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/32/ - megido32

(we don't talk about July)
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 No.831[View All]

650 posts and 198 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


So >>1479 basically


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l2BhLGWWbI Help, "they" are touching Home Movies.


https://youtube.com/shorts/qYoPRWAgOys?si=WP97wkmanxJGRbOW I thought he was going to become trans until I saw the username.

He comes off like a soy tool despite the epic "hehe get good kid B)" Fromsoft attitude which I'm still supposed to think is "based."

I'd still suck his dick though.


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I should note that, a weird thing it does, if you criticize it in "Discuss further", it will attempt to update its description even if in a new "session"/new tab, whatever.

I said it seemed to only be summing up the first 100 posts and look at it now!


None of this is in le bible


But maybe it should be. It's time for the Pope to get with the times. Calling up MatPat.




Definitely gooning to this one.


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"Thing from same person reminds me of thing from more popular thing from person, love thing!"
Why are YouTube comments like this? Kill everyone now.


the danganronpa curse


There are multiple.


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"You really think Andrew Hussie is a pedophile?"


I'm just saying there is enough evidence to warrant further research.


Missed opportunity to use this girl Sluggo has a crush on here


They could be the same.


She is missing the iconic braid!


She ate it.


File: 1719394456214.png (29.14 KB, 207x276, braid.png)


Too clever for Nanc4.


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>the Omori manga artist is a shotacon


File: 1719403637710.jpeg (243.22 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0581.jpeg)



No shit?


August 12 2036


and that's a good thing


basil's little boy butthole…


So was the game developer?


eh? eh??


>Started wearing DEI-spats instead of a skirt
This is post 2020 pokemon all over again…


File: 1719417500088.jpg (444.19 KB, 3840x2160, 20240626115018.jpg)

The goon folder will soon outstrip the game


What did he mean by this?


File: 1719419836242.webm (1.66 MB, 720x1280, tard.webm)

August 12 2036
the innathet death of the universe




What a retard.


File: 1719420600035.png (9.1 KB, 664x92, ClipboardImage.png)

So fvcking trve.


Horizontal shift?




post kanaya's hips




post kanaya's shits


I had a stray of this breed come by my house regularly for a few years. She was cross-eyed too. Hope she isn't dead right now.


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she right doe


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File: 1719430201836.jpeg (49.72 KB, 470x465, Zoomerman.jpeg)


That's a stretch


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hsg ought to be twice as handy now!
Although jfif just shows up as a paperclip, not a thumbnail…


File: 1719436535600.jpg (32.1 KB, 422x609, 1699834740797861.jpg)

>$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = 'trans';


File: 1719437436958.png (25.74 KB, 768x502, ClipboardImage.png)

'Tis unfortunate, but you'd have to take it up with Dreamsavior



File: 1719446728281.png (1.32 MB, 1116x731, ClipboardImage.png)

Das it mane


File: 1719453769349.png (602.12 KB, 3000x1539, ClipboardImage.png)


High contrast: Bear
Full color: Gerbil


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wwhats the numerological significance of 10/7?


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File: 1719481096526.jpg (277.07 KB, 1037x750, 07f0fc03-7d5a-4c32-ba6c-7f….jpg)

2 cool…


It's extremely horny for no reason. I just told WoS Rose "*Suddenly… a giant rubber duck.*" and let her generate replies without any more input and it ended up with her having an orgasm while shoving her hand in a humanoid rubber creature's mouth.


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Das' right. Chinamaxx.


Do you really care?


Unfortunately, better than regular Nanc4.


What the FUCK are you doing with my Rose?


next strip Sluggo will ritually sacrifice Maggie to demonstrate his loyalty to the Nanc4
the Nanc4 will then use necromancy to bring Maggie back as her retainer


>bring Maggie back as her retainer
Settle down with the vore.


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I'm sure censoring your post with 0s instead of Os will really work when you're replying to a massive company.


I can't be curious?


Getting second gen asian immigrant daughter vibes


Lian Lalonde confirmed?


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IDK, the chud circuit is getting kind of boring these days…


What did he mean by this? Also, isn't she third generation?


God, I can't tell if these are AI or not, relatable comics are so lame that they could be replaced by ai with no issues.


>I can't tell if these are AI or not
Motherfucker, there is no legible text.


Anon could block that garbage text out an carve a following doe


I did that and nobody noticed. :(


Well, you didn't even use the dropper tool to get the matching color bwo…




>there is no legible text.
Just like I said "they could be replaced by ai with no issues"




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There are silent variations over gradients. God forbid my impure version of beigeish white be >10 hex values away from the sample you arbitrarily chose.


Fuck my stupid retard brain out.


File: 1719504549755.png (249.32 KB, 907x767, c469dff9e6a73e687361d665d5….png)

I liek dis kat


File: 1719504581969.jpg (456.8 KB, 1024x1024, levels cranked.jpg)

It's a solid block though

Might be an AI quirk where AI can't generate solid color areas, truly


Hmm… twans?


>It's a solid block though
Yes, I used a fill-tool to make a solid block of a color sample that didn't apply to a lot of the colors in the gradient.
>Might be an AI quirk where AI can't generate solid color areas, truly
Very possible! Can't tell if sarcasm!


You can see from setting the blacks too high that it's lighter than anything in the "gradient" to begin with


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Just beclaws

Also, newn:


What's a twan?

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