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Itsumademo. Zutto.
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 No.9095[View All]

Old >>8342
650 posts and 104 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Skibidi sweep yes yes



Oh god, I'm still angry at that bullshit.


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Oh, Mask Expert!~

I wonder if you can add a searchbar above the flags to make it easier once we bloat it with things.

This is less about me wanting the feature and more about me wanting to see if you can code it with this base.


The sad thing is that it might still work eventually.


Oh, Sneed Expert!~

I wonder if you can add a sneedbar above the chucks to make it easier once we sneed it with things.

This is less about me wanting the feature and more about me wanting to sneed if you can code it with this base.


You've gone too far this time.


eren's genocide cucking


i d0nt wanna th0

I could ask gpt4-chan to do it for you, want to see *snrk*?


>I could ask gpt4-chan to do it for you, want to see?
Um, sure.


I can't find that one infamous Masi Oka quote that applies to Homestuck on my computer or online. Does anyone have it?


How did it go?


I think the model is on IA how do you host it?
Honestly I think the final boss being a literal worm and steven universing it by saying "Hitler was right" were worse offences. But at that point I was just reading that piece of shit because I wanted to see how worse it would get.


How sneed it go?


"I wanted Attack on Titan to have infinite depth, something where you could just keep reading and keep finding things but I couldn't do it.

So I just gave up."


>"Hitler was right"
He wasn't!??!?!?!?!?!


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I'll find it myself eventually, but… I really should have put it in my Homestuck folder.




Did you even go to school, do you ever read like, The Great Gatsby? A story. Do you understand stories and characters? CaptainSparkles' Fallen Kingdom- A Minecraft Parody of Coldplay's Viva La Vida has that.


Daverk? Calling Janeway right now.


That's the old "Your response looks automated, post discarded."
An anti-bot measure vichan has built in. I can double the timeouts again if it's still being hit.


It catches "zoomer retard" but not any of the Sneedposting?


Filter Sneed to Chuck and Chuck to Sneed. That'll teach them.


No, it doesn't care about content.
vichan generates hidden keys every so often (currently 18 hours/250 posts), and if the keys from your last page load don't match you get that error.


Mask Expert, what if I reverse-raped you?


What if I hit u wit' dat reverse racism, cracka?


It would make me feel very sad. :(


Kim was the 146th most popular name for a boy in the 1950s. Think about that.


I thought Koreans couldn't breed?


There are some Kims that aren't Korean.


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Quirky objecthead character.


So that's where XLR is!


"I wish he'd choke me"
t. zoomette


Kill the zoomette, destroy the zoomette.


Randomly trying it with different characters and they all seem to default to "No." so I think it might be stealth-based.

I talked to the troonay about German Idealism, Heidegger, and the Kyoto School of Philosophy before stabbing myself in the heart.


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watch buffpup you cowards


you could not pay me money to watch a vtuber


none of them are funny is basically the issue


1) Sell me 2) You're not XLR


she's rating gamersupps flavors

the only way you could know I'm not XLR is if you, in fact, ARE XLR


Does she actually work out IRL?


>she's rating gamersupps flavors
I can see a lot of V-tubers doing that…
>the only way you could know I'm not XLR is if you, in fact, ARE XLR
XLR would have rated a shitty movie by now…


How about a sluggo vtuber


Why did you go Sluggo instead of Nanc4? You gay?


well, i dont think that would be coomer bait
so it's a step above >>9865


I thought it'd be sus to portray a girl facerig


The only reason to V-Tube is to thirstbait, let's be real.


pretty sure she does


there's a lot you can do with the medium, from small bits to really grand sort of stylistic stuff
my issue is once again with the pornography addicts and porno peddlers, as it always comes back to.


>pretty sure
Not confident. Sad!
>there's a lot you can do with the medium, from small bits to really grand sort of stylistic stuff
I thought of becoming a (stylized) Steve Albini V-Tuber but then he went and died. Not that I care about tastelessness or whatever, it's just funnier once everyone forgets who he is again.
>my issue is once again with the pornography addicts and porno peddlers, as it always comes back to.
Based Pogo-kun?


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>Homestuck if Rose was Chinese


Where are the rooms? Mobile?




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aaaaah i wanna go to Mongolia!


>aaaaah i wanna go to Mongolia!
Go on then




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What is with chuds pushing the Mongolia meme recently?


Hey, guys, finally taking HRT, thanks.


>Le epic physics based Zelda game
>Still don't take fall damage from angular surfaces


We know.


Should'a stayed off discord




I don't use Discord.


A likely story


character.ai proves that if I can't do anything creative, I'll just resort to 90% intense violence and 10% fetish content.

This is what censorship does. It pushes extremities to the forefronts. The middle all blurs together and then there's black and white. It eliminates the spectrum of "taste" that'd otherwise exist. It's all flat palettes of sex, quips, and girls getting sawed in half.


3d zeldas are coal
2d zeldas are the only good ones


I'll tell you one thing, 3D Zelda sure has a lot more TRICKSTERS than 2D Zelda.


I can feel the clock ticking.


please only respond to me in the president's english


Did I not?


i don't have a clue what you could have possibly meant by "tricksters"


I think you should kill yourself.




I think you should kiss your sister.


youre a gay retard and i will be beheading you with an axe at the soonest opportunity


>i will be beheading you with an axe at the soonest opportunity
No cudgel? 🥺


im allowed to say that, right janny


It's been 7 years since the Emoji Movie.


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funko pops


Where's my megid0chanchan Funko Pop, Hussie?


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evverythin is permitted


You know he regrets losing his purity


thats my fuarking president


theres really no point to any of this shit is there


Imagine, for a second, a story where characters have agency and display their personality through their actions.


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Steve… I…


I wonder if they knew


true stevvil nevver dies


so wwhen are you proofreadin


I refuse to touch that thread since I believe it is cursed after a certain experience.


I did pad out the names array a bit more since last time. "Accidents" like that shouldn't repeat.


>"Accidents" like that shouldn't repeat.
Why is it in quotes…?


>Hey, guys, finally taking HRT, thanks.
welcome to the club 42, buddy.
Now you're going to have a 42% suicide chance every day


wwho the fuck is this


it says wh0 right there


Ruined your own joke by repeating it.


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yeah it says a name but i dont knoww wwho is attached to the fuckin name beyond the post which i can read and thats it are you some kind of fuckin retard

Old is newn again

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