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/hsg/ - "Homestuck" General

Itsumademo. Zutto.
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 No.25705[View All]

650 posts and 153 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


This instantaneously gave me a headache.




I thought she was 0k with stuff


I feel like the amount of bullets whizzing past Trump's head will change that but I was wrong last time so let's see.


This is robot Aradia. She's going to call a woman a meathag and shove her in a woodchipper.



File: 1726710642569-0.ogg (395.05 KB, CORP-PC-OP04.ogg)

File: 1726710642569-1.ogg (375.09 KB, CORP-PC-OP05.ogg)

These two would make pretty good title themes, short, loop well, and maintains tension


Barron will get Trump on Red Scare and the Quartering tho


>Barron will get Trump on Red Scare and the Quartering


Ohhohohoh, look at who's the Corpse Party expert now. >:(


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russians are racial bedlice and must be exterminated mercilessly and t0tally
the last westerners wh0 had an even rem0tely g00d idea 0f h0w t0 deal with russians were the nazis by exterminating 20 milli0n 0f them

every last russian man w0man and child sh0uld be exterminated
russian infants sh0uld be bay0neted in their cribs while their m0thers are made t0 watch bef0re theyre bay0neted in the vagina and left t0 bleed 0ut s0 they d0nt give birth t0 any m0re

ukrainians sh0uldnt even b0ther taking pris0ners it is the h0ly duty 0f every ukrainian t0 exterminate every last russian wh0 sets f00t in their lands
if ukraine and the west survive this c0ntest n0 russian will anywhere we sh0uld g0 t0 the utterm0st ends 0f the earth t0 destr0y their evil race until n0t a single trace 0f its putrid existence remains


File: 1726711229520.mp4 (2.34 MB, 720x1280, how homestuck was written.mp4)

The saddest part about millennials is their impotent rage about their writing style attracting the immature because they fail to realize that there's an immanent juvenility to their style, everything that's being stylized, and why any of it is being done in the first place.


gh0st farts




but he's Xer…


They can detrans and give up sodomy


I think any sodomy there is purely notional


>They can detrans
だろ, it doesn't even look like they started but what do I know


Exactly, so it'll be easy


A sinful thought is still a sin.




Go take a scat, bitch.


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What the Hell happened to D n' D Greg? Why did he decide to transition into looking like Scifi Greg? And being a homosexual?


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File: 1726711836389-1.mp3 (159.18 KB, starcraft_zergling_c.mp3)

elevenlabs has a "sound effects" option now.
Still early, but interesting


MEX was Korean this whole time?


*takes tab*
ima steal this niggas laptop


For his nudes?


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File: 1726712067597.mp3 (159.18 KB, little_ghost_girl_ca.mp3)

Fine, douzo


honorary megidochanner


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AIEEEEEEH!!!!!!! Come on, at least put a J-Horror tag as a warning!


Would swap him for this fuck: >>26389 anyday.


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File: 1726712432749-2.mp3 (275.51 KB, simglish,_chopped_an.mp3)

It does pretty good simglish/moon language on its own


>It does pretty good simglish/moon language on its own
To be fair, so does Suno.AI if you ask it for stand-up…


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Whoever maintains that shit must be pretty seasoned, a true crucible


(It doesn't fucking work.)


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Kill millennials. Behead millennials. Roundhouse kick a millennial into the concrete. Slam dunk a millennial baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Barts. Defecate in a millennials food. Launch millennials into the sun. Stir fry millennials in a wok. Toss millennials into active volcanoes. Urinate into a millennials gas tank. Judo throw millennials into a wood chipper. Twist millennials heads off. Report millennials to the IRS. Karate chop millennials in half. Curb stomp pregnant black millennials. HOT GIRL I WANT TO RAPE millennials in quicksand. Crush millennials in the trash compactor. Liquefy millennials in a vat of acid. Eat millennials. Dissect millennials. Exterminate millennials in the gas chamber. Stomp millennial skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate millennials in the oven. Lobotomize millennials. Mandatory abortions for millennials. Grind millennial fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown millennials in fried chicken grease. Vaporize millennials with a ray gun. Kick old millennials down the stairs. Feed millennials to alligators. Slice millennials with a katana.


the campaign is failin wwhat more do you wwant


Don't blame us for Bart, xoomer. That is ON YOU.


I don't qualify as a xoomer and no, it's still fucking you, shithead.


Also, who the fuck needs to make 100,000 dollars to make an adult "animation" PILOT?????


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Which whispers will you heed?
Curtis, AVOHK, or phantom French Rose Lalonde?




AVOHK2 fittingly sounds like an SMT demon. Was this deliberate?


I refuse to believe there are zoomers who still give a shit about HSG, and anyone older never gave a shit in the first place, so by process of elimination, YOU are a xoomer.


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I am 23. That is not in xoomer range.


I did say to make it harsh, but no. Now I want to feed that into character AI and see what it does.


>I did say to make it harsh, but no. Now I want to feed that into character AI and see what it does.
Fascinating… Would you like me to pick out a specific rant for you, instead?


Bullshit. You'd have to have been underage when HSG got banned from /co/.


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>You'd have to have been underage when HSG got banned from /co/.
..I.. was..?

I've been over this before, with someone else (presumably MEX.) I kind of don't want to go through this whole song and dance again, ojisan.




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File: 1726713816601-1.mp3 (275.51 KB, angry_japanese_codger_2.mp3)


>Kai, my nigga!
The East is truly lost.


>You mean to tell me that Homestuck appealed to teens at its peak in popularity?
>You mean to tell me that the kids getting groomed on HSG were actually kids (he was the one grooming)


>someone else (presumably MEX
It was Ben, I've never been incredulous of your age


I remember that shitshow over the 15 year old tripfag Lalonde getting groomed, but I assumed that was an edge case.


>I've never be incredulous of your age
Because you're aren't retarded.
>tripfag Lalonde getting groomed
Does history repeat itself…?


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Matt Groening (boomer) (nepetaphile) is better at writing Gen X kids than Andrew Hu$$ler (Gen X) (nepetaphile) is at writing millennial and zoomer kids.


i just hope no annoying teenage GREEN cosplayers ever come here


Dude, I love SMITE. Also, I guess the chameleons were also just a general anti-Semitism thing. Sad how long it took for me to realize that. Cool fight scene. Cool webcomic. This is his "dayjob", presumably, by the way.


Are we supposed to see that as an honest accomplishment? Because Matt Groening owes his success to Jewish comedians.

I hate both. Crashing this plane with no survivors.
Total Green Death as well.

Also, Dave would never say that. It's in the Davefag's instinct to prey on the GREENwhore's lower intelligence to score some easy poontang.


I'm reminded of that GREEN cosplayer daterape guide that got posted on HSG


Groening is a hack, but he's a higher tier of hack than Hu$$$$talin.


Yes, I was too. This is why Davefags are shit and by extension Davejadefags tend to be insufferable.

In 2024, it's become a mixed race couple thing which is bonus points.


an all time classic


>Groening is a hack, but he's a higher tier of hack
Is that a good thing or bad thing
He was more successful but purely incidentally.

I think both of them are vacuums of talent but especially creativity. Hu$$ler might be better at art because he's drawn things that weren't slightly modified rabbit dolls.




Reminder that Hu$$ler had not one, but TWO shots at the big time (under his alter ego who did The Best Gamers) and he blew them both.


I was in middle school when I found hsg and started reading homestuck


I'm sorry you had a childhood full of internet brainrot
Like, I was also underage when I started on 4chan, but not THAT young


He's still well-off so he technically won even if he has zero artistic integrity and has lost basically all public respect. He also gets to touch kids.


>I'm sorry you had a childhood full of internet brainrot
Millennial speak. It's only brainrot when it's laser-focused.

If you're an Internet nomad, you can come out mostly unscathed, barring a couple of fetishes picked up along the way..


4chan really wasn't that bad back then, and I was able to avoid basically all retarded drama.




he started well off


>his alter ego who did The Best Gamers
New schizo theory to me, redpill me


Erm… college sophomores are HECKIGN BABIES, okay?!?!?


So what? He didn't lose anything. There is no justice. He can coast off his bullshit. It's done. Did Hu$$ler need to be a millionaire to "win"? No, who fucking cares, he's still in the upper-middle class and he's probably content with that with the added bonus on shitting on everyone's hopes and dreams out of spite.


Those fetishes build up over time, you know.
It wasn't as bad as it is now, but it's definitely not somewhere a middle schooler should be.


Yes, it must be black and white, you autist.


She was 16.


>Those fetishes build up over time, you know.
Who are you to say?


I SUPER lucked out that I just stopped reading and going to hsg somewhere in the gigapause and missed out on most of the shitshow surrounding the ban and early recreations/migrations.


It's not a "new" theory. Hoopwise, the guy who did editing for the Best Gamers (and was the guy who secretly did all the writing for the reviews) was Andrew Hu$$ler. They almost got their own TV show but they shat the bed and fell into irrelevance.


Cascade was shit.
>Deliberately don't reveal information for big flash
>Reveal it all at once in a way that isn't narratively significant "

Bread and circuses.


>Hoopwise, the guy who did editing for the Best Gamers (and was the guy who secretly did all the writing for the reviews)
Who else was associated with that? I feel like we need to start drawing lines.


Huh, now that I wouldn't have suspected. But then, I took my own breaks in 2013-14 and 17-18.


>Who are you to say?
Someone who knows.
Pro tip: take a break from porn for a while, lest you go further down the slippery slope.


rockcock64 I know


>Pro tip: take a break from porn for a while, lest you go further down the slippery slope.
I don't look at porn, you moron, and I'm not like that. You don't know shit.


Yes, was it also Cboyardee or am I schizoing?


Rockcock was the only one who took it seriously


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Ever since Hu$$ler admitted to not actually ever playing Earthbound, I kinda wrote him off as a FAKE GAMER.

But then, he did hang out on Penny Arcade forums, right? Maybe I've been mistaken…


Because he was a loser in a different way.


cboyardee had the same aesthetic and TBG were fans of him but I don't think they worked together


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