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Itsumademo. Zutto.
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 No.20427[View All]

650 posts and 146 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Oh, fuck me senseless.


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And then I forgot to remove the flag for this. Today is not my day.


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a yumesima remake hate video just in case there was any doubt of his retardation




What the fuck does he mean by "fake", is he retarded?


it's like "artificial difficulty" and "forced stealth" I suppose


>Needs more views
>In default trending
Zoomers are so fucking stupid.


That still doesn't explain what it is.


Like, if it was just Poyo, Sout Park, and Link, I'd get it, it's an artstyle that's trying to look like something else (yarn, cardboard cutouts, clay.)

It's the Earthbound that throws me off. That's just 8-bit.

What the actual fuck did he mean by this?


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Holy shit, kill this retarded coontroon immediately.


>Long COVID's invisible arm is reaching emeowyle
Megidogoys, we have to spring into ackshun!


It's them or us, no inbetween. Collective guilt is a thing, and it has been upheld by international courts.


>Gives up on trying to deny it


You know, why do I have to defend myself to you? I didn't rape toddlers to death, unlike your beloved ziggers.


oh that guy troon'd out?


MFW I raped toddlers to death.


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This except don't eat dogshit and get STDs.


YT showed me this earlier
I'd like to know what the fuck is going on with the host's face


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Thousand cock stare.


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Burn ziggers. Kill ziggers. Behead ziggers. Rape ziggers. Gas ziggers. Shoot ziggers in the face. Stab ziggers with a kitchen knife. Push pregnant ziggers down the stairs. Run over ziggers in the crosswalk with a Chevrolet Silverado. Break into zigger homes and steal zigger money. Mail a bomb to ziggers in the Kremlin. Gouge out ziggers eyes. Use a blunt pocket knife to give ziggers the Glasgow smile. Push ziggers overboard into the ocean. Bury ziggers up to their necks in sand and watch the tide come in. Set ziggers on fire. Eat a zigger's liver with some Fava beans and a nice chianti. Upper decker a zigger's toilet. Steal candy from zigger children. Bite the nose off a zigger's face. Dunk ziggers in radioactive waste. Lock ziggers in a rocket and shoot it at the sun. Expel ziggers from school. Roundhouse kick a zigger in the face. Dip a zigger's balls in bengay. Perform unlicensed surgery on ziggers. Send a bus of ziggers off a cliff. Kick ziggers in the nuts. Light a paper bag full of dog shit on a zigger's doorstep. Beat ziggers to death with a hammer. Play frogger with ziggers on the interstate. Drag a zigger's face across a concrete floor. Put ziggers in the guillotine. Force feed bleach to ziggers. Sic attack dogs on ziggers. Slam a door on a zigger's hand. Overdose a zigger on Tylenol. Pull out a zigger's teeth with pliers. Toss ziggers in an industrial trash compactor. Force ziggers to watch Amy Schumer stand-up. Cut a zigger's ears off. Throw ziggers out a plane at 30,000 feet with no parachute. Sell zigger snuff films for money.


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it's literally this, isn't it
I can't remember what it's called




Kill yourself.


Thank you for posting the TRUE and HONEST version.


Also known as "Mexican American syndrome."


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This image really speaks to me.


Mask Expert: Sets up elaborate fetish set-ups where he's not directly involved
MoM: Directly talks to AI about being suicidal and miserable.
RoW: Directly tries to flirt with an AI in terrible ways in a mix of ryona and masochism. Alternates between threatening to kill them and himself.


Should have done "MEX" to fit with the three letter convention.



What could this video be?


Suicide, like >>21113 wanted to see.


I want your suicide.


I will live, to spite you.


Is that the only reason? How sad…


No, but it's one more.


>He has a list of things keeping him from killing himself


…I haven't like, written down a list.

Do you think I should start one of those thankfulness diaries or something


>Do you think I should start one of those thankfulness diaries or something
Yes. :)


Waste of time IMO. But I'll post something I have to be thankful for each day, just because you asked me to.

I have clean drinking water on tap, that's something to be thankful for.


>I have clean drinking water on tap, that's something to be thankful for.
No limestone?


Nah, but I've been in places with really hard water. Cleaning the lime off the tap filter is a bitch…


Fuck you.


This looks shopped. I can tell from the pixels and from having seen quite a few shops in my time.


It's MS Paint but nice, classic meme, my friend.

I could edit it further but the original is already pretty scuffed.


Every word you just said was false.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhjCFqzeGYI Here's your new girlfriend, bwo.


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I love how angry people get about Splatoon, a game for babies, that's basically designed to be as casual of a shooter as possible.


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Naoto must be ugly as fuck. Imagine the teeth.


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3 days, no S.


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Really, this is the Goddess Megidochan needs and deserves.


Also, I thought that maybe we should copy a feature from Kotchan.


back at the internet cycle where jaidenanimations porn is acceptable again


Any particular reason why?


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>Tip less
>Food comes faster
It's just that simple.

Today's haul. Slifer. Nice.


Actually, my Slifer seems to be slightly off-center and it's fucking with me.


Time for my diluted cum again, mmmmmmm.


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Forcing the one Anon to see this in spite of himself.


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I've started to hold the belief that not tipping results in my food being in more pristine condition.




I was kidding, mostly, it's probably due to the difference in times.

I really can't afford to do the max tip though, as much as it hurts me.


And this time I got a burg so the sauce wouldn't be up for debate.




Useless, boring, and GREEN.



That's because it was originally good and then they fucking ruined it repeatedly


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Oh yeah, watched this:

War movie.

I guess it's alright, the friendship of the two main characters is neat. Last sequence was kinda boring.

There's a scene where a guy crossdresses in a geisha kimono.


Let's be honest, it's Kuromi in a slifer costume


Minor Joy Jake incursion
Should I throttle it to 1 thread/hr?
That should still suit HSG fine


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>Mask Expert: Sets up elaborate fetish set-ups where he's not directly involved
Honestly I do light hearted RP way more


VGH, even my sanctuary. I feel like banning these types always validates them a little…


They probably find posts like this even funnier


literally who


'Dat so?
"They" do deserve at least a little acknowledgement of their efforts.


Dead By Daylight Redditor
A very innocent incel (fakecel) who'd rant about his shitty experiences trying to fit in on jewtube. He had a decent knack for storytelling, but dunno where he is after getting banned


well adjusted guys dont refer to mcflurries this way


>gyarushut turns 32


That board seemed pretty bespoke, so I dunno what vichan could be ghetto rigged into copying


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Sorry, but I had to check. You aren't Roxkit or Wes, so I'll assume those aren't bags of decapitated heads.


Actually, reading the sub it sounds like he merely priv'd

Perhaps the blackpill prophet will return one day



It's not a McFlurry, it's shitty McDonald's "milk."


>That board seemed pretty bespoke


>You aren't Roxkit or Wes
Ah, the two people we should ban.


Thread XXXII is up to you, MoM, you got the webm
I'll append the link



Since this doesn't take a refresh

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