GA: I Was Worried At First GA: I Didnt Think This Would Work The Way You Claimed It Would AG: pfffffffft Kanaya you're such a w8rry w8rt TT: I did say we had nothing to worry about. TT: Polyamory is only a step removed -- flushed-wise -- from your auspicticizing, isn't it? AG: Yeeeeeeeeah Kanaya! We h8ve all the matesprits! AG: All of them!!!!!!!! GA: I Suppose GA: If You Wish To Mix And Match Quadrants As Though Picking Through A Human Cornucopia Of Prepared Meals Arranged Lengthwise Across A Communal Eating Area EB: like a buffet? GA: Is That Not What I Said GA: ? EB: uhhhhhhh TT: Oh John, that reminds me. EB: oh yeah we haven't eaten since like breakfast! TT: Yes, that is certainly true. TT: But I was more referring to whether or not you've obtained such necessary nutrients for said meal. EB: uhh TT: Did you remember to alchemize ingredients for dinner, John? EB: oh uh... EB: no........ AG: Ugggggggghhhhhhhh AG: They're g8ing to start again aren't they. TT: ... TT: John. TT: How many times have you forgotten now? EB: i dunno, like three? TT: Try five. EB: geez sorry!! EB: i forgot EB: i was going to but then dave called me to check in with his timey wimey stuff and then karkat yelled at me for like an hour about something i only kind of gleaned was maybe my fault? and then you guys were here so i wanted to sit with you EB: i just lost track of time! i'm not the heir of time you know AG: Welp EB: sorry TT: I'm just trying to help you, John. It was your responsibility to--- (PSYCHIC REACHAROUND) TT: Zzzzzzzzzzzz. GA: Oh My God GA: Rose GA: !!! EB: oh man rose what happened??? GA: Vriska GA: ! AG: Whaaaaaaaat? EB: is she sleeping? did you do that with your brain??? EB: i did not know you could do that! EB: that’s kind of scary actually EB: like summer glau in that one scene where she looks at one of the baldwin brothers and says she can kill him with her brain but you don't know if she's joking or if its true GA: John Please EB: because her whole backstory is pretty rad and full of betrayal and intrigue and mad science and some kind of crazy ballet kung fu that gets triggered through subliminal messages hidden in cereal jingles AG: I'm not going to kill you with my brain John!!!!!!!! And that whole th8ng you just sa8d? That's stup8d!!!!!!!! EB: no way that show is so awesome EB: i'll show it to you sometime EB: its about renegade cowboys with hearts of gold in space AG: Reneg8des with hearts of gold huh???????? I l8ke the sound of that! GA: Ugh GA: Back To The Point GA: What Have I Said About Using Your Powers On The Humans Vriska AG: Oh come on!!!!!!!! She was just going to keep 8itching at p88r John! I just saved you like 8 hours of noisetube ache! AG: You should be th8nking me!!!!!!!! AG: YOU'RE WELC8ME you ungr8ful sh8ts AG: uh AG: I mean that with <33333333 GA: Vriska AG: Oh c8me on she looked like she c8uld use a nap anyway! EB: hehe, its true! she hasn't really been sleeping a whole lot! EB: maybe its okay this once? EB: i mean nobody got hurt right? GA: Very Well EB: <3 AG: <3 GA: But This Does Not Excuse Your Behavior GA: You Will Apologize To Rose Upon Her Awakening EB: okay AG: Fiiiiiiiine. Geez!