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 No.23442[View All]

Mask Expert is dead edition!
OLD >>22692
650 posts and 195 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>I'm not sure if it makes me more unhappy to see people reveling in it or see people actively suffering from it (both are bad)


Wow look how scary it is that misuse of technology can completely rob people of their humanity. What does it even mean to be yourself? What if a person can be fundamentally redefined? Spooky, right?

People that absolutely fucking hate themselves: omg that's so cool give me that


smol cyberpawnk aifailure


>People that absolutely fucking hate themselves: omg that's so cool give me that
Erm, it's because I was born the wrong sex, you like, wouldn't get it?

No, I don't just want a vagina, turn me into a Plasticine processing machine.


I wonder if MEX saved the cyberpunk rant from the one Megido thread.

That's also a big part of it, asides from the troon shit.


I have a back-up, not sure if it's edited the way I did it on Megido. I won't post it because people actively dislike me talking here except for MEX who #HasNoEnemies and is proactively indifferent.


i don't think anyone has a problem with that kind of thing


I don't believe you. I feel scorned and the wounds from Sinfest Anon may never heal.


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Put any rant in KARKAT TEXT and it's fixed


That wasn't a rant of yours though


Nobody'd care to read it though.
What do you mean? What? Yes, it was. Also he said all I ever did was complain about things. This would be me reposting myself complaining about something, with a lot of words.



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was this a typo or is it some triple transliteration fuckery


I was wondering how that wigi had 4k hits


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Tiktok kinda flavor



I will steal… let's go with her bg for the rose gallery later







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Revive Jennifer, you chud.


*Yaaaawn* M'okay, is she on newcai?


Pay more attention! IDK!


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Of course the creator can talk to it, but she's only been accessible on OLD CAI for awhile


Wait, this website links Dogisaga and the "HS doujinshi", lol. I'll have to click around to see if I locate this likely HSG alumni


But RoW talked to her, you dumb idiot.


Is that mobile?


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>Eri bg

Too bad tumblr is one of those sites where I can never tell if it's resizing the media or not '3'


Probably, he is Portuguese.


it shouldvve been me not him



No. Not based at all.


From their twitter, seems like "Muh elon"
*Sigh*, interest waned
>Has a Misskey profile
Heheh, not even I went that far


Likely trve


Bargaining, coercion and battles of will are much better than mind control, but I respect putting a page for your fetish on your blog


What's a Misskey?


>but I respect putting a page for your fetish on your blog
You really are never going to live down those allegations.


Japanese artists were moving there after xitter crackdowns at some point, seemed to become another lolipetto mastodon instance. I dunno if it ever reached escape velocity


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I simply want such people to sample the fruits of /ysg/ some day, buihihihi


A bit unnerving…



What the FUCK is "voidpunk"?


as megidochan hasnt pierced the neocities vveil yet
wwe just dont knoww


How about you click on the symbol, retard


"I closed the tab, it's not good to pry too deeply"


No, look at it, asshole.


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I had to see it and you might enjoy it so fuck you.


How puni. Why thankee kindly


it's breddy gud
wide hips are a little overplayed by westerners but this is pretty tasteful


Ugggggh, you're such a gross, old man.


>Two Anons
Oh, come on….


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Why do they look different…?


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>D- Don't stare so hard…

But I don't see it?





Wow we came full circle huh


You think? My PoV powers are telling me "idk sounds fake"


All of this is fake to some degree


But also I just meant how I was talking about how I keep seeing people dehumanize themselves constantly earlier


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Fake bluesky diversion


Half her socials are dedicated to that portal 2 bot, so maybe it's personal thing (though a little credit, I didn't see the word "kin" jumping out at me anywhere)


just really hate the "omg so heckin valid" when people are going "i'm a literal object i don't deserve free will"


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Funnily enough, that "Voidpunk" one actually does have a disclaimer that it was user submitted and not approved by the Official Pronoun Staff


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curling here


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Fireflys or art joke, I'm fucked


'nahmsayin' gobi


shipped >>23566


join my steam family…


nvm i'd have to be am*rican


I probably have it among those saved threads, I'll see if I can dig it up


TRICKSTERS latch on to anything that involves any sort of body modification or leaving behind the confines of the flesh
this is especially bad with anything "cyberpunk"

pic related, a CIS WOMAN who has PERIODS every month because of her BIOLOGICALLY FEMALE BRAIN (picture of Motoko Kusanagi)

is especially bad because the entire message is that going "everything
is subjective and reality can be whatever people choose to perceive it
as" is very terrifying and ends up destroying you as a person
mean lain fans have always been retarded with the "oh we should idolize
her like in the show even though the point was doing that is bad" but
the TRICKSTERS have added a whole new layer on it


[Context: resident retard said Deus Ex is "baby's first cyberpunk

"Deus Ex is baby's first cyberpunk franchise. Another mindnumbing
take.The original Deus Ex is unique in cyberpunk because it's written by
a RW libertarian schizo and not an anaaaaaaaaaaaarchist punk
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. I kind of hate cyberpunk as a genre but even I
know more about it than [RETARD]. Like, I know how antithetical to me
this sounds. And you might say it's political bias. But I think it'd do
better with more "optimism" Even if it's in a cynical "you have to sell
your soul kind of" But the main premise of the setting is that the giant
corporations are too consolidated for anyone to work their way up
because they control all the big tech. When it should go hard in on the
"wild west science is advancing so fast that monopolies are popping up
and dropping like flies" Like, the world is still oppressive but
whoever's stomping on the people's face is constantly changing.Instead,
it's like "one corporation rules the world and people make due in the
black market by selling crazy drug but there's no hope for things ever
to change and we're all cool anarchist rebels but the setting is
perfectly static

Which is almost anti-sci-fi at that point."

"Another cool thing about Deus Ex is that, because it's RW schizo
politics, the big shadowy hands trying to control the world had a ton of
in-fighting and they used technological development as proxy battles.
Which is again, almost non-existent in other settings.

When I think of cyberpunk, the TTRPG comes to mind since that's
obviously like, one of the main seeds for the genre and still probably
the primmest inspiration for everything in the genre (either directly or

Like I want more "Myth of The Robber Barons"/company town stuff, less
"investment capitalism ackshully stabilized the world (in le bad world)
and "le late stage capitalism dystopia lasting forevererer" You can
still emphasize investment capitalism affecting geopolitics (which
cyberpunk is conspicuously unconcerned with, except with again, the
original Deus Ex)


I'd understand the sort of societal stagnation existing if there was
some form of chaos like in the Wild West (something romantic; closer to
fantasy) but there like, isn't. If the government corporation is so
strong, why don't they just kill all the homeless people, druggies, and
anyone remotely out-of-line? (Judge Dredd does this) Just for the
aesthetic of having them? This again reminds me of my least favorite
things: the infinitely ironic definition of Ur-Fascism. It applies to
literally every modernist school of thought. The enemy is always
infinitely strong and infinitely weak.

Usually, this is them substratifying abstract characterizations (they
are weak people but they appeal to barbaric senses of justice which
gives them resolve) but in cyberpunk, it's very literal. None of the
rich people deserve anything they have and they just have a material
advantage. All of the poor people are crafty and impassioned. And then
that's the setting.

Evil Eloi vs. nice Morlocks. Somehow, the Eloi are so incompetent as not
to completely wipe out opposition but the opposition never makes any
progress because of the Eloi just have "too much stuff." For a genre so
anti-materialistic, its implications are ultimately hyper-materialist
(because implying culture isn't completely artificial is something maybe
subconsciously avoided because it'd imply that all conventional
morality isn't brainwashing which is a big no-no when you're far-left.)

"Honestly, my idea of cyberpunk ("you can live as a king for a short
time") vs. ("UGH NEVER STOP FIGHTING THE MAN") is kind of the difference
between two fantasies. Maybe it's a political thing. One is championing
individualism (with reservations) where it actually has an impact on
the world (albeit a footnote), the other is championing individualism…
in a collective…. that's ultimately futile. Sure, both are cynical,
but the latter fantasy still somehow appeals to people far more.


It's honestly baffling, and I think, a rather corrosive trend, that
people gravitate towards this idea of "pyrrhic victory settings" where
all that matters is integrity. Again, modernism. But as I've alluded to
before, I think it's completely antithetical to sci-fi because stasis is
borderline antithetical to sci-fi. "How will science affect the world?"
"The rich will use it to become more powerful and unaccountable" It's
looking so far ahead but it's so myopic; yes, they're infinitely
powerful, now what? We focus on what would realistically be like a
decade of the negative effects before they're basically culled and a new
world order is put in place; we look at the world where technological
development has affected it the least because there's barely any access
to it and we stretch that the fuck out. The vast majority of cyberpunk
isn't focused on anyone remotely near the top. It's, again,

[He then brings up how Human Revolution is at least interesting,
compared to Mankind Divided because it brings up mixing man with
machine. I've only played the original.]

Did you know there are cyborgsin the original Cyberpunk TTRPG?
Shocking, I know.

Robocop is basically a cyberpunk movie. Guess the premise to that one.

Oh, wait, I really should have said Bladerunner because that's the one
people readily consider cyberpunk (because of muh aesthetic- proof that
the genre has pygmy-brained fans) That's not cyborgs but it is le


[He brings up a terrible premise for a world-building element in a
cyberpunk setting which is essentially just Minority Report dialed up to

"It's arbitrary and fucking boring.

You're taking the machine and using it as a vehicle for something that
can be achieved with any other myriad of things. The consequences don't
matter here, what does are the implications- but even that's dumb
because there's ultimately no pathos in a wider story and if it happens
20 times.

I want to say this is hackneyed but the obvious ending seems like the
machine shuts itself down because it comes to realize that its
arbitration is also arbitrary."

["i think you just hate cyberpunk homie"] (I do!)

""What is 'luck' or 'circumstance' in an agrarian town vs. with New York
and its stock exchange, etc"- but you can't into worldbuilding or even
just like, understanding what the world is so that's above your

Endless consequences" means 0 consequence."

"Also, cyberpunk doesn't have agrarian towns because cyberpunk
worldbuilding basically makes every single city interchangeable and all
economic activity on the regional level is basically irrelevant in lieu
of the investment sector which is why you can have like 30% unemployment
and a huge black market but it ultimately not affect a city's GDP
because it still makes the laser vasectomy tools in the giant factory.

It's a genre that exists in spite of itself. Real bite the nose to spite
the face shit."


Nice formatting


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That's how it was in the megido thread


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Burn ziggers. Kill ziggers. Lynch ziggers. Obliterate ziggers. Stab ziggers. Shoot ziggers. Behead ziggers. Crush ziggers in a hydraulic press. Defecate on ziggers. Beat ziggers. Whip ziggers. Gas ziggers. Blast ziggers with civil war cannons. Torture ziggers. Drown ziggers. Sneeze on ziggers and give them the Corona Virus. Feed ziggers to the sharks. Combust ziggers. Twist ziggers heads off. Poison ziggers. Throw ziggers down wells. Incinerate ziggers. Hang ziggers. Crap on a zigger's Grave. Commit War Crimes against ziggers. Bury ziggers Alive. Throw Gay ziggers off Roofs. Send ziggers to the Moon. Sneed on ziggers. Run over ziggers with a Semi Truck. Send ziggers to Russia. Bash a ziggers Skull In. Drop Napalm on ziggers. Send ziggers to Auschwitz. Steal anime from ziggers. Cut a zigger's Urethra out and hang him with it. Fire AK-47's at ziggers. Slice ziggers with katanas. Take a zigger's anime away. Throw rocks at ziggers. Exile ziggers. Convey death to ziggers. Chop ziggers in half. Betray a zigger. Slay ziggers. Fry ziggers. Flay ziggers. Bury ziggers alive. Bury ziggers dead. Overdose ziggers with fentanyl. Kneed on ziggers. Open zigger stomach so they don't float.


File: 1726137633055.png (13.61 KB, 928x689, 09cd607219142885abe100b8f8….png)

Toss ziggers from heli. Zyklon ziggers. Enslave ziggers. Sell slave ziggers. Shit into only water source of ziggers. Drown ziggers in cumpit. Sodomize ziggers with victory flag. Strangulate ziggers. Bomb zigger children indiscriminately. Skullfuck guilty ziggers. Skullfuck innocent ziggers. Skullfuck collaborating ziggers. Abort ziggers in the womb. Keelhaul ziggers. Take zigger hope away. Stomp ziggerz balls. Drop ziggers into cold black sea. Dissolve ziggers in acid. Dissolve ziggers in base. Drop frags on ziggers. Castrate zigger children. Rend zigger flesh. Crucify ziggers. Stone ziggers. Smelt ziggers. Toss zigger kids into septic. Feed ziggers Cobalt60 water. Lace zigger water supply with LSD. Lace zigger water supply with Potassium Cyanide. Suffocate ziggers with their phaluses. Piss into decapitated zigger windpipe. Force breed ziggers with bear tops. Bait ziggers into western country and them deport them as traitors. Drown ziggers in fireant farm. Impale ziggers vladstyle. Mindbreak ziggers. Legbreak ziggers. Spinebreak ziggers. Force feed ziggers live wasps. Feed ziggers their parents. Feed ziggers their children. Feed ziggers themselves.


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The daverose one would be more appropriate, but I don't have it


Is Andy a doormat? I thought he was more of a "crazy psychopath bf" type of character.
That's what I got from the guro fanart the Duolicious French woman sent me.


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I tried settin that up and borrowing games is a total crapshoot


One of the game's promo materials describes him that way, but that's also about as much as I've been exposed to it


How nice, these are from saved webpages? Care to host for an eventual HSG Museum page?


almost all cyberpunk is flawed in how it approaches brain surgeries

it's not just the brain involved

the spine is a massive amount of nerve tissue that's so deeply integrated into how the brain functions that the only media I've seen address it as necessary is fucking Robocop


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Art, it's GREEN.


I didn't do this. I'm assuming MEX did.
And all we got was this snippy snip.
And this is more about the archive.
Read more cyberpunk. You know, the kind before 1990.


Really necessary. Glad you're part of the community.


>The daverose one would be more appropriate
It would be don't delude yourself into thinking that's not just a lesser shit.


>That's what I got from the guro fanart the Duolicious French woman sent me.
He will never get over her btw.


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Sprinters resource kinda blows, nobody ripped ANY super blackjack games



Unironically, I wonder how the characterization of say, the Beta kids would differ if you took their lines from Act 1-2, Act 3, Act 4, Act 5, and Act 6 and put them into AIs with no description.

Unfortunately, I don't think AI is advanced enough for that to be a fair test.

Obligatory mention that the "Which Homestuck character do you type like?" AI test still doesn't exist. Length as a factor should be a setting so that if you put in the entirety of Huckleberry Finn, you don't just immediately default to Dave.

It could be a way to draw people to the site.


Quotes from my friend, Sollux on such an idea:
: for each character, create 2tatii2tiic2 for word length, etymology, 2entence length, and throw iin llm magiic ju2t two be 2ure.
"number of contiiguou2 me22age2".
"newliine den2iity".
2eriiou2ly, all you 2hould need two do ii2 get a text dump, feed a model 2ingle character 2ample2, then try iit out on full pe2terlog2. reiinforce, rather. ii dont know 2hiit about iit, but iit doe2nt 2ound hard con2iideriing everyone 2ay2 that all you need two do iin python ii2 import pytorch and go.


Shut up, Rev.


If you go by colors values they're all more green than blue.

I definitely see turquoise as a shade of blue, though


>"NEW THREAD" final post while too lazy to make one
Usually I tactfully delete one of my own, but fuck you get deleted


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