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Itsumademo. Zutto.
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 No.6821[View All]


Old >>6072
650 posts and 161 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I feel like she's a character that's been through every SFW fetish at this point.


I think even Undertale kiddies are preferable to LISA kiddies who are like microgoons.


>Spirit bad
>Body good
>From Tatsuya "Sex killed my grandama" Ishida

Also, you can't go "Muh Tikkun Olam" and then say that Judaism is FUNDAMENTALLY anti-nature. I don't think any world religion is fundamentally anti-nature. This is just Nip sperging.

The only way you can rationalize early, early, EARLY Judaism being le bad is by being some kind of retarded neopagan but even then the claims that neopagans make ("churches le bad") butt heads with the more contemporary anti-Jewish talking points ("the Jew is a nomad") but Tatsuya of course makes both.

>Shows the black sheep being shunned


You are ruining antisemitism for everyone!


Undertale reference?


>. I don't think any world religion is fundamentally anti-nature. This is just Nip sperging
varg thinks this about muh abrahamic desert cults too


Hey, why is everyone here tricky now? Is this some hot new trend nobody tell me about?


Yes, because Varg is half-retarded. I'd be far more interested to hear his side since it's not just his vril talking. Does he use anything historical or is it all just rhetoric?


What's TRICKSTER about my squeezepost?


I'd start worrying if that's a mod


I don't know what that is. Sounds kind of tricky doe.


are we talking about tony hawks pro skater again




*Twirls hair.*


Would you be willing to drive her everywhere?


to shit


drivvin your trans gf to use evvery privvate public bathroom on the continental usa


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Oh brother, you don't have $4.79?


I can see Eri being a TRICKSTER chaser. Petition to bring back Eri when they finally introduce June (2053)?


I just refuse to buy more things this month for a couple of reasons…


I meant if >>7485 was a real woman Though I don't see any neglected houseplant or succulent there…


Yeah, what I meant, was l-like their dick! I didn't just now come up with that!


Again, not to bring up the MY HANDS example again but those just look like MY HANDS with some light polish. Those are not a woman's HANDS.


theres like 15 people here shouldnt everyone know who everyone is


What did he mean by this?


I'm me


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File: 1721719833183-1.png (361.56 KB, 594x335, ClipboardImage.png)

>Screenshot 1
>Screenshot 2


Haaa, you're lucky I'm a softie
Use only one each



that theres like 15 posters here so everyone should have some kind of idea who each person is


>Refuses to add me
Wow, I see how it is!


Who are you? What should we call you?


im me x:



Keys are cheaper, tho
Why, did you share your account?


Transgirl confirmed?


You should just know, okay!??!?!? >:(


I've leeched so many games off this place, XLR in particular.


I wonder if XLR retired from humble bundling alongside retiring from hsg


XLR probably left to troon out in peace. It's like a dying dog…


Anyway, now that I have a web developer eating out of the palm of my hand, I can finally put the random.txt I've been building up to good use…


Is it one of the mageofminds on there, or wwhat


"Vampire survivors with porn" seems like some new trend. At least among hack fraud Taiwanese devs.


Doppelgangers. I should harass all of them.

But no, XLR is my boy that is a friend. That should be enough info!


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The xianxia looking Rose, Rose Lalonde avatar and previous username was almost enough to make me pull the trigger


Adding them.


https://steamcommunity.com/id/magofmind Only one comes up. That's crazy.


Crazy how they're both Roses. Really makes you think, huh?


https://steamcommunity.com/groups/fuck1407 I suppose I should just link to what the official flimsychan Steam group was supposed to be before the Discord fucked everything (the first time.)


maga of mind


It can serve as another regrouping method for Megido if it ever shits again too, I guess.


What if Trump was….


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NOT a Rose


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How about now?


She's in.


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Drosella… I…


XLR's friend list hews closer to an official hsg dex, I submitted an my application to join


That ❤❤❤❤ could be anything


>I submitted an my application to join
I forget how Steam ruined groups. It says nobody wants to join.

Maybe you could stop being a perma-offline cuck and that might fix it.




Wait a minute, I'm retarded! What other curse has exactly 4 letters?




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Nofap <-> intestinal masochism


I hope the Flimsychan situation works itself out by December. So I can do my yearly ritualpost. Even if only Meowrails Anon is around to see it.


Who's nofap when one is Drosella?


Pogo is, iirc.
And since I'm being all uninhibited and social, I'll send him and RoW a friend request too

But I'm skipping that anon who called me cringe earlier


And with that, I should sleep


https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/a-fork-in-the-road Found this when I was looking for the base image.


Pogo's in your cuckgames?


can't wait to post "vaxxed?" when they announce biden's death


I didn't think Liedna masturbates…


i dont get the thing in cooking where they cook something with vegetables and then throw away the cooked vegetables
i get that its there to give flavor to the liquid thatll be the sauce
but thats perfectly good carrot and celery and onion and what idiot would turn eating those down


>but thats perfectly good carrot and celery and onion and what idiot would turn eating those down
>Pogo is a rabbit


rabbits eat lettuce and berries stupid


It worked in my head.

Anyway, you will be my new target of unrequited affection and harassment since XLR ABANDONED us.


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i forgot i had these from like
4 websites ago
remember the good ol days


Petitioning for the AR ones since the old admins and mods didn't listen to me.


i agree. it just makes sense.


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Thank you, Pogo-san.


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AR mogs Nepeta


And yet the admins and mods of the old site refused to change…


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What was his fucking problem? Dude almost died doing this.


too based to live


The current spoiler image is funny and all but the AR one just can't be beat, yeah


I don't know what it is because spoilers don't work for me. Every time I try to spoil something, it just deletes the file.


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>Just pokes instead of "kanchōing
Not based enough.


That's Street Fighter 6 for you.


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i wanna say snk would never but they gave my boy kev the same treatment


he wanted to appreciate the softness


You appreciate softness by penetrating aggressively.


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let me try


cringe ass spoiler image


Oh, yeah, I forget, it's an "at-risk" character.


at risk. of being retarded.


If someone can find definitive proof of MASS TRICKERY, they should present it to the court.


No, no, no.


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>Try to pick at my underwear from my dick
>Accidentally just squeeze deep into my testes

Also new

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