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The opposite of Homesick
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 No.48887[View All]

:33 < flimsychan salvage edition
Old >>47853
926 posts and 240 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I was never going to get good sleep anyway. It was predetermined. RUSSIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :argh:


>Would be a funny joke theme especially if we get a drawhomosexual to make an absurdly large lo-fi girl Eri Gif.

This might be just the thing I commision https://x.com/kesyunuyu for

Girl eri from the edit on the seahorse, or something else?
What posting should we aim


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I'm judging you for each and every one of these MEX. Every specific ReXeet just adds to my profile of you. :noted:


I stand by every one


>Girl eri from the edit on the seahorse, or something else?
I assuming we were going to aim for as close to the original as possible (besides hair and clothes.)

Maybe writing with a quill and ink underwwater because I think that's amusing.
>What posting should we aim

Also, have them publicly post it and shout out the board. :^)


tfww no spic yumejoshi gf




I suspect you're a lolicon. It wouldn't be the biggest surprise. :deets:


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>Definitely a spic though.
"No shit, you fucking retard."
From: Me
To: Me


Lolicon oneesan? Actually, now I wonder skskprprms would take a commission too…


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>Gained a follower somehow
>No notif

Feel like one of the Persona 2 oomfies unfollowed me. But maybe the Mick I had a very short but intense e-crush on never followed me in the first place. :ghk:


>Lolicon oneesan?
"You'd be surprise."
>now I wonder skskprprms would take a commission too…


>Also, have them publicly post it and shout out the board. :^)
He gets 12 likes on a good day, but hopefully…




This one is a very strong HSG cross section, I feel





>This one is a very strong HSG cross section, I feel
What did he mean by this?


>Rose's true motivation was always to be a mom

The diaper reveals all…


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Cool Shadow of The Colossus II boss.


>she placed the camera such that she is always looking up at it


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double chin lifehacks


She's kind of a midget iirc.
I think she's just cute-maxxing, as girls do.

And it's working. :innocent:

But it doesn't help the affect that she kind of "looks like she's sad and crying all the time" as my friends pointed out. Maybe that's part of what makes it cute. She looks like a pouty baby. She puts on make-up to look like a pouty baby? Girls are weird.
Hoping that molestation theory isn't true.


Not you, you little shit.


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Woah, what a sick effect.


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>She puts on make-up to look like a pouty baby? Girls are weird
Youth is youth


>Obsessive Transphobia
Painfully accurate


"It's been said"
That's why I had to add the TRICKSTER filter, it had gone past scaring the hoes into scaring the AI hoes


>Painfully accurate
Of course, you'd say that, "Marzipan". :bakane:
Certain people don't understand the artistry in calling out the digital TRICKSTER. It's just as important as calling out the digital Jew; troon goons are the vanguard.


>Youth is youth
Punicore as a Tik Tok style when? :guilt:


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Sol Badguy if he was a FUB.


Already, supposedly, after the loli god music vid


The what now?


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I hate MOBAs (and fighting games, to an extent) for always "making" me play the girl. :douzo:



I still want that Vanya Maki skin だろ. :de:


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Who cares?

I'd play this older, wiser version of :huh:


>Who cares?
Specifically with League, specifically on /lolg/, you get called out if your most-played characters are female.
but i ch0se them for the gameplay im n0t that much 0f a waifufag or agp they all just happen t0 be girls
>I'd play this older, wiser version of
Liedna becomes a firefighter? And vampire?





I also feel like the sex distribution for Eternal Return is widely off, it feels like it's 70/30. It might become the ultimate MOBA to play with your GF. :shikari:


Also, two of the guys in that 30 are implied gay so… :tehepero:


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How it feels to post on Megidochan in 2024 with Marzipan here.


Afew more easygoing people (not detached style like usual) and your karkat-ness might be truly tested


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I also noticed I have a tendency to write female 優しい人oldry when I actively "write" multiple female characters and romance; always some variation of (an incredibly weird variation of) Becky losing (a psychotic) Chad to (an incredibly weird, borderline psychotic variation of) Stacey.

I intentionally channeled that directly and intentionally into Bouquet & Sauna because of THE THEMES. And it's not some biting indictment of WHORES AND THEIR STANDARDS like some people (Marzipan) might think. You're generally supposed to be at least partially sympathetic to everyone involved.

I also like writing wwomen being awkwaaard about their romantic interests. When I was spitballing a Domni maxirun, I made her a sizequeen femcel with Beautiful Princess Disorder (partially to make fun of a running trend specifically with her and the general hypersexuality of X-Men characters and also in reference to her characterization in a minirun- written by a woman- that really opened up my eyes to her potential as a comedic character.) Obviously the goal is to now make not!Domino somewhere else because fuck The Big Two but whatever.

Sometimes I wonder how endearing wwomen would find my writing of female characters if I made stuff pseudonymously. (I wonder if any number of people would assume I'm a woman depending on what I write, in general.) And how much they might be backtrack once they learned that I was "to some degree, some variation of an incel chud" You have to think about that kind of thing, sometimes. :douzo:


>Afew more easygoing people (not detached style like usual) and your karkat-ness might be truly tested
In what sense?


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He should've stayed a slave


Yeah, most slaves should…:hug:


>"They can't getting away with this."
Is she /ourgirl/?

Tempted to make a /tv/ shitpost.


Like, it's one thing when most of the lurkers only sporadically comment, but would you continue being ornery in the face of many who weren't? Would it make it worse?


>but would you continue being ornery in the face of many who weren't? Would it make it worse?
"Yes.":NO: (No here means "YES.")


Frankly, I think a version of :NO: that just says "YES." instead would be a hilarious addition as a sticker but we know how you feel about my stick priorities… :karclack:




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Hu¢¢ie never skewered these people, or even tried


It might be up to us


since it'd be in caps and distinct from :yes:, I'm not opposed if you have the right panel. Unless you just want be to flip his scowl smile-ways

Oh! Maybe Karkat in a wedding dress. YES. That'd be funny


>Hu¢¢ie never skewered these people, or even tried
Perhaps if he had played MYST, he'd have a leg to stand on. :sigh:
>It might be up to us
I don't know if making fun of conlang crackers is the most ripe fruit but hey, I'm not a desperate Son of white knight season 50 writer so what do I know. :poochie:


>Unless you just want be to flip his scowl smile-ways
No, the joke is that Karkat is always angry, you sperg.
>Oh! Maybe Karkat in a wedding dress. YES. That'd be funny


>Son of white knight
Fuck the filters still caught me in my daring escape. :akanbe:


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Marzipan, dress up as Jenny Nicholson, now. :plot:


Are they even here? Actually, it's almost newn thread, so go make Jenny Nicholson general on marzichan to be friendly


>Are they even here?
I can smell them. :yup:
>Actually, it's almost newn thread, so go make Jenny Nicholson general on marzichan to be friendly
That'd be a hostile takeover. That's not friendly. You know what YOU should do though.. :bishi:


>You know what YOU should do though
My main INTERESTS are covered by megidochan, but I'll try and think of one. Maybe the 80s/vgh/yxll chart


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>Day 5(?) of a Chinese scammer manually messaging me in Chinese to join a Steam group and me just posting the logs on dicsord

It's extremely funny, I hope it literally never ends.


>My main INTERESTS are covered by megidochan
I was implying a Jenny Nicholson edition for next thread. And I wasn't asking either. :yup:


That's up to OP, I've been trying to hew to Homestuck imagery


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Those aren't the only DEMANDS hanging like Damocles' sword, by the way.
>That's up to OP
(YOU) (Me)
>I've been trying to hew to Homestuck imagery
"No, you haven't."


Disney Adults vs. Adventure Time Adults. Who wins? Who do we want to win?


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>Neopets player
Is she Megidochan's girl?

Is she THE Megidochan?



Can't I have a pick of weebs instead


How baity would a /disneed/ board be

would xlr come back?


>Can't I have a pick of weebs instead
"No." :yup:


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This with rose variants


>How baity would a /disneed/ board be
Not very but it might attract the kind of girls I wish I could draw with my fagginess. :homesick:

And also probably mostly just misogynistic homos.

>would xlr come back?

Unlikely but possible if we somehow got a userbase. I was trying to think of a running joke I'd try to weave into the whole thing but I got the absolute worst sleep. I'm too tired for even hypotheticals. :sigh:


Please Exclude The Black One From Such A Thing Thank You


Maybe we could just make /sauna/, IDK. :crop:


What the fuck is that, like a gay bathhouse?


>What the fuck is that, like a gay bathhouse?
How dare he. :akanbe:


Also, grim synchronicity.


I use to daydream about designing hotels and living spaces that hewed to certain hokey pop culture aesthetics
Maybe that carries a strain into my THEME preoccupation


>I use to daydream about designing hotels and living spaces that hewed to certain hokey pop culture aesthetics
Oneesan… I…

Jenny? Jenny Nicholson?


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Since HSG persists in a state of permanent rebellion against the /co/ mods, I do wish our spirit more embodied this quote


That's HST, basically. And no, just boring whinging about the same shit. No more shitposting because they live under daddy browndick's imposing Cheeto thumb.


Like it or not, I'm the embodiment of Chaos.

So, what does that make you, Mrs. Site Owner? :resp0nd:


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Back when HSG was freshly /banished/, even Dumbgarbage had some unspoken anti-gg rules depending on piggerdigger's whims on any given day

Then, sadly, we wasted many of the best year completely unproductively on /homosuck/. Fun, but ultimately ephemeral and dominated by personality drama


That maid that wheels the geriatric version of lucifer around I guess (SMT III NOCTURNE MANIAX REFERENCE)

>Mrs. Site Owner



Half of the people here think of "chaos" as "being completely and unrelentingly annoying if not outright antagonistic to everything around them" and don't even try to make funny shitposts so


Okay, oneesan. :kyaha:


I think you're talking about exactly one person and it's me so look me in the eyes when you say it, you little 8ITCH. :shikari:


That's half the posts, not half the users. World of difference


>even Dumbgarbage had some unspoken anti-gg rules depending on piggerdigger's whims on any given day
Female mods are the worst.


I would like to note that I've been "uncharacteristically" annoying this thread, at least, by my own metric.


i still wonder how atomic's doing sometimes



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