No.62261[View All]
End of Kagigelion (was threads ago) edition
>>62245 925 posts and 194 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No.64237
>>64236>Well, with any luck it's a different person (your "target", I suppose) who rolled a new one that timeThe point remains that his intentions for staying are completely deranged at this point. Sorry though.
>>64235there's about an infinite range of IPs from various countries I can use, with much ease, and it's not going to be that hard to adapt a different writing style, it's just gonna be funny knowing how much work I'm effortlessly putting onto a bunch of retards when someone ends up having to borderline monitor each and every poster and IP and this and that
>>64238I mean this sincerely - isn't there something you would rather do instead?
the other day you described us as losers for posting actively here throughout the day
surely you have a media backlog? maybe some creative projects? there's a lot you could do with the time and mental effort you're threatening to waste on an activity that's destructive to everyone involved
>>64239No, he's above-it-all, idiot, this is just like, a fun, normal hobby for him.
>>64239"It's about sending a message"
>>64239it takes like 2 minutes at most to shart out a new IP, I just want to drive this process of censorship into one that borderline breaks the entire community when you're driven mad by the paranoia and actually end up delivering casualties to the bare few people that actually stumbled upon the site, and again, it's just fun knowing that it exerts far more effort from your end than mine
still, it's not eating away any time from my personal creative projects
>>64244good boy
Babysperg, nuke his house.
>>64245>>642452 minutes to create an IP, less than a minute to ban it.
It doesn't matter how much time this takes out of your day- you're still a pitiful loser for doing it.
>>64245>it takes like 2 minutes at most to shart out a new IPsure, but reading and responding dismissively take more time than that.
it might be super fast if you were just spamming random text or images, but then you would be spotted right away. your proposed plan (vary writing styles, blend in but be annoying) takes time and effort. in fact, it more or less requires that you actively read and reply just as if you were a regular user (plus the additional mental effort of putting on a "disguise" if you're trying to throw off mods)
>>64227Can't you just spam him on social media like a normal gay brown
homosexual instead of subjecting the rest of us to your daily gay brown
homosexual meltdowns?
>>64239I think Marzipan mentioned that you never know when some random anonymous stranger is going to start nursing a grudge… That's partially why I try to take things lightheartedly by keeping a distance
>>64248No, he's above-it-all and this takes no effort or time, what part of it don't you get? He doesn't care! He just wants to destroy my ego and ruin this community! Because he doesn't care that much.
>>64251just the ego
>>64249He's really that chuffed about Marzichan, I guess.
the community is just collateral because your retarded ego relies on it(IT REALLY DOESN'T.)
>>64254HSG has never contended with obsessive
homosexuals before. Few know this.
am marzipan :^p
>you never know when some random anonymous stranger is going to start nursing a grudgeit's true… and yet, vulnerability is how you make these connections. if you have mutual vulnerability, it's safer, via deterrence. it was moreso about not putting (too much of) that vulnerability onto a persistent public space, like these threads, since a lunatic can comb through them for ammo to use later.
but of course you can close the distance with individuals - I mean, that's what happened with you and MoM, right?
>>64253I think even they can realize that there's no competition between marzichan and megidochan :^p
>>64256>marzichan and megidochan Not for those. For love…
>>64231Another baby substitute to add to the collection of baby substitutes.
Two fowls with one stone.
>>64257oh. it's confusing when you call me by the website name
doesn't "chuffed" mean "pleased"? or were you being sarcastic (´・ω・`)
to be honest I don't feel like a primary target at all, more like collateral between them
I feel rather swept up in things by total incidence
>>64260Are abortionpeople okay?
>>64261>to be honest I don't feel like a primary target at all, more like collateral between themI quite frankly think the shitstorm is only this magnitude because he's jealous of you.
It's almost like I can sniff out genuine kindness and am attracted to that but still dumb enough to fall for fake, manipulative bullshit…
>>64260Catlady venting.
Happy new year!
>>64261I don't really take the time to dish you any unwarranted disagreements, just my genuine personal opinions, with complete disregard for how it might make you feel
>>64261>>64263The draw of being yasashii? I was told dekachin always wins
>>64268I guess my true love OC, Bouquet, also saved me from the fate of being
>>64260you don't want to hear it, but: this is meg-coded.
>>64263well, I'm sorry :^<
there's some stuff I try to talk about but I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable
idk, it feels weird to be in the position that I'm in (´・ω・`)ショボーン
>>64265it's possible this is true (I feel like it isn't, because replying dismissively or derailing everything I post about
feels pretty targeted and petty), but even if it really is some sort of "objective" posting style, it's still a total bummer…
I tried to maintain the conversations regardless but you just kept stonewalling me. ik before you said you don't care about rhetoric and I presume you would view any attempt to empathize with a poster or cushion your disagreement as "crafting a fake personality"… but these are basic communication skills for handling the emotional sides of a conversation.
basically, I don't come here solely for the purpose of hard truth-seeking, I come here because socializing can be fun (even when there is conflict!). but you are not fun to talk to, and you're unfun in such a dry way that people can't even put a fun spin on it because they're all already tired of you
>>64268well, I guess that must mean…
>>64267DO IT!!!
>>64270>I try to talkI COULD* try to talk
>>64270>DO IT!!!I posted it because it was done.
>>64270>well, I'm sorry :^<>there's some stuff I try to talk about but I don't want to make anyone uncomfortableIt's not your fault at all.
>>64274You have a pictorial for reference
>>64267I ordered my pawn screenshot calendar
>>64276Which is more pathetic and embarrassing? votes, tonight!
>>64267Worse than the shitty t-shirts on "depop", at least they have a "community" and trade with each other. You can't wear that outside either, every gun owner would have a moral responsibility to put you down. Fashion is indefensible.
>>64270the crux of the issue for me is realizing that these conversations are on the basis of emotions first everything else second, most of the time it doesn't even feel like people are disagreeing on the basis of their reasoning but just the sheer endless desire to be right and to make someone else go "sorry you're right", I don't like that
hell, the one post of mine that was deleted was when I claimed that this is no community at all, it's just a deliberately crafted chasm of cyclical validation being paid forth, it feels less like the conversations are about coming to any truth but moreso just a feedback loop of "this time I'm right, next time you're right, we all agree with each other and pat on the back endlessly so we can feel nice and fill in for our voids of identities"
(self-avowed psycho) No.64281
>>64279>Fashion is indefensible.I think they're cute… And I'd be taller so they'd be scared of me…
>>64272if they didn't restock then you must've gotten one of the last two remaining, huh?
here's a reference if you aren't adept at "feeling it out"
>>64280Says more about you than anyone else, blackheart.
>>64282>if they didn't restock then you must've gotten one of the last two remaining, huh?Who knows, this is a bad decision.
>>64283my blackheart sure explains the inconsistent nature of the opinions and arguments being presented, which I'll have to add, isn't even an oversight but an intended mechanism of the "pay validation forth" system, because the only way to endlessly echo validation is to endlessly disagree and come to agreements
>>64280>this time I'm right, next time you're right, we all agree with each other and pat on the back endlessly so we can feel nice and fill in for our voids of identitiesStrange read of hsg but ok
>>64285No, it doesn't. Not to literally anyone. If you haven't noticed, you're kind of insane and emotionally unstable.
>>64287you just spent a 150 bucks on a pair animaymay boots
BORN TO ショボーン
(´・ω:;.:… Kill Em All 1979
I am troll man
413,757,864,530 DEAD CLOWNS
>>64289Yes. And I'm still not stalking my ex.
>>64276"pawn" screenshots? may we see it? :3
>>64279>every gun owner would have a moral responsibility to put you down>average conservative when somebody wears the wrong type of shoeyeah, you don't care about fashion at all
>>64280>these conversations are on the basis of emotions first everything else secondthis is true for almost all human communication. it is the default state. well, it's a bit more nuanced than that - proper emotional handling of the conversation is like the bedrock before any "hard" conversation can happen. you read my long post yesterday about the value of rhetoric, right?
>most of the time it doesn't even feel like people are disagreeing on the basis of their reasoning but just the sheer endless desire to be right and to make someone else go "sorry you're right"honestly, this is the feeling I got from YOU, and not anyone else. when you couldn't find anything in the post to disagree with, you would reply with something that misunderstands things to the point of almost seeming intentional, like here
>>64139, here
>>64129, here
>>64142, or here
>>64121I have disagreements with other people here that feel way more like honest irreconcilables, rather than someone constantly switching topics to something new they can prod about because they didn't actually have much coherent to say about what was being discussed
>>64284what? why? D^:
>>64288>>64290oh my god, half of its face got crushed…
>>64291you're not my ex, stop being delusional please
>>64293Then why do you care about me so much?
>>64292oops, one of those post links is wrong. but 3 examples is probably enough ;^p
>>64292I didn't digest your post about the "importance" of rhetoric because to me it just seemed like a self serving argument of "here's why you should care about my feelings above all else"
as for the rest, it just felt like we were talking about two different things entirely, I never quite got what you were trying to say throughout that conversation so I just responded with whatever came to my mind, as I explained.
>>64294"A commitment to truth."
Maybe that means apologies.
>>64294I don't understand how dense you must be
whenever I say "don't overestimate your worth" you start acting like you're indispensable, whenever I say "I fucking hate that misplaced self worth of yours" you start acting like I'm madly in love with you in obsession
MoM, ik you probably missed this while speedreading to catch up
>>64213, but I'd like to hear about your chart if you're willing (also your reason for attacking touhou stickers
>>64296>"here's why you should care about my feelings above all else"the thing is, I never made it about me. I was discussing the way that conversation works for everyone. I've been far more gracious and accommodating of your feelings in my posts up to this point than you have the other way.
every user who comes here to talk does it of their own will, for the enjoyment of socialization. if you want people to listen to you and thoughtfully reply, you should take efforts to make sure the process of talking with you isn't exhausting and unenjoyable
tldr; if you are an asshole, people will not want to talk to you, because this is a social space primarily for the enjoyment of conversation. any HARDCORE FAX&LOGIC DEBATES must stand on that foundation to belong here.
>>64279Fashion would bethe Osaka red eyeball sneakers, not the kuromi pickme boots
>>64300Yeah, you've just been hanging around to destroy someone's ego, just a regular Tuesday for old Turkey. You alright if I ban your crazy ass again?
>>64303> Osaka red eyeball sneakers>HalfnigKuromi is white and that's right.
>>64305do it brother I got 999 IPs left to expand
(Please just go away.) No.64308
>>64304Libs finding gayer ways to eat a banana…
>>64302>but I'd like to hear about your chartI don't want to talk about anything with cape douche around.
Also, Touhou makes me upset because MEX isn't giving me what I want and is instead indulging himself on his icecream like an oneesan… or whatever…
>>64298>april picAWOOOGA!!! they knew what they were doing with that one am I right fellas
that's cute, I haven't used a physical calendar in years. I used to keep a daily planner, but eventually I stopped having many tasks to keep track of on a day-to-day basis, so I stopped. I was thinking about getting one for 2025 so I'd have an excuse to use my nice fountain pens and inks again, but… ultimately I think it would be forced. the only things I "need"/want to write on a daily basis are lists that I keep on google docs these days, so I can read and edit them from anywhere via my phone
>>64311And yet…
>>64309>cape douchedon't soil the garment with such an association!
>>64309>indulging himself on his icecream like an oneesan… or whateverMEX is right, touhou won! alongside some others :)
>>6430609dev alive on megidochan
>>64314Yeah, he's wearing the Osaka red eyeballs SHOES.
>>64302I don't expect anyone to accomodate my feelings, I genuinely don't care how you feel about me at all as long as you get my meaning right
and don't just shit that out impulsively, you were the first one to create a narrative in your own mind where "Oh I said this the other day so I must've offended him and that must've caused him to respond that way today and this the other day"
stop keeping emotional scoreboards like a housewife
>>64317We need to cure autism and fast.
>>64316>stop keeping emotional scoreboards like a housewifeyour multiple-times-confessed reason for coming here is to troll someone over past grievances
anyway I tried ignoring our previous conversations all day today while we talked and you were just miserable to talk to, sorry. MoM said it best when they called it "dismissive"
you only really seem interest in the words coming out of your own mouth and it's just exhausting
>>64317good, maybe "kek" will finally go out of use now
>>64318and miss out on all these KEKS?
>>64320>seem interestseem interested*
gotta proofread more.
>>64320"Kek" is fine. Leave "kek" out of this.
>>64320excuse my disinterest in chimping around to accomodate your emotional needs one way or the other, learn to jerk your own dick off before engaging in a conversation and then end up whining that someone is disinterested in trying to entertain you
(unwillingness to jestermax) No.64325
>>64323agree to disagree. it's been tacky for like 6 years already and I wish people would move on (or at least leave it exclusively to the undesirables as a mating signal)
>>64181By the way it seems like Tatsuya finally abandoned his yearly old man/woman dies and gets replaced by a newborn tradition since it's already the 31st and he's done nothing with it
>>64324it works this way everywhere. don't act like we're the first people to react negatively to your RATIONAL style of communication
kek has too much crunch to die
>>64326That's why I thought the greeks have to get their souls sucked out to birth le demiurge
>>64328kekeke =/= keke
leave villainous laughter out of this
>>64326Tatsuya being inconsistent? No….
>>64327A functional adult should be able to maintain and control his emotional needs without needing anyone else to accomodate them, in short, if you had some more of a life you wouldn't need to ask me to entertain you
I saw an Asian in a commercial.
>>64332>THE SHEER irony HSG as performance art, perhaps
Last for Nuke Turkey.