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/hsg/ - "Homestuck" General

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 No.30293[Last 100 Posts]

Live over again edition
Old >>29539


bosding in the ebin dread :DD


Where are my posts from May, MEX??!??!?!?!?!?!


File: 1727822206073.jpg (13.74 KB, 631x96, ClipboardImage.jpg)

This game contains combat.


AND monsters!


They got wiped when I deleted one of the spammer IPs

I'll not point any fingers.


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Accurate in a way that's somewhat melancholic. Hard to describe.


>They got wiped when I deleted one of the spammer IPs
That's weird, why…?
>I'll not point any fingers.


Or wait, the obvious is fucking Rudy and his stupid repost.


I couldn't even blame a single person. Like why would it delete just those when your IP has been very static? (I think)
Maybe vichan is more precarious that I thought.


>Like why would it delete just those when your IP has been very static? (I think)
I did reset it a couple of times when my Internet was being a DERSITE once or twice but I soon realized that the solution to that was just leaving the computer off for a bit since the Ethernet thing overheats (or something?)

I don't know. You should probably check manually. Asshole.


sex with mex


You don't even get the joke.


You hear that Mask Expert? The Turks are coming for you.


the joke is that they rhyme


Are they mechanical?


The deeper joke.


There were probably a lot of invaluable goon rants that were lost from May..


September was also a very useful IDEA GUY thread だろ so keep that in mind too, MEX.


fucking explain it then you piece of shit??? useless boyfriend


Lurk moar.


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Actually, MEX nuked the context to that running joke so it's now just a #ifyouknowyouknow kind of thing.


For instance >>355
But when I do archive the first 50 threads, I'll go back and get the full versions



You just killed one of the most important posts on the entire site, you stupid fucking chud.


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>Tricked you into using a topical LoLism as a hashtag


Or rather, last thread.


File: 1727823522397.jpg (4.86 MB, 1536x2048, ClipboardImage.jpg)





That's a rough 30!



Check #heavyisthecrown, baka.


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Dry fast needed


how do people look this ugly and not kill themselves

like damn, why would you even post any pictures of yourself anywhere on the internet? why not hide yourself in a basement???


Mr. Feast.


Season 3 Expedition: "The Ravenous Hunt"


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He's not hideous
He just looks like a person


I mean yeah sure he could drop a few pounds


File: 1727824889698.gif (9.73 KB, 530x70, trickroxytxt_4.gif)

Trickster text was apparently done via gif… VGH


also, this image = Karkat and John


His nose is a lil piglike but yeah.


Yeah but there's people out there who look like they were made in the Bethesda character creator that still find the will to go on living


today I listened to JOJI


am howw wwas it




Hu$$ler is inept at coding, yes.


joji sounds comfy if you're in a good mood but his songs have a 8ITCHboy breakup lyrics so it could make you feel BAD at times

I think it's comfy


yeah I remember that
seems pretty easy to do with keyframes though


he also used gifs for stuff like Jake's autismsplosions, naturally


Yeah, guess that's the way. A little TRICKIER than the other text markups, but that's appropriate


i mean
i wwould


>Can't into HTML


homosexual zoomer music.


>homosexual zoomer
me basically yeah


The filter makes it nicer. :)


the homosexual word isn't really derogatory imthoqbfrdh


this works I think

.trickster {
color: #ffd1d1;
animation: trickster 350ms linear infinite;

@keyframes trickster {
13% {
color: #ffd1d1;

27% {
color: #ffe6d1;

41% {
color: #fff6d1;

56% {
color: #d1ffe3;

69% {
color: #d1f9ff;

83% {
color: #d1dcff;

100% {
color: #f0d1ff;


That was never the point.


Iine! I'll see if it needs to get included in every stylesheet or just the config will suffice





Should I slot us into column 10 row 1?



File: 1727830288042.jpg (8.85 KB, 783x65, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Zoomers when they hear the most generic alternative rock/emo ever that isn't mcompletely mainstream.


Meme ideology.


Literally looks like a vampire when they've gone too long without sucking the lifeforce from something.


Most based Jew?


>bri'ish TRICKSTER voice


I was wondering if they opted form cheek surgery or something


File: 1727830593732.jpg (47.2 KB, 332x481, ClipboardImage.jpg)

The punch: beaten.

But you can now bounce off me.



File: 1727830784057-0.jpg (37.92 KB, 400x300, HymanMinsky-1.jpg)

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File: 1727830784057-3.jpg (24.01 KB, 263x377, LeoStrauss.jpg)

Missing a couple.

New Megidochan page?


File: 1727830792373.png (2.43 KB, 120x131, isiskitten.png)

Can you change the pic? At least make it Aradia for her #a10000


File: 1727830873684.png (179.93 KB, 1024x1064, 1024px-Portrait_of_Max_Sti….png)

>Can you change the pic?
No, fuck you.


'memberin the good old days of html when <blink> and <marquee> were a thing


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I keep nearly forgetting to chickweed

Chad from highschool just randomly hangs out on their couch? Let's say he's gay or something.


'memberin the old days of The Mask Stirner with the anti-spook pussy necklace.


That's ganondorf


This is just attractive people fawning over each other. Is this what Jewish Heaven is like?


That's not Ganondorf, asshole.


McEldowney sounds like a solid goyische surname to me


But look at the schnoozes.


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1T A1N'T M3!


She's not fortunate son?





Zoomettes ripe to be saved from cynicism and whoredom by the message of Sex Negative Majetano


>Sex Negative Majetano
When are you making that gimmick Twitter account written entirely in Japanese?


[Mask Expert]
Only if it's cheap and trivial to get an LLM bot posting on xitter.
I'm not fucking roleplaying in public as a woman, in a non-native language.


>I'm not fucking roleplaying in public as a woman, in a non-native language.
Why not?



File: 1727832949928.png (323.99 KB, 500x624, C_M_Fra_012.png)

>why not


What's that supposed to mean?


See, that’s why I’d only EVER do it in English.
I was going for something like "Because I’d be in such lovely company, naturally," in a humorous, low-key flirtatious Flambery kind of way. Just teasing you for half-doing the bit already!


Eeehh…? You should know what does and doesn't translate well by now..


say something nice to anon




Anon is a dear, personal friend of mine, they'd never lose to cock.


. . .


File: 1727834252108.gif (3.67 MB, 498x280, smak.gif)

not too bad

however anon feels bad at the moment and would appreciate better stuff


I- I'll believe in Anon, even when the baby is black!



I'll deliver it to him but if he doesn't feel better afterwards you're in big trouble


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It out woked me



I have no words to say to you



that was really mean it actually made me feel bad


"Well I thought it was lovely."


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well I think ur dumb and should have ur thinking rights required (threw le bottomy)


REVOKED sorry autocorrect


Required works too
I could have no thinking rights to begin with, until they're installed by a lobotomy


you will worship blue eyes white girl


you will worship purple eyes white girl


Rose does deserve a better theme


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I'm giving myself three more moon cycle before I focus, sit down, and reread homestuck + read post canon


why would you do this to yourself…


The see it with kidult eyes


Oh, you hadn't even claimed the plot I was talking about.
Well, I'm on there too now.


I've seen screenshots of this before but I thought they were edited


File: 1727843246369.mp3 (3.72 MB, endroll_000001BD.mp3)



File: 1727843560381.png (837.13 KB, 756x1280, 1727813295983677.png)

Kill Russian soldiers with autonomous unmanned chemical biological radiological and nuclear weapons.


I was just thinking of how quickly holding pattern life might disappear under the draft


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how many times do i have to see this retardation in my lifetime


Politics in games back then: "Grinding a whole species of sentient chattel slaves into meat products for profit is bad"
Politics in games now: "It's a good thing for a cadre of evil freak mutants with mind control powers to take over everyone's brains because John F Kennedy is a nazi or something, also they're black and gay and muslim so you can't criticize us"

I don't hate politics in games, I just hate YOUR politics, because they aren't done well.


there's pol
and there's idpol


and then they come together and make synthepol
hegelian dialectics or something


I can't think of an actual rebuttal so I'm just going to nitpick over the usage of the word "politics" :)



The wild-eyed twitter warrior goes into a preparing-to-attack stance and bellows "OH, SO YOU'RE SAYING THAT GRINDING A WHOLE SPECIES OF CHATTEL SLAVES INTO MEAT PRODUCTS IS OKAY IF IT'S NOT FOR PROFIT?!?" as xer antifa buddies circle around with flags and megaphones


File: 1727844750923.jpg (47.03 KB, 630x680, All games are political.jpg)

Just respond with this every time someone tries to say you're "le hyprocite" over politics in games


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The twitchy hand sells it


man i want sushi


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Melo-cenetric too, this one's a true nerd!


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im the op of HSG General XLIII lol


A privilege of the few


he loves me


he just won't admit to it…


Also, Fallout etc. basing the villain on the most recent republican president was lame then and is lame now

Only difference is it didn't have THAT much of an impact on gameplay, unlike modern political games where you are literally attacked by brain-eating squid monsters that scream about Pizzagate and corona vaccines… in a game set in an alt-his future.


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new vegas' main antagonists are sexist anti tech incel chuds

>but it's open ended you can join them if you want

yeah but still the general consensus is that LEGION = BAD


Legion is Russia.
>LARPs as Rome
>Warmongering and expansionist
>Opposes democracy (and fascism and anarchy)
>Abuses wwomen
>Commits genocide and war crimes
>Obliterates all cultures they conquer
>Disdains high tech for "good old reliable weapons", gets outmatched by their opponents
>Heavy focus on dubterfuge and sabotage, use of "useful idiots"
>Openly hates homosexuality, their soldiers have gay sex anyway
>Leader is a bald guy with a brain disease who isn't as smart as he thinks he is
>Appeals to lolberts because "Muh taxes and cost of living"


File: 1727869829268.png (829.68 KB, 830x1000, ccdec0282d69ef35cc43b5f134….png)

you don't have to be an ncr ranger to kick the shit out of a legionary, i watched a million videos of great khans asserting dominance over legion boylovers and noticed these homosexuals never fight back, i tried to test my theory and just came over and sucker punched a fat boylover who looked like a legionary to me and i was right, the fucker just started to run away even though he outweighed me almost two to one, i chased after him and landed a few more kicks and punches on him before retreating as some old lady started screeching in the distance, so yeah it feels totally different when you break that barrier, i'm basically a superhuman now compared to them and no, the securitrons don't give a fuck for two reasons: legionaries never complain to the securitrons about being attacked, because that makes him PROFLIGATE, and secondly they don't want to burden themselves with investigating petty shit like brawls and hooliganism, so that's right, boylover legionaries can't feel at home anymore, not in the mojave desert i inhabit anyway.


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So trve!


File: 1727875986612.jpeg (95.99 KB, 640x640, image - 2024-09-14T222922….jpeg)

meid0, there's a shitload of "that" spam in the Rose Lalonde thread. Clean it up, it's making the bubbus cry.


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new vegas legionary playthrough into being a full on homosexual pipeline


Gooiz, is there's anon on /hsg/ from Iberian peninsula?
Rev, are you here?


Pure heresy, thanks. The pattern was a little different today, same IP for every post.


I believe there are a few anons living the good life along the med


Other special, secret page idea? Or is that just going too far?


Tatsuya needs to be locked up. That is all.


I don't care about the whole Mediterranean right now, only Iberia in particular is my current interest


>Oh, you hadn't even claimed the plot I was talking about.
That's what I was talking about, the bounce.


MGS2 and Bioshock were always obnoxious with their politics though.

>But what abou-

In Deus Ex, that's just the setting. Everyone is a deranged ideologue. You don't get the PHONECALL OF EPIC THEMATICS that could have been woven throughout the entire game instead of just dumped on you for a "wow me" moment.
Give it a rest, Caesar.


A little far. But an hsg.txt page of long posts on subjects sounds fine


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I would have it as a secret page on my site…


>Also, Fallout etc. basing the villain on the most recent republican president was lame then and is lame now
I agree.
Legion is nuanced and cool and deserved their own game but it activated the Russia brainworm in our very valued member of the community so I guess I can't talk about it.

The real appeal of the Legion is "I really, really fucking hate democracy."


Note how he has tiny hands.




Homestuck didn't invent low framerate Gifs.




File: 1727885721755.jpg (48.18 KB, 1063x835, ClipboardImage.jpg)

NEW JERSEY!?!??!?!


File: 1727885814210.jpg (35.97 KB, 570x342, ClipboardImage.jpg)

At this point, it's spite because these kinds of people annoy the fuck out of me. They treat web safety 101 like the fucking Bible and are scared by literally URL that doesn't end in .com (and even then that's a coinflip.)



>>Opposes democracy (and fascism
Woops, missed this, how the fuck do you define fascism, retard?


Cool guy.


The Nanc4 disease sweeps the nation.


File: 1727885958061.jpg (187.8 KB, 500x947, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Oh, is that why .de is so cheap?

Too bad, I like it

Megidochan core


Me, 24/7.

That's why I'm moving to Singa


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>Megidochan core


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Therapy for men is just webcomics.


Everything wwomen do is therapeutic. Like Woody Allen. That's why they don't shoot up schools. You ever been friends with Woody Allen? That guy has never shot up a school.


Apparently the eye of cloudflare provides some measure of csam filtration


Ermmmmmmmmm, in English please?


A Polygon article is pretending that the worlds of Megaten are especially unique to the JRPG genre.


I don't think it's a racket of theirs or anything


I'm getting tired of all this diick2ucking




File: 1727889553492.jpg (7.57 KB, 82x147, 1639503179292.jpg)

>Game creator Yoko Taro, best known for his game Nier: Automata and his commitment to wearing a mask in public, recently shared high praise about Katsura Hashino, producer and director of the Persona series. “Hashino really knows his stuff,” Taro said. “He believes that games are essential to making the world a better place.”
Half-dead it is.


yeah I'm thinking this is about me


File: 1727889870261.png (467.33 KB, 990x1421, ClipboardImage.png)

me when some normalfag tells me to just be myself


If you think about it, 32 is about half your life behind you…


File: 1727890377937.jpg (36.59 KB, 640x798, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>Anon's state dies at 64


Get this man a dayjob.


32 is probably gonna be like the last 10% of my life I don't think I'll even make it to 40


most current 30-year-olds won't make it to 40
WW3 and AI genocide


Harsh… At least let me live as a soultrapped NPC like they're doing with GTA 6


for me it's consistent drug abuse
I don't think """WW3""" or """AI """genocide"""""" will be anything real or a real issue unless you were one of those tards who acted like the ronavirus and the useless boosters shots for it were gonna wipe out 99% of the world population or something then do ignore my posts in the future and please don't breathe in my general direction


>WW3 and AI genocide
Epic joke.


Also, can we filter "meme" to "joke" or is that one step too far?


Aren't they different?




It'd need to 1 to many split "meme" into like joke, macro, catchphrase, clip, parody….


File: 1727894034894.jpg (353.32 KB, 530x628, ClipboardImage.jpg)



Isn't there a pic where the twisted reddit alien is routing all the vocab into "meme"? We'd need to reverse that


File: 1727894289551.png (26.89 KB, 666x650, Appearify_sigil[1].png)


Yes, but post it. Maybe make it RNG. :^)


It should take a read of the post and try to fit in the most appropriate from the context
maybe when meid0bot is actually real


MEX getting ambitious again.



I had a whole bunch of ideas last night!


Such as?


File: 1727896158126.png (417.26 KB, 500x739, ClipboardImage.png)


He's right you know.
The Bart Be Tall.


The Bart Be Tall




Like for my fangame script / gameplay balance

And for megidokinz. Ideally, you should have two running at once, with simplistic LLMs that would banter at each other.
Instead of constructing a status update out of arrays, the "Post" function would paste the last 5 lines of exchange to the thread as as a chatlog


Also, the idea to give my pawn clown makeup for a Halloween costume.
… And I'm gonna order a custom calendar with her pics, too.


File: 1727897021878.jpg (13.76 KB, 639x473, GYmHoNcacAAUyMZ.jpg)



Big if true.


>Like for my fangame script / gameplay balance


File: 1727898246776.jpg (262.48 KB, 599x765, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>Yuji Horji going Nazi


Horii Yūji was recently seen wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh and gunning down a group of Israeli children


Genuinely how not? Don't these people already hate Sugiyama and Toriyama with a passion? Did they think Horii was secretly a left wing angel that hated working with them but couldn't speak up?


Yeah he's a complete sell out shill now. Nothing new.


Toriyama has the PoC cred to his defense


Sell-out is one thing, shilling Nusona is another.


MGS2 doesn't really take sides on anything. The villain is the most obviously good person in the series. The core message is "if playing this made you think you're immune to propaganda, you are retarded."
Bioshock is just to be "animal farm isn't about socialism: objectivism edition." It's uh not written great but the point isn't supposed to be "MY IDEOLOGY GOOD YOUR IDEOLOGY BAD," it's just "damn maybe the paranoid shutin fucked up his revolution really really bad."


>MGS2 doesn't really take sides on anything. The villain is the most obviously good person in the series.
What did he mean by this?


Solidus is literally just good


a good user of child soldiers


He was made to do that to make him more like Big Boss. He was basically not his own person until after MGS ends.


What did he mean by this?



File: 1727903751747.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.62 MB, 2148x2500, ClipboardImage.jpg)



Wow, what are all those heads?


Why she cry






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File: 1727905379098.gif (603.94 KB, 498x280, songong.gif)

20/20, 20/20 vision
Cupid hit me, cupid hit me with precision, eye
Wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind
I said, I said
I'm sick of, sick of, sick of, sick of chasing
You're the one that's always running through my daydreams, I
I can only see your face when I close my eyes




File: 1727906425157.jpg (135.44 KB, 774x632, ClipboardImage.jpg)

We did it, Megidochan!


if i snap and beat the shit out of some random passerby legion hit squad tonight their blood will be on your hands, either you are a geniune naive californian or a frumentarius trying to disguise himself, either way you will be complicit in another pint of blood spilled by another legion subhuman garbage, hope that makes you feel COMFY)), boylover)




File: 1727907730245.jpg (86.69 KB, 893x881, 20240129_224726.jpg)


Don't care, I'm just a courier, retard.


Fallout has too many guns 😫


Zoom zoom.


File: 1727909813906.jpg (122.78 KB, 1154x893, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Plan Scene in full action.


Also, MEX, keep in mind my brilliant idea of blockchain Roblox with copyright protection.

It's a winner, for sure.



I think there have been some MINECRAFT BUT NFT attempts, but as for roblox…


>MINECRAFT BUT NFT attempts, but as for roblox…
The whole(?) point(?) of Roblox was the digital economy which was and is undermined by there being constant copycats of everything (fundamentally Jewish game.)


>People still deluding themselves into thinking that checks and balances actually exist


I've been over this before, MEX.


But we (I) baleeted it probably


More like "Pajeeleeted it"…


File: 1727912710760.png (56.96 KB, 928x183, markup_1000001157.png)

erm, checkmate!


File: 1727914028001.jpg (552.55 KB, 1523x2105, GYK4bS8bIAAnkqc.jpg)

Lemme see…


Alright, if you hard refresh there's a script to autohide images less than 24 hours old
You can set it to apply to everything, just the board index, or off entirely in options




eep well ood night weetest dreams


neet dreams


File: 1727917296635.jpg (333.88 KB, 1978x1399, ClipboardImage.jpg)



what the fuck did you do



I regret ever talking to you. I t)(ink we're too different to be able to get along, and t)(at's kind of unfortunate.

)(ave you ever considered t)(at maybe at some point in time t)(at I would want to talk about somet)(ing t)(at isn't surface level, but I can't because I know your response is generally going to be your run-of-t)(e-mill toxic internet sludge t)(at I could find anyw)(ere else? As I see it. I've given you way too many c)(ances already, c)(ances t)(at let's be )(onest, no normal/sane person would ever be willing to give to someone like you.

I know I've eluded to t)(is before, but I t)(ink I could go on an edgy image board and talk to someone t)(ere- and get t)(e same experience I get talking to you. )(alf t)(e time all you do is try and pick apart every t)(ing I say, and every time I bring t)(at up all you do is just confirm w)(atever bias I )(ad.

Talking to you feels less like a conversation and more like a )(ostage negotiation wit)( t)(e person )(olding a gun to my )(ead being a wwomen wit)( BPD. All I'm really asking for is to not be treated like complete tras)(. C)(rist. I can go anyw)(ere else for t)(at.

But if you're not willing to even offer me t)(at courtesy, t)(an I'm more t)(an )(appy to cut ties wit)( you at t)(e drop of a )(at. It wasn't like I ever trusted you for even a single s)(red of a second anyway. I knew it was going to come to t)(is at some point. T)(is long-a)()( sc)(izo-post, w)(atever your response is going to be, all of it. Trut)(fully I t)(ink t)(is was all my fault. I really don't )(ave anyone else I can blame )(ere. I'm upset t)(at I've been proven rig)(t.


Did something break?


MEX, can you edit this to be Feferi's colors?


File: 1727923737161.jpg (150.97 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


"How would Erichud react to this?"
Aye aye


what's the deal with the thumbnails?


See >>30570
I just wanted some means of not having to see the diddy partier pics when I clean up spam

Since it's a little disruptive of "flow" of hsg as is, maybe I'll set INDEX as the default instead of FULL.

If you've the stomach for risk, you can turn it off entirely in the options menu.


oh I see


Not all tarot cards.






File: 1727924793576.jpg (75.22 KB, 354x431, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Wow, this is so cool, I love Bob.


Finally, someone with a modicum of sense.
My mind often veers into realms of utter inanity, if you'll allow me to expunge a few…
There’s a hollowness in knowing exactly how avoidable your next mistakes will be.
As for my life as a virtual pet, The fetid stench of neglect permeates everything my Wise Master touches.
Signed, tentacleTherapist


"Bob" is a placeholder that should be forgotten by now!

But the spam issue stressed me out from doing more megidokiz…


Please wash your Rose Lalonde


He likes it dirty and French-like.


I tired and long debunked stereotype.


Show us your minge then.


Thanks for testing, that should be left out.
I'll disable it soon since I want to add a game time scale bar, and a volume mute button


File: 1727926017272-0.jpg (5.43 KB, 531x26, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1727926017272-1.jpg (262.66 KB, 1600x900, ClipboardImage.jpg)


"It's called patience."


File: 1727926398046.jpg (50.52 KB, 691x506, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>"How would Erichud react to this?"
Third reply.


atta chud
He's blacklisted, linkie?



File: 1727926815012.jpg (28.19 KB, 820x333, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Yeah, it works


Erichud x emeowyle?


File: 1727927216890.png (715.06 KB, 1080x2206, Screenshot_20241002-214637.png)

I'm the only one seeing this?


I see them like this, but you can turn it off under Options.


I think messing with it ate the multi-file selector for some reason.

Obscurifier off


File: 1727927552230.jpg (242.34 KB, 1273x2016, GYaCrg2aQAAtyyU.jpg)


Belch noises.


File: 1727928824203.png (495.37 KB, 977x1418, ClipboardImage.png)



what are the rules to this one


Don't die.


Yeah but are there fake out slots or something?
Guess I'll read it


there are 14 holes and 9 swords
9 of the holes have a metal plate that prevent the sword from injuring them but they don't know which
they take turns picking which hole gets stabbed, game ends when all swords are gone or both of them die


Anon is retarded. Don't spoonfeed him.


File: 1727930743344.jpg (1.52 MB, 1051x677, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Such style!


File: 1727930763768.png (248.36 KB, 640x832, 1521089667149.png)

Putting Roxykitten over your shoulder and patting her on the back to make her burp


Kill Roxykitten. Behead Roxykitten. Roundhouse kick Roxykitten into the concrete, etc.


Don't promote roxkit abuse just because you don't like the roxkitposter.



Fuck you, you don't get to tell me what to do, "third party."


homestuck word


File: 1727931103317.jpg (67.07 KB, 900x900, 1694289340836495.jpg)

Neutral party here.

The World should resolve the Russian Question once and for all; for the future generations. I propose moderate solution - to make everyone happy, you gonna compromise somewhere. Total Russian Genocide should be performed - with nukes, conventional methods, by hand. We could keep some for enjoyment to have The Hunger Games, broadcasted live - they would provide at least some entertainment. Total destruction of Russian cities, towns, hovels, hives, villages should be performed, ground plowed and salted. Russian "culture" and "language" (I know, these terms offend real cultures and languages - but we lack better terminology) should be exterminated and deleted out of the existence altogether. I hope you all understand how even Russians gain in these proposals - they stop being Russians in death. We would simply give them the exact thing they need - a mercy kill. Thank you for your time.


Can you make a scene legoman


Epic. I think you should stop touching kids, personally.


..You're horribly naive.


I am not a nepetophile, that's why I don't post CP unlike hsg's resident poccian.


>that's why I don't post CP
You just consume it tastefully.


That is true, but only if you go by the definition of those twitter troons who consider an anime drawing of a fully clothed adult woman to be "literally CP".


>That is true
Will be used in court.


Stop… So, is that a yes?


But of course. You've now ranked up from "naive" to "dull."


How many Robux does it take to go from "slow" to "average"?


File: 1727932587775.jpg (82.88 KB, 900x276, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Over 9000.


The last supper. DERSITE Judas. Samejoke. Suicidal thoughts go up.


>Red removal filter makes purple more RED


Rose transition le Dave


I suppose there ought to be Prospitian text alongsite Dersite


File: 1727933072424.png (18.4 KB, 925x292, 1460869668182.png)


File: 1727933168090.png (6.83 KB, 151x223, ULTRADYKE.png)


Let me see
[prospit]White must lose? Is this a metaphor for something?[/prospit]


Ah, typo in the config
White must lose? Is this a metaphor for something?


Can't think of a good joke for this. Maybe just don't.


This 8ITCH definitely has skidmarks and piss stains in her panties. Cuntpi ass.


I'm just leaving it as a markup option, not a wordfilter


Mark up your ass. You ever see that image before?


How old were you even when "Cuntpi" was a threadmatic personae?


4 years old.


I remember when Cuntpi pissed herself on purpose


File: 1727934470744-0.jpg (179.91 KB, 484x612, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1727934470744-1.jpg (143.74 KB, 547x612, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Nyeheh. I also have a twisted sense of humor…


Were not~!


Imagine the smell.


Woah, this is some hardcore stuff…


Prove it.


That would place you around 15 today


I'm around 15 today. (Too old for Roxykit.)


File: 1727935267758.jpg (494.84 KB, 447x676, ClipboardImage.jpg)



ZAMN he 15??


File: 1727935541856.jpg (75.83 KB, 940x239, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Guide updated


Nepetofile board.


4Y Y41 Y41


>being a prospit dreamer means I have multiple and enthusiastic interests :D
Change this to "being a prospit dreamer means I have the writer's contempt from the onset :D"


Nigga, shut the fuck up.


ill take ovver from here ter

wwheres my samurai
ivve been searchin for a man
all across japan
just to find to find my samurai
someone wwho is strong
but still a little shy
yes i need i need my samurai


Is this zoomer rap?


File: 1727936095816.jpg (16.05 KB, 590x151, ClipboardImage.jpg)



Okay, so we're in the incestuous, ambiguously nepetophiliac arc now, I guess.


I'd thought 'meowlye an autistic only child but what do I know


They are. Nobody with siblings* has an incest fetish.

*There are some terrible exceptions where certain fetishes intertwine to create the incest fetish.


>it's (sic)


File: 1727937050807.mp4 (793.36 KB, 516x640, spongebob-car.mp4)

it's pretty funny だろ


Xhe's enby


he's such a pain in the ass I love him so much

maybe sometimes because he's a pain in the ass

pain in the ass but he cares still


waow just like karkat


Yeah, it surpassed my natural aversion to sbob memes


File: 1727938355940.jpg (115.09 KB, 1080x1205, GY78_X5aIAAwxFi.jpg)

Link… Search for my parts…


If I get 6 hours sleep… I'll see if I can wake up before the spammer assigned to stop here starts his day this time


File: 1727941455595.webm (3.95 MB, 1280x720, stairs.webm)





what is the point of the obscurifier


File: 1727946067213.jpg (195.8 KB, 1080x810, 1727943635775597.jpg)



made for roxkitposting


File: 1727946892116.png (44.1 KB, 922x167, cuntpistuck general.png)


ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ


File: 1727953181794.jpg (605.26 KB, 1000x700, ClipboardImage.jpg)

the canine teeth are in their specific position because they're intended to bite into things at a 45* or so angle and (the head) be pulled back into a 45* angle in the exact opposite direction

that's why they're at the corners and not the front or sides, they exist in order to hurt things and being at the corners provide the best range of motion (and more range of motion = greater force generated = better able to hurt)


this suggestion is built on the idea that;

A - the human jaw is nowhere near as strong as that of the other apex predators, we're not really capable of choking things out by biting at their throat because our jaw just doesn't generate enough force to do that

B- the canine teeth specifically aren't as effective at the other teeth types, hence suggesting another intended usage for them


the canine teeth specifically aren't as effective at CHEWING* as the other teeth types


Next time I see a zoomerspic talking about Black Souls on the "X" I'll just ask directly what they think of the child rape, newborn daughter sex, etc.


File: 1727957179854.png (1.96 MB, 1920x1080, unfinished.png)


File: 1727957489856.gif (13.53 KB, 147x238, roxykittenhide.gif)


Stupid retard baby.


You guys think my post did anything to attract the spam?


File: 1727963080240.gif (3.41 MB, 640x512, sangang2.gif)

Oxytocin makin' it all okay
When I come back down, it doesn't feel the same
Now, I'm sittin' 'round waitin' for the world to end all day
'Cause I couldn't leave you if I tried

You break me, then I break my rules
Last time was the last time too
It's fucked up, I know, but I'm still



For if you're lurking and the spammer does his daily check in. And too spare any potential visitors from '"p on the frontpage"

Maybe it doesn't need to last 24 hours though


And refresh if you haven't ofc lol


It's definitely humans spamming, though, not bots. And the xj9k feed shows it's increased a hundredfold in the last couple weeks. Hopefully whoever funds the op runs out of dough for it soon.

Maybe I'll go beg the uboachan admin for their countermeasure that blocks the URL shortener endpoints


File: 1727970277868.jpg (84.14 KB, 1815x537, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Uboachan anon: This is about ME PERSONALLY


File: 1727970692558.jpg (5.47 KB, 234x57, ClipboardImage.jpg)



"There are no siblings involved, just future shut-ins RPing…"


Madness combat western?


SQEX has decided to go the gaslighting route huh


Which way? Is it male and female again and they act like nothing happen?


they're pretending the interview was misconstrued and mistranslated
they deleted the original video too


Ara, the Streisand route. Well, we'll see how that works out for them. (I'm buying the game regardless, but this does make the guilt accumululate faster)


File: 1727976549333.jpg (214.5 KB, 402x306, ClipboardImage.jpg)

can't be 可憐 anymore…


The East has fallen🥺


File: 1727981081879.jpg (98.16 KB, 1280x720, Nw_XzGZ35As.jpg)


File: 1727982136464.jpg (371.54 KB, 973x1409, ClipboardImage.jpg)

side note, I like how FKMT added an outline that draws attention to the woman having pissed herself


File: 1727982948450.jpg (151.25 KB, 812x790, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I see


File: 1727983191834.jpg (980.56 KB, 815x624, ClipboardImage.jpg)



File: 1727985048179.jpg (93.97 KB, 1290x1859, RDT_20241003_1455425655651….jpg)


I became an INFP at some point over the last two years.
Not good.


We should make our own Zelda game with doll fetishism and everything. She should be a porcelain balljoint doll and you have to go to each dungeon (in whatever order you want!!!!!!!!!!!) to put her back together.

Maybe have a Shadow of Colossus type ending where you have to die to bring her back to life. Feels like game journos have forgotten about that one so it's now officially fallen into the realm of """"""""underrated"""""""" or """""""""""""obscure"""""""""


This is the action movie zoomers tell you is kino.


Icycalm and Amarna DESTROYED SotC 
I still like it dough


Be more subtle, nepeto nepeto.


> porcelain balljoint doll and you have to go to each dungeon (in whatever order you want!!!!!!!!!!!) to put her back together.
Good game macguffin concept




>Icycalm and Amarna DESTROYED SotC 


yea same だろ


Is this the next step of veganism?


She knows about those words because of what's been done to her by the man who screams of Russia.


Holy fuck, nuke this little shit.


But he's dear to you. I think?


>The deep state
>Anti-trans ops
Yeah, sure, of course, lmao.


Wot if your nuts were creepy innit


wwomen be pissing.


Go take a scat, 8ITCH.


Big if poo.


I know wwomen have weaker bladder control but man, Japanese media is obsessed with making wwomen piss themselves in fear. Is it a fetish or…?


pii22text ye2


One could say the highest echelon of cultural memory is essentially the fetish


He needs to learn that kind of thing will not be tolerated.


Icycalm likes it but doesn't hold it to some Unimpeachable Gaming Canon status


D → It ate my arrow

Why the fuck is there a space between the D and the hyphens? To show that's it's firing? It just looks weird.




It looks like the unicode auto-converted messes up the Equius quirk

This will make me pause and think over the cost/benefits of enabling it


Culture.vg admin, philosopher of the future, gamebro irl



Kaiji has a lot of men pissing themselves too


File: 1727988146110.jpg (333.83 KB, 778x621, ClipboardImage.jpg)



HSG alpha: two hours faster than banteg

"how do we profit from this"


File: 1727988163739.jpg (276.62 KB, 596x427, ClipboardImage.jpg)


"The modern Heraclitus"


File: 1727988359901.jpg (3.58 KB, 521x66, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Damn, tempting, might move to "Base"


John? John Egbert?


It was so based how Hu$$ler gave the kinda asian kids buck teeth


File: 1727988530542.jpg (490.81 KB, 580x629, ClipboardImage.jpg)




I wonder what kind of shithole they live in.


I had looked up "Icycalm" on Steam btw because I thought it was a fantasy game.


There is that 'icey' game, after all


File: 1727989056192.jpg (1.25 MB, 950x1021, ClipboardImage.jpg)



File: 1727989313096-0.jpg (136.61 KB, 922x1199, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1727989313096-1.jpg (260.79 KB, 948x1656, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Might make a one time payment to feast on a decade of paywalled icyposts


>League addict
Give me the dicsord, retard.


Is this the guy that shit like Semper Games was joking about


Perhaps. His vocabulary and cadence is highly amusing to me though, I need to perfect my CAI icycalm


>I need to perfect my CAI icycalm
Can't we just splice him into Neon Leon? I was thinking of doing the same with Abusive E-Celeb boyfriend when the great migration comes around. It'd make for a truly powerful character.


File: 1727989684845.jpg (104.73 KB, 1920x936, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Suggestion: Move the cabin to the footer so I can zoom in and make the shit font legible without obscuring it.



That's not a dicsord.


That's what the profile had, you'll need to ask from there


>Transbian that I have to jump through hoops to play a fucking videogame with
Come on.


I'll try
Since there's are scanlines now I'm not so committed to the Wargames font, either


File: 1727990595676-0.jpg (1.03 MB, 1016x692, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1727990595676-1.jpg (935.03 KB, 1026x622, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Does this help?


File: 1727990710170.webm (10.84 MB, 480x480, Otonoke [wsKw_Astidg]244 ….webm)


I'd need the tag. Let's see if they're an oldfag and a poorfag and if it's just NA.


Looked gay from the thumbnail. It is fucking gay.


File: 1727991251892.jpg (20.85 KB, 598x198, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1727991281952.jpg (4.82 KB, 177x44, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Big if true.


Problem: horny.


Alright, it's down there. Looks less cluttered on the front page too


File: 1727994072093.jpg (17.37 KB, 309x136, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Looks like someone beat me to the punch.




Disturbing man indeed.


You're allowed to take pictures of wwomen in public if you only focus on the face.


For real? I'm trusting you, now…


File: 1727996911480.jpg (115.22 KB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.jpg)

it was supposed to be Mario eating Kinopio


Is the face under the mask the real you?


Your odds are abysmal, I assure you. But I'd love to be proven wrong.
This seems like the perfect time to relay an obscure anecdote…
I've found that the simple act of knitting can be surprisingly meditative. The rhythmic clacking of needles acting as a sort of soothing white noise.
But I fail to mention my captor’s efforts, The existential dread is palpable, and no amount of iconoclasm will fix it.
Signed, tentacleTherapist


That's the rules.


File: 1728001430165.jpg (150.37 KB, 1915x606, ClipboardImage.jpg)

/lolg/ on:
Corpse Party


>Rose after pissing her pants


It is pasta though


I've never seen it before, which is surprising.


File: 1728001727478.gif (3.32 MB, 960x544, You thought you were havin….gif)

I wonder what the impetus was? Just shitposting or was there bad blood? How old is it?





T)(at's male gaze, c)(uddy.


File: 1728002331047.webp (29.53 KB, 480x272, CP-Naho.webp)

>Goes back even further



The good old days…
Can they be rekindled? Or will I be left やさぐれ


wwho cares if i look
its not like your ass is gettin used up or somethin



Not translating but you are a cuckold.
And you're a moron!


You're king midas with a curse!
Youre king midas in reverse!


https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/327379625/ >The thread in question



File: 1728002715471.mp4 (3.83 MB, 976x720, will.i.am.mp4)

>Youre king midas in reverse!


File: 1728002919656.jpg (127.79 KB, 1440x1080, gomenasai.jpg)

Saved for the next time a wrong you.

This one is for wiping out half of thread #1


>a wrong you
Well, there's one…
>half of thread #1
A potential refuge if something else goes horribly wrong, to put it positively.


>Not translating but
やさぐれ is like "Runaway" - Rebellious, sullen, jaded with society and personal circumstances, so on.
This is just me, but I think Runaway is a very fitting thematic partner to Homestuck….
May all those struggling not to grow disillusioned eventually find /ysg/!


File: 1728003781444-0.mp3 (4.13 MB, Musubi.mp3)

File: 1728003781444-1.webp (173.59 KB, 532x1849, Isamu_Nitta_render.webp)

>"Runaway" - Rebellious, sullen, jaded with society and personal circumstances,
wwoww hes literally me


Was Yuichiro Tanaka always a hack or did something corrupt him? I mean, Catherine's have to be worth something, right?
>Game with a hot TRICKSTER is written by a Hecking transphobe
I can never understand why Resetera fucks are so baffled by the fact that sometimes their allies are just oafish foreigners.


*has to


capping this one


Why? Please include the typo if you do.


Typo correction, rather.


File: 1728004521477.jpg (121.3 KB, 330x330, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1728004648228.jpg (1.04 MB, 603x1431, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I just think it's neat





is that actually frankie?


What is?


What did you mean by that comment? Should have #'d Catherine.


A happy coincidence on my X TL?


The circumstances? I meant the daily spam.


nice article lol
I'd fix it but I don't w*rk for free



Just like the Antichrist is said to seem like Jesus, the goon is said to seem like the anti-goon…


Pisscum? No, nigkike.


Love only grows by sharing.


I just realized that Musubi having the surfer hybrid in it synchronizes with Hawaiian shirt chuds.

Yosugafags currently malding.


File: 1728005609968.png (74.98 KB, 585x478, 1725028992730.png)

How do I do this?


[wv] and [ /wv]
It's in the guide only recently


Love only lives in isolation.


Hey, pretty good. Is that the tagline of your rival circle to mine?


> Is that the tagline of your rival circle to mine?
I suppose. You've yet to deboonk >>30827


File: 1728006214570.mp3 (4.28 MB, yosunset.mp3)

Not mald, only cald, while being tended by Angels in the summer maid coord



A-Are those Goku samples?




File: 1728006857517.jpg (232.31 KB, 360x360, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Suno's Musubi arts are always eerily accurate…


Well, it's very good. Be proud of yourself, or Suno.


File: 1728006927148.jpg (320.36 KB, 360x360, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Well, not this time, we got #Yosuga'd
That was my friend's.


>That was my friend's.
No spot on Megidochan AIslop Audio Compilation #1


>No spot on Megidochan AIslop Audio Compilation #1
He's an honorary Megidochanner.


File: 1728007596020-0.jpeg (12.07 KB, 360x360, image_d007e7d4-56a3-4241-….jpeg)

File: 1728007596020-1.mp3 (2.02 MB, 2subi^2 2.mp3)

File: 1728007596020-2.mp3 (1.46 MB, 2subi^2 1.mp3)

File: 1728007596020-3.jpeg (18.16 KB, 360x360, image_31d4b8d5-b12c-4677-….jpeg)

>Surf rock still turns into cowboy music even still
Come on now…


Alright, since I enjoyed it so much.
What name should it "Feat." too?


What does that mean? Do mine "feature MoM?


instead of "artist", there could be a "proompter"




"Turan Choks"




File: 1728009364644.jpg (2.68 MB, 1800x1385, ClipboardImage.jpg)

That one lead to this one


File: 1728009416852.jpg (131.93 KB, 900x282, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Which reminded me I never posted this



I'm usually good at getting woke brainrot out of my head that but scene from the newer Wolfenstein game with the fat German lady fucking the DERSITE randomly pops into my head from time to time as a "What were they thinking?"


File: 1728009506690.jpg (139.29 KB, 720x735, homestuck2.jpg)

Homestuck^2 if it was good.

I've done this rant/gag already. You're not worthy of it.


File: 1728009682779.jpg (134.65 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Epic Homestuck image! Really.


>Random current thing


>Epic Homestuck image!
Thanks, it's like two fucking years old now.

Old enough for Roxykit to start getting handsy.


File: 1728010381050.jpg (990.74 KB, 1440x1039, ClipboardImage.jpg)


I will say one thing though.

If you're going to make John a deadbeat dad, give him a Nicholas Cage mullet and a 5'oclock shadow, come on, it's not that hard, people.


freedom aspect. the outgrown pajamas I kind of get


I havent payed any attention at all to the new shit so maybe they already fucked it but I think its illegal to change the characters' hair styles


File: 1728015066848.png (104.8 KB, 600x554, roxykitten perusing hsg's ….png)

Wrong, learn your roxkit lore


File: 1728015127786.png (125.51 KB, 600x554, roxykitten perusing hsg's ….png)



my brains are melting so bad thx



File: 1728015494328.gif (1.89 MB, 498x413, AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif)


File: 1728016110468.jpg (1.78 MB, 1170x1191, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1728017421693.jpg (8.84 KB, 217x89, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1728018929881.jpg (88.13 KB, 900x276, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1728025331219.jpg (73.67 KB, 846x1200, ClipboardImage.jpg)

transkitten somethingsomethingfailure


File: 1728026344976.gif (3.58 MB, 753x424, ClipboardImage.gif)


That's a smart transkitten, inventing excuses to avoid going outside


Funny how I only started getting accused of being a nepetophile when I criticized the vodka gay assrape AIDS empire.


Did we ever get a confirmation of OJ's kween-iness
It's always that twin or Fritzi who does le relatable comics


We'll probably never know her real identity.


>vodka gay assrape
my first date plans for MoM, described with three words


File: 1728043783563.jpg (115.49 KB, 278x235, ClipboardImage.jpg)


None today?
Well, I assume they're still trying


File: 1728052521378.png (76.42 KB, 360x572, Wayward_Vagabond.png)


If Joker 2 apparently fumbled, maybe the conditions are right for Psycholonials 2?


john egbert is such a nerd. He got such fucking


They literally gave Rose a shitty Ellen cut for no reason, shut the fuck up.


Prometheus gaming.



That was behind the theory.
No, everyone loves attention these days, she'll eventually do some kind of ass-munching interview.


Literally untrue, I always found the babyposting suspect but if that's all you do, fine, that's not enough to go on. If you came off as fuck deranged in other ways though, it's more of a redflag.

I have been more diligent in calling you a nepeto because you have become more persistent in dedicating yourself to your very special interests.






ok well when do we execute them?




I gotta read it first



idk some wwashed up post wwall roastie


No, you really don't.


wwhat fucking series is the real question


oh i dunno the goddam gilmore girls


File: 1728072292976.jpg (104.33 KB, 310x242, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>oh i dunno the goddam gilmore girls
You jerk off to it, don't you?


mfw it makes rubbsises on the masking bunny


File: 1728073003302.jpg (68.14 KB, 242x320, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Emeowyle general is that way, sars.


File: 1728074127744.jpg (27.46 KB, 705x635, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1728074332909.jpg (20.11 KB, 312x326, 1727624077261569.jpg)

>monetization director


File: 1728074460477.jpg (Spoiler Image, 180.92 KB, 1024x1024, 1728065636458869.jpg)


>Westoid Peach


File: 1728074633723-0.jpg (1.25 MB, 797x790, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1728074633723-1.jpg (1.28 MB, 828x783, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1728074633723-2.jpg (1.26 MB, 816x786, ClipboardImage.jpg)

I need a more thorough clownification


File: 1728074872140.gif (1.67 MB, 248x252, slam.gif)

we are DONE 😡


File: 1728075317436.jpg (135.3 KB, 1200x877, ClipboardImage.jpg)



no one sorry I'm overreacting


chuddian varishangout energies seem to be rising. the gamers are mobilizing!


I'm surprised that game trying to normalize A ratings hasn't come yet. But we're probably long past that as games will become more sanitized. I think the best known A-rated game is Rapelay, after all.

They were going to give the minotaurs in God of War diick2 but didn't because it'd raise the rating. How did Baldur's Gate 3/Witcher/Cyberpoonk get away with its nudity? Why is nudity in sex scenes better than just casual nudity as you're fighting a fucking monster?

Or maybe standards have changed, I don't know.







I mean, let's be real, that's kind of what the original Gamergate was past like, the first three weeks.


CERO A is the most benign


What did he mean by this?


File: 1728077392969.jpg (106.11 KB, 1280x720, U1cbuJyF6Os.jpg)


raperaging loop


File: 1728077708036.jpg (133.68 KB, 217x356, ClipboardImage.jpg)


raping loop
Rapelay x Jinrou genre
after a few loops everyone has raped everyone


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This is how you get the NEET.


Higurashi: When They Rape


why is the cat angry


she is shokd


Why aren't you?


so wwhat em i doin




so i just followw the list an paste in a url to the neww 413 vvids got it
easy money



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When the Pogo rises, the millennial sun sets over the gooncation.




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i have very limited period where it is safe to post. odd numbered days between. spend a lot of time with bing ai doing such prompts as "90s simpsons screencap freddy fazbear animatronic e-cigs for dogs"
denver nuggets, et al.


AI generated fake simpsons characters are probably the funniest shit I saw today ngltbh


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simpson = funny
fazbear = funny
e-cig = smoking = funny
dog = horrid creatures appear = funny
denver nuggets, well. sometimes the word does not write correct.

it gets no better than a horrid simpson creature.


sometimes the word animatronic makes it do a robot and maybe one out of ten times it makes that robot bender


>i have very limited period where it is safe to post. odd numbered days between
((they)) break one of tall bart's fingers if you're caught on HSG


homunculus abe…


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Dibs on xer Trayvon plushie


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theres something beautiful about ai generated wojaks. it's a kind of abstract horror. in a way.


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i think it would be a lot like being one of these wojaks to be a computer. being a computer could only be a horror beyond comprehension


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I had trained stable diffusion to make fantasy chudjaks back in April 2023. How time flies…


AIslop soyjaks are the ultimate death and obliteration of internet meme culture into meaningless 80 IQ poo


I thought he was a God. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?


That's a cope. Humans did it on their own. At this point, AI is more creative than humans with their retardation and that's sad.


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*is mad bcuz sum1 ate all the tunna*


It's only retarded humans that rely on AIslop, and it's the same old uncreative, me-chad-me-smash-soyjak-who-likes-thing-i-dont-like garbage just with a sheen of slop over it

people used to scroll through /b/ with Photoshop open
how far we've fallen



wtf they aren't even wizards


>only retarded humans that rely on AIslop, and it's the same old uncreative, me-chad-me-smash-soyjak-who-likes-thing-i-dont-like garbage just with a sheen of slop over it
For me it's 1girl, looking_at_viewer, purple_eyes


hebephilia is a curse not a blessing usually you can tell from the headsize usally i had one girl with the classic ovversized hoodie shortshorts combo instinctivvely cover her up butt not sure if it was for the good reason or bad reason relativve to age
bullshit but im provven right once again


>It's only retarded humans that rely on AIslop, and it's the same old uncreative, me-chad-me-smash-soyjak-who-likes-thing-i-dont-like garbage just with a sheen of slop over it
One, that's not what the majority of AIslop is. Two, those types of memes are always just low effort and manual.

You have the wrong opinions on everything always.


>There's multiple players in the NFL with the last name Sneed
I'm not making it through this winter.


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>purple eyes
Rose? Rose Lalonde?


Why is she farting?


>One, that's not what the majority of AIslop is.
I never said it was.
>Two, those types of memes are always just low effort and manual.
Half true.


because that's what you want to believe due to your weird fetish


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Because of her nazi uniform.


>I never said it was.
>It's only retarded humans that rely on AIslop, and it's the same old uncreative, me-chad-me-smash-soyjak-who-likes-thing-i-dont-like garbage just with a sheen of slop over it


Who said anything about a fetish? Weirdo.


imagine not shaving your pits


Very French.


ive trimmed it few times n0w
but why


But have you tried farting?


I guess spammer kun isn't coming today?




See, but if spammerkun simply talked about being a nepeto, that'd be tolerable (and perhaps funny with appropriate wordfilters)
Since it's all useless sussy link spam with shock images, and I suspect they're being paid to drive off users from any altchan they can


>I suspect they're being paid to drive off users from any altchan they can
Is it shartyoids doing it? Sharty recently got one of their main competitors shut down, they're celebrating on the 'ru.


I guess that's possible, but I'd assumed all the captchas and verification you have to go through to even view that site stem at least partially from the same 'p spam issue
(and mostly because the 'teens like playing some chaotic internet capture the flag game with each other)


>See, but if spammerkun simply talked about being a nepeto, that'd be tolerable (and perhaps funny with appropriate wordfilters)
What a pussy. It'd be funnier without them.


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checking the booru, there is still a few nuggets of insight among all the ugliness
(insight on the level of THING USERBASE BAD but still)


>(and mostly because the 'teens like playing some chaotic internet capture the flag game with each other)
This is not mutually exclusive to spamming CP.

The Joy Jake is the father of the goon…


Goons Of No Nation.


This might validate my theory about the Sharty being secretly run by a cabal of goons.
Remember SRS and how their raid targets would "coincidentally" get spammed with CP and they'd say "teeheehee, it wasn't us, but you TOTALLY deserved it!"
SRS was another goon spinoff, and the Sharty does the same thing.


Things that would break reality:

If Fat Tony inspired Tony Soprano's name.

If Persona partially inspired Silent Hill.




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What's the rest of the team, /megc/?


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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Beloved: Albini


I wonder if there's a Feferi skin for Nami out there.






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D → This is the most impossible thing for commie jews because they believe in their solution They aren't just a different side to us, but in fact spiritually and narratively opposites they think they fight for a side against another side that holds some form of solution or ideal But instead they fight against people who have only seen how worthless the sides are and that ideals only e%ist to crush others It's poetic when you think about it The only ideal worth aspiring for ended up being friendship


No, Marmadukea.


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would a 125 lbs boy surive 125 poundings?


People just loving each other is preferable to samejoke. I guess this is the power of having the lowest amount of expectations possible but it really is preferable.


No! Maybe as a kinz…


>Maybe as a kinz
Replace the rest of the food with roast beef, fresh beef, good cheese, and a Happy Meal?


I don't know this Albini lore


Most people don't and for that, I feel sorry for them.


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


rose donda l'este


>Japanese-Italian Rose Lalonde


Imagine the nose.


Imagine the ROSE!


She was mentioned on the last megidochan, yep!


what's a megidochan is that like an anime comic book or something?


Imagine the Rose nose.


MEX, that's one for the books.


What would she even smell like…?




Why are you asking what she'd smell like when we're talking about her nose? Noses don't-


You sure? Well, I do enough on my whims that I can't turn down an anon request…


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>Noses don't-ACK


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wwhy wwas p3 reload premium 100 dollars




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Not a Homestuck fan?


You got the joke, right?


It sure as fuck isn't Serenity Forge. Or anything Western.

Bandai Namco might hold the title unironically.


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"One can never read too little of bad,
or too much of good books: bad books
are intellectual poison; they destroy
the mind." - Arthur Schopenhauer.

Hu$$ler read too many bad books.


>When people are using the Enhanced Edition as the positive example
That's how you know you really fucked up.


id be different if a wwomen evver gavve me the chance


Why is he portraying Kamala as a bimbo? Was it unironic, unfiltered sexism this time?



Is that worse than the qoomer weather machines shit


Yes, because the latter I expect.




I want to make a pawn pic calendar for 2025 but 12 shots is really limiting
I could do one every year for the next decade with already collected material



>The passive-aggressive snip of "#UserSuggestion"
I will bite your throat out.


Even though portrait of ruin was my favorite DSvania, I let a Action Button Dot Net review shame me into trading it back to gamestop as a teen


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. . .


Aww, I didn't mean nothin' by it… Just trying to obliquely inform others they can also suggest posts to cap.

I read this today, so let's be sincere!


>trust lies and the internet


You should opening with the pixmixes next time, try and get the trickster's take.
People are more willing to help when given a little concrete task. Or something.


>People are more willing to help when given a little concrete task. Or something.
Let's be real, what I said about zoomers and Xitter and quote Internet safety unquote will ring harder and truer than whatever platitudes we can conjure up about any other permutive topic in sociology.


Because at the end of the day.. yes.. we are trying to deceive people.. to an extent..


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>we are trying to deceive people
Eeeeh? Into what?


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To stay forever, of course…


Ah, of course. That is the end game… Even if they only check in sparingly, like XLR.


I wish Konami had as little shame as Atlus, they could've been reusing the Rondo of Blood enemy sprites all the way through 3DSgen at least


>I wish Konami had as little shame as Atlus
Yes, only in certain ways. Others are undesirable.

Funny how Atlus almost sold themselves out of the market (by over-producing) but then went back in time and are now in the "sequel to franchise" phase of a company's lifespan that degenerates into globalhomo (which leads into over-prodoooooocing.)

Like, legitimately, was Persona 5 really worth the weight compared to Persona 4 (:Goldenarino and then dancing games)? Just experiment and shit out subtitle games en masse again.

(Anime pandering doesn't come only in waifuibait, 3tards.)



>worth the weight
Sorry, compulsive now.


Pripara was worth 200lbs


"Is streaming how we grow?"


>"Is streaming how we grow?"
We already have hoobie hoobie hoobie.


So co-opt, not cultivate? I can see the logic, if you've a plan.


>So co-opt, not cultivate? I can see the logic, if you've a plan.
Now I feel the goon. It's mostly just a silly. I know from RoW there's enough Portuguese resentment over their place in the digital world that we could tap into their ram rage.


>Portuguese resentment over their place in the digital world
wh0 hurt y0u p0rtugal


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Well, Megidochan?


>wh0 hurt y0u p0rtugal


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