You guys are probably receiving plenty of feedback on the game's systems, so I'll keep it brief: the Sorcerer class needs more spells. It would be great to have at least three additional spells, including the explosive fireball that enemies can already cast. Now then, Dragon's Dogma 2 consumed my spring. There are times when I simply choose to walk, not run, through the world at a casual pace, just to soak everything in. So my first point to aiding immersion is... Please give Kindhearted and Calm pawns a more modest and feminine sitting style when seated at camp! Maybe pawns at large are simply ignorant of such things, but it's simply lacking in tact with how short some of the skirts in the game are. The current stance suits the Simple and Straightforward just fine. My next suggestion might be going a bit far, but wouldn't it be fantastic to have a hunger and thirst system? It would truly enhance the feeling of living in a miniature fantasy world. And, if eating and drinking are included, I can imagine scenarios where a particularly pushy Arisen might command their pawn to relieve themselves on the spot instead of breaking for camp. Here’s how I envision the animations might play out: Calm: Stiffly squats with feet forward and knees nearly touching, one hand attempting to cover herself defensively, and the other used to wipe. She could utter patiently exasperated lines like, "Is this really necessary?" or "Just what are you thinking, Arisen?" Kindhearted: Assumes a deep squat with knees wide apart and a submissive smile. She might repeatedly ask if this is what you meant, express embarrassment, and inquire if her form is correct, maintaining eye contact throughout and wiping deliberately. Simple: Performs a slight squat and bend at the waist, expressing bewilderment or anxiety. Quickly wipes and redresses. If a flask is available may perform a second, deeper squat, clumsily filling it to create a Salubrious Draught, with a line about obtaining a useful item. Straightforward: Takes a wide, straight-legged stance and relieves herself standing, maintaining aggressive eye contact. She might chide, challenge, or dare the Arisen to watch since he's so insistent, followed by a thorough wipe down of both crotch and thighs before getting dressed again. I could go on, but I'm sure you've enough of these responses to read through already. I'll close by imploring you to please hurry up with some cosmetic clothing and hairstyle DLCs! You guys have me hooked and I could happily keep dressing and screen-shotting my pawn for another 300 hours with some more options.