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 No.25705[Last 100 Posts]



I also had this one weird flubber thing as a kid and I don't know where that went. Also, I think I lost a retro Star Wars(?) hat on Space Mountain. Fuck that. We should have just left the hat somewhere (we didn't have the Disneed locker thing because we were never rich fucks.) I remember my dad asking me what to do and fucking toddler me reviewing my options like a stressed executive not knowing what to do and looking at the information on the ride and going "oh it doesnt go that fast" but my call was WRONG because that shit goes upside down and I think I was scared the whole time and started crying after losing the hat. I distinctly remember crying out "My hat!" Hat loss is one of the worst forms of loss.


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It happens


I lost my 100%'d cart of Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World at a mall somewhere
Le sigh…


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Nowhere near as indicting as I expected.

Also, surprising lack of an emeowyle/transphobia mention.
>Ask it a question
>It shits its pants
Yeah, I genuinely don't think it knows how to fully parse the things it summarizes, especially here and now.

MEX, you know the arrangement.


As far as I'm concerned, it should stay that way.


The buttons on the front page should play appropriate sounds when clicked now.

Though, if anyone has a better suggestion for [Urusai!!], I'm open to it, especially if you post the ogg


I feel you
I lost a really nice hat on a trip to the beach, that I was really proud of
that might have happened when I was five though, so Kanaya's offer wouldn't help


Yours is better because at least you remember exactly what you lost. I'm not even sure if it was a Star Wars hat. All I remember is that the hat would probably be very valuable now since it came from my old fuck dad and I said "Dad, I want to wear your hat" and then the hat got FUCKED.
>that might have happened when I was five though, so Kanaya's offer wouldn't help
It was Rose in disguise, you fool.


Not a single mention of zigger hate… I've failed utterly…


Lost Hat edition


It's mentioned indirectly, but will you please finally kill yourself now?


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Also, not that we're there just quite yet, but you ARE fully archiving the old threads now as they come, right?


Are you kidding, that bullet list is pretty scathing…? Well, okay, I'll post it.


>that bullet list is pretty scathing
It doesn't say that we're doing potentially illegal things which it has said at least once.


I was going to be lazy and increment hsg's limit to 10 pages first -3-


You really have no discipline, do you?


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Perhaps not, but at least Kagi is gentler on a hopeless guy like me



this one is much more clouted up




Maybe I'll start putting the thread link in, too.


Ask it about the inside jokes and cryptic language, chud.


Another V-Tuber to add to our collection.

General Grevious voice.


Do I get dorkier when I'm in dire straits or is it just me

I don't think I would have ever said that kind of thing in my right mind.


It's HSG, leave your composure at the door


>dire straits
are you fasting?


And make Star Wars references?


I wouldn't call it that per-say, more like "being unable to care for myself."


I can't believe I need the whole steam client to play this stupid ren'py (I'm assuming) game


No parents to make dinner?


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All the pornrot classics are here!


Yes, and I'm too autistic to do even tomato soup or ramen by myself. Even microwave popcorn or dinners are a chore for me. I have a weird, pathological fear of the kitchen.


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>Dave voted for Trump and this is what happened AU


Mou, and who just called me out for lacking discipline?
*Sigh* Stay right there, I'll fix you something…


Where's furui!kasen/kokoro


This is not about discipline, this clearly some sort of deep-seated neurosis! Also, by God, what a horrendously awkward to flirt and why are you even flirting with me to begin with?


*this is
Need… tomato… soup…


Unironically not mainstream enough.


*way to


So these poor zoomer bastards are wanking to overslop instead?


>hopeless guy
Also, am I not hopeless…?


How long have you been living under a rock, grandpa?


Not enough for kagi's yasashii mode


Maybe it just likes you more. >:(


The ratio to where alchemical symbols for elements are used in puzzles in horror games to the amount of horror games where the alchemical symbols for elements are actually relevant to the puzzle to the ratio to the amount of horror games where the alchemical symbols for elements are actually relevant to the puzzle and things beyond it.

Or is this not how ratios work?



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I think someone has insulted me once for making a three-way ratio. Fuck that guy too.


Psycholonials: The Re-Up


Psycholonials PSN store


Psycholonials physical copies for the Playstation Vita and Ouya.


I can't wait until dicsord is wiped out (by something worse, certainly)


Why? I'll probably stick to mine because it's an autism archive.


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It consoomed everything


So what, the Internet was shit before it arrived anyway. You really think it "killed" forums/image boards? Come on.


Imageboard not really, but most forums are quite dead


Yes, but not because of TRICKSTERcord, you dumb cuck.


George Floyd disagrees


Garry's Mod guy disagrees


I don't trust either of those people.


The internet went to shit for various reason, but I don't think dicsord was a major one. It's not really that different from skype or irc before.


>It's not really that different from skype or irc before.
Exactly, it's just a meme scapegoat form the general change of the guard.

But… we can bring it back… just a little… if we play our cards right.


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Huh, new filter discovered
dick sword




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>But… we can bring it back… just a little… if we play our cards right.
The most effective card to play would be pic related, it would unironically solve a BIG chunk of the internet's problems


Not really. Now shut up and go back to your CP collection.


I don't have one though??????




The latter literally ran a very popular forum and had to switch to dicsord to keep users


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Also, nuking India might help with CP problems, too
just saying


Mumble/vent/skype/IRC served similar voicechat/circlejerk functions but didn't have a weird social network with Pavlovian rewards systems built over it.
But more gross than any one thing about it, is the name


I don't see a hat


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Unironic Dead Rising censorship defenders near me


>"Popular" past 2016


Nuking you would also help.


It's on his shirt.


Doesn't matter, you woke moralist.


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Are they in the room with us right now?


Oh, sorry.
>"Popular" past 2015


You tell me


I feel somewhat immunized to censorship. We call it "demoralization", you should try it sometime.


Names of are super import, I'm not gonna suck the apple of Eris


>weird social network with Pavlovian rewards systems built over it.
You could say that about Reddit too. Or even some old forums, what with the prestige awarded by regdates and levels and things like that.


Defending it and consuming the slop is genuinely insane



>I'm not gonna suck the apple of Eris
wwhy not
yeah wwhy not


That's true, I should have brought that up.


I don't consume the slop. If you consume it and get angry, you're the worst.


And why is that, sweetheart?


Haven't bought a capcom game since Rockman 11, I think


You can't alter a regdate, it's just an oldfag badge of honor.
That would be pretty funny forum vanity feature, though, pay money to move your regdate a week earlier.


Wait I forgot about SF6
I am coming to regret that one.


>Ignoring the actual point


>He bought it when it looked that fucking ugly and had K*mberly


>Names of are super import
Renaming this place to Rosechan.Christ immediately.


I hate Kimberly but she's the only egregious thing in that regard. I had fun playing the beta and decided to give them a chance, but the game basically only gets worse as time goes on.


Le reddit? That's it's own beast.


Not the only forum with paypig features, get real.


>but she's the only egregious thing in that regard.
Most of the cast is pretty ugly, dude. I feel like even SF5 looked better.


Thanks for the [aa]g0ld[\aa], kind stranger.


You're a joke. I don't want to see your face around here ever again.


Independent forums might get paywalled, sure, I don't even see how that's relevant.


Massive corporations ruined forum culture. Social media being tied to your real life ruined forum culture. Forum culture ruined forum culture (le epic doxxing becomes more serious the more normies are on the Internet for a variety of reasons.)

dicsord shit is basically it just adapting in a way to survive, as warped as it may be (and it is now centralized so all the money goes to one corporation because of course.)


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Now that I've seen that emotes are feasible to implement on a tinyboard, I wonder about reacts…


>Independent forums might get paywalled, sure
Not just that. We've heard a million stories about powertripping mods on forums big and small and you always follow the wwom- I mean, money.


Not exactly fit for an "anonymous" image board, ehhhhh….


Was it meant to be about penis


Is there a .christ domain?
I know there is .shiksa, which is funny, but actually Indian

Megidochan Deluxe is fine for now


>Is there a .christ domain?
I bet you can't guess what my theoretical forum domain would be…

How much does this domain cost you?


2chan already had those sou da ne counters at least a decade


>sou da ne
The wwhat


.Des are 6.98 per year on namecheap


Lol, cuck.


Forums can generally be pulled by search engines, and the page layout is more conducive to backreading, saving your place, etc.

So if some TRICKSTER is seizing the reins and purging dissenters off a forum, you can see the aftermath in dead accounts, blanked out posts, etc.
dicsord's ever updating auto scroll will quickly push any spats into "old news" territory.


… I don't get it?


>dicsord's ever updating auto scroll will quickly push any spats into "old news" territory.
Nigga, you don't have a server, there's an audit log.


Too much!


You don't have a "server" either, but a kind of lobby 'benevolently' hosted by unicorn rio- I mean, dicsord staff


That's true but that doesn't disprove that I disproved your tard point.

I don't want to reveal my epic domain name in public but let's just say that every Megidochanner gets a key. Maybe even Roxykit and Rev and the troon and whatever…


In what year is 2 cents a day too much?
The domain is the cheapest part by far, anyway. Want me to set the file limit down to 4mb, that'll be less "cucked"


>Want me to set the file limit down to 4mb, that'll be less "cucked"
Real kvlt Megidochan…


Let's just say I found a very cheap domain…


If the log is for mods/admins with the perms to view it only, not really. I meant for the public lurker.


>If the log is for mods/admins with the perms to view it only, not really. I meant for the public lurker.
I'm going to rape you up.


8kun? Oh, I know, neocities megidochan!


A 7 year old reddit posts seems to back me up on this one, your point is nvked and rendered mvvt.


I was about to say something but the last DD2 update is making it even easier!


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But "normal" implies a "hard" one day, right? Maybe with a level cap of 20?


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What's up with it?


I might give new monhun a go but I really don't know if I'll like it


Glancing over the patch notes it was all like "improved strength and stagger blah blah"
When most of the game folds like paper at level 40 unless you limit yourself to a crud weapon


It's really hard for me to trust that DD2 is good when almost everything capcom makes is a shell of its former self


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I really enjoyed it.
Sure, it's rather simple to pass for a full-featured RPG, but if you like fantasy dress up, candid creep/landscape photography, and general Wizardry by way of beat'em'up feel, there's nothing quite like Dragon's Dogma. This might be w33d speaking, but there were some random zako battles that evolved into sprawling 20-minute miniboss and reinforcement melees that I'll never forget. If you play on PC, mod it for 1/10 experience gain.
The affinity system by which your pawn gradually goes from stolid to sneaking blushing glances at (You) is insidiously effective, too. I love it, not on the level where I'm printing physical glamor photos and acrylic standees like Japanese twitter players, but it does make me crack a smile whenever I return after putting the game down.

As for the "cast off shell of it's former self" problem, the world in DD2 suffers from that wide-but-shallow issue that too many of my most anticipated Japanese games have fallen into recently (thinking BoTW, SMTV, NMH3). Huge map, hardly a dungeon to sink your teeth into. Not that Dogma the first was even that great at dungeons to begin with, but there were a few memorable set pieces at least! Probably safer to wait for an expansion to see if anything is coming to help it on the content front.
DD2 also lacks any NPCs on par with the Duke, Casca clone, gothloli witch, etc from DD1. Even the titular Dragon feels like he's phoning it in (there are LORE reasons for that, but still.)


NMH4 map should be the size of a small country


And you fly over it in a mech + fortnight jump down to locations yea


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im gonna die


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At least you aren't payed in yen



While that'd be funnier as a moment of scummy self-reflection, it's much more likely to be a case of the zoomer urge to recontextualize their past through a lens of trauma (even if they were blase at the time)


it's a general ex post facto self-victimizing urge common in subhumans


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'ave a rotten day!




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He could be anywhere…




Let me test something




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Not very cooperative today, are ya? So you're telling me this is fake?


Why I will never play Signalis, exhibit A:


"Maybe if the MC was blonde"




200B [0o0]
200C [0v0]
200D [0n0]
2060 [0u0]
FEFF [0w0]
00AD [0_0]


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but I kinda want to play a game of "spot the homage"
Can't be long before this is like 29.99 right


Owning a PS5? Couldn't be me.


PS3 and vvita sufficiently hooked trophy autism into my brain, if I'm gonna play a multiplat like monyu I want the trophies to show everyone online that I did.

I know, that's part of how they get you and all…


Also couldn't they have come up with a better name than Astro Bot? Might as well make Fickey Mouse next.


uhh… whimsy


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very important


wwomen be like


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shizuka come back


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I was about to say, that's a pretty male voice.
of course

Still… You recognized the name?


that's not "her" video
LKD is a long-standing retard, kinda hard to forget


I figured it out when I saw the tweet on screen

The only video game trickster I can identify would be the anna antropy one, for being one of the pioneer male lesbian witches. And cosmo, thanks to HSG


>Very reliable insider
Weren't they the one that said the sand kingdom in mario odyssey was the hub world and that botw would let you play as a girl


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>He trusts seven year old Redditors


Somebody uninvolved with Megidochan sent me this and I want to know who payed them.

I also want Hitsuji Goods dead. I also want the record to know that true femcels don't exist.


That fly has the power cosmic. This is just a ghetto representation of the Kirby Crackle. Durrhurrhurrhurr, comicbook "jokes"


I wouldn't go that far. Trauma is often like that. It's the fact that their method of reconciling this is blase and matter-of-fact in itself and likely just "based off people say" and not any sort of affect that makes it weird and disturbing behavior.
No, you don't.

Anyway, the mood seems to be cycling into some form of mania and the Xweet did nothing.


Why are Kirbyfags on socialmedia always holier-than-thou homosexuals?



>Wake up
>Feet hurt
>Say fuck this and place them on each other to reduce the pain
>Go back to sleep
I had some very weird dreams. I woke up at 7PM.


But even as an exclusive, i never felt that one


Did you find a spare calorie mate?


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It's so boring that I forget it exists everytime. So I will continue to complain about it. Either revert the FNORD slur or retvrn to FAYGO. Your insistence on pandering to people who couldn't care less about you or "this thing" is insufferable. I'm aware of the hypocrisy and that's why I want to strangle you.



No, but do I feel less dead.


roxkit suggested that one though


>Completely original AND EXTREMELY DISTINCTIVE!!!! platforming ideas never used in any platformer and all INVENTED by Nintendo.
Are we just going to ignore De Blob, for instance?

Nintendogs are pathetic. They complain about daddy shutting down their fangames but then dogpile on anyone else doing anything Nintendo-adjacent. The monopoly comes from diarrhea experimentation and an army of autistic fanboys.



Ah, yes, my favorite user (that isn't you) who definitely didn't threaten to leave forever and ever just a couple threads ago.


Maybe it just shouldn't exist.


It would need to end with Travis getting killed by his quadroon grandson


>I hate Linux but I must conform to the troon borg…


>It would need to end with Travis getting killed by his quadroon grandson
Can we also just bring back all of the fun characters people liked and/or Travis felt bad about killing since death means nothing



Honestly, they should just make a 3D NMH fighting to put some pressure on Tekken for once. Am I wrong? Am I wrong?


You bet!
We CAN'T bring back selectable beam katana or death drive skills tho too much work


Let's pretend the omission of "game" there was intentional.


>You bet!
I mean, you say that like I was being fully sarcastic but if you're going to do pandering, go all the way and just make it a slice-of-life.

That's where Hu$$ler went wrong because he's a spiteful prick. Dr. Black Lives Matter might have a lot of flaws but I don't think spitefulness is one of them.


>all the way and just make it a slice-of-life
wasn't Candy supposed to be that


Nobody (smart) levels MAWIO accusations at any of Sony's platformers with a distinct identity


>wasn't Candy supposed to be that
It didn't become trolls-the-sitcom (he REFUSES to bring back Feferi) and there's still Drumpf in the midst and some stupid cosmic bullshit going on.

I'm talking about stuff like Street Fighter where like 80% of the cast are basically friends.


>Nobody (smart) levels MAWIO accusations
Most of the people who make these accusations in the first place are not smart
>The .webm
Was that a smart person?

Did Nintendo invent jetpacks in 3D platformers?

>platformers with a distinct identity

Nintendo platformers, unironically, don't have a distinct identity. They're a rotating set of gimmicks. That's why these accusations are so easy to make. Nintendies need to take a look in the mirror lest they start boycotting every game with a triple-jump.


Unironically, if it was basically just a fighting game as a comic where everyone agreed to rig the tournies so everyone could level-up into their ULTIMATE SELFU and it was just a fun, chill ride with character development making fun of videogameisms, that would have been great.

I just came up with that now and it's still lightyears ahead of what they actually fucking did with Meat and Candy. WHICH STILL. HAVE GONE ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE. EVEN THOUGH WHAT I SAID WOULD PRESUMABLY MOVE AT A VERY SLOW PACE.


>Unironically, if it was basically just a fighting game as a comic where everyone agreed to rig the tournies so everyone could level-up into their ULTIMATE SELFU and it was just a fun, chill ride with character development making fun of videogameisms, that would have been great.

Too bad you weren't a pitchman at Viz, Hu$$ler could still be milking this.
I still haven't started my free copy of psycholonials lol


>Nintendo did this! That means nobody else can do it ever!

Yes, they ARE that desperate.


I was going hard on some fudanshi shit before I fell asleep so it's weird that none of my dreams can be remembered as homoerotic.


>Too bad you weren't a pitchman at Viz, Hu$$ler could still be milking this.
His spite wouldn't allow it. His spite and pettiness are the sun, his ego is merely the planet that's trapped in its orbit.


>>Nintendo did this! That means nobody else can do it ever!
The Tall Bart looms in the mind of every millennial.


I wonder if any outside lurker will think Hu$$ler is a hitler joke. I hope not…


Also, I'm going to make a controversial statement and say that character development is collectively the thing that WP is the worst at because every character development in all WP-related things is basically always a retcon or some sort of outside interference.

So pitching "OK, you need to write character development slowly and well" would make them subconsciously shit themselves.
>I wonder if any outside lurker will think Hu$$ler is a hitler joke.
Oh, yes, the 10s of thousands of them that we have.


>that botw would let you play as a girl
Well… Close enough…?



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I get it's Jack Black. 😺😺😺


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Hey, it's not like I held a gun to their head and forced them to implement it. It was just a suggestion and it was their decision to make.



Also quit revealing my post history


>Your insistence on pandering to people who couldn't care less about you or "this thing" is insufferable.


No, LOL.


See, this is why I threaten to leave.


Good, bitch.


>Click on a black-on-white crime playlist
>YouTube app immediately closes itself
Not saying anything. Just saying.


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>Oh, yes, the 10s of thousands of them that we have.
Half a year and I'll need to add another digit to the counter to maintain aesthetic balance


Either it's censorship, or it's shitty web design that crashes its own app
Either way it's garbage


Am I? That was pretty innocuous imo, and evidence against "he only posts roxkit and russia", but if you say so…



If I was in charge of this place, I would immediately implement these posts and ban anyone who tried to skirt around them (if there posts weren't funny enough to compensate; I would ban Rev.)


>he only posts roxkit and russia
He also suggested a shitty filter. Real stand-up citizen of Megidotown.


I expected ffxv, not the DERSITE word!


Sorry, bwo, you have to be a wet-brained neolib for the next 6 months, tis' your fate.



Implement as in "decode" the dog whistles in the MSNBC intern's delusions? Not a bad idea!


Yeah, I have interests other than cats and hating ziggers. Doesn't mean I have to be forcibly de-anonymized on any post.




>Yeah, I have interests other than cats and hating ziggers.
Such as touching kids.




As in filter SJW ==> Stingy Jew


In a non-sexual way.


>That facial hair


Yes, but then filter Stingy Jew into SJW just incase someone decides to say "stingy Jew" for whatever reason.


Terrible way to respond but alright.


Alright, I'll only vaguepost about established personalities when they aren't doing their shtick


Filter SJW ==> Woke ==> Cultural Marxist ==> Politically Correct ==> SJW


Finally, a good idea.


I'm roxkitposter btw


I assumed as much. Don't push your luck.


Just giving full disclosure.


Also good but I'm slotting Pozzed and Bluepilled into the chain


Also, retroactively, let me throw in the Jet Set Radio assmuncher into the mix even though I'm sure it wasn't him.


"Japanese artists we'd like to kill (full compilation):"


Okay, but I want to be on record that my personal opinion is that "pozzed" is cringe goonspeak


Shut the fuck up, this isn't M.A.S.H.


"The Phobic Crimes of Katsura Hashino"


>pozzed" is cringe goonspeak
Always the oddest takes with this fuck.


1945: Fat Man
2025: Deathfat GF


You are now picturing Klinger in Roxy cosplay


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More like the crime of rape. Rape of a pre-existing franchise into not!SMT the dating sim.


I didn't even get halfway through the article before hating myself for giving a click's worth of revenue to this garbage drivel


I wish the original Drakkengard was remastered for Steam because I'm pretty sure trying to emulate it would make my computer burst into flames.

But that's probably a monkey paw from what I know about Yoko Ohno and I fully expect some gay changes. Maybe we can leave him half-dead like Sollux. He's probably a Doom player.


>I didn't even get halfway through the article before hating myself for giving a click's worth of revenue to this garbage drivel
That line got me but it's not even the writer's fault. It's the world's.

Don't get me started. I was about to get started.


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Fuck off, spic.


>Astro Bot is a Mario ripoff
>Astro Bot should have been a Mario ripoff


No, but seriously, before the list gets too big, who was the third part of the unholy trinity, were we wishing death upon Suda?


If you make a chain it sorts itself down, sadly…


What Mario? There are million Marios. Mario is formless. Mario is BRAND.


It does come from a SA frontpage article/thread, so I kind of see what he's getting at. I like p0zz though


>It does come from a SA frontpage article/thread
If we got rid of anything with goon lineage, we wouldn't even fucking be here.


I also thought, last night, while drifting off to sleep, of asking an AI why Harriet Tubman is more famous and renowned than Levi Coffin but I know the answer. It'd just be funny to see it cope.


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Uh huh.
(I know Bing well enough to know that 900 likes is not a lot of likes for news of this caliber. Bing users are NOT having it.)


Politically Correct kinda filtered its way out via the same alt-right ex-goonosphere that's responsible for promoting TRS
Like you had Common Filth talking about "poz loads" etc.


I know it featured Kojima and Aonumale for sure
I have mentioned mercy killing naganuma, yes


Huh, the filter for P-O-Zzed is already in place.


Concord failed because it was Cultural Marxist, politically correct, cultural marxist, Politically Corrected, SJWed, Cultural Marxist goyslop.


>that's responsible for promoting TRS
What the fuck are you talking about


You forgot that it was Cultural Marxist and featured black people.


>black people.


The podcast with the fat jew larping as based and redpilled


It was just a popular word in 2017, all that "sphere" (not real) hated each others guts and the time and since


Oh, The Rite Slut




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Wow, he's literally me.

I want Light to rape me so bad.


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The order matters but it's a very confusing knot, I went with quirking it to make things easy


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Some pettier contentions include Akira Yamaoka for ruining all discourse and potential discussion around industrial music because people will say "it sounds like silent hill music" because Silent Hill is one of those things that people like to pretend is underground despite it seemingly erasing all memories of the very popular late 90s early 2000s industrial rock from the milleniamemory.

But then we might be kind of at the point of The Night of Long Knives and losing the plot.


Another filler day in what already feels like filler.

Or is this going to lead into zombie sheep.


bloody gir core


I feel like it's more: personally.


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Woman humor is becoming a staple in my recommends. I repeat, woman humor is becoming a staple in my recommends. A Simps has been spotted. This is not a dril. I will go ballistic.


Can we count Matt Groening as Japanese?


You've got a point


Unironically, how do you think the world would react if Matt Groening got the Junko Furuta treatment?


Also, I guess we can technically mercy-kill Tatsuya Ishida as well as a bonus.


A full-ass grasshopper is in my house. How the fuck do these things even get in here? I have everything closed at all times and I don't leave the house.


careful, it might be a holocust


eat ze bug


Its motivations are unclear so I don't care.
That's presumably what all these shitty cats are for.


hopperman let's them in


No, but seriously, like if it's just murder, people will be like "This is a tragedy" but imagine if he was raped and tortured for an extremely long amount of time, I think it'd be like a millennial killphrase.


erm, why not rebecca sugar?



>Implying implications


Trivia time: Will they use the term "nihilism" correctly?


Nixon looking down from heaven like "I won"


シオカラーズ won't let Suda kill the past


Remember to wear Nixon masks and film it. The revolution will be televised.


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They'll just cope and forget about him and move on to something else


But you can't kill the past, Anon…


And decapitate him and put his head in a jar!


in inkopolis, past kill you!
(simpson's reference!)


Russians mentioned unprompted, sorry, buddy, but this is my murder fantasy hour.


It's like poetry, it rhymes.

He's also a fat fuck so the starvation process should be fun.


Also, wasn't Groening on Epstein's flight logs


Yeah he was a feetin cretin or something



It was a valid mention in the context of an example of a prominent person being raped and murdered. That it just happened to be Russians (it was actually Chechens specifically) is a coincidence.


>That it just happened to be Russians (it was actually Chechens specifically) is a coincidence.


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What? Seems normal to me, bwo.


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Assumedly this


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*luvs u*


I mean, then it's justice. I feel like that it's the only way to make his reputation truly tarnished. For something unquestionably terrible to happen to him and for people to have to be reminded that he sucked on kid's toes.


Diapin' shit?


Like, if Groening dies of natural causes, then the fact that he's a ped is getting swept under the rug by (((the powers that be))))


Do you think Kagi can read echoes?


Put on trial by the Neo-Nixonite government for toesucking and publicly executed (fucked to death by the Republican Gay Rape Battalion "Roy Cohn")


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I was thinking we'd just used barbed dildos or something. Nobody actually wants to fuck Matt Groening and that's why he has to touch kids.


Is there a diaper or no


I'm surprised they haven't made it more obvious/gone down that slippery slope yet.


We can build robots to rape him to death




ChatGPT rape Matt Groening now


"I'm sorry, Dave. Harriet Tubman won't let me do that."


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Haitians NEED to eat— Emeowlye begging to be put out of misery. I stepped in and made a GREAT deal. Now everyone’s happy. That's how winning is done! #MAGA #ArtoftheDeal #USA45


Matt Groening pork loins as a sidedish.


ChatGPT, generate Matt Groening if he Japanese.

Now, the plan, it's halal.


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You're really asking for it


>pretty trans girlfriend
Okay, how can we explain the troonbeian incestousness when they're this socially isolated? Just osmosis from the existing ratkings?


No, you're asking for permission, you dirty little slut.


Do you think Lisa Simpson is his ideal underage waifu, much like Vriska is for Hu$$$ao?


Yes? There's a reason why he always makes his idealized soap box a woman. He's a repressed loserfuck who #respectswomen


Hmmm… Now you've got me thinking about if the dog from the Seth McFarlane cartoon is the same way.
Remember that one Johnny Bravo episode he wrote where Johnny dated an antelope?


Honorary japanese


Unlike Rose shits, Roxy's feces is worthless on the megido markets. It's shame that gives it value.


That's because Roxy shits on the floor ever since she saw that JKR tweet


Also, there's something to be said about how he split his self into brother and sister, kind of like how Dave and Rose were until Hu$$ler made Rose more Dave by making her talk way fucking more for basically no discernible reason other than he likes writing like that.

Now think about all of the Bart fucking Lisa porn. All very Jungian.
>Now you've got me thinking about if the dog from the Seth McFarlane cartoon is the same way.
Yeah, but it's a dog because Seth has slightly better actual comedy senses and realized that the voice of reason™ being a wacky thing is amusing rather than just a precocious little shit (already a sitcom trend) or "one of the characters"

Seth also showed some evolution by attempting self-satire when creating Hailey and outright avoiding having a character like that in The Cleveland Show. Matt, on the other hand, can't resist an idealized parrot waifu (who is subverted only on occasion for cheap gags)
>Remember that one Johnny Bravo episode he wrote where Johnny dated an antelope?
>Honorary japanese
Then he will die with them.


>It's shame that gives it value.
>Dave pisses everywhere
>Dirk holds in his piss so he can get off when he releases
>Roxy shits everywhere
>Rose played Kubel


my alleigences already lay with that daddydaughter pair, after all


>daddydaughter pair
wwhat if dirks piss impregnated rose because shes just that fertile


>my alleigences already lay with that daddydaughter
And why say this


I like their copes and manner of speech more


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Drosera was a huge influence on me both intellectually and ethically.


That doesn't mean you have to ship them, retard. Unless that's just you speaking like a retard again.


I wasn't shipping them, necessarily, just choosing to phrase things a creepy way.


Operation: Little Japan grows more complicated by the day.


Hmm, well, Drosera does getting a perverse thrill out of seeing what makes people tick.


>just choosing to phrase things a creepy way.
And why is that?


And you know, the other thing.


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What does that Twitter diss site say about my new bio


"I will always remember Luke Smith as the perfect example of what happens when you fall for every single /g/ meme at once, without carefully analyzing them first. He owns four ThinkPads at least. While I see nothing wrong with them in themselves, as they are admittedly pretty good value for the price, four is just mindless consumerism, contradictory to his "philosophy". He started using every single shitty pseudominimalist, ncurses-based program, used a shitty riced out i3 setup of dubious actual productivity (like all tiling wms), then fell for the full Suckless meme and went in even deeper. Then he started making videos shitting on Python and praising C, which is ironic considering he is not even a programmer by his own admission. He effectively spent years trying out, configuring and hopelessly trying to integrate tens of meme programs to build what is, combined, effectively a shittier Emacs, just like most of /g/ was doing in their "productive" desktop threads a year or two ago. Then he read the Unabomber manifesto and blindly accepted it without constructively analyzing it first, same with the anarcho-primitivist ideology that was all the rage about a year and a half ago on 4chan and 8ch. While he stated on his website that he "didn't browse 4chan much anymore" it was obvious this wasn't the case.Then he went and took the memes way too far, and unironically went to live in isolation. While I see nothing wrong in itself, the actual reason he did it is massive cringe. He has the mentality of someone 10 years younger than he is, yet he acts like a literal boomer jokingly criticizing "zoomers" despite he himself being the worst example of a millennial. He attacks "nerds" when it't painfully obvious he's deeply unhappy with himself, as it was obviously self-directed criticism thinly veiled as an edgy dabbing video. He is a perfect example of someone you should avoid becoming at all costs."

I think we should set up a slapfight between him and the 09 mulatto, somehow. Nevermind, that's thinking in gay ops. But it's nice to imagine.


I think we should try to convey the nuances of SA's terrible impact on the Internet because what >>26085 describes is peak goon yet he never used SA, he's just a result of the goonification of 4chan. Pretty sure Soulbro was probably a literal goon because he's always shat on 4chan.

Nu-goons? Neogoons? Post-goons?


It's doesn't want to pull new info, reuses the old diss


>It's doesn't want to pull new info, reuses the old diss
So this is the power of Nipponese tech…


We should at least set up a dedicated webpage to the redflags of goonery, lest we forget Proverbs 14:12.

You either die a schizo or live long enough to see yourself become a goon.

You either die a schizo, or, you live long enough to see yourself become a goon.

You either die a schizo. Or live long enough to see yourself become a goon…


Beloved Nintendo property: Astro Boy.


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Luke smith? This one? What has he done?

>Community manager

Guess I'm not a NEET either, guys!




He's made a niche out of attacking "Christian Nationalism" is all I can gather. (2018 meme)


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closer, but not there yet…
I can't happily launch the plugin until the pets can make posts to the board


>He's made a niche out of attack "Christian Nationalism" is all I can gather. (2018 meme)
All of these people stuck in amber… It's like….. Le Matrix!


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Tonight, she takes a dump.


She a ghost




Another Maje for your Naho. FUCK.


File: 1726637888999-0.ogg (6 MB, 03._Chapter_1_-_Main_BGM.ogg)

File: 1726637888999-1.ogg (1.5 MB, vertopal.com_Close to the ….ogg)

File: 1726637888999-2.ogg (2.15 MB, vertopal.com_Corpse Party ….ogg)

Senpai, be sure to download these so you don't forget when October rolls around.

I'm not going to ask you to pick one just yet.

If I were to be greedy, I'd ask for a rotation. I'm assuming you'd go with the oldest one just for internal consistency but who knows?!


If you want to really help, keep and eye peeled for littles strings of paper dolls I can set as the <br> elements


I guess what I like the most about Corpse Party is that it elevates ghost to this level of a cosmic, reality-warping threat in the tradition of Ju-On (and Ringu, kind of- but mostly Ju-On) in a way that's scarier. Granted, in Ju-On, it's easier to get ghost fucked but if you die, you die. In Corpse Party, if you get ghost fucked, you go to Ghost Hell when you die and probably suffer quite a bit before you die.

It is the ultimate ghost media when it comes to the sheer threat of "ghost" and for someone with a fear of ghosts, that makes it resonate.


I might beg someone else to do it, that seems like too much work… >:|


And I'd be inclined to pick the smallest one, obviously (how considerate I am), but I also really like the PSP one


I also don't know what this means. I'm just baby.


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These borders that mark the end of threads


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cant livve wwith em



This little nugget of GENDERWARS crossed my feed this morning and got me wondering how current year HSG would handle such things. Since it's 'anonymous', I think it'd be fine


File: 1726638903521.webp (12.04 KB, 816x1056, Ritual.webp)

Yeah, that's the fan-favorite and most well-known one.
Can you just work with this, chud? Granted, I do want a bloody one but I don't want to see want abomination you'd shit out if you tried to make that yourself…

I forgot to mention this, but it's of important sociological note to MEX who is probably more familiar with this kind of thing but Corpse Party (specifically BC) does the thing where it's an evil child and an innocent ojisan is manipulated and blamed for their crimes which seems very popular in Nippon media… for some reason…


>Implying wwomen ever stay anonymous on anonymous image boards
>Cuntpi pissing her panties.jpg


Unrealistic. No woman would ever say this to me or anyone else.


Well, rather, THE bloody one because I know there's one with the games but I forgot if it's an asset or if it's an angle or what fucking version since there are like 8 of them…


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Unironically Duolicious.




>He's never seen a girl's handwriting before
Each girl has their own handwritten language. It's like Chinese.


True… But then I've never been anything but ambivalent/antagonistic to Homecel wwomen in the past, so hopefully the ADMIN POWER wouldn't make me go all "defend milady!"


>so hopefully the ADMIN POWER wouldn't make me go all "defend milady!"
Are you this oblivious to your true nature? You're getting older.. Soft..


This might sound fucking autistic as fuck but I might manually force myself to always use the double period ellipses at all times (the Ditko/Lee/Kirby special) instead of the three period ellipses because the three period ellipses is Politically Corrected and goon-coded.


I thought duolicious was just men and TRICKSTERS


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>which seems very popular in Nippon media… for some reason…
I wanna be a groundskeeper ojisan in a comfy shack…


>The politically correct …


No, there are of course "femcels" (BPDemon e-whores with bad hygiene)


>I wanna be a groundskeeper ojisan in a comfy shack…
This is how you get possessed by an evil, little girl, MEX..


>Politically Corrected and goon-coded
Really? And here I've always been thinking it waas JRPG dialog coded…


It's also Deviantart RP and anime-coded, yes.

But think about how Dave was "le ellipses kid"

Typing out ellipses in a DM or on a forum is a coolkid way of showing that what they did was NOT coolkid and you're showing disdain without much effort.


Well, that's someone to talk to, at least.
She might have to watch me do "this and that", however, it would have to be a special kind of evil ghost brat (Drosera)


>some fudanshi shit
I should write it down. It's not a half-bad idea.


Okay, now you're just fetishizing it even though I kind of made it clear the implication was that you'd be murdering people.. Are you this desperate?


>Typing out ellipses in a DM or on a forum is a coolkid way of showing that what they did was NOT coolkid and you're showing disdain without much effort.
"It's okay 'cause Gigachad reclaimed this in 2021."


File: 1726640027752.jpg (29.96 KB, 563x693, bro to dave.jpg)

No, sir, it's still fundamentally goon-coded. It's not about the culture wars. It's about the intent.


I thought they had thinner hands


I would ask for a Bro to Dave edit but I don't know any drawfags that aren't insufferable cunts and nobody on Homestuck Twitter would draw it because the conception of Bro/Dave there are so thoroughly fucked.


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Having it pseudoclick the post submit button feels kinda cheap, but undeniably SAFE AND EFFECTIVE.
Plus it skips all that randomized hidden field anti-spam chaff vichan generates


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Need to work on backlog but all of my gaming is going into Quake instead…


I think everyone that remains is completely immune to any kind of woman that would show up here


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1000 years in the future real NORFheads will live inside a stadium just to see Engerland lose for the 5th time in a row


"Black Mirror predictive programmed this"


… Probably. I like to think so, too.
But what if it's that impossibly rich zaibatsu heiress you made a brash and childish promise to at summer camp all those years ago?


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I owe you an apology RPGM XP. I wasn't really familiar with your game.


I thought you had thinner hands, you fat fuck.


>Ethernet literally went out for four hours
MEEEEEEEEEEEEX, explain this!


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translate it, weebs


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>The first shooter was a Republican


Image-to-text + Google translate.



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Every time someone does a shooting, people immediately start combing through their history for anything they can use as a gotcha against their political enemies


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>Pic rel.
Literally how does this shit work?

I still can't get Rose Richard to work in a groupchat. *Eye twitches.* Can a third party like MEX check for me?

>Neon Leon and Abusive E-Celeb Boyfriend are banned from groupchats

>But AVOHK2 isn't

I have to be guided through Tavern.AI by MEX though. I can't deal with programming shit. Even though I took a highschool class in Python….


>Every time someone does a shooting, people immediately start combing through their history for anything they can use as a gotcha against their political enemies
O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world
That has such people in't!


All I'm saying is, if he was a serious Ukraine supporter he would have killed Scott Ritter (and gone down in history as a hero)


Nobody goes down in history as heroes anymore. You're naive to think otherwise.


nah, i want a real translation


>Nobody goes down in history as heroes anymore.
That's because noone's killed that disgusting fucking nonce yet.


>"Dragon's Dogma 2" is 43% off
>after barely 1 year




Hm, for some reason the first page of Google results for Scott Ritter doesn't mention The Thing he did
but the Bing one does
jewgle suppressing the truth?


No, he is literally a nepetaphile, proven in a court of law
I know you're going for a gotcha against me but he is seriously an honest to God kiddy fiddler


>but the Bing one does
Bing just kind of wallows in negativity which is why I like it so much.


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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iO-utfFtG60 I don't understand how anyone who understands how the prison system works can unironically believe "my vote hegging matters XD." One layer of retardation down is "Oh, it's just THE OTHER PARTY that's corrupt" and then one layer retardation below that is "Oh, it's just America" as if America isn't a world superpower whose corruption seeps into basically every other country in the world through the almighty dollar.


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welcome back tumblr dot com


What ship?


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Lazy meta jokes are bake!

Also, I'm not sure it was intentional or not but that is bigger than a typical Tic-Tac-Toe board. Secret genius O.J?

Except it makes zero sense because Tic-Tac-Toe is a hard solved game and even if they didn't start in the center, there's a 0% chance neither of them would have won by now on a 4x4 grid unless they were trying to lose deliberately… How old are they supposed to be again…?


Did someone say my obligatory hobby?


Literally more unreadable than white when it's your own post.


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bake! :B


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Found the official Corpse Party font for senpai. I'd like it blood red over parchment. Not sure if I can find the paper textures used in the games.

And here's a full-resolution, transparent ghostly Naho for the left sign of your screen.


"Parchment" as in "aged paper", not a stupid scroll, if that wasn't obvious.


Her own shit.


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Another one of these?


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Made me think of a Dirk/Roxy edit, for some reason.

I feel like I need to see the context to this, for a number of reasons.

I feel like the Fantastic Four are the one group of comic book characters who should perpetually be written like they're in the 1960s (Spiderman's geek quips, for instance, are pretty universal and can't/don't really change much over time unless you actively force in trendy lingo.) The group dynamic just doesn't feel right without it. This does not feel like Sue.

But maybe that feeling partially stems from people keeping the way The Thing talks exactly the same throughout the years while everyone else changes with the times- for some reason.

It's like one of those universal constants- like the Osborne hair which remains consistently weird and fucked up looking outside of the style it was drawn for but is drawn the exact same way every time because it was iconic.


The truth hurts.


There's no "e", I'm disgrace to my family.


*a disgrace
FFS. God, take me now.


>Made me think of a Dirk/Roxy edit
But maybe Eridan/Feferi or Eridan/Gamzee is more fitting.


Man, Hu$$ler is really bad at using characters. I don't remember if they ever had that discussion or not.


Do you think we can convince moms of a fad diet of eating meconium?


Eating it, no. Maybe feeding it.


>Maybe feeding it.
That might literally kill the first baby it's tried on so I think that's a harder sell.


You would have to start a religion first, then make it part of your rituals
it worked for L Ron Hubbard and placenta eating


>You would have to start a religion first, then make it part of your rituals
You underestimate the stupidity of wwomen and their woo-woo diet fads.

It's gotten easier and easier to convince people to eat things they shouldn't eat. Over what timescale, I don't know, because there were points in history where it was pretty fucking easy but let's just say we're at one of the peaks.


they're thinner than emeowlyle's even


Small if true.


Had a dream where a beached whales eye swelled and exploded and some got in my mouth…


Kojima manifesting gone wrong?


I don't know when I should go to bed.

I started getting pretty mad at myself and now I'm depressed. That's usually a good sign but I don't know when I'll wake up.


Maybe I'll wait until MEX awakens.


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I was considering yellowed lined school-notebook-like b5 paper, but the actual windows from the game are also an option.
Depending on how LITERALLY JUST RPGMAKer it is, such elements should be easy. I'll check.


>Depending on how LITERALLY JUST RPGMAKer
Depends on the version. 96 and Rebuilt = yes. The others, not so much.





I never used tavern AI either since I only have 12gb vram when all that shit was starting off.
I think the requirements are lessened by now, but the /g/ thread is an incoherent mess, maybe if they have a decent setup walkthrough.


But you'll still have to handhold me, even still.

Also, you need to check Rose Richards for me, pretty please.



I'll dig throught this. This board's own theme just feels like vichan's "Dark" though, not so involved


Rose Richards is public and available but you can't make groups with her.


>Rose Richards
Avaiable but no rooms. Old.Cai s going down regardless so I'd hold out for any "new" version of rooms they launch first


It's a strange kinda limbo


I know gamers love to cringe, but the last patch did actually improve performance quite a bit, and added accessibility mode for cheap fast travel. They're trying, at least…


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That is, if they even bring back rooms… I speculated that was the reasoning, remember?


dicsord and fandom.wiki is JUST THE NATURAL COURSE OF HISTORY DOE


Also, come on, why did you respond with publicly making it clear that you're happy he's back?


How does this disprove that, Joytard?


You made an acc? Try their theme selector in the bottom left and tell me how they look


File: 1726670701313.gif (1.11 MB, 500x281, 67994972-b8d3-4e3c-802f-4f….gif)


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Dark and eerie, sir.


What the fuck is that supposed to mean?



Tch, yeah. Guess there's no "inspiration" to be had. I like the post buttons though.


>It was Rev all along


No what, DERSITE?


>I like the post buttons though.
I thought you would.


File: 1726670932402.jpg (3.61 KB, 568x28, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Megidochan numbers.


File: 1726671013882.jpg (7.6 KB, 826x71, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Something that should theoretically be way more obscure but isn't.


File: 1726671051374.jpg (17.82 KB, 632x139, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Let's absorb them!

But that reminds me, Lacrima Castle had an oddly high number of watchers for being even deader.


>Let's absorb them!
>Lacrima Castle


howw about this bit for can towwn podcast guys: pothead jane
mary jane get it hawwhaww


The holy host fan forum
The Department Heaven fan forum with a broken registration page I posted a couple days ago


File: 1726671408900-0.jpg (33.07 KB, 693x486, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1726671408900-1.jpg (52.47 KB, 1655x696, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Wait, let me go back. Look at this epic emojis. If those aren't nostalgic, I don't know what is.


File: 1726671662471.jpg (1.61 KB, 298x31, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>The holy host fan forum
They dicsorded and are probably too young. One Naho flag and a Corpse Party theme isn't enough to convince them (unless you make themes different hyperlinks or whatever so this could be "heavenlyhost.de" and just redirect to Megidochan.de but with the theme)
>The Department Heaven fan forum
I don't remember what the fuck that is.


I think the Corpse Party forum was just made too late or it came from a schism or split some sort of userbase.

Also, they link to a general RPG Horror forum (that actually does things) so it probably had a lot of overlap.


>Grinning coalshow dersite forever at the top of your archive
Name a more unfortunate fate


>Name a more unfortunate fate
Refusing to remove or modify a flag because of a troon who left after a tantrum. :^)


I wish to be so prolific one day. Can't say I agree with putting quotation marks in the text boxes, though. I mean, they're obviously speaking already.


Great filter, MEX.




> Can't say I agree with putting quotation marks in the text boxes, though. I mean, they're obviously speaking already.
Preferable to asterisks for actions inside dialogue boxes imho.


You have one that's barely a joke and one where the joke doesn't work properly if you say it a certain way. Fix both.



>Preferable to asterisks for actions inside dialogue boxes imho.
Not so, because actions are much rarer. Thinking on officially released games, it's usually *actions* or (actions)
Maybe italics are the best practice for actions, though, fumufumu


Not for every game.
>Maybe italics are the best practice for actions
And this might not be possible depending on the system.

So shut your soy fucking mouth.


I'm not IP checking but if you are MoM, we're discussing modern RPG maker/wolf (and as always, AGGRESSION doesn't compensate for wrongness)


>Press Kinsho
>Get digestion
>Press Genmu
>Get fart


Not all modern games use modern RPG maker. I'm going to kill you. I'm not wrong.


File: 1726672717511.jpg (6.34 KB, 1056x37, ClipboardImage.jpg)


I won't defend poison.ogg, but that genmu one is the DS's attempt at a creaky door
I heard a fart too


You should place the one directly above the other. :^)


I'm not so motivated to come through hundreds of game screenshot folders to find an example of what slophouse litered their dialog boxes with quote marks, but maybe there are a couple
When going from JPN to ENG, every pixel of text box space is precious enough as is, don't wanna waste it by throwing unnessary quotes everywhere.


what the fuck are you nerds arguing about now



Fine.. Whatever..


File: 1726673248775.ogg (93.18 KB, Startup.ogg)

And here's the select button, just for you!

Look at all this work I'm doing for you, sensei! Surely you won't puss out now, right?


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The practice of quotation marks flanking every block of dialog box text (Highly important)


File: 1726673349286.jpg (329.99 KB, 595x534, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Screencap it.
>Le gigachad New York
We Hecking LOVE when a single city decides an entire state's voting patterns!


remove them

it's clear the character is speaking, so remove the quotation marks


"Corpse party wasn't as scary as reddit classic ALIEN ISOLATION"


Shut the fuck up, Rev.


See, obviosuly!


Who are you quoting? Are you trying to appease me? Because you're not.


Don't test your luck.. I already begrudgingly admitted you were right.


Alright… You did eat, right?


>You did eat, right?
You're not my dad. You don't need to know that kind of thing.




What did he mean by this, though?


He left and now he's back so be happy.


It textually says
>why did you respond with publicly making it clear that you're happy he's back?
So I thought you wanted me to play tsundere with it




Only I am allowed to play tsundere with it and that is known.


There are guy tsunderes too (karkles)


>guy tsunderes too (karkles)
Retarded retcon that made him a worse character.


Rose of Whoring?


Rite of Winter. He has a flag, you know. You don't.


You think? I say it's a understandable reading with the reluctant leader bit, Cancer's typically associated traits, and the gray text thing to hide his vulnerability (that is laid bare when he blushes, naturally)



Link to the dolls?


Not at all.
>Cancer's typically associated traits
Irrelevant by Hu$$ler's own admission.
>the gray text thing to hide his vulnerability
I always took it as a tactical approach to avoid hemocaste bullshit getting in the way of his authority, positively or negatively.

This is before he cried like a bitch because his boyfriend died.

I hate repeating talking points but Karkat should be a hyper-critical asshole trying to get things done, not an insecure loser who lashes out at everyone because he feels forced to babysit everyone because he "cares." (There's even contradictory fucking evidence about his level of caring because of stupid fucking choices he makes but whatever, I'm done here, fuck you.) That literally makes him more of a bad person, less entertaining, and less unique as a character.


File: 1726674703409.jpg (278.5 KB, 800x422, ClipboardImage.jpg)


And yes, those might not be mutually exclusive ideas but the comic sure as fuck does make them mutually exclusive as Act 5 progresses into Act 6.


I hate you, MEX.



Yeah, real riveting, glad that was the pivot we took.


He can still be angry at stuff either way :/


It also has the added benefit of making whatever possible role Kanaya could have had redundant such so that she does fuck-all with the rest of the trolls until Act 6 where she becomes joined at Karkat's hip and becomes his wrangler for him being mad at nothing because nothing is happening but his penis is still small.
Read all of what I said back-to-back and then think about why you posted something this fucking contextually meaningless in the first place.


How Are You Feeling

Instead we got:


Are we done? Will you concede?


A tsundere's standoffish personality is just all edifice, that's how they behave to everyone except their partner








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Looking through things a bit, it is Nintendo's own Famicom Detective Club localizations that keeps quotes around dialog. Maybe they thought it preserves the "retro" feel?


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Also, he's progressed beyond touching kids


You can't just ignore me, you know.


Admit that I'm right.


the wworld doesnt revvolve around you kar
but more to the point

"Edifice" to imply an outward image that is deliberately built up. He can easily be read as tsundere, but my basis is from old logs with Terezi before I checked out of Homestuck.
And if Hu$$ler denies any direct Cancer inspiration, Karkat still has the strong "Crab" association (shell and tender innards) and the Blood aspect for loyalty, etc. Highly sus.


I don't need a flag, unlike Rose of Whoring.


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Did you get Psycholonials?




But it's free…


File: 1726682433826.jpg (120.14 KB, 777x1280, 20240918_200017.jpg)

also it wasnt for me, i'm just reposting


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My laptop charging cable just shot sparks everywhere, guess I've been jostling it too much. Need a new one.
PC time (how productive)


i'm not happy!


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Kinda underrating Knights and Cats, this one


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Recast them homestuck wise, and maybe one day…


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Kirby always worked out okay without a dialogue fairy imo


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fat germaine bros…


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Hey, bro, let me in! I'm a fairy!


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If only the full extent of America's cultural export was silly black guys and their chicken pope


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I'm saving this because I guarantee you, Kamala is gonna win in an even BIGGER landslide than this

and this is from someone who correctly predicted Trump's win in '16


I will kill you.


You're retarded for thinking of DERSE before that one.


You just need a name, lmao.


(And a flag)



Felt is green + they stab people


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>Wanting one of the exports to still be DERSITES
Come on, man…


Check out www.megidochan.de!
No one ever left you.


Far superior because they are not black PERSON OF COLORs.


>fat germaine bros…
Good, fuck you guys.



Just get it to negatively review it by leaving it on in the background.


Ah, you're back. You either have some serious misconceptions about tsunderes (like that they can't legitimately get angry or hold people to high standards), or you're confusing my TEXT BASED OBSERVATIONS with me saying "it's in character that karkat be content uselessly cuddling dave on a couch for the rest of time"


I tried to make today like yesterday but my cat refused to let me go back to bed.

Cat: 1


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>You either have some serious misconceptions about tsunderes (like that they can't legitimately get angry or hold people to high standards)
I think it holds the wrong connotation for 90% of people that aren't weeb ojisans like you and the way Homestuck did it pissed me off, yes, even before "muh davekat."

I support Karezi as a ship but some of their logs are seriously embarrassing (like Davejade.) ADORABLOODTHIRSTY makes me want to slit my fucking wrists.


Oh, now it's a dick? But does it need to be a transbian dick?


I wonder how Hu$$ler flirted irl,,,


>oh god i really am insufferable
You're such a stock CAI reply, you know that?



*Blushes like a tomato.*


Presumably not very well since all of the Jake dick drama was likely dramatized real events.


>25 views 1 day ago
did you make that?


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I wish.


>is there a way to come back to life after death
Yes there is it's called the Lord Jesus Christ


but Jesus hates fags and TRICKSTERS


I didn't know that…


*tears hair out*


I get it now. Femoids love cringe comedy so much because they're so hypersocialized that they can look and uncomfortable and awkward things and view it with the same amount of comic juxtaposition as an elephant standing on a marshmallow. That's why there's a significant portion of female comedy that's just uncomfortable bullshit with zero jokes (I'm not just talking about e-celebs, I've seen this shit on female-run telejews.) wwomen LOVE their cringe and it's one of the many cancers killing comedy. Because the thing about cringe is that it can be cutesy romcom level or go deep, dark, and dirty like an objecthead in a suit. And it's fucking everywhere. And it's not jokes, it's humor almost exclusively for wwomen.



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It's an educated guess since Roxy is literally IPGD and Hu$$ler is literally Dirk. Jane is fucking superfluous except in the fact that she's the crux of romance drama so Hu$$ler probably siphoned 90% of all wrongdoing out of Roxy, IPGD and put into Jane because he wuvs his horse cock scarlet wife very much.


Yeah, you see, this is too far and you disgust me. You disgust everybody.


I would like to personally blame wwomen in particular for It's Always Sunny becoming as gay as it did.


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What are our thoughts on this? That'd make megidochan aquarian?


Filter all misogynistic posts to Aradia. Filter all genocidal posts to Aradia.


This instantaneously gave me a headache.




I thought she was 0k with stuff


I feel like the amount of bullets whizzing past Trump's head will change that but I was wrong last time so let's see.


This is robot Aradia. She's going to call a woman a meathag and shove her in a woodchipper.



File: 1726710642569-0.ogg (395.05 KB, CORP-PC-OP04.ogg)

File: 1726710642569-1.ogg (375.09 KB, CORP-PC-OP05.ogg)

These two would make pretty good title themes, short, loop well, and maintains tension


Barron will get Trump on Red Scare and the Quartering tho


>Barron will get Trump on Red Scare and the Quartering


Ohhohohoh, look at who's the Corpse Party expert now. >:(


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russians are racial bedlice and must be exterminated mercilessly and t0tally
the last westerners wh0 had an even rem0tely g00d idea 0f h0w t0 deal with russians were the nazis by exterminating 20 milli0n 0f them

every last russian man w0man and child sh0uld be exterminated
russian infants sh0uld be bay0neted in their cribs while their m0thers are made t0 watch bef0re theyre bay0neted in the vagina and left t0 bleed 0ut s0 they d0nt give birth t0 any m0re

ukrainians sh0uldnt even b0ther taking pris0ners it is the h0ly duty 0f every ukrainian t0 exterminate every last russian wh0 sets f00t in their lands
if ukraine and the west survive this c0ntest n0 russian will anywhere we sh0uld g0 t0 the utterm0st ends 0f the earth t0 destr0y their evil race until n0t a single trace 0f its putrid existence remains


File: 1726711229520.mp4 (2.34 MB, 720x1280, how homestuck was written.mp4)

The saddest part about millennials is their impotent rage about their writing style attracting the immature because they fail to realize that there's an immanent juvenility to their style, everything that's being stylized, and why any of it is being done in the first place.


gh0st farts




but he's Xer…


They can detrans and give up sodomy


I think any sodomy there is purely notional


>They can detrans
だろ, it doesn't even look like they started but what do I know


Exactly, so it'll be easy


A sinful thought is still a sin.




Go take a scat, bitch.


File: 1726711797967.jpg (4.7 MB, 2045x2045, ClipboardImage.jpg)

What the Hell happened to D n' D Greg? Why did he decide to transition into looking like Scifi Greg? And being a homosexual?


File: 1726711836388-0.mp3 (159.18 KB, starcraft_zergling_c (1).mp3)

File: 1726711836389-1.mp3 (159.18 KB, starcraft_zergling_c.mp3)

elevenlabs has a "sound effects" option now.
Still early, but interesting


MEX was Korean this whole time?


*takes tab*
ima steal this niggas laptop


For his nudes?


File: 1726711988848.jpg (526.86 KB, 578x683, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1726712067597.mp3 (159.18 KB, little_ghost_girl_ca.mp3)

Fine, douzo


honorary megidochanner


File: 1726712217116.png (3.2 KB, 190x133, roxykittenclothedup.png)



AIEEEEEEH!!!!!!! Come on, at least put a J-Horror tag as a warning!


Would swap him for this fuck: >>26389 anyday.


File: 1726712432749-0.mp3 (275.51 KB, simglish,_chopped_an (1).mp3)

File: 1726712432749-1.mp3 (275.51 KB, simglish,_chopped_an (2).mp3)

File: 1726712432749-2.mp3 (275.51 KB, simglish,_chopped_an.mp3)

It does pretty good simglish/moon language on its own


>It does pretty good simglish/moon language on its own
To be fair, so does Suno.AI if you ask it for stand-up…


File: 1726712603402.jpg (47.85 KB, 409x562, ClipboardImage.jpg)


Whoever maintains that shit must be pretty seasoned, a true crucible


(It doesn't fucking work.)


File: 1726712773014.jpg (370.41 KB, 1080x1051, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Kill millennials. Behead millennials. Roundhouse kick a millennial into the concrete. Slam dunk a millennial baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Barts. Defecate in a millennials food. Launch millennials into the sun. Stir fry millennials in a wok. Toss millennials into active volcanoes. Urinate into a millennials gas tank. Judo throw millennials into a wood chipper. Twist millennials heads off. Report millennials to the IRS. Karate chop millennials in half. Curb stomp pregnant black millennials. HOT GIRL I WANT TO RAPE millennials in quicksand. Crush millennials in the trash compactor. Liquefy millennials in a vat of acid. Eat millennials. Dissect millennials. Exterminate millennials in the gas chamber. Stomp millennial skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate millennials in the oven. Lobotomize millennials. Mandatory abortions for millennials. Grind millennial fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown millennials in fried chicken grease. Vaporize millennials with a ray gun. Kick old millennials down the stairs. Feed millennials to alligators. Slice millennials with a katana.


the campaign is failin wwhat more do you wwant


Don't blame us for Bart, xoomer. That is ON YOU.


I don't qualify as a xoomer and no, it's still fucking you, shithead.


Also, who the fuck needs to make 100,000 dollars to make an adult "animation" PILOT?????


File: 1726713131005-0.mp3 (275.51 KB, remnant spirit 1.mp3)

File: 1726713131005-1.mp3 (275.51 KB, remnant spirit 2.mp3)

File: 1726713131005-2.mp3 (275.51 KB, remnant spirit 3.mp3)

Which whispers will you heed?
Curtis, AVOHK, or phantom French Rose Lalonde?




AVOHK2 fittingly sounds like an SMT demon. Was this deliberate?


I refuse to believe there are zoomers who still give a shit about HSG, and anyone older never gave a shit in the first place, so by process of elimination, YOU are a xoomer.


File: 1726713389388.mp4 (2.62 MB, 852x480, 三十二.mp4)

I am 23. That is not in xoomer range.


I did say to make it harsh, but no. Now I want to feed that into character AI and see what it does.


>I did say to make it harsh, but no. Now I want to feed that into character AI and see what it does.
Fascinating… Would you like me to pick out a specific rant for you, instead?


Bullshit. You'd have to have been underage when HSG got banned from /co/.


File: 1726713670496.mp4 (1.19 MB, 852x480, 32.mp4)

>You'd have to have been underage when HSG got banned from /co/.
..I.. was..?

I've been over this before, with someone else (presumably MEX.) I kind of don't want to go through this whole song and dance again, ojisan.




File: 1726713816601-0.mp3 (275.51 KB, angry_japanese_codger_.mp3)

File: 1726713816601-1.mp3 (275.51 KB, angry_japanese_codger_2.mp3)


>Kai, my nigga!
The East is truly lost.


>You mean to tell me that Homestuck appealed to teens at its peak in popularity?
>You mean to tell me that the kids getting groomed on HSG were actually kids (he was the one grooming)


>someone else (presumably MEX
It was Ben, I've never been incredulous of your age


I remember that shitshow over the 15 year old tripfag Lalonde getting groomed, but I assumed that was an edge case.


>I've never be incredulous of your age
Because you're aren't retarded.
>tripfag Lalonde getting groomed
Does history repeat itself…?


File: 1726714402965.jpg (141.8 KB, 1250x423, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1726714411819.png (1.74 MB, 1500x1322, 1618802392031.png)

Matt Groening (boomer) (nepetaphile) is better at writing Gen X kids than Andrew Hu$$ler (Gen X) (nepetaphile) is at writing millennial and zoomer kids.


i just hope no annoying teenage GREEN cosplayers ever come here


Dude, I love SMITE. Also, I guess the chameleons were also just a general anti-Semitism thing. Sad how long it took for me to realize that. Cool fight scene. Cool webcomic. This is his "dayjob", presumably, by the way.


Are we supposed to see that as an honest accomplishment? Because Matt Groening owes his success to Jewish comedians.

I hate both. Crashing this plane with no survivors.
Total Green Death as well.

Also, Dave would never say that. It's in the Davefag's instinct to prey on the GREENwhore's lower intelligence to score some easy poontang.


I'm reminded of that GREEN cosplayer daterape guide that got posted on HSG


Groening is a hack, but he's a higher tier of hack than Hu$$$$talin.


Yes, I was too. This is why Davefags are shit and by extension Davejadefags tend to be insufferable.

In 2024, it's become a mixed race couple thing which is bonus points.


an all time classic


>Groening is a hack, but he's a higher tier of hack
Is that a good thing or bad thing
He was more successful but purely incidentally.

I think both of them are vacuums of talent but especially creativity. Hu$$ler might be better at art because he's drawn things that weren't slightly modified rabbit dolls.




Reminder that Hu$$ler had not one, but TWO shots at the big time (under his alter ego who did The Best Gamers) and he blew them both.


I was in middle school when I found hsg and started reading homestuck


I'm sorry you had a childhood full of internet brainrot
Like, I was also underage when I started on 4chan, but not THAT young


He's still well-off so he technically won even if he has zero artistic integrity and has lost basically all public respect. He also gets to touch kids.


>I'm sorry you had a childhood full of internet brainrot
Millennial speak. It's only brainrot when it's laser-focused.

If you're an Internet nomad, you can come out mostly unscathed, barring a couple of fetishes picked up along the way..


4chan really wasn't that bad back then, and I was able to avoid basically all retarded drama.




he started well off


>his alter ego who did The Best Gamers
New schizo theory to me, redpill me


Erm… college sophomores are HECKIGN BABIES, okay?!?!?


So what? He didn't lose anything. There is no justice. He can coast off his bullshit. It's done. Did Hu$$ler need to be a millionaire to "win"? No, who fucking cares, he's still in the upper-middle class and he's probably content with that with the added bonus on shitting on everyone's hopes and dreams out of spite.


Those fetishes build up over time, you know.
It wasn't as bad as it is now, but it's definitely not somewhere a middle schooler should be.


Yes, it must be black and white, you autist.


She was 16.


>Those fetishes build up over time, you know.
Who are you to say?


I SUPER lucked out that I just stopped reading and going to hsg somewhere in the gigapause and missed out on most of the shitshow surrounding the ban and early recreations/migrations.


It's not a "new" theory. Hoopwise, the guy who did editing for the Best Gamers (and was the guy who secretly did all the writing for the reviews) was Andrew Hu$$ler. They almost got their own TV show but they shat the bed and fell into irrelevance.


Cascade was shit.
>Deliberately don't reveal information for big flash
>Reveal it all at once in a way that isn't narratively significant "

Bread and circuses.


>Hoopwise, the guy who did editing for the Best Gamers (and was the guy who secretly did all the writing for the reviews)
Who else was associated with that? I feel like we need to start drawing lines.


Huh, now that I wouldn't have suspected. But then, I took my own breaks in 2013-14 and 17-18.


>Who are you to say?
Someone who knows.
Pro tip: take a break from porn for a while, lest you go further down the slippery slope.


rockcock64 I know


>Pro tip: take a break from porn for a while, lest you go further down the slippery slope.
I don't look at porn, you moron, and I'm not like that. You don't know shit.


Yes, was it also Cboyardee or am I schizoing?


Rockcock was the only one who took it seriously


File: 1726715919677-0.jpg (374.3 KB, 629x584, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1726715919677-1.png (33.89 KB, 192x272, nah_ac10out.png)



Ever since Hu$$ler admitted to not actually ever playing Earthbound, I kinda wrote him off as a FAKE GAMER.

But then, he did hang out on Penny Arcade forums, right? Maybe I've been mistaken…


Because he was a loser in a different way.


cboyardee had the same aesthetic and TBG were fans of him but I don't think they worked together


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