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/һsg/ - "Homestuck" General

The opposite of Homesick
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 No.81375[Last 100 Posts]


______ in a nazi uniform edition
Old >>80333




What kind of "burner"?


So tired of it all


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We woozy.

>Facially Unremarkable Bloke



a burner email account, if you're wary about giving 4chan one of your actual emails


what's eating you, nonners?


Object on principle. The /qa/ threads on kissu have been interesting post 900s though


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Goonsday is over


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Borderline unreadable.

Slopcast is taking awhile.


What kind of email?


Take me to conservative land.


idk, protonmail?


Does that work? :…:


>and then a back and forth hypnosis battle ensues.
I won that 8tw.



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>20 minutes for some reason


It's his fetish to lose.


I would guess so, yeah. unless they've specifically blocked it. if it is, are you unable to make a gmail? don't remember if google asks for identifying info these days


And also to have others lose.



It does. Dummy. :huh:




But mostly for himself to lose.


okay, so try protonmail then :)




You do it.


you know that means I'll have to check it every time you need to re-verify, right?



>silly music and pop pop



how do we make My Melody a hate symbol



Who's ready to go hunting? :tehepero:




what do you want?
I literally did what you asked


Did it work? :de:

I'm tired.


I sent you the details so you can try it





time for bed already?


the ultimate transvestigation


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Oversleeping. Feel depressed. :…:


I'm sorry, nonny.




>milk-soaked declarations



remember oreos?


Might need Dr. Authenticity to weigh in on this one…


This one sucked and was boring.


FAKE PEOPLE. :neverever:


I haven't really been amused by them at all since december


The bed… It beckons…
DEMANDS worthy…


There are some tiny gems here and there in the text sums.


oversleep into sleep combo?




once more


p r e m i e r e
I'm like two months behind thoughbeit


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You are accosted by Nazi Punk Rose Lalonde!
What do?


It's more likely than you'd think!


Ask her to fart. :plz:


Tamers has fallen.


I suppose. I just hope you feel better soon


I won't.


happening >>81414


but you don't always oversleep. some days you don't feel as bad



so some days you feel better, and some days you feel worse.


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Azov is :outy:BIZNASTY:outy:! Azov is super!


You can't think of life so quantitatively. You lose the human element.

I guess I had an epiphany but it's not about any of this.


I didn't mean to reduce it to quantitative measure. my point is that I think you're being unrealistically negative when you say you won't feel better.

I'd like to hear your epiphany if you have the energy to share it




Miku is no longer a sigil for :outy:BIZNASTY:outy:. She has been thoroughly co-opted by troons and poseurs.


okay :(



miku was nevver good
kiritan is /ourgirl/


>Letting troons "claim" things


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It doesn't matter.


Stay silent.
Never said that. I'm speaking in terms of sigils.


>Stay silent.


How about Migu and she cums harder and sloppier


Until she sharts.


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>dicsord recognizes plurals of the fucking Harry Potter houses but not plurals of real fucking words


More Homestuck rep.

A new paradigm for Blue Buddies everywhere.


Last day of the month and no Jenny ramble…


Jenny Nicholson on Junji Ito's Ao Floydi: Frankenfloyd's Day Out.


We got this


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Was it a racism?


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Very angry.


Wearing a fake Groucho nose over your nose tongue.




Thank you for tagging for J-Horror but can I please get a DERSITE warning too? :baw:

Which one is this? Why is he making Thug Shaker noises? :baw:


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Top cute


Vriska wearing a Sleep by Dopesmoker t-shirt


is that
a beard
on his ears?
am I seeing things?




Must be shadows. But it does look fuzzy for some reason


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Is it really drawn on paper? Wow.







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Could use a caliborn and slick edit, locally


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*wants 2 b dressed up like that*




Blind the child for its benefit.


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Fiiine, john and GREEN.


Get WOKE out of our libraries!




And into our nurseries!


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Hu¢¢ie and a malnourished african?:grr:


:outy:BIZNASTY:outy: but edited with our name. :outie:


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What the FUUCK :outy:


Not cdreg. :meh:


>Not cdreg.
What the niggarfuck?




Explain this filter to me, grognoid. :bee101:







You little fag goat, explain it to me. :meh:



Explain it further.


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Homestuck content for a Homestuck board.


Equius has a big ass.


It was overreaching a bit, wasn't supposed to affect canon


I don't see it. :meh:


He painted using the same ink with a brush as well. I think that's the part that made it look more than a drawing.


Did he use a specific canvas, add his signature, and use specific brushes though? Hah! I didn't think so!


So many things to practice…




Not impressionist enough. Derivative. Bullshit.


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decisive results


The ambiguity made me vote for sloppa. If I knew if this was for sushi or something else, I would have voted sushi.

I just think oil is a funnier answer. :meh:


fish oil, tho?



oil =/= sloppa
you VVILL respect the fat
anyway what other raw fish would I be eating :^p

sardines <3


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Finnish garbage


Do you mean fried frish? Terrible… :meh:
Marzipan is a literal pet, confirmed. :blendin:


And here's how that led to Japan's doom.


>no views


so trve…


DJ Shartpeel


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Why'd Ashe wear that anyway?


>Yutaka with a made-up stigmatic illness meant to demonize people with different beliefs in the West
>i’m such a schizo guys! haha
>I can’t drink alcohol cuz im soooo crazy


Gastrodynamic clothing trends. India world power 2042.


>Do you mean fried frish? Terrible…
I mean fryday foods, one of which is fried fish. which is delicious, btw
>Marzipan is a literal pet, confirmed.
your cats eat sardines? nice


>a made-up stigmatic illness meant to demonize people with different beliefs in the West
Careful, Foucault.


I hate fried fish.
>your cats eat sardines? nice
They did once. "Funny story." :meh:


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>literal pet


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One before the other, mon.


>antiracist and antihomophobe activist
yeah, when i look at the thousands of shrink compounds in the States filled with people that drug little boys and their gutter trash chain-smoking Latino minions, i think “these people need to be less racist and homophobic”


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>I hate fried fish.
that's okay. many frydays I just meet the requirement with french fries or something else on the side :3
>They did once. "Funny story."
I take it things didn't end well? (´・ω・`)

I should've bought the sardine plush while they were still selling it


Not coherent but that's understandable. You know why?


>I take it things didn't end well? (´・ω・`)
They ended fine.




Anshin your butthole.


know why what
i don’t care about reasons, i just want dead shrinks


Understandable, to a degree. But only to a degree.:meh:


Chunky Rose menarche juice


It's too sweet for boba and (jasmine?) tea imho. :meh:


is it the degree that allows people to get paid to forcefeed abused children antipsychotics and jerk off to it? sheesh, we need to be more moderate about these things


I shouldn't approach this right now. :meh:



*eyeroll* you know those crazy internet “schizos”! always getting uppity about withered old pedosadists torturing children in cooperation with their abusive families, forcibly confining them and leaving them with no confirmation that they’ll ever see the outside world alive




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thoughts on this post?




I understand some of your pain but try to keep things in perspective.
Try not to make a mockery of him, dude.


>haha! you hate psychiatry so you must be a believer in nonsense conspiracy theories founded using the same mainstream junk science that psychiatrists believe!
very compelling own




>try to keep things in perspective
name one reason the world would be improved if every licensed psychiatrist didn’t just have their heart explode right this second


Some are well-meaning albeit misguided people who have a slightly positive impact on the lives of people on the "more treatable" side of mental illness.


I didn't think you would agree with the post. just pointing out that there are actually people with delusions on the internet and it's not just
>getting uppity about withered old pedosadists torturing children in cooperation with their abusive families, forcibly confining them and leaving them with no confirmation that they’ll ever see the outside world alive

>Try not to make a mockery of him, dude.
was not my main intention, I apologize


>meat cooked in PUFAs or meat that naturally contains PUFAs
The illusion of choice


Mental illness doesn’t actually exist. Like, yeah, you can be mentally unwell, but that’s the fault of you being mistreated. Mental illness profiles are normalfags taking the symptoms of people who are literally born bad and irreversibly disabled and smacking them onto their betters as an act of petty vengeance, and now the entire internet supports it.


I listened to Scenes From Hell. It was pretty good. Bits from a couple of the songs reminded me of those orchestral remixes they do for Smash games. :meh:


"That's reductive" but I'm not here to change your mind.


health boogeyman of the week? :^p
we're not talking about hydrogenated oil here
to my knowledge fish aren't particularly associated with negative health outcomes (unless you're eating high-bioaccumulation species like tuna every day)


He's peatin'.


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Stop that.


you're correct to recognize that all mental illness is "made up", in the sense that conditions and their diagnostic criteria are invented and can be changed or discarded entirely. the purpose of classification is utility; it doesn't change reality.

and yes, sometimes the designation of mental illness is given harmfully to people who are really just being mistreated. but not everybody's personal mental troubles can be resolved reasonably or effectively by a more accommodating environment, right?


I'd like an N, an R, and a G please


Best we can offer you around here is an N, T, and an R.


lol dreg you’re never gonna stop this kind of shit
this is image board culture now. these people are the audience, they’re unfunny, and they’re desperate because they’re absolutely terrified of us, so all they can do is spam frogjak meds memes. there is a 100% chance that after he made this post, he’s going to crawl into bed and cry while trying his hardest not to think of committing suicide


You stop that too. :meh:


>but not everybody's personal mental troubles can be resolved reasonably or effectively by a more accommodating environment, right?
i don’t care about your weasel-words
psychiatrist genocide


It's just a joke. The (((consensus))) is that fish oil and seed oils are better for you, but there's a conspiracy theory that asserts the opposite. Me, I simply prefer the taste of coconut oil and I don't care if it's healthy or not.


I'm not trying to weasel-word, it's called nuance.
I'm not a psychiatrist and I have never seen one. do you disagree with what I said?


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>Me, I simply prefer the taste of coconut oil and I don't care if it's healthy or not.


would you like me to stop posting?


it is never acceptable to force any kind of regime onto anyone with how their mind is treated. you do not get to try to save them from themselves or whatever, it’s not your business and no one who deserves their life will just throw it away like you might


I think this is just an exercise in futility. What am I supposed to do? :meh:


I only tried because I saw you trying.


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Rosetano in: Journey To The West




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10s until he starts burning her alive.




not with butter's water content


Ever think about how no one likes their milk warm? :meh:


I've never liked it either, but supposedly some people do.
I thought you were leaving for the night?


>supposedly some people do.
I've never heard of it. Shouldn't we all? Shouldn't we all be classically conditioned to?
>I thought you were leaving for the night?
I never said as much. I'm just dying.


Not for general purposes but wdym?


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Get out, get away.


>I never said as much. I'm just dying.
oh, sorry. I misunderstood your terse response
>I've never heard of it.
I thought the reason you were asking was because of the cultural trope ("warm glass of milk before bed to help fall asleep")
>Shouldn't we all be classically conditioned to?
maybe you need the tit for it to work


I get it, you didn't like it


And YouTube's algorithm system is obnoxious at best.


you can click the three-dot menu and tell it to not recommend it again


I did.


okay (´-ω-`)=3


I guess I'm gonna go on my fish journey now


Good luck on your way.


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Eat french fry added


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This is the worst bio I've ever seen. :meh:


Might have to ban you for unironically doxxing Solluxchud like that.


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Is Netflix getting in on TLC's "Stupid retard freakshow" demographic now?


Seanbaby revived from the dead.


wwomen be watching netflix


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"Get a job!":gramps:


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I dunno, I kinda like him. Must be 21 or younger though, right?


>I dunno, I kinda like him.
Die, 4 retard.
>Must be 21 or younger though, right?
25 and that makes it that much worse.




Many hot drinks have milk in them, I put milk in tea. I like warm milk on its own but it's extra effort so I don't bother.


Just milk on its own though.


No one says this.




It's a very '/v/ told me to say this' overall but, I love what I've played on the chart


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>I love what I've played on the chart
Unalive yourself too.


I mean, it's a chart mostly of critically acclaimed games. I think the hate would come from "OMG SO BORING"


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>I mean, it's a chart mostly of critically acclaimed games.
From le past 20 years. I definitely believe you're a hobbyist and not a soulless automaton of hype.
>Street Fighter 6
>Of all the Street Fighters


It's got what cats crave


Also, worst mainline SMT game but that goes without saying. Fucking light yourself on fire, MEX.


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I Lived 8ITCH


Try, try again.


The simplicity is what makes the other one so bad. |Hobbyist| posting is inherent cancer so it softens the blows.



These are just popular games, who cares.


>These are just popular games, who cares.
Neck yourself, soulless retard.


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Yeah, I wouldn't have put XI on my chart either


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>Oh, my favorite movies, I love movies, can't you tell?


Sorry, I forgot to specify "Movies made within my lifetime"


"Where's Taxi Driver?"


Erm, redflag, sweaty.


Put the needy streamer girl in NMH


>I definitely believe you're a hobbyist and not a soulless automaton of hype.
I hope you're referring to the duolicite and not me. I agree it's all recent stuff, though it could be they just have very strong recency bias. admittedly I didn't see sf6 though


"Woops, bwo, looks like I have to update my chart to include No More Heroes 3 instead of 1"


It could definitely apply to you. Most people aren't real people.


If he was pure HYPE8EAST he could've made every slot the most recent entry. He must have some degree of respect for the ~The Canon~


why are you still so mean to me when I try so hard to be kind to you?


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Post 2019 niggress shill. We love to NOTICE.



That reminds me, did the new Black Mirrors drop yet?


The hype is whatever the most shilled thing on /v/ is. I guess we can say that fluctuates with MOST RECENT ONE depending on the type of which of the two neurons are firing.

SMT4 is one of those exceptions that proves he's just an actual subhuman.


Yeah, Jordan Peele tried to shove them up his ass but they shattered.


I hate everything and everyone.


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Rose? Rose Lalonde?


"The true horror is racism"


you hate tatsuya and maya?


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Oh boy, more games to add to my favorites list.


you don't, right? so there are things you like


Move over Radiata Stories





you're not as hateful a person as you claim


killer7, Nocturne, and MGS3 are more essential /v/ coolguy core, aren't they


Eat shit.




>if you play games recommended by others rather than obscure slop you aren't human


He wouldn't be zoomer if there weren't some slight variation with
>MUH 4
>Over 2
>In current year
Debatable. I really loved it when the game told me its themes, these themes are so relevant to SOCIETY today. It broke the fourth wall of the videogame. Therefore, videogames are art.





common misconception - she's actually eating karintou, not shit :bee101:


Why is she eating shit? Did /v/ tell her to?


If a game doesn't have 5+ threads spammed about it on /v/ then it's obscure slop, sorry, bwo.



she has autism, be nice


Where's the white? On your skin, in particular.


>/v/ abuses autists to eat shit
Many such cases!


In his case, there's not any white…


Feelin like my life may be a colossal waste of time


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he should learn from the cookie


If you're going to die, take out that fucker on Duolicious first.


Seems like my dregs aren't doing so hot tonight.


Look at what you did.


Another terrible "shroom" idea comes home to roost.


Bard Quest 2: Tard Quest


You are a BARD. Your favorite SMT game is the FOURTH one.


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Wife material?


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Remember Issachar? :kyaha:


This is the fate Jew deserve.


Over and over. Because of you. Yes.


Anyway, my opinion is that it doesn't matter which games you like, and it's performative to communicate it in this way. Pretending to like what /v/ likes to fit in is no less performative than being contrarian to /v/ to stand out. You are not "one of the good aesthetes".

Recommending games is useful, but that's not the point of these charts which don't distinguish genre.


I would be curious to see the hsgite charts, though…


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a group activity?!


we still need to make MoM wear this for his drunk rampage


Eat shit, retard. Your general take about "performative" remains as hollow as ever. Render all mass communication down to a hollow point. Oh, sorry, just directly ask me what my favorite games are; that's meaningfully different. Actually blow your brains out. Can't catalogue my feelings or thoughts less they get rendered obsolete by the medium they're on. You're such a fucking sophist moron.


Or whatever the fuck you want to call your clown college school of thought philosophy.


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>Oh, sorry, just directly ask me what my favorite games are; that's meaningfully different.
Yes, talking about your interests in a conversation with another person is very different from curating them and displaying them in public.


Do you want me to go over each exact reason why this is fucking stupid or are you going to tune it out because you're too elitist to be elitist?




a chart like that on a profile can give people messaging them lots of conversation topics though


>a chart like that on a profile can give people messaging them lots of conversation topics though




shut up


Kill yourself. :coolkid:


communication website


8ITCH back and forth endlessly like little fucking crybabies website


You have the power to make them so


Can't communicate with image macros, that's illegal and performative, bwo. CHILL and RELAX instead.


Take some roids. That usually helps conflict resolution.



We used to have conversations just fine without them. Now it seems interactions must be mediated by these fake identity layers. I also think extravagant clothing and makeup are bad for the same reason; even though they can make social interactions smoother for that individual, there's a negative effect in aggregate.



Missing forest for the trees but of course, that's your entire personality.

"This, in aggregate, helps to represent a negative societal trend, so, in isolation, it must be treated completely dismissively." This is the full extent of what you call thought. You recognize bad thing.
Keeping count? You doing a biyearly thing with that now, you miserable sack of moldy cunts?


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Really, now…


Right, people shouldn't do things if they make society worse, even if they benefit personally. Similar to most sins or crimes.


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I'm so full…
it's been a while since I felt so full




>We used to have to SAY WORDS IN A LIST in order to explain the LIST OF THINGS WE LIKED
>The sheer PERFORMATIVENESS of it all drives me MAD


He even ate the flower.


Videogame lists are of course equivalent to general social decay and not a by-product that could naturally occur in any other possible scenario with no ill effects, of course. :salty:



Did you enjoy this? Kind of performative to post, smh. :/ :0k:


Precious time spent LISTING things WASTED because it was VISUALLY CONVEYED TO ME. I should use one sense a day or else the whole experience is inauthentic. A gestalt is a lie for people who like wearing band t-shirts and making image macros of their favorite games.




>and not a by-product that could naturally occur in any other possible scenario with no ill effects, of course
ESL gibberish. I already made my point, you can stop restating it in a silly voice now that it's clear you have no arguments.





I did enjoy it…
but not as much as classic fryday fare, to be honest. maybe my mood?


>ESL gibberish.
He mumbles when his poor reading comprehension can't drag his sordid ass through the day.
>now that it's clear you have no arguments.
You don't have an argument. People could curate their image before mass media existed, with ease. In certain languages, effortlessly. This is a horizontal shift. You see bad thing; everything bad thing.
I sincerely hope you light yourself on fire. It'll be a show for everyone around you. Inspire some joy since there's so little inside you.


>I did enjoy it…
Performative and inauthentic.


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If anything, it's an easy boogeyman to point at for general anxieties about inauthenticity in a digital, global society.

It'll make for a powerful NRX gimmick to make a monthly Xeet denouncing it with purple prose though.

Hey, what do you see?


Touch grass. Eat moss.


Touch flame. Eat ash.


Majetano my beloved. My flame!


I'm not in a laughing mood. Is this how he always feels?


File: 1738378774283.jpg (18.62 KB, 310x64, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>I'm not in a laughing mood.



Uh, dunno…
It's one of those instances where I can't say "I empathize", but I understand.




>If anything, it's an easy boogeyman to point at for general anxieties about inauthenticity in a digital, global society.
>It'll make for a powerful NRX gimmick to make a monthly Xeet denouncing it with purple prose though.
No argument found.


Can you imagine being him? Posting the things he posts? Thinking the things he thinks? Embarrassing. No wonder he's angry.


File: 1738390700888-0.png (550.85 KB, 1333x423, nanfest 25-01-31.png)

File: 1738390700888-1.png (469.79 KB, 1297x423, sincy 25-01-31.png)

While money does talk,
Sluggo would not object to
the shirking of work.


File: 1738430094792.gif (5.53 KB, 650x450, Soul blackening rage.gif)

Reminder that NRx has always been a kosher astroturf where genetically defective jewish nerds, pajeet incels and sodomites with a prolapsed anus LARP as a hypothetical aristocracy. The entire NRx community is just an edgier version of Slate Star Codex. These clowns are not the "first generation" of anything related to Holocaust denial, yet they sneer at "wignats" AKA actually relevant people who spent decades doing serious research and were willing to risk prison time for speaking the truth, not homosexual twitter take merchants.

The fucking gall of any of these Peter Thiel funded literal cocksuckers to act like they were some kind of trailblazers because they posted a wooden doors meme on twitter once.


Aranea daily workout with squats in gym shorts


Smooch Aradia
Hug Aradia
Grab ARadia by the horns


Hypnotize Aradia


Would you like me to put you to sleep?


File: 1738533804916.png (1.11 MB, 1162x842, cruisin.png)

kinda funny coming back to see pypo 8ITCH and moan about my shit when I post like twice every other day or something

who's terminally online again¿¿




Caliborn smelly kisses


Dialed back to this but lol, autism.


Be quiet.


And how did this happen? Fucking retard.


>Ethernet goes out for 7+ hours for no reason
>MEX is retarded and fucks something up again


File: 1738563114224-0.jpg (330.57 KB, 648x509, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1738563114224-1.jpg (462.78 KB, 716x552, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Also, I went through my old pictures and here's context for the thing I talked about once, here.


>writing out wordcount above every single word
seems a bit overkill lmao

is this the one you were saying fawned over you after blowing up at you once?


>seems a bit overkill lmao
I was neurotic and was doublechecking + making it easier for the teacher to grade.
>is this the one you were saying fawned over you after blowing up at you once?


>I was neurotic and was doublechecking + making it easier for the teacher to grade.
ah, sorry. I had assumed that was the teacher's doing, not yours


You should be able to tell the handwriting apart t b h.


>Making fun of me is "8ITCHing"


File: 1738572264808-0.jpg (309.48 KB, 1632x327, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1738572264808-1.jpg (14.32 KB, 616x197, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1738572264808-2.jpg (9.31 KB, 686x136, ClipboardImage.jpg)

After about three hours, I finally finished saving and organizing all of the photos of pages of books from my college library into neat, little folders (alongside some from my religious textbook that I actually own- but I did get that because my school library was giving it away.)

Please don't tell anyone, I could get banned from my college for doing this.


Also, this drove me insane.


I still taste poison
lips; Downwards drips dreams up to
within, out and wear

consummation lines
down thin, and short to the end;
To deglove again;


I think I wanted a "MEX, cap it" last thread but forgot to but I forget if it was just this. Capture this moment THOUGH. :resp0nd:



Maybe it was these two too. But I noticed I told you to cap it that thread and I don't think you did.


Cap a thing that thread, rather. :larp:


Araneafag is religious?


Araneafag speaks explicitly in quirk form. I am not Araneafag.




Would Megidochan let Vriska put them to sleep?


ir0nclad shepherd;
Scorched earth, became the desert.
Once seeds, now turned shells.

Barren, none shall grow-
Not until the occupants-
Are all overthrown!


it's conceivable that their handwriting would look different for tiny numbers than for full-size cursive :^p


File: 1738609740033.png (201.33 KB, 1920x991, ss-3.png)




Mine is always chickenscratch, fyi, even in "script."


"new HSBC newspost, they say they're on track to get the flash out this month


that just means your skill points were allocated elsewhere


"It doesn't, it means I was developmentally disabled."


sorry :^<


You did this.


File: 1738613364693.jpg (56.39 KB, 287x283, ClipboardImage.jpg)


don't be ridiculous.


It was a joke about you apologizing for no reason.


>Log into YouTube
>Instant ads


I figured as much
I only apologized in case my dismissive joke was unwittingly in poor taste because of the context I didn't have (^^:::;)


File: 1738614449527.jpg (103.65 KB, 1088x966, 0ef41afc75d0e1f660deba5f83….jpg)

>I only apologized in case my dismissive joke was unwittingly in poor taste because of the context I didn't have (^^::::::;)
Too soft.


"no". I like offering the softness that some people need


Nobody here needs it barring maybe two exceptions.


why did all the threads get nuked


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you and me, right?

because MEX hates us


MEX is braindead.


Very good but it's not screechy enough for my tastes; the riffs make up for it.

Last track kind of shits itself though. :ugh:


>RPG Maker game that tries to be a serious, traditional JRPG
Really makes you think!


This one was really sloppy. Feels like he forgot what made his stuff unique or work; or he just got too lost in the sauce.

Still some highlights though.






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Now this is some real heafty, consistent shit. But we're moving further and further away from "black metal"- which is what I like; this is a lot more like "brutal death and roll" to my ears.

So, all in all, mixed feelings for each and every one of these. I think the first one is still my favorite but I think the third is the best technically and most competently. The first one is just more in line with my palette. Is it good enough for the chart? No.


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Henry Rollin.




fuckin wwhy is this shit in my recommends




sorry, she's a hag now


In the heart of today's complex world, where misogyny, patriarchy, and gender expectations continue to shape society's perceptions of femininity, there is a powerful, misunderstood, and oft-overlooked movement bubbling beneath the surface. This movement, driven by clowngirl lolita fashion, offers an unapologetic redefinition of femininity. It stands not only as a form of creative expression but as a challenge to the rigid, historically patriarchal ideals of both mainstream femininity and drag culture.

At the crossroads of cool Japan and doomed Japan lies the fertile ground where this subversive movement can thrive. Within the charming, whimsical world of Lolita fashion, a peculiar yet profound revolution is unfolding—one that defies the traditional narratives that constrict wwomen, gender expression, and body politics. It is a movement that insists femininity does not need to fit into neat boxes or adhere to any established rules. It dares to be ugly in its beauty and beautiful in its grotesque.

The Lolita fashion scene has long been associated with innocence, frills, lace, and a nostalgic yearning for a pre-modern aesthetic. However, when combined with the exaggerated, comedic, and ironic elements of clowning, a new lens emerges. The clowngirl twist reimagines Lolita as something darkly playful and mischievously powerful, transcending mere whimsy into a deeper commentary on the expectations placed on wwomen’s bodies. This form of fashion turns the notion of feminine beauty on its head, rejecting the conventional standards imposed by both society and certain corners of drag culture. It does not bow to the objectifying and reductive ways femininity has been commodified in mainstream drag, where gender often becomes performance for entertainment—something that risks reinforcing traditional power dynamics and stereotypes.

In embracing the clowngirl, we see not the glorification of a “perfect” femininity but the deconstruction of it. It says, "I am not here for your gaze; I am here for my own laugh, my own expression, my own defiance." It embodies the notion that femininity can exist outside of beauty standards and can embrace chaos, humor, and grotesqueness. This is a challenge to the grim overtones of the drag community’s historical treatment of femininity and gender. In many cases, mainstream drag has been both a form of empowerment and a problematic reinforcement of gender binaries, leaving little space for wwomen or femme identities to explore their own empowerment beyond caricatured performance.

By integrating the clowngirl persona into Lolita fashion, we push against these boundaries. The grotesque humor of clowning allows wwomen to not only mock the hyper-feminine but to be liberated from its constraints. The laugh becomes a weapon, the costume a form of armor. It becomes a critique of the grim realities in which gender and beauty are defined by others. Here, femininity is no longer about perfection, but rather about claiming power through mischief, subversion, and defiance.

The very nature of clowngirl Lolita, with its juxtaposition of childlike innocence and dark humor, insists on the legitimacy of all forms of gender identity. It removes the need for traditional beauty to be the barometer of worth. It refuses the notion that wwomen must be silent, passive, or modest to be worthy of love or respect. It does not conform to the demands of doomed Japan, a place where wwomen’s roles have long been defined by rigid and restrictive expectations. Instead, it demands new ways of thinking about gender—ways that embrace fluidity, chaos, and transformation.
This movement challenges us to recognize the cool aspects of Japanese subculture while simultaneously critiquing the societal constraints that have made Japan seem doomed in its adherence to gender norms. The clowngirl within Lolita fashion offers a path forward—a re-imagining of femininity as something powerful, anarchic, and unapologetic. It offers a refusal to conform, a refusal to be contained within patriarchal structures, and an embrace of the absurd and the playful. In doing so, it rewrites the script for gender expression, fostering a world in which all people—no matter their gender, their identity, or their body—can exist without the grim restrictions imposed by outdated cultural norms.

Through the clowngirl Lolita fashion movement, we see a future where femininity is as complex, multifaceted, and diverse as the people who embody it. We see a world where gender theory is no longer restricted by old paradigms, but is free to grow, evolve, and break free from the gendered cages that confine it. This is not just a rebellion against the grim; it is a celebration of the beautiful, the grotesque, and the wonderfully absurd. It is a celebration of all that is feminine, powerful, and radically free.


A sidemission from RoW. Some highlights but mostly just "alright."


File: 1738635541178.png (69.31 KB, 200x200, foulhead.png)

clen in the mail soon,
coffee cupped raw fix,
chug it all at once,
make mental mach six


Coffee? Really? That stuff's for nerds.


Vriska twerking.


While farting.


That really depends on my mood and the color of the farts, but we all know that’s a popular combination these days…


What did he mean by this?


Were you shitposting? Girls farting while twerking is a prominent fetish now. I mean, twerking was already something you had to pretend not to like for the better part of a decade in nerd circles, so you probably should have expected other niche stuff to pop up with it.


> Girls farting while twerking is a prominent fetish now.


Twitter, mostly. Prevence (secretly) and Weirdisfun made it popular, but there’s a lot of smaller artists drawing it as well. It’s just such a combination of mainstream and repulsive obscure sensibilities that it kind of flips people’s shit to hear about, even though it isn’t really that crazy.


>Prevence (secretly) and Weirdisfun


Hey, Araneafag. I don’t know if you’re on right now, but how’s things?


File: 1738688338286.png (99.02 KB, 208x242, shaeir.png)

chain of supply? best I got's is nine mules
contraband up my- all wares are fine tuned!
take what you can, rest, buried in high dunes
"clean bills next time!", right, when I sell legumes.


Legumes!? The most pathetic commodity known to man! You need to sell something with REAL value, like gold, cocaine, heroin.


…or love





Love is a normalfag word.




Puzzle #605


I don't get how this is a puzzle but I'm not a dog.


Puzzle #606


Yeah, I got this one, but it felt very "feh, child's play…"


some days are really hard, so we should let ourselves have the easy wins


Plays, of clandest sort.
Perceptions- false. Self-titled,
pyrrhic "victor."

Alas, hollow stage,
actor, without character.
"Least the crowd engaged!"

Quoi maintenant?
Empty backstage, claps echo.
Charlat-an addict.


Walmart still has the character of a third world bazaar. Trump hurry.


File: 1738892398174.png (17.84 KB, 250x200, questioning roxkit.png)

>Trump hurry.
Hurry and make it even MORE like a third world bazaar by importing infinity jeets? :duh: :dunce:


File: 1738901369822.png (1.61 MB, 2000x1500, BHD.png)


Had to reshuffle today, it lined up the lynchian ones to conspire against me


Puzzle #607


File: 1738955814271.jpg (111.69 KB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1738974920393.jpg (1.16 MB, 1008x729, ClipboardImage.jpg)


File: 1739005425562.gif (283.45 KB, 640x516, ballads.gif)

I miss my beast, my sweet little narcissist.
On my poor devout heart, have you had to feast?
All my offerings blind, and they were just thine.
Kept biting my hand, forced me to defy him.

Elect monarch, his majesty, met coup d'état.
And soon after, I ended this travesty.
Disregard your people, you get overthrown.
Not Pompey, but Caesar crossed the Rubicon.


File: 1739035750543.png (14.69 KB, 1388x1567, desperado.png)

To silence one man, how hard could it be?
Three sensitive idiots versus the VPN industry.
One man, one thosaund IPs, unpaid late night shifts.
Salary summed zero, best part? to no avail.

Defeat by resignation, a quiet declaration.
"A secret board, accessed by circlejerk penetration!"
Cat and mouse, or duck duck goose? Ostrich in sand, self made noose.
Less noise, a thinned crowd, amplified speech, you wear a tin crown.


Puzzle #608


Puzzle #608
purple was too easy today!


I mostly started these to shore up general knowledge, but I assume purple is usually the process of elimination one?


purple is supposed to be the hardest, yeah. in theory the difficulty is supposed increase in the order yellow, green, blue, then purple


>supposed increase
supposed to* increase




EZPZ. Orthodox ordering


Puzzle #609


Aranea “Racist” Serket


Puzzle #610


Got this one, far too sleepy to grok the purlple set really


Puzzle #611



>Blue is Yoga

I was thinking it was car mechanic terms


File: 1739321969222.png (152.59 KB, 2096x2970, IMG_0193.png)

>when Lord English farts in your face


>The literal simpsons
Taihen ne


stop putting spoilers in your connections posts!!! :grr:
Puzzle #612


Marge, I'm confused.


File: 1739446361687.jpg (Spoiler Image, 93.26 KB, 720x688, Screenshot_20250213-132453….jpg)

[SPOILERS FOR THE NEW BFDI SUBSCRIBER SSPECIAL!] The 2763 scene with this comment makes it funnier.






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File: 1739481753013-1.jpg (83.33 KB, 750x472, ClipboardImage.jpg)






Puzzle #615


File: 1739666462660.wav (3.08 MB, lol.wav)



Man, I could've done purple first with a little thought


Puzzle #616


I knew it felt tricky, 3/5 my ass



whered my post go


oh its right there!


File: 1739763455475.png (Spoiler Image, 899.75 KB, 1098x1280, 1738858190626551.png)


where are the poasts


For you? Okay.


What’s happening??


for me


File: 1739788755458.gif (456.28 KB, 950x750, 1739719907017610.gif)

did you watch the new hecking flash?


File: 1739788779325.jpg (Spoiler Image, 406.81 KB, 1244x2048, 1717785638656692.jpg)


File: 1739788826894.png (14.63 KB, 600x810, 1732722190129m-1.png)

um i get triple


>the shartyoids are here again
you gonna post soylita this time too?


I couldn't tell what was happening






Puzzle #618


Puzzle #619






Puzzle #620


Puzzle #621






cross between a golden retriever and a labradoodle, I think?
Puzzle #622




I attempted last night and was overly hasty, ended up flunking out after a single group iirc


Puzzle #624




I've been doing them first thing in the "morning" to shake off grogginess

In a fashion, click around to help /hot/ if you're still into HS proper :nice:


File: 1740451182277.jpg (56.15 KB, 1200x630, ClipboardImage.jpg)


:o: What that?


File: 1740498202821.jpg (55.41 KB, 1200x630, ClipboardImage.jpg)

just a little something fun
Puzzle #625


hello i from turkmenistan and how is every one


haldo am full of pii22


File: 1740584611790.jpg (53.08 KB, 1200x630, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Puzzle #626

crossword struggle today


>Simpsons again
Where are the gamers on the staff?


makechatta orzz


File: 1740673215875.png (44.3 KB, 1200x630, mini.png)

Puzzle #627
phoneposter crossword debuff…


>things that can't be undone


File: 1740759816532.jpg (55.66 KB, 1200x630, ClipboardImage.jpg)

Puzzle #628
spoilers, much?!?!




Puzzle #629


hey /hsg/ how's everyone doing? it's the harley newdreg from a couple of threads (?) ago I think
what I miss


i also did nto play that ntr game that was suggested by I think the guys name is MeX
sorry bro I've been busy


That's perfectly alright, I didn't wanna assign homework or anything


As for relevant not blogpost stuff, I was still vacillating on on hs^2 thread on /hot/
Some people object since it's new and not Hu¢¢ie's work and such


Fumbled this one, bad sleep maybe


Puzzle #630
tough one today!


File: 1740967478055.jpeg (314.28 KB, 2048x1154, GTZ6ghWbsAAV--K.jpeg)


File: 1740995915817.png (313.19 KB, 1031x1385, panty arms crossed.png)

Sharty = paedo website
Soyteens (soytroons) = paedophiles
Simple as


Just staying alive is good enough


Puzzle #632
just losing is bad enough


I haven't posted in a proper homestuck general in a very long time, very very long time
i'm kinda afraid of doing this now


You're still safe on a technicality


am I? how?


This is like NYT daily puzzle general. HSG is on the top bar


i am extremely confused right now, what the hell is happening


Well, not really. Ragardless, it should work for you now.


This is /hsg/. Welcome to New Jersey.


gotdam obummer lovin coastal elites, paintball is a sport!


Puzzle #633
another failure


File: 1741303673597.jpg (558.59 KB, 1170x863, 1740179610764977.jpg)

Gash unfelt, then twist-
Oh, but the yank? That ought sting!
Who dare such- Et tu…?


I failed today, would've sworn there was a set for____ Mill


I failed too.


To the 優しい人 mill with you two.


The last one is very :rosechu: today


Puzzle #635


A reverse order! Kinda forced to, with all the traps in Yellow


Puzzle #636

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