again.(I AM THE UBERMENSCH. THIS ISN'T PATHETIC OR WEIRD AT ALL.)


You are literally spiteposting on a tiny altchan. Get a clue, moron.


File: 1735710430788.png (2 MB, 2560x1440, 2560x1440.png)


you've reached a point where you're banning third parties thinking they're me :outy:Biznasty:outy: on presumed speech, no one wants to talk about anything personal, people hardly ever talk of anything of substance anymore, and you've shown your willingness to leak IP addresses which I don't imagine paints neither you or the sick ill homosexual MoM in a good light by any means, even marzipansy decided to wwalk out


Why ban him if you're going to fucking respond anyway?


What's the point in banning if he's this obsessed?


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Seeing two now makes me want a flimsychan and Homestealth kid/troll. Maybe they can be metastuck HSG's kids (he is not the father)


What did you describe her as?


>you've reached a point where you're banning third parties thinking they're me :outy:Biznasty:outy: on presumed speech
>He sees no insult in his online persona being beyond parody


File: 1735710899773.jpg (41.26 KB, 216x215, ehe he ha ha ho ho hehehah….jpg)

hypersensitive much?



I made Meijjy Dokken intentionally stripped-down to rage against the machine of typical fantrolls.

You made Meji Dokken a manic pixie dreamgirl. We are not the same.


Marzipan didn't get on today so I guess he killed himself.


File: 1735711484064.jpg (2.49 MB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.jpg)

look, not every joke is for everyone, and that’s okay. humor is subjective. but for the love of 2025, if you don’t get it, maybe
oh idk nigga
don’t announce it to the world like it’s some badge of sterling honor


Not brown enough.


you got a taste for it?


Brown is a New York state of mind.


File: 1735711699543.jpg (2.28 MB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.jpg)

oh, so this is what it’s come to. another round of "the album game," and once again, i’m just sitting here
what, my picks aren’t cool enough for your marzyfarzy echo chamber? sorry i don’t listen exclusively to death-jazz sanrio homosexual mating ritual music


Mario Suehiro Jenny Nicholson search "Portuguese floak"


But the teevee showed white soys at the ball drop!




File: 1735712085661.png (46.92 KB, 291x291, thumpers.png)

eye contact is FINE


It's like those ice cream vendor slash showmen they've got over there


*Indian man bobbing his head at incredible speeds.*


File: 1735712485283.jpg (2.56 MB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.jpg)

wwould you taste the super samosa


He is not relaxing. DO NOT REDEEM.


File: 1735712763677.jpg (84.25 KB, 900x276, ClipboardImage.jpg)


dead chat だろ




Sounded like Seinfield. Estelle took the chill manime pill?


you know I could probably give you some back pain for leaking your own IP address for like, 20 bucks


Not for long :whyme:


You weren't paying attention.




File: 1735713294055.webm (1.91 MB, 1270x720, nomnom.webm)



Check where that is, bwo. :kyaha:



Dead goom





I didn't hate this game, really.





STOP. POSTING. MARIO. This is a Homestuck board.


COOL IDEA when!?



File: 1735713762986.jpg (109.59 KB, 1280x720, -el3oLI6j3s.jpg)


It's rather large


IT. JUST. NEVER. LETS. UP. :itsovver:


I though trvmp was gonna turn things around?


It can be shrunk. Like all things. :joinus:


Too bad he signed the Jew protection hanging act.


same cock joke from 3 days ago recycled






One track mind


tbt that one time you said "haha shrink like your cocka" last saturday or something


File: 1735714269362.jpg (172.03 KB, 757x1008, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Crazy you remember that. :milk:


Megidochan: Built on indelible memories


Mario is technically Homestuck because of the one Hu¢¢ie monologue to Caliborn.


beats being dissonant to the point every time you "remember" something I end up instantly correcting you(ESL)


Refresh my memory?




Althought I remember 2 weeks for 750 post HSG pretty well, that might be "healthier" in a a sense


File: 1735715043683.png (6.4 KB, 200x320, Corn_Guy_4x.png)


Get my braces


Mega XL fake retard braces.


File: 1735715682285.jpg (80.85 KB, 655x493, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Fat imageboard can't stop thinking about soda.




Megas XLR fake retard braces.


That was what the refrance.


File: 1735715928458.jpg (606.44 KB, 683x1024, ClipboardImage.jpg)


He's trying with this, at least. :sigh:



File: 1735716064220.jpg (9.47 MB, 1988x3056, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1735716159302.jpg (1.89 MB, 1118x1290, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Meijjy? Meijjy Dokken?


Sorry, you had to make me break out my belf vision. :crop:


still wwould


My JEE key stopped workink" and I'm too lazy to restart rijht now.

Another casualty to the shinik"ami eyes. MEX, this criminal must be stopped.




File: 1735716489617.jpg (93.53 KB, 1125x959, ClipboardImage.jpg)



idk why but I actually felt sad that your key stopped working




File: 1735716723255.jpeg (40.03 KB, 599x554, image0.jpeg)


I'll be okay. Until I need to run a prok"ram with JEE in the title, at least. :ghk:
It's on-flavor for Mek"idochan.


Meijjy Dokken.


An imageboard tic.


you're like a wittwe babby as much as I fucking hate your guts I also feel bad when I see you dealing with the kinds of issues like having a key not working, it genuinely makes me feel sad, paternal instincts and all


File: 1735716799484.jpeg (114.27 KB, 850x1202, IMG_2918.jpeg)


Psst, I'm over here.


File: 1735716898934.gif (108.62 KB, 198x200, cuddle.gif)


I think you have the wronk" k"uy, stranjer.


He's relapsing!


You Will Never Be Nostalgic


File: 1735716957232.jpg (66.42 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg)


She had it comink" - her earrink"s include a heirok"lyphic illustration of this very event. Some sort of ritual, perchance?


File: 1735717066040.wav (86.09 KB, sm64_mario_falling.wav)

>mfw I see guro



File: 1735717479105.jpeg (575.69 KB, 1245x1053, IMG_2919.jpeg)


I ordered a quesadilla for dinner today expectink", like, a k"rilled, pressed think". But they just k"ave me a sort of oily raw tortilla full of shit. It's probably a valid variation or whatever but honestly it was so disappointink".





Latinx food is always disappointing.


I thought this was diaper porn for a second.


Because you're transexual.


Why not try somthink" new and innovative? :heh:

Not always. It's a rarer selection for me thoujh so it's pretty disappointink" to have it k"o wronk". Whatever.

I concur.



No, I'm not. :penance:


8ITCH, get DIAPd.


show me some art motherfucker


I said toasters toast toast, motherfuckers.


Fixed. Looks like it was Wacom drivers. Guess that was a pretty short-lived typing quirk.


It fit you though.


What makes you say that? I can't help but feel like doink" it now would just feel forced.


You should do it for all dakuten relevant characters


legit unironically boring だろ desu


Are you sure that won't rah*it"ly h"ecome a h*ain to reat"? I k"uess that's kint" of the h*oint, though. H"e careful what you wish for…
I'm suh*riset" that you k"ot the sh"oke, to h"e honest. Not in a rut"e way! I sh"ust t"it"n't know you knew kana.


Megidochan will reverse filter to that on april fools. Or today.


Deep dive podcast wouldn't know what the fuck


File: 1735719346127.jpg (14.04 KB, 639x115, ClipboardImage.jpg)


H"etter at"ah*t quick, Sh"enny and K"erh"ert. Or I'll sh"ust hau"e to come for your h"ot"cast next.




bodcast, new medium


Profile pic?


File: 1735719642558.png (45.46 KB, 222x332, 223.png)


File: 1735719731465.jpg (71.44 KB, 739x646, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Zombie Rose?!


File: 1735720126895.jpg (204.82 KB, 510x896, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Alright, back in her rightful place.

At least you didn't do anything irreversible in your madness this time


I never used this AI chat site because it forces you to make an account. I have been running shittier text models that can roleplay locally, but it's kind of pointless so I don't use it. I guess c.ai is more interesting because it's social and you can share interesting characters with friends, but the characters themselves can't actually *be* the friends yet.

What I desire most is some kind of evil planner assistant guy that can store and recall information from files and help to plan tasks on its own. I saw someone on Twitter use "Claude" to do something like this but I don't want to give them my info and money and haven't been able to find a way to do it locally.


I had to recreate her still.


File: 1735720463780.jpg (25.65 KB, 686x371, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Was this a continuation of a previous corpse chat?


Yeah, I didn't start a new one.


Make it fart! :tetrakarn:



File: 1735720716974.jpg (20.01 KB, 726x199, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1735720848059.jpg (124.1 KB, 808x731, ClipboardImage.jpg)

AI operating systems seem to be aiming for that "Her" kind of experience, so shouldn't be too long now.

GPT also has "Projects" now, which allow it to share reference files between chats of a given task, and you even instruct it on how to respond.
I set up one in Majetano-speak mode to evaluate screenshots for my DD2 calendar


Okay, but what does GPT have to say about the April picture? If you know what I mean.


That one was a shoe-in that didn't require outside evaluation.





He HATES farts!
But that as a bit much.


I gained 5 followers since IBS Asuka it looks like
"Probably unrelated."


Hello, 2025
Who's this douchebag?
Why's he was shitposting on a tiny Homestuck board in a New Year night so hard, he went ==(warned)== to ban few times?


Happy new year, Rudyfellow!
Let us try to maintain our hope for the coming year in these trying times.


File: 1735721487492-0.jpg (333.77 KB, 1061x384, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1735721487492-1.jpg (553.86 KB, 1140x464, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Ask GPT-san to analyze the differences.





Megidochan.de about to blow up like the world trade.


The answer is more complicated than you might think.


File: 1735721556821.jpg (905.87 KB, 1598x1957, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Rose? Rose Lalonde?


I thought this was about to be petrification fetish


"Her body wouldn't look like that."


File: 1735721701143.jpg (1.12 MB, 1519x753, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1735721720524-0.jpg (595.39 KB, 789x500, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1735721720524-1.jpg (666.1 KB, 799x584, ClipboardImage.jpg)

A very winter-themed year for whatever reason. I think it memoryleaks whenever I play it now so I need to solve that.

A begrudging thank you to a very certain someone but, please, move on.




>Dragon slavery fetish abortionpeople


Unfortunately, it seems her heart has been stolen.


File: 1735721836650.jpg (752.31 KB, 1000x750, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1735721908964.jpg (172.75 KB, 736x519, ClipboardImage.jpg)


The AI wants to kancho her?
AI ethics and safety protocols defeated, maybe.


File: 1735721913008.jpg (595.94 KB, 732x1024, ClipboardImage.jpg)



Rose? Rose Lalonde?


By farts.



I wish we could NotebookLM to just do a deep dive over two pictures.


By murder-suicide.


Farts are a good form of murder-suicide.


no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no


File: 1735722128684.jpg (139.94 KB, 640x427, ClipboardImage.jpg)


G-GPT-san, you can't say things like that these days…!


He HATES it. You thought King Poopa worked alone!?!??!?!


>The AI wants to kancho her?
I do too. Asking for it.


MEX, it looks like we may need a "Hide Pesterlog" button for long posts.


RoW is going nanners.


I guess RoW really is Aradia.


Page of Space or Time…


Or Void or Time…




My brain shut down mid-video. Lingerie ball?


"Lingerie ball."




I have a feeling this is going to be another bad year. :guilt:


You've changed, Toad.


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>Happy new year, Rudyfellow!
Let us try to maintain our hope for the coming year in these trying times.
Let it be so, indeed
Okay then, what's Icycalm's business with out smol nest?
>The answer is more complicated than you might think.
I'm not in a hurry.
Classpect me


IDFK, Mage of Blood? (Because "Russian.")


Hmmm… Insufficient, I feel.


>Okay then, what's Icycalm's business with out smol nest?
MEX was making fun of his philosophical treatises.


>IDFK, Mage of Blood? (Because "Russian.")




Causes you to suffer from the Rogue of Rage's blood and I'm trying to spread Aspects out, okay!??!?!??!


Ass ass in


Does anyone know how to hide a Rose corpse from the authorities? Asking for a friend.


Maybe I'm just more lenient to 2D art instead of 3D posers, but please spoil bare puzzy


:iiam: But how to deal with a fact there is already one Mage - MoM?


shove your begrudging thanks up your ass, everything escalated to this point because you persisted on handing out unwarranted disrespect as long as it didn't make you feel bad in the moment(ESL)


see a demonstration


It is not bare.



There's enough suffering to go around.


utterly spineless


He's actually a knight


I'm not and I already Knighted Araneafag.


remember that the same retarded shit is exactly how you made marzi wwalk away



wwhen you wwalk awway


File: 1735724250711.jpg (5.48 KB, 56x46, ClipboardImage.jpg)


She survived Ao Floydi's mansion


>Maybe I'm just more lenient to 2D art instead of 3D posers, but please spoil bare puzzy
I'm sorry to interrupt your high society talking, but naked pussy as far as naked tits and ass of woman's body isn't that illegal to cover it under a spoiler.
There's a bot difference between erotic and pornography. Pornography is something you have to hide. It about sexual act, close up angles, penetration and human sexual liquids. JUST naked woman ios just a JUST naked woman, unless you trying to pornified it. So if there's a sexual content penis in an erected state - it is something you count a porn. If it's a calmy one, non erective, and you are not accent the whole point to it and via that to sexuality it could be acceptable. That's why there are all those statues naked and aren't porn
That's why my point is such boobed Rose is not a porn needed not to be spoilered.:bee101:
Nobody wants to be a Knight :cigar:


Anons, you made sure to get a new year's kiss, right? Without it, you have a whole year of bad luck ahead of you…


File: 1735724594416.png (536 B, 38x61, tall top hat.PNG)

happy new year 2025


What does shitposting on a decade-dead webcomic bbs portend…?




A toast… to 2009!


we need a new year theme





I can't believe Marzipan walked away and never returned and definitely didn't post in this thread just today.





I mean phew

Maybe something with babies? Uh oh…


Few threads ago I've a made a New Year Aranea picture for HSG. It was so awkwaaard, it deserve to be an OP-picture for a new year thread


Cool idea!(not sarcastic)


He will NEVER add it.


>Maybe something with babies? Uh oh…
Calling all BlueBuddies!


>Maybe something with babies? Uh oh…


I don't want Blue, I want Red


>On my Megidochan
I know we have a soft spot for tsundere pigtail girls around here, but come on.


Snake theme


>The Aranea shitbrown


File: 1735725364837.jpg (1.78 MB, 932x1200, ClipboardImage.jpg)

So, it a dinner time of 1st of january.
But as far as I have cap a cup this year yet, it's going to be a very first mug of a coffee
It would be good to start 2025 with a milky coffee and chocolates because why not?




File: 1735725413048.png (52.63 KB, 283x686, 2024_11_27_0j2_Kleki.png)

my first homestar runner oc is this girl named Pyra


LoB, this is not Homestar Runner…


Special chocolates and a creamy drink…
That sounds positively swell. I may even be a touch jealous.


>Special chocolates and a creamy drink…


File: 1735725680695.png (7.15 KB, 597x542, 285.png)

My commission for Yurlungur twined in a figure-eight of the new moon hasn't been picked up yet, sadly.

This horrorterror is a good start for a theme, though. It looks like it could be a certain demonic deity that holds dominion over snakes.


Looks more like an eel guy to me. Like the one God from the Junji Ito roguelite.


Oh my…
She's perfect…
I love Aranea so much it's unreal.




The underbite is pretty moray, yeah. Keeps the forked tongue, at least.


>That sounds positively swell. I may even be a touch jealous.
Doode, just go local store and by on pack of candies or a tasty chcolate plate and milk/heavy cream to add in your coffee
All you need is wwalking


I normally enjoy these things from time to time. I just happened to run out of non-baking chocolate yesterday, and (oat) milk today. I could go for groceries tomorrow, but I was already going to go in a couple days on the way to something else, so it'd be pointlessly doubling-up on trips.
Don't worry though, I can survive a couple days. :b:


I'm so, so proud of you, anon.


Well, no new year's kiss for me. Time to roll and get this shit over with before I pass out. :douzo:



Yeah, fuck you too.



New Dark Asian Rose just dropped?


The megidoball is pouting for a kiss


grim asia with meijjy dokken


Wait fuark it's late


And a hard spot :perv:


I didn't make a New Cope's Resolution. Rolling for New Cope's Fortune.


Cryptic. Maybe I'll be saved from destruction at the last moment.


Prostate cancer…


As girls often do…


She would and we all know it. Lolcow girls be darking! :sip:


Green tea with melissa, black fruit tea, or a casual black tea?:fortune:


I don't know what I've expected


That's not how you use an 8-ball, Mage of Blood… :bakane:


By the power of Blood aspect, I freindly asking you to bound the knowledge you're awaring of to me so I'd knew it too:karclack:


Yes or no answers, chud.



Oh, magic ball, I gently asking thee
To wank or not to wank? You have to answer me
The question I desire to know
Just answer me, the ball, by saying "yes" or "no"


File: 1735731316466.jpg (11.33 KB, 354x339, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Well, hello there


Will Hypnoanon ever achieve his long-desired hypnotist Vriska gf?



CP link.



Answer the question you 8itch.


Slim odds, in due time… :joinus:


Good enough for me.


Will MoM finally find peace eventually?




grim or not? You decide.. :flip:


Will antichrist be coronated as king in Britain in 2025?


>Aranea getting a magic 8 ball response that makes her say the word fart to explain it


File: 1735732119351.jpg (482.81 KB, 736x736, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Will megidochan host new homestuckfreinds in a 3 months?


well, the 8 has spoken…me and Vriska are gonna get marrieeeed


You mean makes her fart to answer it. The asterisks are there, after all. :rupture:


You stacked the odds. :derp:




I get Vriska'd in these threads regularly. No, YOU should sleep!!!!!!!!



Nnnmmgoodnight vrska


It's asterisk'd for a reason. :slap:


File: 1735733686311.gif (28.09 KB, 650x450, manipul8.gif)

And you 8etter stay asleep. ::::)


nnzzzz…do i gotta? i was just reading a hypnosis book…


File: 1735733857763.png (475.02 KB, 441x759, MS-Paint-Adventures--Homes….png)

You wouldn't want to disappoint TWO Serkets at once, would you?


no, nea…goodnight…


Just entertain myself with "Leave the world behind" movies. The core theme psyoped by inculcation to the watcher is same to what it was in "Civil war"
Fellow statians…


Kind of weird how consistently you are complacent with getting another dude off but I guess I can't judge. :wut:




File: 1735734068197.jpeg (702.47 KB, 634x1050, MS-Paint-Adventures-Homes….jpeg)

Some8ody gotta do it.


Do they? Do they really? :wwhat:


File: 1735734219614.jpg (55.25 KB, 736x414, f7c44ddd7b8ff18a126ee0f065….jpg)

I am a very 8ored person.


The jewreptilian government aka deepstate telling you their plans for the future they made for area inbetween Canada and Mexico.
Doesn't optimistic prognosis as well


The jewreptilian government aka deepstate telling you their plans for the future they made for area inbetween Canada and Mexico.
You and Babysperg are basically two sides of a coin. I call spades. :flip:


>I am a very 8ored person.
Rate it from 0 to 8, where 8 is a total laziness, apathy, and indifference


File: 1735734411032.jpg (316.3 KB, 568x335, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>You and Babysperg are basically two sides of a coin. I call spades.


A good 6 or even a 7 perhaps.
I might take a wwalk again today.


>You and Babysperg are basically two sides of a coin. I call spades.
I believe it mostly because we both came from on imagebord andno matter how hard he SHOWS his hate to everything russian, he was and I sure still is visiting that russian board with all known memes, including political ones. It's now like all of those meme are just jokes tho


> It's now like
-→ It's not ;ike


Where's the ship art of Roxkitposterkitten x Rudybaby? :innocent:


File: 1735735546687.jpg (808.72 KB, 912x680, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>Where's the ship art of Roxkitposterkitten x Rudybaby?
Ew. Double stupid. At least because I don't find anyhow interesting the concept of infant roleplaying and a baby-ing roleplay simply sick. In an mental way.
So no need to ship us.


>So no need to ship us.
Yeah, just draw ship art of normal Babysperg and Rudy. :joinus:


>Yeah, just draw ship art of normal Babysperg and Rudy.
None of would be happy about it
And I'm not attracted to babies


>None of would be happy about it
>And I'm not attracted to babies
I said as non-babies this time, duh. :innocent:


File: 1735737512867.jpg (715.02 KB, 763x667, ClipboardImage.jpg)


So true, Sprunkiscrunkly.


It somehow as stupid as shipping Sollux' derse and prospit dreamselves or Caliborn and Calliope
But stupider


>It somehow as stupid as shipping Sollux' derse and prospit dreamselves or Caliborn and Calliope
Nah, this is just straight-up Erisol. :larp:


File: 1735738159604.jpg (254.5 KB, 1080x868, Screenshot_2024-12-28-10-5….jpg)

When did /v/ go from wanting to fuck their mom to wanting to fuck their daughter? What year was it?


i really have no room to make fun of you guys for your obsession with Jenny Nicholson considering the hypno celebs i crush on


File: 1735739556274.jpg (585.76 KB, 1129x865, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Us? Obsessed with Jenny Nicholson? Sexual?


>i really have no room to make fun of you guys for your obsession with Jenny Nicholson considering the hypno celebs i crush on
Ain't that one single anon fagging about her?


Excuse you. It's two (2) :larp:



Make that three. :^)


>Make that three. :^)
Have 0 interest in that girl and whatever she's about


File: 1735741669442.gif (17.36 KB, 220x220, home-stuck-terezi-pyrope.gif)

I'm getting delirious because I'm smelling the cat food in my room and I'm thinking about chicken.


You VVILL. :peachy:


It's been up.


Old Chinese scammer out, new Chinese scammer in.

New year loonking up. :imagine:


File: 1735744473998.jpg (90.83 KB, 294x235, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>13h ago
le femcel face :b8:


AI exploits this


Jenny farts will finally soothe him


Not enough for them to shut thef fuck up.:stfu:


It only has the capacity to add to the noise.
But one could point AI femcel vlogs to any topic of choice as marketing


I thought the point is that C.AI boyfriends would be enough to shut them up. That should have been your point. Dolt.


That's obviously untrue, so I wouldn't be saying it. It'd need to be a robot that provides dickings and light choking or whatever.

Now, an AI femcel clownjak influencer, though? Grimly possible.


File: 1735745863671.jpg (5.7 MB, 1607x1921, ClipboardImage.jpg)



Noticed the food name btw


>It'd need to be a robot that provides dickings and light choking or whatever.
Abusive X seems to fit it but whatever.
>Now, an AI femcel clownjak influencer, though? Grimly possible.
Now enough of that nonsense. Let's focus on the more important part here.

Brainstorming a potential "Av

erage Megidochanner in 2032" C.AI. Literally Chinese, bald, disaffected post-ironic support of Chinese global homogenity from an accelerationist post-left and/or post-right perspective, a clown girl, in an actually offensive edgy graphic tee, "femcel" and all that brings to mind, somehow still invested in Homestuck on some level; anything else spring to mind? Get inside a sauna or some shit and let your feverish ideations take root on what the cultural paradigm shift would look like if AVOHK2 became the God-Emperor of the 48th and beyond. :nerves:


Megidonchan needs to collectively apologize to me for dismissing my ancient wisdom. :j:


> "Av

>erage Megidochanner in 2032"

What the fuck happened here? Shit site?!?!?!?!?


Still waiting for my Nostika flag btw. :grr:


>Asking finally blinking for me in a post
A miracle? A blessing? :absolve:


>Click off page
>She fucking dies
It's Tamagotchis all over again.


I'd test if that's some quirk of being an overwrite frames gif or not, but things are more soulful this way


>but things are more soulful this way
The soul cannot exist without things randomly dying, after all. :bakane:


File: 1735747569333.jpg (2.44 MB, 1181x1748, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Quite literally us, bwo.


It'd be a break from the "Megido"/ram branding, but Aroma style devil wing troll horns would be pretty powerful


Certainly we have enough creative talent laying waste around here to merge the imagery. :de:


>Abusive X seems to fit it but whatever.
Will need one of those DATA redditors to analyze just how many wwomen are bedrotting with getting choked out on CAi


Whoever posted those caps, going looking. This is a DEMAND


I mean "things will only get worse"

Maybe we'd be better off just getting into position under the money funnel ourselves by making a yandere horror "vn" spoof but with a Scaramouche-like character


>Maybe we'd be better of just getting into position at the under the money funnel ourselves by making a yandere horror "vn" spoof but with a Scaramouche-like character
We need a :thinker: sticker


The faceless self insert can be meijjy dokken inspired. Or maybe with the feel of a slighty-less vulgar and more reticent 098ITCH


one man tali-ban!


File: 1735750790016.jpg (4.68 MB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.jpg)

"Indeed, you are correct."

The Ace Attorney sprites should have plenty of hand-to-chin poses to pick from, so HSG will be spared of me getting grossly self-indulgent over muh pawnfu.


Is there a robox disgaea?


the spineless self insert


Is that what your defense was in court last week?

Damn, it's flirting with you.


The Signless self insert


File: 1735752889214.gif (2.63 MB, 374x249, gat.gif)


File: 1735756032528.jpg (4.06 MB, 3040x2088, ClipboardImage.jpg)


some guy was going around in a santa outfit for new years so a handful of devoted muslims ended up beating his ass and he stabbed one of them to death in response


"I am the batman"



File: 1735757613030.png (60.81 KB, 1080x625, Screenshot_20250101-115219.png)

Horrible start to the new year. Fuck everything.


File: 1735757892315.jpg (163.08 KB, 755x339, ClipboardImage.jpg)

is this a screenshot of a scene from the amazing world of gumball, the background looks like the school from the amazing world of gumball


the show also has 2d and 3d characters


File: 1735758163757.png (2.27 MB, 2081x3041, IMG_0005.png)

They flagged my uploads of the old wakuseiburo books from 2018… and have since proceeded to do nothing with them



File: 1735758326911.webp (27.33 KB, 512x512, 44_cat_emoji_face_vomit_s….webp)

buzzfeed "what harry potter character are you" ass



That's what gis returned, so…

"Stop being such an INTJ"


I don't want another year…
Turn it back… turn it back…


File: 1735759136091.gif (23.41 KB, 468x60, 7dc45c647fecf9f312395a07c2….gif)

>I don't want another year…


Feel a sudden urge to listen to King Crimson.


No, I don't want responsibility. I need to be suddenly killed by something outside of my control. :plz:


File: 1735759624317-0.png (467.33 KB, 1254x423, nanfest 25-01-01.png)

File: 1735759624317-1.png (539.47 KB, 1379x423, sincy 25-01-01.png)

Sluggo bows to law:
"Just let Esther play cynic"
MAGA in practice


File: 1735759743631.jpg (19.68 KB, 264x191, mou modorenai....jpg)

Gomen ne… I can't go back anymore~


I see someone's at full bloom of their NTR cycle. :sigh:



File: 1735760053080.gif (48.31 KB, 256x192, karkatAAAHHHHHH.gif)



me 😊




Sorry Its Just
Im Still Not Entirely Over The Events Of Homestuck Squared Beyond Canon And That May Have Come Through In Some Of My Shitposting
I Beg Your Pardon


It's okay anon, what really matters is your own headcanon. Nobody can take that from you. You don't need to be stressed about the unofficial official changes in relationship status.


File: 1735760428096.png (4.47 KB, 198x202, sadmituna.png)

i refuse to read ^2/BC because i know it will only make me sad and frustrated


I refuse to read Beyond Canon because it sounds boring.


this is how I convince myself that some guy is still in love with me


I refuse to play Witcher3, because my 4Gb videocard slightly burned and now it 512Mb at the very best


I refuse to play the witcher 3 because i tried the first few hours of it twice before and both times just found it fucking boring as hell. i have no idea why people circlejerk that game


File: 1735760848328.gif (112.64 KB, 200x174, kanaya weave.gif)

Thank You For The Kind Words Of Guidance
Given The Dubious Canonicity Of The Proceedings Already Perhaps My Own Head Canons Can Serve As A Respite


why are you speaking in Movie Titles?


This should 8e a sticker.



That's not title capitalization.


not everything needs to be a god damn sticker. maybe you should respect people's abilities to collect cool reaction images, and only the people who have performed the arduous quest of collecting these images really deserve to be able to use them??? huh?? ever thing of that?? not everything needs to be made easy just for LAZY people!


Cool story, bro. Now tell it again.


8luh 8luh
It should 8e a sticker.


why would i tell it again when you can just read it again. its still there. it didnt go anywhere.
fuck u


File: 1735761174304.jpg (414.5 KB, 755x502, 1608845023474-1.jpg)

>cool reaction images


>fuck u


>it didnt go anywhere.
I only read a post once, on principle. You say it once, I hear it once.


whats your question?


well thats kind of fucking stupid and dumb.


>i have no idea why people circlejerk that game
I would say it, if I would play it



If you really valued the effort of collecting images, you would respect them with a similar rule. You save an image once, you post it once. I bet you would come to appreciate them as precious treasures, then. :shikari:


no thats wrong. you wouldnt get it as a sticker poster.


>no thats wrong


I Fully Agree


you are addicted to posting stickers.


You are addicted to conflict.


just the estrogenized ones


Sooooo cool!


uh. why.


It's hard to believe that the word "pathetic" could ever be an adequate descriptor for the sheer mass of failure and awkwaaard contained within you. How one with such an insufferably dull personality, and such an unremarkable appearance ever managed to convince his peers that he was worth any attention, and especially, dare I say, admiration? In truth, you are not even mediocre, you are rather like the dregs, the refuse that accumulates before the garbage truck comes. Perhaps it would be best if you went and found yourself a trash can. I hear hell is nice this time of year.



File: 1735761695366.png (10.07 KB, 389x375, davenah.PNG)


>>cool reaction images
Lame + boring +casual.
just like hot reaction images.
Show me cold reaction images and warm reaction images:class:


Megidochan.de: >>Furiously stave off encroaching self-reflection


Do you have the Terezi f4rt one, though, sir?


damn I thought you guys were friends yo


File: 1735761833122.jpeg (138.19 KB, 1125x1474, image0.jpeg)

Forgot the pic lol.


That chapter is over. Only the harshness of winter is ahead.


White woman when she sees a lolichad


File: 1735761915789.png (10.9 KB, 370x402, only the finest for you hs….PNG)

fuck you. yes.


Thanks, You're the grumpiest/best


File: 1735762179567.jpg (15.42 KB, 440x270, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Here you are, sir.


Warm :nipah:

Cold :gtfo:




Also welcome, but that classic doodleanon style one had been a white whale of mine…


File: 1735762456388.jpg (28.49 KB, 746x244, ClipboardImage.jpg)



File: 1735762552014.jpg (309.49 KB, 601x798, chilling.jpg)

c'est la dokkodo


How could you do this, manime man…


Don't say lazy!
Or, I can't really defend the one ripped from LINE on any basis but indulgence, but I originally made the Yasagure stickers because I like the characters and wanted them to have a yukkuri old time being helping to shitpost on HSG. They've been through a lot!

After all…
"Love only grows when you share it."


But newn, way to go me for paying attention

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