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/hsg/ - "Homestuck" General

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 No.31056[Last 100 Posts]

Identify Scroll edition
Old >>30293


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>sees snout once


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the sprunki


Punchy? Punchy Nomori?


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"MoM whinges about the current state of the Internet and cultural discourse for 3000th" thread edition. Dull!


kissu.moe makes me feel embarrassed to have a BASIC 8ITCH vichan board…
Since megidochan's domain expires in 2028 (also John Egbert's 32nd year), I'll set a personal goal to take a stab at a bespoke imageboard by then


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Did corpo mode get turned back on?


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>bullet points
seem inconsistent based on content so a soft "no"(?)


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We need to be blasting that shit on DERSE so they stop multiplying


wwhat if nanc4 had a wwriter artist team
i guess
wwhat i tryin to say is
howw bout it oli
wwill you marry me


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Somebody made a video about the thing I'm always talking about it and of course it had to be her.




Is that your fetish or something?


A tired meta samejoke. Never though I'd see the day.


But Mexicans reproduce like fleas.


… If you're gonna mention it every time someone posts girlbutt, might as well


So you have a fart fetish is what you're saying?


Nah, I'm not that malleable. I'd have to be eased into it, maybe via the humiliation fetish route


>maybe via the humiliation fetish


Joker gets raped and murdered in prison in the new Joker, lmao


"Was it DERSITES?"


I mean, a dignified girl clenching her teeth as she struggles to overcome her own body? All the elements are laying right there on the table.


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Pauline negro


It is nice tits tho





How about you think about it more?


You know (((why))


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wow such kino


Does you mean I ought reexamine a faulty premise, or fantasize about holding farts more?


It's good that my sister snores so loudly so that I know I didn't wake her up.


Also, take another shot for the classic "Jews think men getting raped is inherently a comedic juxtaposition because of their hyper-politicized view of rape."




Ah, raped by le white pig cops, I see.

Blew their TAKE THAT INKWELLS load too early. Have him get the BPD gf, then kill her off, then he troons out to BE her


Witch, or Student Witch?


Stupid Witch


>Blew their TAKE THAT INKWELLS load too early.
I thought you were talking about the fart conversation.


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Images with dark energy.


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traditional turkish wedding here


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Even as a student, she's doing her best


Is Sonic asexual?


squidward becames a skinhead


He just doesn't want to be tied down and Amy is 12.


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A gay skinhead.


oh howw youth is wwasted on the young


ace trendsetter


hot take
places where that sort of music is popular need to be glassed


T00 many A-ranks…


if he's so homestuck why doesn't he just idk go out or something?


It's not as offensive to me as mariachi shit. Maybe due to unfamiliarity


Because there's nothing out there for a hikki, the video games on Earth-C probably suck dick too. Poor John.


yeah mariachi isn't pleasant either
whatever that genre is called and mariachi both sound like they were invented by young children who wanted to make stupid noises


Can Homestuck 2 be read as Dirk pining for daddy Hu$$ler to come back and right the ship after so long?
My grim curiosity is mounting…


>young children who wanted to make stupid noises
The 90iq nation curse…





Watermelon man if he real.


>La canción describe al cantante comprando un par de botas de cuero llamadas "chaparreras" y usándolas para ir al rancho y cortejar a las mujeres rancheras. El estribillo se repite celebrando las chaparreras de cuero y prefiriendo a las mujeres más oscuras. Las siguientes estrofas alaban a las mujeres del pueblo y del rancho por saber querer y casarse joven, y la última estrofa insta a una esposa a orar
sounds retarded
I hope the composer/lyricist is burning in Hell


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african rapefugees shank her?




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Nothing again? And I was hoping we would rate watermarked spam images


>Nothing again? And I was hoping we would rate watermarked spam images
I'm sorry, how do you expect it to be made?


Uboachan managed to filter the source URL and all the spammer's shortened links refer to. Spam pics with the URL embedded occasionally still make it through
I dunno how they add the watermarks.


I thought you said you'd make the thread limit 1000. Whatever happened there?


Thinking it over a bit more, I realized I'd have to lock every existing HSG to do that. So I held off.
Still on the table, though, I'm willing to hear yeas/neas



>Thinking it over a bit more, I realized I'd have to lock every existing HSG to do that.
And I got erased from thread 1 which is a potential bunker.


The archived version still has your posts, so "it's fine"


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Remember me.. when I disappear..


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The Joker is such a retarded character with a mong fanbase (fuck Batman) and this specific movie attracted the worst kinds of incel chud, but even still I don't think the spite chimpout was deserved.

If you can cope with it, fine, but it's still dumb.

>Loser starts a rebellion

>You think the next movie is about the rebellion and his triumph
>Actually he's just a loser in another pond
There's a smart way to do this. They never do the smart way to do things.


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do you guys like these paint 3d models i made?





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>fuck Batman
You can't just SAY that!



>Approaching without consent
Poe's Law.



A daring synthesis.


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Very Hu$$lern. Very goonian. Why does history repeat itself like this?


I'll give it a watch l8r


Thanks for doing it so I don't have to.


I wonder how viable it is to change the Obscurfier so it's less blanket

Like it only obscures images of posts with a certain number of the the sussy words

Kids: 2pts
Vid: 1 pt
Mädchen: 6pts



"We" were already on here 0_0


Super Mario?


You're right, one of the replacer thumbnails should be the 'M' emblem


Would John and Sonic get along

Well, not that sharing an aspect means you'll necessarily get along


I don't feel like John had the pure wanderlust Sonic had, but like, yeah they'd be friends for sure.


Sonic is mgtow


erm, read the social cues, chuddie


John and Sonic roseswap party


They'll just start breaking up the words to bypass it


>approaching without consent
does every feminist think they're Boss Rabbit or something


Right, the @n0n74l|< approach…
That is a concern.



>(fuck Batman)
This is true, Batman fans are some of the most obnoxious people
>Hate anime
>Hate any cartoons they consider "kiddy" and whine about them constantly on /co/
>Hate Marvel and jump on the soy meme bandwagon to make fun of then without realizing that they're just the same shit

>Actually he's just a loser in another pond

Just like Hu$$ler when he masqueraded as Hoopwise (and had his project fail in the same way that Homestuck did)


Worst case scenario: Users may only upload images sourced from MSPAbooru


I think the jakparty admin was working on a method to block CP images, some kind of database
jakparty recently died though so IDK if that project is still going


Kissu seems to use a holding pen for autoflagged posts based on keywords and URL shortened links. 
maybe an AI OCR thing too for links in the images themselves, I couldn't tell if it was implemented at a glance


File: 1728170653976.png (6.8 KB, 123x131, roxykittengermany.png)

*ist ein kleins mädchen*
*und auch katze*



John would prefer Mario. Period.


how about bubsy
so bad its good xD


>Vegan burger chain got replaced by a no name local chain


>some kind of database
Not suspicious at all!


Roxykitten loves to Heckin' punch Nazirinoes.


All of this is true but I had other things in mind. I just hate the media saturation and "identity" (or lack thereof) of Batman itself.
>Just like Hu$$ler when he masqueraded as Hoopwise


impossible meat bwos…


John is canonically a Sonyfag, he prefers Crash Bandicoot.


Obviously it wouldn't just be a collection of CP images, it would identify them by md5 or something


>John likes trash
I know that's kind of part of his character but let's not go that far.


>Obviously it wouldn't just be a collection of CP images


>Saw a car with "Honk if you love boobs" and "Skibidi" written in the clearings of dust on the back of it
The Aoomers are learning how to drive…


He literally mentions it by name in the pesterlog with Karkat. Read the fucking comic.


You'd think cloudflare or someone would have a "check the hash to see if it's CP" service.


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Roxy? Roxy Lalonde?


>Don't remember John mentioning Crash Bandicoot in a schloplog
>Get hit the meme
Piss off and die already.


Crash Bandicoot fucking Rose while John fucks Tawna


Fat farting retard.


Restrict this person's ability to breathe.


I think CF does offer something actually…

Ah here we go, they used the modern SERIOUS BUSINESS FRIENDLY term for it


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@Cum Town Anon


I still think of their "The Jelqer" bit from time to time
God that was like 7 years ago


Post Act 2 John is when John starts to get hit by the retard ray because Hu$$ler can't into theory of mind.

Reunite with your loving wife and daughter is based but I do not consider John's utterance of shitty slow 3D character in fixed perspective the game the word of God for John's character.


He's focking obsessed with Cum Town.


That is to say John prefers Mario to Sonic and would passively enjoy Crash, Banjo, and Spyro even though they're kind of trash.

Keep in mind that he was born in 1996 but he still played all these games because Hu$$ler is a mongoloid.


He was based on Chagos, so…


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I bet you skipped the intermission too


I didn't skip the intermission because I didn't remember John mentioning Crash Bandicoot when asked to name a videogame he liked, you fucking retard.


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This unit


Is he Puerto Rican?


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We should really make this thing its own quiz page with dangerzone squares.


Pure Trodainian stock


>Still fucking 90% Nusona
God, fuck OFF.


It's not on my priorities for October, but it is a good idea


Also while trying to arrange the Halloween Corpse Party theme, it occures to me that DaveJade would be a very ironically twee choice for a Christmas theme


Even from cursory look at the comments, there's far more "ummmm does he have a foot fetish? yiikes my fucking yuriarino!" than "This is a petty fucking loser at odds with himself who will self-destruct over anything."

Just like Homestuck.


>it occures to me that DaveJade would be a very ironically twee choice for a Christmas theme
No, fuck them. Fuck Davejade DERSITES off the face of the Earth.


Shit taste


In Hu$$ler's case it's a femdom fetish tho


I don't hate Davejade. I hate its fans, retard.


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>Guy has lolidom hypno somnophilia fetish
>Writes it into his comic


That's retarded. If you're gonna hate something, at least hate it on its own lack of merits.


I didn't say I hate it, retard. Reading comprehension.


Okay, but I still think rejecting a theme just because you don't like the fans is dumb.


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>No, fuck them. Fuck Davejade DERSITES off the face of the Earth.
Exactly, that's what makes it funny!

At least for /hsg/
/ysg/ can have the Pure and Fallen flavors of the yasagure party


His next "get back in the groove" work should be an HRPG


Shut up, there are better options.
Fuck you, idiot.


He should just embrace the lewd, he could be a good artist if he wanted to

Maybe he already has a hentai pseudonym that he makes stuff under, we should start combing through r34 for any tags that look kinda Hu$$ler-ish


The rich girl from Psycholonials did have the biggest boobs I've seen in the Homestuck style… He truly BEGOME the dirty old man inside


What if the Gigapause was Huss working on a big lewd project


>he could be a good artist if he wanted to
The greatest lie ever told.


>The rich girl from Psycholonials


His "real" works are actually good, it's just that HS became
fast and loose


Z was only second gen asian rich, I meant the the horse girl with CONSERVATIVE BILLIONARE RUBES for parents


He was too preoccupied wasting vril on his harem of adoring fans


>His "real" works are actually good
No, they fucking aren't, you sped.


>I meant the the horse girl with CONSERVATIVE BILLIONARE RUBES for parents
wwhich one


File: 1728175289728.jpg (960.61 KB, 1403x1207, 1505139451438.jpg)

Whistles and AIDS are examples of what Hu$$ler could do if he wasn't held back by his own shitty attitude


He's just gonna tell you they suck.


Pretty sure MoM DESTROYED Whistles with facts and logic earlier, but I'd say those two comics failed for a reason, too >:)

Hu$$ler's strengths are his tongue in cheek voice, a firm grasp of color theory, and being generally "better than most people at most things"


Uh… Whats-her-face


I know, but I know he's only saying that to "try to win an internet argument" so I don't care


>I'd say those two comics failed for a reason, too >:)
Yeah, because Andrew Hussein can't commit to actually finishing anything.
It's a miracle he finished Problem Sleuth, and Homestuck's ending was mediocre (possibly because he embezzled the money)
Everything else he's done just kind of ended with a whimper


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Literally nothing and embarrassing rap battles?
He's bad at making traditional paneling. This is undeniable.
>he's only saying that to "try to win an internet argument" so I don't care

This page is enough to prove that Hu$$ler has no idea what the fuck he's doing with the medium and never really cared.
>Yeah, because Andrew Hussein can't commit to actually finishing anything.
No, Whistles was basically a bunch of hot air where basically nothing happened and it was a complete farce where you could care about none of the characters in a story of directionless nonsense. Tell me what plot threads of it that were left hanging from it. I'm waiting. It's just irredeemable beyond the art which isn't even great.

AIDs was just embarrassing. Shonen shit in a bite-sized package. Him not completely fucking it up isn't a sign of anything.

He was always a Mystery Box goon retard incapable of good faith (AKA good story-telling.)


>being generally "better than most people at most things"
Like, what the Mexicans at Walmart? Shut the fuck up.

Color theory and uh, sounding very snarky all the time! What a horse to bet on!


Andrew Hu$$ler is in the same club as Joss Whedon and Kevin Smith. This is not a club you want to be in. Don't wax poetic about their artistic potential because you're a fucking moron if you do.


>Shonen shit in a bite-sized package.
And that's a good thing.


>And that's a good thing.
Hola, ¿cómo estás?


>Andrew Hu$$ler is in the same club as Joss Whedon and Kevin Smith.
Don't lump Kevin Smith in with those filth, please.


>Don't lump Kevin Smith in with those filth, please.
Oh, believe me, I fucking will. Who are you to defend Kevin Smith in 2024?


Perdone senor, soy blanco anglosaxo
No habla sudaca


World's #1 Dogma fan soyjak.


You should be accustomed with your soul race and light some Mexican firecrackers in your colon, you worthless subhuman filth.


I'm not defending him, I'm just saying he's nowhere near as much of a culture-ruining shitbag as Joss Whedon.


Whedon may have had more influence but that's because he's head of the club. They still all stem from the same primordial ooze of irony poisoned xillenial bullshit.


The "ooh what a lovely tea party" line is ten times better than any quip Whedon has wrote, and that's a fact


>Color theory and uh, sounding very snarky all the time! What a horse to bet on!

Andrew? Andrew Hu$$ler?


Xoomers dragging down the next generation with them, as usual.
We need a movement against cynicism, we need to make it okay to Like Things again



Dwaggy dogma?


Are you retarded?
>We need a movement against cynicism, we need to make it okay to Like Things again
It's called New Sincerity. Zoomers pretend to embrace but they really just embrace post-irony.

Everyone is fucking stupid. The real solution is to dive deeper into cynicism because that's the only shit that's authentic in this fucking retarded homosexual DERSITE world.


The Kevin Smith movie.


What if you learned that Kevin Smith was directing the Dragon's Dogma movie?


*embrace it
Teehee, we're so sillycore except do NOT say a slur, this is all very muo praxisente, and also a 32 year old dating a 28 year old is literally nepetophilia.

Everyone's a fucking phony.


Yeah, I loved that moment in Homestuck.


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And yet, there is still…


File: 1728177310635.jpg (42.19 KB, 1027x210, ClipboardImage.jpg)

See? This is why we swag over here.


Zoomer twitteroids were groomed by gen X fyad goons into their internet shock troops
just like the same xoons groomed the millenial /b/tards before them


Also it's hilarous that fyadDERSITES pretend to be so thick skinned and put-yakety-sax-over-911-like, but they piss and cry if someone posts an anime picture or starts reading HIV statistics


War.. War never changes..


The Batman of Tall Bart. One could say they're doing the Bartman.


I shudder to think what they'll do to the alphas
The internet will become a hellscape where you can't express any positive opinion without being hit with 131,079,192 terabytes of animal torture and hurtcore CP


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12 years until I look like this


>Like, what the Mexicans at Walmart? Shut the fuck up.
They BTFO the entire Hu$$ler family at consuming processed corn products


Can't be any worse than the anime


I never actually watched Dogma (1999)

What's the cool way to steal movies these days


I should turn those back on


>you can't express any negative opinion without being hit with 131,079,192 terabytes of animal torture and hurtcore CP

And it's good because they're a hater chud on the wrong side of Internet.


VVEst saved?


>on the wrong side of Internet.
Meant to say "history" but that works too.


Why'd you turn them off?


>What's the cool way to steal movies these days

Roger Ebert liked it. :^)


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I guess…
rarbg has utterly fallen


Where's RoW at? Does he have any secret /film/ private tracker invites
I'll trade that for a gazellegames one




We just don't know. AI slop asian girls default to China on many models


>AI slop asian girls default to China on many models
Hey, don't use my ancient wisdom against me.


That's a good idea for another Quiz page

Identify Asian female ethnicity


>Identify Asian female ethnicity
I am the master and you are my student.


I would defer to you to supply images, yes…
But I guess anyone could, since you don't even have to score well to build it out knowing all the answers


>But I guess anyone could
They need to be properly curated by me so we don't get "obvious fashion, celebrity, or background tells."

Maybe that can be a mode to turn it on or off.


Each pic could be assigned a difficulty, so that "Easy" mode or "Expert" mode draws an appropriate 10


Sounds tiresome to cultivate… Aiyah…


We needen't actively do it, I'll just add hashtags to an random asian egirls people post for later collection.

It's too bad, the 'p spammer seems to have shunted away the anon who would post random girls off twitter. He'll probably return eventually…


>I'll just add hashtags to an random asian egirls people post for later collection.
Still… We'd need to know ourselves…


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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Assumed to be Chinese.


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heckin hair trigger christo-fascists


This was before Kevin Smith stopped being Catholic because his dog died.


>stopped being Catholic because his dog died


Even God has a sense of humor.


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THAT's where it's from?


It could just be from somewhere, you know.


Is Kevin Smith a sex pest like Whedon and Huss
This is important




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fucking idiot you were just supposed to say yes


>The real solution is to dive deeper into cynicism because that's the only shit that's authentic in this fucking retarded homosexual DERSITE world.
Or you can embrace the cringe and deliberately do things that specifically piss off lame internet seethers

Example: baiting Barneyfag




Goons are the best targets for what I'm advocating though. Simply like something that's on the goon shitlist but a normie wouldn't bat an eyelid at.


<<We need specifics, Command!>>


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>Counts F.E.A.R three times


>Simply like something that's on the goon shitlist but a normie wouldn't bat an eyelid at.
But that's a weapon against me, not a goon.


Wwhat if you didn't buy the game?


Pretty sure it still counts. Thanks, XLR!


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>One gunshot
wmm kill the wwhore too


File: 1728183721100.webm (11.78 MB, 240x240, 戦いの鐘 (Long Version) [zdJG….webm)


Thinking about The Help and how we're supposed to think that tricking someone into eating your shit is just a quirky way to OWN racism.


"This is why I never eat at Chipotle"


What did he mean by this?


They had that spat of ecoli lettuce incidents


When? Dated joke?


File: 1728184477155.jpg (20.42 KB, 682x76, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>How do I tell people I'm a tool with my tastes in music?
>Say no more


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>Woman board member is without sin
Very wwahmen respecting, your strip club scene is absolved


Since The Help was on, certainly


>>Woman board member is without sin
Just like real life. :^)


>Since The Help was on, certainly
>Wikipedia category: List of hate crimes inspired by The Help


It was a 2021 incident, btw… I'm not that old. Yet!


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IBS Rose cometh


That's still a dated reference… No one else is going to get it.


Is this still Dogma? Or is this The Help?


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That's definitely how the world works.


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The world of 1999 was still right enough that shit and corruption were demonic


That's how megidochan recruits


>The world of 1999 was still right enough that shit and corruption were demonic
Everything changed when The Help (2011) came out…


Unironically, how old is Tatsuya? I'm baffled at how he hasn't fucking killed himself when he's been reduced to drawing BASED and REDPILLED blonde haired, blue-eyed rednecks ignore FEMA yellow tape and save blonde haired, blue-eyed children from a flood.



I thought the rule was that it couldn't be you or me. There's a lot of me in the mix…


Another day, another FUCKING typo in my stupid fucked up DERSITE chud life.


The rule is just that I won't nominate myself


So then A LOT of me…


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I've been enjoying going down the imageboard list
It kind of reminds me of pawn renting


Any active RECROOTING efforts or just ghosting?


Oh, yeah, that NEET recruitment ad thing was for translating mango.


Man, I don't know what to do when I get in bed but I sure don't want to stay up any longer.


Nah, just posting. The fujo hsg is pretty dead it looks like


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>I will buy this steaming pile of shit that's an insult to life itself because I just have to


i only buy a feww games a year noww let me havve this one


But I will report to HSG if Type A/B is confined to char creation or if having genders is baked into the world itself




How old is Jay now?
There must be some cutoff where even the babyfaced start going ojisan mode


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He's gonna learn how to make that Saizeriya escargot firsthand



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homestuck suicides must be on the rise


Things only get more over.


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a few months late to this but oof
no wonder next year's Kodakaslop is Switch-first again


Didn't it not chug and everything with the PS5'S POWER



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thread theme


Super Mario?


Not sure if I should get drink or just listen to The Cure.


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smt racks


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You should add your groupie back, apparently


What? Why are you saying this?


HSG told me






She's farting, actively.


Oh, baleeted


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Does her fart gas get trapped into the bodycon suit?


Yeah, dude.


YT tagging a video as suicide related nukes Related huh


It's still in my tab… Dare I?



the megidochan dub


Why not


Well, if it was self deleted, perhaps they reconsidered it


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?




Curiosity though. It was likely just embarrassment.


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Well, if I ask myself what Drosera would do…


Settle down, Tatsuya. Look at these new article Tweets.


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I'll just check my League account. Not sure if I still have him on Steam.


It's powerful imagery. Speaks to the soul.


死にたい banner please


Double run. So IDK.




Do you prefer it cropped, or shrunk


some cropping then shrink



onry time


searched for 許婚っきゅん on YouTube Music


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I'm in a consoomy mood, was debating OMORI (probably twee) or the milkbag game (shorter but TRICKSTER)


music to buy a dozen samosas too (wash your hands after handling indian market tongs)


meid0-sama, do you have any tips on how to quit being a 出来ない




>Xirm's back


Come on, bwo…




Aim to play a game or read a manga you know by heart in Japanese
The DSvania collection lets you play the JP versions I know


its truly ovver then


grab text
give it to ChatGPT
"explain the grammar"




Yeah LLM would be good to talk to as well these days, lol. You can even get CAI and GPT voice through your phone, after all.

Well, I'd doubt CAI's Japanese output at times, but that's


it's better than 99% of tutors at this point
it's joever


I won't let it be joever until I have a dungeon crawler with an LLM powered heroine in my hands!


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so wwas she impressed
just askin haha


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>LLM powered heroine
Liquid Lidl Meats


Wokeism it is.


D-Don't say that… I had Lidl shredded cheese with dinner


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JP bwos?





Don't besmirch Lidl's quality offerings


How is that a besmirch?


Do they have liquid meat? Is it decent?




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Kotaku article: The Uncanny Cosmic Horror of a Happy Hu$$ler


A better outcome for him


Nobody gets what they deserve, no matter what.


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The synthwave drones are her farts


'member "With Open Gates" heh…


I fucking hate the sharty's obnoxious babytalk meme

and yes, I can appreciate the irony of me (roxkitposter) saying that


I wish I had one of those baby Rose facing you images to post right now


What if… Vriska Lalonde and Rose Serket?


HSG has been babytalking at least since /homosuck/, so I'm fond of bwos
I associate more with gatcha posters though, alongside nyo


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i remember when someone on the sharty /qa/ called me a jartycuck before i visited the jarty


oh nyo nyo nyo bwos


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Vriska being raised by Mom would be interesting (maybe instead of getting spider food, she'd bring back men for Mom to fuck)

But also consider


SoyTROONS seethe at the jarty because they were their main rivals and of course the soy kings can't have anyone moving in on their racket, same reason they seethe at the shemmy too
but the jarty was the biggest rival, so it kind of becomes an All-Evil that's everything they claim to hate

full disclosure: I posted on the jarty in one thread, while the sharty was down and I needed to share some info


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>she'd bring back men for Mom to fuck
erm…. whadda fucj?


File: 1728203622574.jpg (32.06 KB, 540x540, 1702239537789655.jpg)

Yeah, see. Distinct from soytalk, to me. It's like a cat thing.


> (maybe instead of getting spider food, she'd bring back men for Mom to fuck)
>(maybe instead of getting spider food, she'd bring back men for Mom to fuck)
Wait. I remember there was a fan-comic about Homestuck's lusii with Crabdad. Ain't you referenced to that story?


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cyan snowman



pauline gooped by "sern"


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:33 < nya nya nya nyan!


looks like joey when filtered


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Not today either, eh? Almost makes me not dread opening HSG in the morning


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Inklings are condemned to explode when they leave the game boundary


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who are these characters from


Korea apparently


The floatation ring doubles as an explosive collar to take care of those that try to quit early.


karmic justice has come to the junji itards


Did Adult Swim Presents: Uzumaki turn out poorly?


They spent literally all of the budget on the first episode or something.



CGI stopmotion


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Settle down, bwo.


It was never about the spider in the spidermom.


Artful, class whereas Nanc4 is like school in the summertime..


Giant platypus eel?


It's not enough. It'll never be enough.


Certainly, these aren't lewd, RIGHT?



>Nosebleed compilation book
Nope. Maybe a slight menhera flavor at worst.


Considered going vegetarian the other week after the kosher meat video. People already assume I am for whatever reason (herbivore vibes)


Meat is good.


>going vegetarian the other week after the kosher meat video. People already assume I am for whatever reason
That's the saddest shit I've ever heard. Somebody get this guy some gabagool.


This won out in the end


oops! no amino acids and outrageously horrible omega 3/6 balance!


I don't care what this post is supposed to mean, just shut up.


Go back to slobbering on nuts, PETAphile.


>Roguelites eat up all the design space of every kind of game
>Turn-based eats up the design space of the majority of roguelites
>Deck-building eats up the majority of design space for turn-based rogue-lites

A truly dire state of affairs. How many years is this going to go on for? There's even a second Slay The Spire coming out.


Globalhomo's greatest ninja warrior cries out as he strikes you.


I have still yet to play one (Besides Lost Chapter and Tentacle Prison, eroge don't count)


>I have still yet to play one
I'm in the spiral of adding one to my wishlist and being bombarded with them on the front page and queue time and time again, it's truly some baffling and DOOMED shit.


Filter doom and doomed?


>Remake of their only successful game (the choices still barely matter and just mean who dies instead of the story actually branching)

Holy shit, videogames are fucking dead


To what, Aradia quirk?
im g0nna sing the d00m s0ng n0w 0u0


>To what, Aradia quirk?
>im g0nna sing the d00m s0ng n0w 0u0
Again, you blew it. But that's besides the point.




What what?


What was blown?
Gir quote… accurate.
Aradia quirk… applied.
[aa] tags… working.


[ca]not readin
not cancelin my life is strange double exposure preorder neither i hear max finally gets her tities out[ca]


See, that's what blowing it looks like


>What was blown?
The EZGif rivalry holds strongly to this day.


This specific mistake has been made far too frequently.


I'll give ol eri the honor of being on of our autowrap options


And default on certain themes.



Wait, I misread, fuck you.


Millennials don't deserve the right to breathe.


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How do you do fellow children


Should Megidochan endorse?


No, Funk is peak pseud. Watch Homestuck Rewritten if you want to cringe out of your body.


Bwo just spawned of nyo where.


How about Homestuck: Unpaused
A rewrite starting from the gigapause forward, with the added pun of unpozzing all the characters


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It was already pozzed, bwo.

You have to go back to the start.


Filter bro to bwo and no to nyo and now to nyo.


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wtf happened




He grew a heart…


>Homestuck Rewritten if you want to cringe out of your body
>Skirt in John's magician chest
Yeah I've seen enough


More gel.


a lot of hair gel


This is the character development homestuck needed.


>Yeah I've seen enough
Have you?


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Do Czechs really?


I assume "Homestuck with more intentionality" is a discreet way of saying they'll be trying to seed TRICKSTER John throughout the text. No thanks!



That's what everyone thinks but there's probably more cancer to it. I've yet to find anyone with enough of a stomach to trooper through the rest of it though.


(He didn't do it.)


I filled a gap in my Xoomer funnyman movies knowledge instead


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Well look at it.
Homestuck without Hu$$ler's voice, plain disgusting.

I do plan on seeing how much of HS2 I can stomach, though, when I get there.


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>Homestuck without Hu$$ler's voice, plain disgusting.
Fan adventures.jpg


No, watch it, you lying slut.


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Is it just me, or have the normalfag blowback to WOKE been cresting?


I should respect my apprentice's wishes, after all.


0k i w0nt


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Chuugoku stans, our response?


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What did they mean by this?


For some reason, I saw Max Stirner on the left. This is not a drill. I feel like I just had a stroke.


The VVest: saved?

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