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Itsumademo. Zutto.
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 No.28775[View All]

~Midnight~ edition
Old >>27976
650 posts and 158 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


emeowlye trivia captcha


File: 1727583424589.jpg (10.6 KB, 598x100, ClipboardImage.jpg)


t. abused child


File: 1727583562957.jpg (43.14 KB, 598x400, ClipboardImage.jpg)

is this an Ikari Shinji refrance


If it works…


Genuinely what would make them think they need to gain weight? Have they looked in a mirror recently?


Random HSG-adjacent trivia for thread creation would be really good, actually. A real user would just ask in the current thread if it's something they don't know.


more fat for boob?


From that pic it seems to be accumulating in the dunlap first


do we think they'll censor 幻想水滸伝 I&II HDリマスター
I haven't looked into it


I've been beaten in to assuming everything gets the "erm, why do you even care, chud? that joke was tacky" level of alterations by default now


still can't believe they fucked with Paper Mario RPG


I don't know enough about the original, but what HASN'T Squenix censored? Chrono Cross?


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Chrono Cross was censored btw
a lot


Oops, I'm a fake gamer. The Castlevania collections have been untouched, I think? Not sure if that means anything.

Like what?


like "sexist" dialog and panties etc
it's probably googlable


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File: 1727586526314.png (309.74 KB, 800x900, GCAuhiDa0AAf1Wj.png)

I didn't play it, but I remember HSG informing me that Marc4's panties were replaced with pumpkin pants


Well, I made a little oopsie and the motherboard I bought doesn't have the right number of PCI lanes, so new computer is going to have to wait until next weekend.


Just frankly bizarre



Did the pcpartpicker lie?




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das it mane


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Sort of. It said it had 3 PCIe x16 slots, but failed to mention that two of them only run at x1 speeds.





All rise for the Agarthan national anthem



i don't have any good ideas for a madness combat fan-series
it should take place in a nevada high school


If you wanna bridge the gaps, make it text heavy, gay, quirky rpg in that exact setting


The new mobo looks fine by all accounts but I am paranoid anything I buy is gonna suck in some weird way no matter what


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Madness School will be the name of that nevada high school madness combat fan-series


kit my self


>it might not even be a bot but a hired goon
Some spammers "outsource" captchas by sending them to other people on their websites to solve


Lean into the 2000s-ness and call it "The M.C."


File: 1727591255745.png (150.57 KB, 854x900, roxy and hsgkitten.png)

*kits u*


Pico's Madness


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i love you, auditor :)



File: 1727592254692.mp4 (199.29 KB, 400x300, sui.mp4)



Time flies when you're having fun…


Problem Sleuth's corpse is already being sufficiently defiled by Beyond Canon™


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File: 1727593193712.jpg (1.39 MB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.jpg)

bomb ass thumbnail, i wish i can replicate this art style


>Knocked down by [BADGUY] but defiantly strikes back!
Tatsuya studying the mahou shoujo formula


Lainchan always comes off a little austere/stick-up-the-ass, but the difference in quality is pretty stark reading threads on the same subject back to back.



Uboachan caught madness combat herpes from Megidochan's kiss…


do I want to know?


File: 1727595283682.jpg (325.37 KB, 1323x824, ClipboardImage.jpg)

go read my madness combat liveblog exclusively on the sharty


i will never go there


It's kinda interesting to peek at as an internet Lord of the Flies situation


File: 1727598062555.png (38.89 KB, 240x251, Sanford_MC10.png)

is sanford krinkels' [madness combat creator] self insert


That third one was supposed to be https://trashchan.xyz/meta/thread/374.html


Why would you suspect that, does he have a big bottom lip?


it's disturbing when you realize that the sharty's real "leaders" are pushing 50


Andrew? Andrew Hu$$ler?


>usually the first alphabetically or the most active/bumped board (which is why anons here correctly pointed out /comfy/ and /k/ were disproportionately targeted on anon.cafe), although they may also just have a certain arbitrary board saved (like lainchan's /zzz/, apparently), maybe because it got listed in a search first. I've seen cases where an imageboard has just locked their /a/ board due to constant spam and most of it disappeared (/a/ is first in alphabetical order, so on their homepage it was the first a spammer would click).

I wonder if I can throw up a decoy /a/ here? Probably not since HSG itself gets all the search engine hits.


>Sharty boasts that they took down baraag
>Baraag still up though


/a/ - Autobans
Post in it if you want to be banned!


Heheh, nice.

But I wish the spammer would use their classic pedobear image. That one isn't a fraction as stressful


File: 1727600034075.jpg (Spoiler Image, 756.78 KB, 4000x3000, IMG_20240929_115154.jpg)

HOW does a fucking bat die from being hit with a towel dude this is so fucking stupid


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the rules say "Please do not crash through this window and kill all the people inside."
then, hank broke the rules


too much mangrit


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he's just sittin there


File: 1727601013081.png (11.87 KB, 750x279, mangrit reaching dangerous….png)



That DERSITE has rabies you fucking retard go get tested.



Supposedly this regex will stop the spammers if they get cute with o/b/f/u/s/c/a/t/i/o/n, but it also poses a problem for a Homestuck board that tips its toes in quirkposting.




File: 1727603699638.webm (11.77 MB, 240x240, etoile et toi [rzXEw5VTto….webm)

download stuff in 242+774 and upload that then


You're forgetting the point. Rose, Rose Lalonde.



>Who's even complaining
The fad shall pass…
Any day now…


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File: 1727605426161-1.webm (3.01 MB, 1920x1080, 1727588692401361.webm)


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You mean the original, shitty version?


They have their moments, okay? They're no Sinfest.


All you need is LEETSPEAK and some brackets.


It started before that, it continued despite escapes from that.


>2 years old
I'm retard but please don't touch Chobits.


t. nonabused child


O.J needs meds before she starts veering off into Heathcliff territory. But we'd be better off for it.


The Chad Newton timeline.


Why the fuck would you repost it


Flighty Broad and Hysterical Dame are canon lesbos because ???


>No subtitle
>No jokes
>No point
I'm sure there's a magical girl show where they're just Valkyries. Can we just get a frame of that a day instead of Sinfest? Please?




Why the fuck nobody notice it?
Nobody cares?


He's not online, just make a post telling him to check the catalogue instead of unironically reposting CP in the main thread.


Rudy what the actual fuck, I know it's legal in your shithovel country but don't repost it.
Delete your image now or I will start spamming ziggerdeath webms.


My last post was >>29518 so predictably, it lands and hour after I finally go to sleep.
Anyway, newn

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