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/32/ - megido32

(we don't talk about July)
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 No.371[View All]

Old >>1
359 posts and 150 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


If I need to cite my hetero bonafides, I could probably fill a 3x3 of my formative ryona/erostatus games


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I can't even think of what fetish you are implying, it's too weird!
Amputation? The balloon ability?


Strange, ain't it? Especially with all the Dreamland 3/Crystal Shards remixes therein.

At least the sequel had a paint fairy onahole thing




>User erc_hud is already in existence


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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Thoughts on video games?


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t-three more months and AI will be perfect!


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Aren't mutant wars fought over this or somethin?


So a speculative Rose4 funny would end up a soapbox strip where the MC goes on wordy rants about whatever the artist/writer is thinking today while a half-contemptuous audience gawks stupidly. Yep.


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Damn that shit be old


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the french are not beating the allegations anytime soon


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i cant believe they turned City Hunter woke!


City Cruiser


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Nicky Larson: Le Parfum De Cupidon review: it's fun


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This one is more dire


literally just a full blown "hon" troon


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Maybe I should start cutting myself.


>He didn't get the basic Alice joke


The simply limitations of full body scans, your understanding is greatly appreciated during this time. Incel chud.


>X-Cels when
When chan and bodybuilding forum anons get lit degrees instead of rotmaxxing and letting tumblr runoff take all the writer jobs. I'll wait.


Let's get considerate, hosting all those jailbait webms can't be cheap


>Implying you need a lit degree to write capeshit
I'll be our in. The world will bow down when they see my Domino™ maxiseries. It'll make a serious case for chuds taking the piss out of comic books.


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?
Preaching to the choir but this is why AI fear-mongering is always so laughably pathetic. If you lose your job to AI, you deserve to lose your job.

I wish it could properly replicate capeshit fight scenes so we can just nuke that industry but maybe AIs have an encyclopedic knowledge of how to draw Iron Man will be enough.
Yes, it's Rose, she's the kind of dumb, immature bitch to make something like that.




> Yes, it's Rose, she's the kind of dumb, immature bitch to make something like that.
but she didn't


She could have, she'd be a lot more secretive with it than Dave. Nobody has found the secret Rose blog ARG yet.


He is Becoming.


begome cat holic




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X4ZpKNnFlM The Troon Grins Toothily Upon Thee


Wii Everybody Votes Channel UI… twans?


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


What the fuck are you saying?


The rounded edges, the flat sheen… Even that blue gear icon for what I assume is Options. If a tranny did make that game, it could very well be one who also built some Wii homebrew channel


You clearly don't get the deep lore.

>Troons and their trananime

>Troons lust after Vinny
There it is.


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don't click


why do you have this in your hard drive


If there is a mystery, I am driven to uncover it regardless




The voice, too. But it could simply be down to the standard goon voice


things just wwent wwoke


The Night of the Brap: The Seven Sniffs - Do I smell… Adventure?? - Let's Play - Episode 1


wwhere havve you been
wwere knee deep in wworld wwar wwoke right noww


Shut the fuck up.


Did kagi just give up?


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No, why do you ask?



But I didn't get half that stuff, like it stopped updating for me


It happens, okay!?!??!


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of wwhat, realizing hyperborea?


If that's what you want to call trooning out, yeah…


With those eyes? Is it something he said?


>Faceless 'tuber going faced (redflag)
>Hobby of moderate trannity poisoning (D&D) [DEFCON 2]
>Mild but pervasive psychotic aura
>New age tendencies of the great Jungian irony [DEFCON 4]


Groomed facial hair ought to ratchet it back a few tiers


You call that nu-metal cut groomed?

Something's up with his hair hair. Trooning grease or something; it looks off. Also a very common sign.




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In this February strip, Rose challenges the George Washington Carver mythos


is there any potential protection against catalog spam or nah
wondering if my metastuck thread will be made in vain or not


Nothing very sophisticated, although unlike the lastmin, I am sitting on with hsg open pretty consistently.
I do have it set to allow only two new threads per hour, although it could honestly be one tbh


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Ordering myself a biggie bag in memory of dear departed Chubster Rose


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HS avatar sighting


I nov Bendy.


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To Jeer peanut butter


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lesbians don't exist outside fiction


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*Sniff sniff*
Yuri-busting NTR?


Rose? Rose Lalonde?


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>69 and 70
>Already on their way out
>Allowed to troon out with their coon out
What's trannies pulling Columbines? Motherfucker, just wait if you hate them so bad.

You have to keep in mind a double negative about the Lovecraftarino effects of gender dysphoria to fully defend troon insanity. Either these are special cases or dysphoria is so crippling that you will KILL YOURSELF AND EVERYONE AROUND YOU IF YOU DON'T GET TITTY SKITTLES BEFORE YOU'RE A LEGAL ADULT.


28 is full-blown onset ojisan territory DOE


Tatsuya really can't keep his SEX BAD in his pants, can he?

Motherfucker, this is no longer an Alice In Wonderland parody.

You could have done an ever-so-slightly more intricate joke about scratch and sniff cards (which is basically the only type of card to be just be covered in melons) but I guess we're settling for the lame pun.






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You made me check.
And I'm still slightly mald that HSTers find sharing a hangout with this userbase less worrisome than with a handful of anons who drop 'nigger' and 'tranny' here and there


Different boards. It's more that you're "never on-topic" (sex fantasy with male trolls.)


>ambiguous personality
Better than the hyperfixation of SAMEJOKE tbh.


I can't believe a solid 1/3rd of all my favorite Roses are GONE.


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What subculture are we?


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Strange logic from them. hsg being what it is, I'd say "on-topic" is entirely dictated by whoever is actively posting.
Yes, our world… A world without the sniveling weaklings positioned as road blocks to the goals of those with the will to shape it…


I get tired of having to be the foreman of the ship, even there.


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Nostalgic True Romantics


*The Nep rule doesn't apply to this site

That being said, Flimsychan is still down for me. Maybe if I don't try to load into the /co/ thread directly? Nope…. Still loading…



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