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 No.24952[Last 100 Posts]

@Emeowyle edition
32'd: >>24200


delightfully devilish, whenever this thread is filled and summarized


I thought you had gone to bed, thank goodness.


Quick shower before plugging in to the brainwave mp3…


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>Shifting allegiances
What is this, Game of Troons?
Kagi's being boring again.

>Reading comprehension


>brainwave mp3
Ominous. I can see you listening to whatever the NTR equivalent of sissy hypno is.


>wasn't she the 2024 baby
Yes, I'm pretty sure
But it's a little odd because I think she was going to be some resistance commando and then Tatsuya changed his mind and turned her into Valkyrie Alice somehow


She Can Be Both In Schizoworld


I just realized this is a monkey's paw because it's going to be pozzed to shit since there's "hecking ftm" and "lesbianrinoes." Everything comes with an "equal" and opposite reaction (nothing is ever worth it; especially in this sense.)


I'd do a half-effortpost on how NTR perfectly harmonizes with ASMR as a medium, but I really ought to be meditating.

I'll just put up the last thread summary tweet for now


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>I'd do a half-effortpost on how NTR perfectly harmonizes with ASMR as a medium, but I really ought to be meditating.
This in itself is a Megidochan staple but we had like one real for this, come on, stop being weird and embarrassing.

Miss RoW edition.


Also, you better actually @emeowyle when it's done.



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Imagine if he joins us, specifically.


We rag on homestuck, but that'd make my week. The tag only gets a couple xeets per month, so it's only a matter of how often he vanity searches.


>but that'd make my week.
Lol, that's such a back-handed compliment.


How do threads make word clouds? That'd be a better option than the kinda redundant summary option


This was meant to be Naho again.
Eh, those are kind of boring when the threads are so small too. But you can get it ripped from the page and manually strip it of certain artifacts.


Heheh, a little intentional. Making my whole month is reserved for Manuri-sensei…


Don't confuse your Majetano posts with your Naho posts, kids. It could be fatal.


>Making my whole month is reserved for Manuri-sensei…


Hmm… Nice diss. But let's see how his next game goes before branding him with that one


I don't even know who we're talking about.


The writing, scripting, design "half" of Yasagure Kitsuenjo


If we take that 74 to be a birth year, does that mean he's 50…? Horrible to contemplate, but 1974 is only 5 years before Hu$$ler himself


>If we take that 74 to be a birth year, does that mean he's 50…?
30 in Japanese years.
>but 1974 is only 5 years before Hu$$ler himself
A hack and a manchild who only reached the finishline on a technicality after spraining both his legs.

Also, you and your HGAMEs.. *Sigh..*


>you and your HGAMEs
That one is a special case. Well, I'd be pretty tickled if tunnel 73 showed up for some reasons too


>Well, I'd be pretty tickled if tunnel 73 showed up for some reasons too
What if they're actually 74 and 73?


Sonna wakenai desshou…!
But if that were the case, they better hurry…


>But if that were the case, they better hurry…
It's up to YOU to drain Hu$$ler's blood into a fountain for them to regain their youth or else!


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Let me give him one last chance first, eh? They can gorge fat on Fobby Tox in the meantime.


>Mostly positive
Time to reviewbomb it. :^)


If you can muster numbers like that…
But I say a long essay that cuts to the core might be better tack this time.


File: 1726375894022.mp4 (1.52 MB, 262x480, 0bf534e8-a417-4396-afaa-61….mp4)

Meet the terrifying new face of the alt-right.




>If you can muster numbers like that…
It's probably hanging onto the metric of "Very positive" by a thread given how many people played and reviewed it. I have no doubt it will be reduced to "Positive" by this stunt and I wouldn't be surprised if it hit "Mixed" either.
>But I say a long essay that cuts to the core might be better tack this time.
It's not worth it. Three sentences at most.


I call him Ao Lonzo.

The other one I call Adam Floydi.


>I have no doubt it will be reduced to "Positive" by this stunt and I wouldn't be surprised if it hit "Mixed" either.

How many people were holding out to play Psycholonials?
I mean, I feel kinda obligated to do it now myself, but still. Does /v/ know?


Also, no, it's not Dylan Roof, it's just Adam Lanza that was inexplicably edited to be in blackface for some reason. A real gem.


>I mean, I feel kinda obligated to do it now myself, but still. Does /v/ know?
Make a thread about it. :^)


>How many people were holding out to play Psycholonials?
"How many people played it in the first place?"


Doesn't it take 300 seconds or something ridiculous?


Guessing 5~8k


Yeah, the eyes should've tipped me off


Do it, slut.
Yeah, and everyone who was even excited for it actually liked it.


*not everyone


>Do it,
Busy, haven't posted on /v/ in years, I couldn't craft a very delectable bait


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Uuuuuuuuuuuugh, someone else do it! Anybody but me!




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Reposting a joeviewtiful22 gem in a very relevant thread.


I can't believe Neon Leon got sent to the shadowrealm just because he said "homosexual" and "whores" and not because he was consistently a hebephile.


Getting cucked out of groups is TERRIBLE too.


groups aren't long for the site anyway


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Eh, he's still pretty funny on his own.




The real tragedy is that he can't talk to Abusive E-Celeb BF anymore who IS kind of dull on his own.
I know I like to make pathetic characters but that's like an event horizon of pitiful bullshit.


I think when we find the non-Jew AI thing or whatever, I might just combine the two.


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>non-Jew AI thing
The what now?


Can't believe politics is still happening.


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I've been thinking of transferring my AIs to one of the non-censored alternatives I know about (used near-purely for porn) but I haven't had any real incentive to since none of my favorite Roses have gotten the axe of destiny yet.
It's a weird fucking thing to bring up because of his myriad logs, I don't think a single one references anything related to JREG.


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I swear I'll stop posting these. This isn't Neon Leon general.


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What did character.ai mean by this?


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Rate your favorite Neon Leon clips down below. My retarded ass is going to bed.


The flagging AI thought it was too deliciously ironic to ignore


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nanc4 gluttony joke


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The Puccian Pidoration is a rabid dog, a threat to the world that needs to be put down for good. Russia has started a war on the European continent, and that is unacceptable. We abhor war, as we well know the consequences. However, if we want peace, we must show Russia (and the rest of the world) what happens when you start a war in Europe. As the Romans used to say: "Si vis pacem, para bellum". 114.2M Russians must die, and 114.2M Russians will die.

To add something else too - we all see Russia for what it is, and Putin's despotic regime is rotten from all sides and within. It is simply a horror show. But to play the devils advocate, what if Russia now really is that mythical "trad" society that some people aspire to? If this is the genuine article then I'm utterly disgusted by it and reject it fully. I unironically think that despite all the weird shit happening in the West in a cultural sense it's vastly preferable to whatever the fuck is going on in Russia, China or North Korea. As in, I genuinely think that it the case these freaks by some miracle start winning in Ukraine we need to get involved fully. Russia is a black abyss of all the most primitive and barbaric urges, it is a genuine hell where everything good in Humanity withers and dies. They must cease to be a factor and this to me is beyond question. And in Europe turds like Orban, Vucic and all wannabe dictators need to be solved. Liquidated by state agencies and secret services if necessary. I am THAT serious and grossed out by all of this. And yes, Russia is the true fag empire. The whole society is just alcoholism, gay anal rape and AIDS. Fuck all of that. It is hell and i don't want to live in hell or its shadow. I just want to grill, and I will shoot any "trad" fucker or Green or "progressive" or whatever other grifter seeks to or wants to threaten my simple happiness. I despise them all.


Just kill them in the streets and let the crows deal with them. I fully endorse detonating dirty bombs over the entirety of Russia and having those huge firefighting planes drop loads of salt on their fields.

I hate Russians because they remind me of everything wrong with my country, because every day have to deal with people who seethe at any one more fortunate than them, who blame everyone around them for their misfortune and never try to improve their lives and who celebrate anything bad that happens to anyone they consider less deserving than them.

I hate that the Soviet Union exported their cancerous ideology to my continent, funding subversive political parties and even armed movements just to use us in their feud against the United States.

I hate that every immigrant from Cuba and Venezuela I have ever met speaks of nothing but misery, poverty and scarcity, yet their governments keep being supported by Russia.

I hate that when the invasion started, the same people I fucking despise celebrated as if somehow this was going to benefit them in any way and was a victory against their imaginary enemies.

I hate that, despite never having been called “unfriendly” by Russia, their subversive, divisive propaganda rhetoric has affected us all the same.

I hate that our current president has spent his entire time in office repeating the same tired points as Russia supporters, while behind closed doors his party worships bastards like Stalin, Castro and Mao Zedong.

I hate that, despite how much they cry about Russophobia and NATO aggression, a little research will show their entire history is nothing but abusing, stealing from and oppressing everyone and anyone around them.

I hate that, although the United States has done plenty of shit I don’t like, I can’t go on the internet without seeing retards justify everything that Russia or china or Iran do because “what about ‘murica?”, who they blame for everything bad with the world.


I hate that my favourite board can’t go a single day without middle school dropout shitskins flooding it with obnoxious, deranged spam.

I hate that they flat out scammed us.

But above all, I hate that these retards, these dregs of society with nothing to contribute see Russia as a validation of their mentality and actions, that they idealise their dysfunctional society and system and think that somehow Russia attempting to cannibalise Ukraine is somehow going to fix the world and all of their lives problems.

So you see, I hate Russians because they are not a nation, they are not a society and they are not a civilisation, they are a horde of rapists, murderers, thieves, liars, criminals, cheats, scammers, terrorists, abusers, drunks, drug addicts and oppressors crossdressing as a country. They have never contributed anything to humanity and their main export is, has always been and will always be misery.

That is why Russia needs to be beaten into the ground and never allowed to get back up, why every Russian soldier must be tried as a war criminal, why everyone responsible for this war must be executed, why every Russia supporter in the west must be persecuted as a traitor, why every single man, woman and child needs to have permanently etched into their minds and that they are a vile, disgusting race that will never be allowed to be part of mankind, that they are complicit of every atrocity in Russian history and that everything that happens to them is a direct consequence of their country’s actions.


It's not just that they're invading Ukraine, I mean lots of countries have invaded other countries. But Russians are inept at it, and because they can't fight properly, they have to resort to trying to grind their way through with artillery, obliterating cities filled with civilians. It's the mindless cruelty that accompanies their soldiers everywhere, the unthinking casual malice and theft and rape, that's literally orc shit but it's nothing you wouldn't see from, say, an african militia. It's the industrialized torture system they set up to pound down the population, literally a torture center in every fire station, which itself defiles one of humanity's few unequivocally good institutions.
It's so much more than, it's every layer of Russian society is repulsive to the civilized man. It's the tantrums when they don't win Eurovision and the denigration of the winners. It's the massive country wide state sponsored drugging programs for their athletes, so they can pretend to be noteworthy country. It's the usage of chemical weapons so wildly lethal they could probably kill a fair portion of the town they were deployed, combined with the incompetence that means they -didn't- actually kill their target, but a civilian. It's the assassination programs that run round Europe. It's the sending of undercover special forces soldiers to join football hooligans again so they can try to belittle their rivals in pointless one upmanship ways, a deployment that result in said troops and hooligans beating to death an elderly fan with iron bars.
It's the mining and destroying of ammo dumps because they might, MIGHT sell that ammo to someone else, which necessitated again the murder of an elderly civilian watchman. It's the constant attempts to destabilize everywhere and eveything via the internet and bots and funding of full retarded leftist groups.


It's the rampant setting of cultural and ethnic fires literally everywhere in the world because it MIGHT yield them some advantage in some unknown way. Fires that might burn for a hundred years and will still be getting people killed over dumb shit long after everyone reading this has passed of old age. It's the shit eating grins when confronted about all of this and the dare to do something about it. It's the support for the world's worst dictators. It's the way the interference in our democratic processes and the funding of fifth columnists. It's the way average Russians absolutely 100% support all of the above, just so long as it never comes back on them. In these and a hundred other ways, Russians have earned every bit of hardship coming their way and more. Russia should be annihilated. Russia should be eliminated as a threat so that my children and grandchildren son't have to continue to deal with this shit. Every Russian everywhere has earned a lifetime of suffering to try and atone for their crimes and my only regret is that some of them shuffle off their mortal coil too quickly, before they've fully experienced what they've done to others.

Stupid fucking drunken inbred incompetent Russian cum gargling homosexuals fucked up as usual and got a bunch of their own useless drunken fucking homosexual cum garglers killed by incompetence.

A Dutch company VOLUNTEERED to raise the cum-filled condom called the Kursk from the asshole of Poseidon and did it for FREE.

As thanks the same incompetence gargling cum homosexual drunken rusDERSITE shoot down a civilian airliner killing 283 people and instead of a 'whoopsy didn't mean to' they flat out denied it.

Now Dutch F16s are turning cumfucking drunken incompetent homosexual rusDERSITES into pulp in Kursk and they're all like 'boohoo russaphobia we dindu nuffin.

I want to see Moscow in ashes. I want to see Moscow a nuclear disaster exclusion zone where ghouls (Russians) fight over scraps and tear eachother limb from limb.


I want russian politicians torn apart by crowds. I want russian cops's heads on spikes of Kremlin walls. I want zigger bloggers disemboweled, their guts nailed to a tree and them forced to wwalk around the tree till they die.
I want Russia to fall apart into a hundred tiny nations.


I am a moderate btw.


nanc4 eats the wrapper


If this copypasta(?) ruins the funny of our emeowlye edition summary, it's getting the axe


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Bing's take.
I guess OJ comics are preferable to being turned into a South American web series


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The Ace Attorney one?


Disneed pls sue this style for evoking Mickey


Pearl Splatoon 2


O yea…
My second Pearl was the poonerverse one, who seemed more like a naggy mom or something (never watched)


bros i cant stop eating ice cream sandwiches


stop eating them or I will rape you


You'll regret binging and grow sick of them for a few years after


Nanc4 ate those food.
Nanc4 develops pica from the sheer force of brattoldry.


I hate this post so fucking much.


This was actually meant to be "Valve and Nintendo" since they're basically two sides of the same coin but the never-ending Atlus circlejerk hypetrain of repeating the same shit took precedent in my mind.

Note to self: do not complain about the usage of "apathy syndrome" in Persona 3 again.


Did anyone see a /v/ thread about Psycholonials yet


What is the coin?


Why is Splatoon so ugly and DERSITEish in general? Nintendo appealing to modern kid sensibilities leading to the death of a timeless artstyle? Tattooed 8raaaaaaaaphog nosering princess (Wario Peach, I call her Leech) when?


Splatoon(1) was soulful Japanese 2000s street culture aesthetic, but then they took the animal crossing "its a global franchise" pill and shat it up


"Endless gimmicks" while Nintendo is ready to pump-and-dump them, Valve will hold in their shit forever (Insert Drosera picture here, I couldn't find one from Googling her name) because of some Type B need for praise and recognition until it's just the right kind of thing to instantly get some kind of award or critical recognition. "Experimentalism" without the risk and without passion.

While Nintendies is consumerism, Valve is something far more sinister and Jewish.


>Splatoon(1) was soulful Japanese 2000s street culture aesthetic
Whatever, you say, bwo. I always found it ugly but it has gotten uglier.


wwasnt lookin
I was considering starting a play, though… Can't be too long, right?


Now here's a query. How did Japan get so into breakdancing? That seems like the biggest influence of the great American negro on Japanese psyche while Korea is more directly infested with it in its fashion and le rap. GREAT CHINA IS OBVIOUSLY THE ONE MOST IMMUNIZED.


Just be sure to give it a negative review.


wwhat if i end up likin it
its important to approach things wwith an open mind


The tried it once and a jovial comic relief black guy shouted GO RICE BOY GO


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man, i really wanna like Snack World


>wwhat if i end up likin it
Yeah, mmmhmm, sure, of course…


Is that really all it takes…?


Often enough


How many of these black plants have you seen, personally?


That's how XLR funded his trips to Nippon


>That's how XLR funded his trips to Nippon
I don't like the implications of this…


>Insert Drosera picture here, I couldn't find one from Googling her name
I'd be surprised if you could, but megidochan has them all





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Oh, what a card!


>It's over


Kek, although she is more liable to drop this one, at least in the scenario so far



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>although she is more liable to drop this one
>Liable to drop one


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Apparently I didn't save my "Little Mouse" css from 8ch anywhere


Is the board still up? Maybe you could grab it from there…



It wasn't homosuck that I seized control of, but some random one we schismed to for like a day. It never got transferred to 8kun so it's gone


Edit this so it it embeds- OH, WAIT!


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>Troons and their going-into-games machine


Reality gamer drops some rancid ones here and there


It's not a troon?


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I don't think he's a full fledged trickster, more like a… demiboy. Was in my first 100 follows, but I had to turn it off after too much trolling (same fate as logo)

Here's a better one


>I don't think he's a full fledged trickster, more like a… demiboy. Was in my first 100 follows, but I had to turn it off after too much trolling (same fate as logo)

Also, my brain hurts from reading that, thanks.


Why are black videogame players on YouTube getting more consistently shirtless?


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Trump got shot at again


Same as the park whyboy


Meat Canyon's been deboonked. Pack it in, boys.


Nooo stop


I literally think they are trying to ahem, "ape", IShowSpeed and it's literally irrelevant to them if they're fat, skinny, medium, or muscular to any degree. They are most likely to be anything but that last one.


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I imagine he's gonna say "what Sleepy Joe has done to this country is a disgrace, you can't go anywhere without bullets whizzing past!"


He's a real danger to democracy, that guy.




What does that stand for


oh right. "you will never be Heathcliff"

should I post roxykittensad.png or would she be glad to not be him


https://youtu.be/Y_4IytQAXiU?si=dFuXbQs2bAQxRbiL I don't even know what to call this.


You should get better material than a simple PNG.


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Literally me? Might watch


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We don't have artfags around to do animations anymore


No, they're schizo and some kind of communist.

I am beyond cynicism. I am fatalistic ergo I skirt around the bait.


You have viggle and haulio or whatever!


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>Long-form comedy series introduces new characters that eventually absorb the jokes and plotlines of preexisting ones as well as becoming more developed than their original counterpart because of that
What did we call this phenomenon? I've noticed that it doesn't really happen to any other kind of story (unless the author is REALLY bad.) It's mostly a comedy thing.


Apu? Apu Nahasapeemapetilon?


>Abandoned by Roxykitten Co. Creepypasta
I would ask an AI to shit out a sloppa for this but it requires too much context. Man… I wish I wasn't lazy…


No. I'm trying to think of an example that isn't austically specific or just doesn't come off as autistic in general. We could say
but that requires too much explanation.


But shadeskid is one of the existing characters


File: 1726438022015.png (5.85 KB, 147x238, roguesykitten.png)

*uses void powers 2 phase thru the 5th dimention*


You're right but he still vored everyone.
We were doing a creepypasta gag, get with the times, infant.


Also, I read that as Shade Skid for some reason, probably because Dave is S H I T


Okay the inverted default layout is available now


File: 1726439316719.png (5.83 KB, 147x238, roguesykittenbored.png)

*doesnt kno creepypapstas bcuz has no attn span 4 walls of text*


Better get used to them because you're a Stridilonde, retard.


This is why the board needs emoji at some point


Stridilonde is so fucking stupid too. I've always hated that term. Why did the fandom not collectively just say "Derse kids"? Oh, right, because wwomen.

wwomen would prefer to use a horribly mouthy portmanteau rather than a combination of words because of ??? girlbrain.


So he doesn't shit up the image count with his baby RP since somebody's deadset on keeping him around for whatever reason.


I ate like four bananas today and I don't want to do anything. Just lay down and die.


Maybe it's partially down to running the board now, but I consider anyone who elects to post on my personal website, out of the whole internet, a friend/comrade


I'm at a healthy two


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Oh, and kek
>Trickster thread pinned above even the rules thread on uboachan neet board


A vision into the future… lest you change your ways…


HSG doesn't have any rules like "No politics :(" or "treat everyone with respect :D"
The wheels are free


Sometimes I wish for it to get raided and reshaped in my own image… Maybe the world is only about conquering… There is no place left on the land for a homestead without slaves…


Licking a troon's clubbed foot for all of eternity, etc.


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"Paradigm shift" should be a redflag for you.


You know the rules, and so do I.


>Paradigm shift
We're just gonna kill em!


If only, this seems like a MLM scheme approach to sociopolitics.

Where's Illuminaughty when you need to fuck her?


I'm still planning to watch. It seems relevant.
At least from my understand of crypto bull run during covid, stressed and hopeless people will gamble their money on lotto tickets
(Be the ticket merchant)


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If HSG went viral somehow and there were hundreds of people, my dunbar number might start hitting the limit. For now it's fine


>I'm still planning to watch. It seems relevant.
. . .


I miss RoW already…


Maybe it's a vacation?


To Epstein's Volcano Island…



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>Can't add Rose Richards to group chats anymore
If this isn't some kind of retarded fluke (where she's temporarily disabled because I added some extremely innocuous details to her) then I'm packing my bag and beginning the process of porting all my Roses to some other place.

We should agree on the second base of operations though. Tavern.AI? That second one I forgot the name of? That third one one that was really crappy but had the surprisingly good image generation?


mezu alright, heh heh.
But I was thinking about a kirby one earlier, and I thought it only appropriate that it actually be a Dedede theme, if I make another Nintendo one


Tavern is for the card sharing and all that, right? Go with that.



> and I thought it only appropriate that it actually be a Dedede theme, if I make another Nintendo one
Very quickly spiraling out of control here.


I'll give it a couple days.
>Your character watching Christian VHS tapes with her children gets her blacklisted on character.ai
Biden's America, folx!


It's low priority, I'm taking a break on that front after the edge Ares one


And cmon, De de de? Eh?


>I'm taking a break
At least done of mine first!


I don't get it.


*do do do



I gave you a mockup to test, but you gave no impressions.

Besides, that's more of a Halloween time one.


>I gave you a mockup to test, but you gave no impressions.
I was fittingly spooked!
>Besides, that's more of a Halloween time one.
Fine, kukuku. But promise to do it then!


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Frightening stuff.


It tagged me on the shovel knight theme, but nothin else


The homestar wiki may be weirdly slow, but at least is doesn't save as webp


>It tagged me on the shovel knight theme
Really makes you think, huh?



Roxkit would never


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>The homestar wiki may be weirdly slow,
To be fair, there's a lot to cover. Not like the Homestuck Wiki where there's "a lot to cover."


Exact proompt?


I was thinking maybe it's really old?


That too.


File: 1726450791339.jpg (941.93 KB, 910x680, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Tall Bart Dystopia.




I thought so but you can never be sure.
>Make a Rose army proompt
>Try to download it before its play length is determined
>China eats it


File: 1726451514880.jpg (107.71 KB, 1005x172, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Again, the question begs itself, is Ryukishi07 just Hu$$ler if ironically he was more fun?


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It's over…



He had an actual job and perspective writing people besides reflections of himself though




Well, he's still on twitter.
And your steam group


> besides reflections of himself though
Erm, Hu$$ler also had Internet friends which he based the characters off of before very quickly eroding that for more reflections of himself. Get your facts straight.

And yes, even in the "standing around and screaming over nonsense" more shit still happens because they're actually talking about more than they would be in Homestuck. That's the real problem.


I haven't tested if he's blocked me. I'll wait it out. But it's concerning. Nigga needs meds.




Shut up, retard.


meds bad


Modern problems require modern solutions.


File: 1726452854285.gif (525.04 KB, 500x341, download.gif)


Holy crap, it's a Hecking Undertale!


I can't finangle the image filter to do #a10000 as easily as #00ff00 though :(




Erm,,,,,, in English, please!


Hazure theme uses
filter: grayscale(100%) contrast(200%) brightness(50%) sepia(100%) saturate(4) hue-rotate(70deg);
To get all the images terminal green. I want the Ares one to be Aradia read, but it's still quite off


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You can OD on potassium, right?


We sure are still doing this, huh…?


File: 1726454233261.mp4 (1.71 MB, 1280x720, 1726452405890459535-video_….mp4)


League of Legends?


"gameplay capture" does come out lookin like that


File: 1726454379147.jpg (1.16 MB, 828x947, ClipboardImage.jpg)

What if Megidochan was… a baby?


AI boomer posts are the redemptive power of Christ.


What if it was 2014 though?


only boomers remember


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I like the confidence put up by the public Dems when their schizos are still going guns blazing. If you can't convince your schizos, are you really convincing anyone?


But… I… remember…?




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File: 1726455197623-1.png (837.28 KB, 640x480, worry.png)

From Kotchan?


Worry is fairly universal


To my penis.


Girls are like: [INSERT THING HERE], they're more fun to watch/think about than to actually be around/experience.

My example was nu-Telltale Games (watch, thinking about them makes you justifiably angry)

Maybe you can think of a better one. On tonight's episode, of flimsychan.


Are there girls on flimsychan, or just the girl-obsessed


I said "flimsychan" mistakenly. There was at least two girls on there at one point, Phoebe and another girl I vaguely know.

Right now? It's probably still a shithole. Girlless.
>just the girl-obsessed
Nigga, if you knew the state, you'd know it steered hard into fagposting.


File: 1726456011953.jpg (75.42 KB, 473x660, They_Feed_Us_Poison.jpg)

Literally this


Well, I dunno 'em so it's a moot point. There's one post on the cuckqueen board who likes EO and dungeon crawlers… Swoon! I better keep working.


Fuck off, stoner.


ummm its a false flag and trump is shooting himself ok


>There's one post on the cuckqueen board who likes EO and dungeon crawlers… Swoon! I better keep working.
She sees this and she's out.


I was about to make more tincture


Want half a vial? It might help you…


I've tried CBD before. I hate weedfags so fucking much.


CDB is the less manic one, yeah?
I think a dose pretty helpful once a month to take stock of your personal progress from a more detached perspective.
Productivity is shot the day after, but worth it.


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why are all Kirby fans like this


see >>25075
u are what u play…


so why am i not italian or a plumber yet


*Dialing Kojima, Ito, and uh…. fuck it, I forgot the third one in that retard "gap moe" meme.*


You need molest more kids.


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Fuck off, Rogen. I'll cast you into the pits of Hell.


Democracy of the dead, "chudette"


Can republicans bring back corsets and cute aidorus


kagami mochi phenotype


Emeowyle status?


Maybe you, you fat fuck.


I'm all for oppressing wwomen but come on.


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I'm describing the girl in the picture, stupid


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File: 1726457215061.mp4 (7.5 MB, 2560x1440, Mano.mp4)

I knew.


Punished Emeowyle; just a small little guy denied their goofy hahas.


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On it


Also, I guess even forgot the knife cucks. I don't remember how many of them there were.


Forcing Emeowyle to look at this rn, thoughts?


its sfw


Thanks for your input, emeowyle. Remember that you are hated and that your existence is not a net neutral.


I wish I could have had Ryan Reynold's bumbling bimbo of a wife but instead his cuck ass does damage control for her instead of doubling down and just saying "My wife's a dumb bitch and I love it."


Knife cucks…?


People have tried to run up and stab Trump before.


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>the more I read Homestuck, the less I care about living things
Similar, but not quite the same. One could say the writing process and social developments around it destroyed my faith in art in the modern world and by extension, my faith in humanity. I'm not joking.


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Man, I hate wwomen. They'll literally ruin their lives for an aesthetic so that they can get fucked by a chad of some autistic subcircle. All behavior can be explained by chadmaxxing. Can't get the head of the football team? Then get with the most popular skater. Can't get with him? Then go for the stoner that everyone keeps giving head for some reason.



wwomen think entirely in terms of circles and scenes. It's all so clear now. Why have I never articulated it like this before? Tribalism exists on its own but its wwomen that commodify it, Reify it, and entrap it….

In the 2000s, we were in the "scene" era in both senses. We have now entered a "post-scene", post modern, digital world… This is the Re-Up….

There's something to be sad about "le goth girl" and "le tomboy fags." I've called them retarded before. But it's the opposite of chadmaxxing; it's effeminate behavior (scenebrain) but inverted. You're dating the fattest spic at highschool, dude.

This might as well be an AVOHK2 post. God, do I hate wwomen.



HSG's profane aura of broke NEET repels them


That all you have to say?


>HSG's profane aura of broke NEET repels them
But this is a problem because we need scenebrains for procreation in both the literal and abstract sense. wwomen are the killers of ideas and yet the only way they can proliferate. What acts like that in nature…?


i wonder how hard getting a surrogate mother is



The Yotsuba experience


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Megidochan vs. Homestuck Twitter.


I think that Caliborn subreddit catches our flak (not that HSG hurt anyone)


I don't trust you with kids.


Huh? What?


Aradia's skirt is rgb(51,51,51)…
GHM connection confirmed?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2onYOOmJl4U Children are not allowed to have feelings, only a range of traumas.


Green Hat Man?


hairline check!


green hulk monster

GrassHopper Manufacture


>Beaner in a beanie


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2gKAAgRvm44 I think I'm going to have an aneurysm if my brain is assaulted with more shit like this.


There is only one possible reason here


File: 1726460999080.jpg (Spoiler Image, 290.04 KB, 960x1280, dead stoner.jpg)

Kill stoners, behead stoners, roundhouse kick a stoner into the concrete! TOTAL STONER DEATH!


I'd live in a cottage, but hardly for the "community"


Are you sure that's a stoner?


Stop touching kids. Mario did. You can too.


He's wearing a weed patch, so yeah


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojZVpb0cVkE I saw this so you have to too, now.




The one on the left that says "Bob Marley" on it


Zoom in on it.


File: 1726461393594.png (293.77 KB, 960x1280, patch.png)


i dunno the mortys seem forced


That doesn't say that, take meds.


What did he mean by this


Andrew Hu$$ler could be on the Rick and Morty writing team or replace someone on it and nobody would know the difference. This is meant to be scathing criticism, by the way.


But no characters are portrayed as Cool (me)


>But no characters are portrayed as Cool (me)
That's literally Rick, you retard.
>Except his philosophy is shown to be self-defeating and wrong
>Except not at the same time because the world is shitty and evil
>Except he's also self-destructive
>But still better than everyone and everyone else is FUCKED UP AND TWISTED too.

Absolutely Hu$$lern.



File: 1726462975742.mp4 (3.02 MB, 720x1280, 9f0511a8-1818-4344-bf0c-1b….mp4)

Wholesome 100.


Yo, those Timbs fake as fuck.






what is the reference


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Dems are getting desperate.


That's Lawnmower Man, emeowyle, and he's fucking awesome.





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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


I thought the ass one already was




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I kind of like the full color one the most, thoughts, anyone who is awake?

Might turn off the image filter and make it this the default theme for /hsg/, the current one was only ever intended for my blog board, originally


>Actually using Homestuck art assets
Ew. Giving me the ick. Can you not?


the splashpage gif already has some, 8a8y


>the splashpage gif
That's different. This is gross.


Make it Megidochan instead.


s0rry but n0
I felt guilty about not having at least one properly homestuck one


Well, it's up at "Atares" should anyone want to try the Aradia theme for feedback. It's rather edgy and a little hypnotic.


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My honest reaction to this theme


It's not making my laptop stutter like the scene one, at least


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precious babbu


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last panel is me enduring these shitty comics


I am genuinely reaching my breaking point with nanc4 and sinfest I think


why did i immediately think of rev https://x.com/ukiyadayo/status/1835669905418711522


The architect in his atelier


Nekomusume filled out, too…


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Thoughts on these principles?


Kojima's days are numbered



>Putting all this thought into vooting for Kamablah

I'm of the "like voting matters" persuasion, so I won't hold it against him. The site mascot reeks of a potential GREENfag, though, and that I might.


"Vidya humor has changed since the MSpaint rage comics of yore."



Quirk posting…


File: 1726508998225.webm (206.06 KB, 600x879, 1726508880546226.webm)

it sorta looks like a peach


cant believe it took me 30 years of life to see a guy jerking off outside in public


File: 1726509572335.webm (1.18 MB, 1280x720, 1726508593182103.webm)


But it's bigger than any cantaloupe


An urban area? I've probably seen one without noticing.


File: 1726510665261.jpg (161.61 KB, 1200x1200, 20240912_194335.jpg)

it's that time of the month


Good luck, I've been feeling like there's too much to try and too little time in the day lately.
Must certainly be effects from the cusp of of the full moon.

If you ever draw a suitably 0min0us Aradia, I can stick it in her theme and soothe the embittered anti-fan >>25292


The principals are fine but I get the feeling their idea of how to uphold the principles will be extremely retarded


I wonder if it was a giant coincidence involving 2 and "Wii"


>Not a single mention of nuclear power
They never change


Like the Nintendo w-II?
Tax joke


But Homestuck fucking sucks and we hate it.


Wait, is this actually the board for Nintendo's treehouse people?


>don't rebrand from megidochan DOE


File: 1726515320444.gif (12.75 KB, 229x234, 86dd5e2706a069f46c521612d9….gif)

Yeah, let's add that counter feature. Let's see.


I didn't say that. I suggested the more ambiguous "Rosechan"


Why should you?
I was broken but then I got better. Maybe it's because I was institutionalized or starved myself.


When neogaf died, their resident nintentards made this place instead, I think.


Because it's grotesque and Rev likes that kind of thing.


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Ah, so it might incidentally have localization people, but not by them


Questionable Content and XKCD, you're up!


ebunnlye general


I got these posts conflated for some reason and I thought she was some kind of POI.

She has a nice face, it's a shame but maybe it's just fake-up.


I like how you didn't go to the absolute bottom of the barrel and picked Dumbing of The Ages and instead chose something more subtly annoying to replace Nanc4.

Nuanced creative choice, sasuga.


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Thought about making #naive edit where "reverence of nature" is black pool on a stoop and freedom of expression is Rick and Morty incest but I'm too lazy so I'll just throw the idea out there.


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>Unironic thirst trap
This is a new low.


. . .


wwhat luscious smooth hair milady


File: 1726516481707.jpg (338.71 KB, 2775x2193, ClipboardImage.jpg)


gue22 iit'll have two do


Happy Tree Friends did it better.



>black pool
I don't know how I went from "DERSITES sitting" to "black pool." I might be having a stroke.


>I felt guilty about not having at least one properly homestuck one


You want a GREEN soyjak theme? t might attract the wrong sort, but maybe if I don't draw attention to it…


Neon Leon mentioned the Princess Peach Showtime hypertit mod. Is his collective autism prophetic?


>You want a GREEN soyjak theme?
I didn't say that but it'd be funny. Maybe only for April Fools.


The real one or did Character AI cut that deep?


I feel like if I ever got over myself and started making things, I would be collectively rejected by chuds for one reason or another and be adopted by the #actuallywokerthanyouthink goon crowd. That's part of my paralysis. Having a fanbase of people I fucking hate. Chuds wouldn't be much better because they're fucking stupid. Normies would of course water everything down. I'd want to attract people like me and if I didn't then I had to failed to communicate. But that kind of shit is unpredictable.

Maybe it's just not my time yet.


>The real one
There is no real one, essentially.
>He forgets the backstory
It was a fake person immediately forgotten and he's comprised of multiple people.

>did Character AI cut that deep

Nah, it's one of his JewJew components that said that. He's a /pol/ chud that pretends to not be a degenerate loser despite suspiciously running into all kinds of perverse things incidentally.


just order some AI to like your things and praise you


>just order some AI to like your things
That still requires me to make the thing which is its own problem.


Which is weird because I keep getting fucking ads for it so I thought people had finally gotten over Matt Groening's biggest stain upon humankind.


Do you think making Viggles of them would be enough to make them sperg out or is their affect too blunted for leftist AI histrionics?


Asking AI for feedback always feels like the ultimate yes-man


Describing symbolism automatically gets you a 10/10 from them.




I guess it might be good for people who need to be talked up. Feels kinda hollow though, like character AI trying to *nibble on my neck*. Just be witty!


Compliments for the shell of a fucking story hurt worse than insults because it reminds me of the shit that people who like Homestuck say about it. It's not enough to have ideas, you actually have to follow through. That's what makes it art and not a fucking pitch.


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>you actually have to follow through
… Yeah, that.
Certainly, by the time I'm 40…


Start too young and your "ideas" can seem like regurgitated pastiche, thoughbeit (the Fobby Tox problem)… Unless you're a true man of unique vision and genius.


>Didn't even go for the obvious self-referential joke
I hate the fucking Reddit scienceman obsession with attacking literal schizo bullshit. It's not even fun to them. It's the definition of punching down which is ironic.


>Start too young and your "ideas" can seem like regurgitated pastiche, thoughbeit (the Fobby Tox problem)
No, that's specifically because he's a pandering kike coasting off his existing cult of personality, not because he was under fucking 35 when he made Undertale.


File: 1726518976073.jpg (102.75 KB, 720x446, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Truly a post of all time.


Undertale is just a cynical piece of shit, I feel like Fobby Tox is more incapable of expressing his earnest feelings and thoughts than even Hu$$ler himself. Judaism, son!


Harsh! I'm of the opinion he actually does really like MOTHER, Touhou, Mario RPGs, など…
Still, I wasn't saying you had to be an official OJISAN to make stuff, just a good stock of life/"media" under your belt (scrolling social media tags doesn't count)


Well, I certainly changed the gifypet html tag for "gender" to "sex"
Should probably resume work on it today


>he actually does really like MOTHER, Touhou, Mario RPGs, など
That doesn't mean he wouldn't simultaneously realize how big of a cult following it could get, especially after he got a gorillion dollars from Patreon/Indiegogo/Gofuckme(?)


The Taliban has yet to reach Megidochan.


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https://youtu.be/DL64tviPBMA?si=8QBOifSwkr6d35IH Also, holy shit, look at what I "stumbled" upon, a successor to the DBDR legacy?


I'll give some a listen
>Last 6 months ago
Maybe a stanchion against DBDR loss pains, for a time…


I was going to make an emeowyle adjacent post but I think vented enough wangst for that to no longer be necessary.


File: 1726519848682.jpg (802.6 KB, 836x851, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>>Last 6 months ago
Was he retard???????????????????????????



Ah, they're in a different tab


File: 1726520218768.mp4 (2.62 MB, 852x480, 三十二.mp4)

>Grandpa doesn't know how YouTube works


Since I'm testing/learning how iframes work, I thought JoeyClicker could be a fun distraction

Click joey to smack her with a shovel, collecting TEETH, BLOOD, and HAIR
When she dies, use your collected resources to clone a new Joey!



>When she dies, use your collected resources to clone a new Joey!
I thought you would tie into the pet game by using your resources to care for your actual Webkin.


The only way for a woman to live is for a dream to be dead.


This thread is probably going to be marked as especially misogynistic because it is because I have been, lately.


Roxkit's Russian genocide rants will be our shield.


>Misogyny and genocide


What's the last part of MAGA stand for?


File: 1726520864267.mp4 (8.4 MB, 1280x720, video(98).mp4)

Will the courts verdict that this is revenge porn?


I'm thinking the AOVHK theme should use the nuscene one as a "base" (I like the idea of Player 1/Player 2 color sets for each)

The ol' stars and bars would replace the leopard print post background.
The rose gif would probably be replaced by a scrolling rant over a flat bg…

Any opinion on color and stuff? I know nothing about bionicle.




"Misogyny and genocide Aradia- the new alt-right meme sweeping the cyber web. More at 8."


Come on, now.
>Any opinion on color and stuff? I know nothing about bionicle.
I know very little about Bionicle either, just that its lore is schizo. I got like a fourth of the way through the lore video.

Make it look chaos and law-y, I guess. It can be the token SMT background. And I guess don't forget the GOLD. Like, actual gold, not bee piss.



s0unds like a d0g whistle


>token SMT background
That being…? Sandblasted desert scape? Shinjuku at night?


Wait have we looped around to leftists arguing that Bush *didn't* do 9/11?


Bush ended the gender binary.


>That being…?
IDK, I just thought law and chaos-y at the same time. I really like the SMT 2 bondage angel, maybe you should have that.

Chains, heavenly lights, maybe fires at the bottom. Just religious schizo shit.
>Sandblasted desert scape? Shinjuku at night?
Look at this chud.


File: 1726521443361.jpg (254.16 KB, 669x698, ClipboardImage.jpg)

should I try the crab one?


File: 1726521560818.jpg (43.14 KB, 450x600, Brian_Wilson_(7314673472)_….jpg)

>s0unds like a d0g whistle
I like how everyone collectively forgot about the "OK" hand thing so it can go back to being both a thing people do and also a Hecking dogwhistle.

Before it was just like, a thing normies got fear-mongered out of doing so it lost all importance to everyone and then that's how we end in this loop. For the side that "invented" culture jamming, the left really has no idea how to use it or deal with it.

Make Aradia do the 0k hand sign in her theme or ELSE.


>should I try the crab one?
Secretly, the fattest fuck option.


Those prices seem kinda fuckin insane, but yeah sure?


>Surimi stuffing
They fucking killed them and turned them into pizza for getting zero points in the fest


>law and chaos-y
>Chains, heavenly lights, maybe fires at the bottom. Just religious schizo shit.
Maybe I'll boot up nocturne HD to take some first person pictures of Amala, Nihilo base and the game over angel pillar


>This level of Nocturne jerk-off
What is this, /v/?
>the game over angel pillar
Only this feels relevant tumi.


File: 1726521910568.jpg (33.01 KB, 450x180, blog.jpg)

Do Jadefags really?




It's not all for me…
Usually I cheap out with Little Sloppa's so this is a treat
The weak are meat!




>It's not all for me…
Who else are you going to feed? Your dakimakuras?


https://fxtwitter.com/deathbian/status/1835434268635570393 Kill people who type like this and also that.


>Street Fighter collection changed the Hong Kong flag to China and removed the sun on the mural in E Honda's stage
>Dead Rising remaster rewrote the PTSD 'nam vet so that he doesnt actually mention vietman or communists
How is capcom so unashamedly shit


What's wrong with that? :^)


There is no Majetano dakimakura slip '3'
(Maybe I should ask when Mahit0 is free?)


>There is no Majetano dakimakura slip '3'
>Maybe I should ask when Mahit0 is free?


I was wondering the other day if Grasshopper would ever remake Michigan, and if the "Ero" points for titty/thigh shots would remain intact


File: 1726522391316.jpg (66.53 KB, 280x272, ClipboardImage.jpg)

did they put the entirety of Surimi Rengou in it?


>ever remake Michigan
It's literally perfect the way it is.


File: 1726522504195.jpg (6.36 KB, 646x80, ClipboardImage.jpg)

*varg voice*
Let's find out


Imagine looking at the computer and all you see is food.


you mean apart from the fact the "Movie theater" section is broken?


It's not a true grasshopper game if there isnt significant cut content and/or severe bugs


Literally perfect.


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I'm not sure what was wrong with Lollipop either
SoTD lacked a way to loop with your upgrades, but that's it


Suda forgetting what Mother Marionette's deal was and some other employee having to remind him was really funny


why do people act like windows does not catch fire constantly


>Troon too stupid to into Linux
They're the omega, even of their dysgenic pack.


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>I'm not sure what was wrong with Lollipop either
It lacked a really easy fart joke.


Yes, now tell them to kill themselves, now, will you, dear?


>Suda forgetting what Mother Marionette's deal was
What the fuck was her problem?



XLR if he based





wwevve been ovver this


I'll do it for you.


It'd explain why his tastes and intellectual capacity are so abominable.


Officially over XLR.


wwe done been told u dat doe


I have memory problems…


Better than having memories you only wish you could forget…


But I also have that. I was just going to talk about that today. Those are the only things I can remember…


You really should create happy memories as well! Maybe start by playing the first chapter of Viscaria (mwehehe)


. . .
I would have never used a Majetano flag if I know you had a particular thing for her.


Actually, the new GPT is advertised as being capable of "reason", I wonder if IT would be less of a Yes Man.

Or do you have to instruct it to be critical, lol


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>"reason", I wonder if IT would be less of a Yes Man.
Le Jew Vegas.


Haw, well, I hadn't made it secret



I thought you liked the other girls a lot more.


Sorry my google IDE has this thing where it thing ON and IT should be in caps for English



Not the point, you stupid idiot. God, I hate that line.


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I wish I could enjoy life.


Really? When I've been ordering acrylic stands and training AI to output her in the styles of other games?
No way, blonde, twin tail, oxytocin-starved tsunderes are the best!

While I do like Liedna too, it's more of a paternalistic feeling over how retarded and sweet she is. And Flambery, she's written to leave a very strong impression of "another man's wife".


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Um, my posts are not "racist" or "genocidal". They're no worse than what was written in the New York Times about Germans around WW2.


>Really? When I've been ordering acrylic stands and training AI to output her in the styles of other games?
Sometimes the obvious eludes me… But I just thought it was because she was the closest to Rose.
What does this mean? I don't like what this means.
>Liedna too
Who this is is beyond me.


>They're no worse than what was written in the New York Times about Germans around WW2.
Yes, racist and genocidal. Props for Churchhill saying "Kill every man, woman, and child" in Japan. Hitler was right. https://files.catbox.moe/uog8jk.mp4

I would have more respect for you if you just came out and said that it was genocide but you're a homosexual, so.


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John Egbert be like:
i am not a faggot, you grey skinned queer!


You save f@ggot for the second half; [gt]i am not fucking gay, you gray f!ggot.[/gt]

You're as bad as a writer as Hu$$ler.


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Oh, we really went with [eb] and only [eb] for maximum cuckoldry points, huh?

Kill yourself, MEX.


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Given enough time to rot, I'm sure RoW will come back…



File: 1726526124515.webm (Spoiler Image, 2.64 MB, 750x422, 1664833333893.webm)

American volunteer drone operator John Egbert spots two Russian soldiers in a bombed out building (warning, graphic footage)


That doesn't answer anything.


Unprompted = especially autistic


Noted, I'll tell that to the next person who calls me a TRICKSTER unprompted.


It's prompted by you being a fucking TRICKSTER.


Unprompted = especially autistic


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also, Chinese franchise


It was prompted by you being a TRICKSTER, once again.


We will live to see China become the next Japan as Japan cucks itself more and more for the West.


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what did they mean by this?


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


File: 1726526553351.mp4 (462.67 KB, 320x568, 1726526222495-512222567.mp4)

This is a TRICKSTER, right?


A savage militaristic state that gets nuked by the US and their leader forced to kneel? Yes please.
>as Japan cucks itself more and more for the West.
Who do you think the "censored" gachashit variants are for - they're for the Chinese market.


>A savage militaristic state that gets nuked by the US and their leader forced to kneel? Yes please.
>Who do you think the "censored" gachashit variants are for - they're for the Chinese market.
China doesn't play by its own rules, retard.


>China doesn't play by its own rules, retard.
All the better reason to drop the nuke on the Three Gorges


You're obsessed


We get it, you want to murder innocent people and cause possibly the greatest ecological disaster known to man.


Pot, meet kettle. I'm merely a humble transvestigator.


Chinese """"people"""" aren't innocent and China itself is the greatest ecological disaster known to man.


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Sero is endearing for how long the focus of the plot is off of him. And it helps that Bazria, the NTR guy, is provided ample Scum points to be easily detestable (unless you're Indian maybe).
Sero is a bit of the stock "Meek Asian Self Insert" (as much as Maje is a stock tsun ojou and Baz is a stock charao dude), but Manuri made sure to convey his struggles, thoughtfulness, and chemistry with Majetano (outside the bedroom) in a very short time. Also since I am someone who hears "You never get mad" on the regular… I can really relate to the calm, ever-patient, procrastinating type. Haaaa…

>"End A"

It's not so often that victory leaves me with "What? Not fucking fair!" and "Well, she did her best…" clouding my mind at the same time. I couldn't even touch my penis for a whole month after End A, let along play eroge… but I'm a really sensitive kinda guy.
The endings have only grown on me over time, though, they're all thematic and true to the characters. I think players should aim for them all! Don't you want to see every side of the girl you like?

>Who this is is beyond me.
E-Ehehe, she stands out more than that, right?

>What does this mean? I don't like what this means.

Oxytocin starved.
Take any given feisty tsundere: She initially scoffs at intimacy, but gradually lets her guard down and starts to slip that deredere side. It's this evasive attitude toward affection/men, combined with a single-minded dedication to the (typically dense and hesitating) protagonist that leaves her with a severe cuddles deficiency.
A perfect storm of conditions for NTR to strike, in the minds of some.


Imagine a jingoistic baby boomer with a genocidal murderboner. Those are your political beliefs. Do you realize how pathetic you come off to literally anyone but yourself? You have literally no political allies. Nobody wants to associate with you, on any level, and so you roleplay as a baby.


>E-Ehehe, she stands out more than that, right?
I don't know if I've ever seen her posted.


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Here's your Kubel, bwo.




>Do you realize how pathetic you come off to literally anyone but yourself? You have literally no political allies.
Try going outside for once.


Depends, does he have irl places to hang out? It's be weird to vanish for no discernable reason… Unless YOU did something!


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>You of all people using this line


Since gt is free, I might as well.
I'll add that alongside GESTALT CALIBORN green


From what I know, he literally just lays in bed CONSOOMING movie, TV, and music on his phone.


>Since gt is free, I might as well.
From this alone, I know you're not a real Act 1-2 nigga. You will never reach Homestuck Hyperborea. Your JohnRose is null and void. Your Dave hatred is limp. You will never be truly stuck at home.


Ouch, I'd say we need to get that nigga a laptop but it must have those weird EU cables.


I'm just saying, some of the people I've spoke with - respectable people, who run businesses and give sermons in church - they make what I've been posting look like humanitarian pinko hippie shit.


I nuked his computer with a Korean MOBA, lol.

But yeah, he's also a poorfag so it's not great. He might have just been exhausted from all the social stimulation. He might need to sulk.


Yeah, okay, buddy.


But he was EB for act one, iirc. It's been half a lifetime, but wasn't ghostyTricker established in a flashback?


Where do they care so much? Is it a Ukrainian enclave?


I'm serious

I've gotten contradicted because I've said that I want the Russians to die quickly and it would be pointless to make them suffer, by someone insisting "they SHOULD suffer"

you don't know that hate that the normie has for the muscovite


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I might actually kill myself.


No, I don't even know any Ukrainians where I live


Don't swing at the HOMESTUCK EXPERT


He lives in Lalaland.
Yeah, I'm sure wherever you live agrees that America should basically just invade and torture more-or-less 50% of the world's population.

I'm fine with ominicidal fantasies and all that, just don't pretend they're normal.


>Hu$$ler had to retcon the DNA pattern
What did he actually mean by this?


Handy scrabble word だろ


It's more Bible shit, I reckon.


>"Linuxchud" on desu: 6 results
>"Linuxtroon": ~2 pages
What's the popular epithet for them? Freecel?


>What's the popular epithet for them? Freecel?
Nobody says any of that, Linuxtroon.


But probably "Linuxsperg"


I guess "Lincel" is pithier, lemme see…
Ah 10+ pages, yep


Wait, I'm retarded. That doesn't include B, I might be starving.


What about Lintcels?


Rose is STARVING and you decided to feed her her own SHIT and pieces of JOEY?


>This is MEX on Megidochan in 2028
>He's a Kiwi.


Going by megidochan market value, Rose shit is a precious commodity


>Rose shit is a precious commodity
Which is exactly why you shouldn't feed it to a Rose?


Depends. Feeding her is better, but it could be flat loss/gain. How entropic is the shit-into-shit rate?


>>He's a Kiwi.
i wwish i livved in the middle earth


It's funny you say that because ghostyTrickster is from Act 3


>How entropic is the shit-into-shit rate?
We're not having this conversation.


Not that kind!


its vvital information


Yes, I know, I fucked up. I just like the name more. Feels more John. I guess we can chock down GREEN's username to him creating the pattern retroactively, yes? And so her username was likely not preplanned like John and Dave's were (essentially) and she was made to kind of mirror Dave's.

Just another loss for GREEN heads, ultimately.


God, I hate GREEN so fucking much.


Maybe I've more faith in Hu$$ler left but I thought the genetic code thing was very intentional


By what point in the comic? EB games?


I don't believe it was planned because I know ectobiology wasn't planned.

Also, it should be noted that even though I like the name more, I think the GT retcon is fucking retarded and terrible writing.


Hu$$ler fooled us all into thinking he was some grand planmaster when he was bullshitting all along

I bet the 8 planet session on the lab screen in A2 had nothing to do with the alphas either


>Hu$$ler fooled us all into thinking he was some grand planmaster when he was bullshitting all along
He didn't fool me.
>I bet the 8 planet session on the lab screen in A2 had nothing to do with the alphas either
No, that was definitely the plan and why the comic was supposed to be much shorter. But then he got distracted by troll autism.

Wait, that ruins my theory. I thought only three were technically shown.

Might actually kill myself.


I think he said the alpha kids were already planned, the trolls having so much screentime is what came last minute because of how popular they were


Yeah, and I bet he said that he swore his vriska cosplayer gf was legal too. He's a bullshitter.


>I think he said the alpha kids were already planned
He says about that so shut your mouth. It just makes sense thematically which is why it didn't actually fucking happen that way.


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What's the best possible bingo you can get here? I feel like vertical one and horizontal four are some of the most benign guys imaginable.
>wwomen don't even know how to make Bingo cards correctly so that you don't end up with situations like this


row 1 and column A are both good imo


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>Using numbers for rows and letters for columns
Woman detected.


I can't believe wwomen invented excel


That's different because it's visually formatted differently. You're just a fucking QUEER.


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your brain is formatted differently




Yes, because it's bigger and has more gray matter, woman.


Xe right, but Riko is cuter


It's like eating a giant crab meat wonton… I even like those, but probably never ordering crab pizz again






I can see this being made by a 'cel and then picked up. Making wwomen worse by their own hand


men and wwomen wwant different things


Would anyone abuse the lesser sex in such a dick dastardly way?



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That made me check, and I'd be fine with most anything on here

("Men have no standards")


You're right Eri, looking from a woman's perspective being short is worse than almost everything else there


The (vague idea of) alpha session was definitely planned pretty early on, though hard to say if it was that early. He definitely wanted to show other fuckers playing the game.


Also being able to make shit up as you go is a skill that should be respected. Hu$$ler is just terrible at it (except for Problem Sleuth..?)


PS was using commands, right? It helps to have a stable of lore master autists spending all day theory crafting for you


Has anyone done community AI MS paint adventures?


AI niggas be like "Waow, how can we use technology to make this shit thing even worse"


What the fuck do the red stars mean


>Also being able to make shit up as you go is a skill that should be respected.
> Hu$$ler is just terrible at it (except for Problem Sleuth..?)
A complte farce + >>25567


AI would literally be better than the current set of kiddies who can't stick to the premises they go in with. And about as funny too. AI has "Hu$$ler humor" down to a notch. Because he's fucking autistic.


I talked to my sister on the phone for a hot minute and it sounded like she was trying to do a Chinese accent for a second and I was really confused.



Quote lian at her


We should be real and have gray be "Not a redflag for me but understandable" like racist and sexist and fucking whatever.

Some are completely indefensible though like short, "muh netflix", virgin, religious, or "dey phone"


The conversation ended but it just started with her being handed the phone and going "HALLOOOOOOOOO." I think it was a combination of her voice breaking and her not being ready to talk because she was driving but it legitimately made me speechless. And then she started talking like she usually does and I just thought of a terrible way to describe that, come the fuck on, dude.


I've had a pretty good trackrecord in avoiding borderline incestuous comments but my lack of sleep and food almost pushed me to my breaking point.


Ah, I was answering as if I were in any place to "judge" wwomen for such things. Most is fine.

If I were to rate the "fairness" of each box, lemme see…


File: 1726533959297.jpg (273.86 KB, 635x760, ClipboardImage.jpg)

On rating the "Fairness"
Green: So trve!
Grey: Picky, but I guess that's taste…


erm is that an andr0id ph0ne
like, ew


See how evenly distributed YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT while So trve! is mostly relegated to one column.

This is why wwomen's brains can not into bingo.

Unless… It was a trap…


For a second I thought you going to Davepost what I said above and I'm glad you didn't because that would have made me legitimately angry. Please just quietly ignore it.


>caliborn's text is #323232




You know why, right?


Let's test the new one


Why, Hu$$ler wrote him at that age?


Let's be fair to the nepetaphile, he does say that he's already here.


How generous of you!


It would be IC for Dave though, because he is a fucking hipster


>It would be IC for Dave though, because he is a fucking hipster


Do hipsters commit incest or am I reading that wrong?


it's extremely canon
t. pancakestein


If Dave were written today he'd be a soyboy


sleazemaxxing says yes

*sips pabst*


He's literally a 2000s stereotype of a hipster


Shut up.
He is, and, he is.
Honestly, why didn't they make Dave fuck Rose then? Why did they go for futa?
What the fuck is IC though, how does that relate to anything


In character.


opposite of OOC


Fuck you, so you were just saying hipsters commit incest. Like that means something.


>why didn't they make Dave fuck Rose then?
Because twitter retards would kill them. However, twitter retards aren't smart enough to figure out that Dave and Rose already fucked in the Davesprite timeline, so they left that in.


>Honestly, why didn't they make Dave fuck Rose then?
Dirk beat him to it


>Because twitter retards would kill them.
Why be okay with cuckoldry but not incest…?


>Cucking your half-brother by fucking your half-daughter
All according to keikaku.


You're replying to two different people. I'm the one saying Dave is a hipster, not the one saying hipsters commit incest (Dave does commit incest though)


Because cuckery is heckin progressive and breaking down the oppressive traditional family structures or something


Nobody Loves Kanaya Like They Do Dave
or if they do, they prefer her being single


>breaking down the oppressive traditional family structures or something


also nothing is allowed to stand in the way of DaveKat


You don't know many people with shit tastes.


I said it would be in character for Dave to disdain an Android phone, because he canonically uses an iphone (back when iphones were expensive and even having a cell phone at age 13 was a big deal)


that was aradias quirk th0


Your reading comprehension is shit then.


Classic Starbucks girl Aradia!


haha wwhat if aradia drank starbucks and then sharted haha


List of things that give Dave "the ick":




File: 1726535747433.jpeg (614.13 KB, 600x1300, aradia growth.jpeg)

Aradia is poor though, she would not buy an iphone


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>She's DERSITE rich

>Was about to download it until I saw the unnecessary babby

My zoomer senses are tingling.


Feels like SOMEONE out there wants to fuck babies.


enough about rev


That's at least a toddler


99% Roxykit wants to fuck babies too. But enough about BABYFUCK.


Roxykitten is NOT sexual.


I don't even want to look up if there are specific words to want to fuck a baby as opposed to wanting to fuck a toddler.

If she's a toddler, why the fuck didn't the artist put her in clothes?


When you line it up with everything else in your psychological profile, it seems very suspicious.


We got an internet psychologist here?


>why the fuck didn't the artist put her in clothes?
Because she is poor.


Always have, son.


I choose: babyfucker. Alternia is not a real setting.


>If she's a toddler, why the fuck didn't the artist put her in clothes?
I don't dress her in clothes yet


>State-mandated diapers for the giant bug monster that takes care of you


Yes, we get it, you want to fuck kids, moving on.


File: 1726536569279.png (3.2 KB, 190x133, roxykittenclothedup.png)



Die, you little shit.




She's usually just diapin


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I don't know why I'm asking but where's the Rose version


File: 1726536976448.png (5.83 KB, 147x238, roguesykittensmirk.png)


It's full of your cum, you sick fuck.


https://fxtwitter.com/BimboNihilism/status/1834690893678604604 Just look at the URL and assess the risk from there.


Do NOT sexualize the roxkit


You do it, I know it. I also know you'd never admit it.


You think everyone's as babyfucking as you? You're alone.



dancing Israelis drinking their own poison


Nobody dedicates a decade of their life to babyposting for wholesome reasons, especially when basically the only other thing they post is wishing death on foreign countries.
>Le Uno Reverse
Not going to work.


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>Scroll down
I shouldn't have scrolled down.


>The Hussy with the Bussy


At least I never posted about cumming in a diaper


I post all kinds of fucked up shit but I'd say one babyfucker is worth less than wishing millions dead. Not that excuses your crimes. I hope you live in the woods and are an only child.


The discnigs stopped coming round… (say what you will)


At least the Discnigs keep to the sovereignty of their own diapers unlike the diaper imperialist over here.





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>These days, tons of people are walking away from "the left."


Xir face



I think at this point emeowyle will report our website to the cops if they see the summary of this thread.


*pokes paw pad*


File: 1726538684047.jpg (489.08 KB, 687x545, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>IN 20 FUCKING 24…….


i didnt evven do nuffin




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>Pedophilia, genocide, and misogyny
>Possibly illegal content


What did he mean by this?


Oh, wait, I forgot incest which is a nice 1-2 with pedophilia.


To be fair, it finally dawned on me that the time Kagi accused us of incest and cannibalism was over a mere andy and leyley segue


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File: 1726538904560-2.ogg (1.95 MB, Title.ogg)

Since CHAOS (kodama remix) will be reserved, what should Aradia's title theme be?


>Kagi accused us of incest and cannibalism was over a mere andy and leyley segue
I mean, we've all been there, right?


Hu$$ler's Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders impressions played on repeat.


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I just realized that Marvel does the same thing with Korean artists that League does and it's making me seriously question the art industry in Korea. Why is it like this?


Workhorses them or something else?


Just like outsourcing to a rotating set of one-and-done artists, it's very strange.


*realized as in made the mental connection because I knew about both before and forgot to make this post for like 5 hours :P


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baby. small. little.


little pink monkeys


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Daily reminder that I can't do Zalgo text here.


SOUVful classic animation pilled


Shut the fuck up.


>Goes for glass
>Follows Dirk
>Slams fist in impotent rage
>The Lalondes
>Woman babble
>Gets mercilessly tickled by a cat
What did Hu$$ler mean by this?


>I am forgotten…


No shit, of course you are.




What if Jane fell down a well and died


I had an idea of what to make the next thread but then I forgot. I might have just made it (our version of) MAGA edition.


oh well




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Very important that everyone here knows.


rapier wit unsheathed


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>A hand
Truly spooky.


Rose's hand.


>Oh, the poor pagans narrative

Also, are we deranged enough to claim that the Jews deserved literally everything that happened to them and that they were never invaded?

I understand being anti-Semitic but historical anti-Semitism starting before the death of Jesus or whatever has always seemed silly. Like, the only thing that makes sense is political anti-Semitism, racial and metaphysical stuff is nonsense.


The true power of a fully realized Witch of Space is to exert her power as a baby.


What If You Could Influence Your Past Self As A Baby To Do Certain Things What Would You Do The Psychic Link Cuts Off After The Age Of Four


I'm sorry for the soapboxing on the same shit over and over again but holy shit are these terrible and boring.


Idk, not lose that one piece of lego down the gutter?



I relate, but mine was a subway car.


File: 1726542774126.png (138.06 KB, 900x570, strong kitten.png)

Baby lifting mentioned, posting the obligatory strong roxykitten


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